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a. Industry Flows Through Us . new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Features Flexmaster Joints in Standard and Selt-restrained Configurations ‘Standard Features 1. Gasket provides compression seal when tightened against tube or pipe 2, Hinged coupling provides for quick, easy assembhy, 3, Buged sleeve alowe for 24° angular misalignment {All gasket materia sted on page 4 are available in the standard style, increasing the numberof suitable applcatons Flexmasterjeints are avaliable in both standard and selrestrained styles. The sel-retrained sive has a stainless steel gripping ring inside each gasket, This feature allows the Jpint to maintain a fem gip on te pipe or tube, preventing ‘movement along the pipe or ube, ‘The bulged, straight through Flexmaster joints accommodate angular misatgnment up to 24° per end, Tess elbows, and ‘crosses accommodate angular misalignment up to #20 per fend. See pages 10 thr 17 forthe angular misafgrment allowed on each specie pat, lexmaster joints ate designed for up to 300 psi (2.07 MPa) service, depending on application and size, Refer to pressure ratings on page 4 Self-Restrained Features 1. Gasket provides compression seal when lightened ‘against tube or pipe. 2. Hinged coupling provides for quick, easy assembly 13. Bulged sleeve allows for 24° angular misalignment 4. Notched channel ing which grips pipe frmiy to restrict movement along pip or tubing Gosket materials availabe include the C (Buna-N) ‘and D (EPDM) compounds. Flexmaster joints absorb vibration and are ideal for making quick connections and discannections when repairing or disassembing a system. They can be ‘umished with several types of gasket compounds ‘and sloeve material, including stains stel for mating and cortosive applications, Flexmaster joins are current in use in thousands of _appicatons throughout the word, For typical Flexmasterjint applications sze photos on page 2 Industry Flows Through Us new !2LINE GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Features ‘Save Time - Make Pipe And Tube Connection Easier Used on Plain End Tube or Pipe A Absorbs Vibration \ \ 2 Even Misaligned Piping is No Problem Easy to Install — — Industry Flows Through Us 'No threading, tanging, welding, ‘grooving or other special end reparation of tube oF pipe Is quired. Use pipe ater tis cut to appropriate lengths. The Flexmas- ter joint wil accommodate large tolerances in the length of the gap. ‘See Table 1, page 9for insertion depth tolerances. Pipe vibration and noise can be drastically reduced with Fexmas- ter joins. The resilient, hiek rubber of te Flexmaster joint (gatket ancorte vibration ang foee, Use ofthe eat-ectraines ‘tle restricts movement along Vibrating pipes anc tubes, “The Flexmaster joint design climinates flanged bolt holes and pipe threads that requ careful ‘algnment. The Flexmaster bulged Joint permits up to 2 total of 4° ‘angular insallation misalgnmentat ‘each end while malntaining 8 leak roof sea Installation ime can be slashed by sing Flexmaster joints. Bas assembly tools ae al hats needed Aer extensive use, the ‘gaskets can be replaced easly nd quickly. See page 8 for complete assembly nstuctons, new !2LINE GHOSE & FITTINGS ED Applications — Flexmaster joint elbows on a large hydraulic power system, which connect pipe from pumps to hydraulic Mud reservoirs. Sane | T . ‘Anumber of Flexmastr Joris are installed on tis compressor to ‘large dry-cleaning plant uses Flexmaster joins 9 connect piping connect water and ollines, providing quick, easy connection and atelbow junctures, protection against vibration, Flexmaster joins are used to oin piping on air compressors 3 Industry Flows Through Us \ i i Ss i new !2LINE lay CER a el Et GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Specials ‘Made to Order ‘Special Configurations and Seal Materials Can Be Ordered \ a! \ ¢ ZA g Special ron sat wave, Rosle Lube Ot, Specie! Configuration All 316 Stainless 7 Flexmaster joints can be produced with various configurations and terminal end designs. A few of the special Flexmaster joint configurations which have ‘been manufacturee by Eaton are displayed above, Please consult Eaton when ordering special, Manufacturing Engineering Flexmaster jin are manufactured by highly experienced and trained ‘The Flexmaster joints manufacturing team is backed by the strong individuals who are dedicated solely tothe production and packaging technical support fom Eaton's engineeting sta ‘of Fexmaster joints Industry Flows Through Us . new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Technical Data (GASKETTEMPERATURE RATINGS? CBUNAN water 25 Fo 80 (Standard) (82° C.t0 992°C) oils 2S Fig 212 E (sr Cito s100°C) 25.10 450" F. tar tto 257°C) 65°F. 10 350" F. (5° C.t0 177°C) Water and 20°F to «279 F. wateriglycal (28° +137 C) mmoure WouNA-N Fes F (high temp) (3z-C.t0 9107°C) 2S Rig 4250" F. (se s120°C) ‘TT Maximum temperature ratings are meant as a guide only For estreme temperature conditions, const factory aCUUM naTiNGS + “Size Range ‘Standard ‘SecRestained Pipe Tube Gasket Gasket Allsies All sizes 25 in. Hg. 25 in. Ha. Trabar 179 bae PRESSURE RATINGS + Size SeliResrained Gasket +00 ‘0 izofiteey __feoPineay Vi2-212 200psi 200 psi 31-635 (N3EMPa)__(1.38 MPa) 3-6 150 psi 150 psi 762-1524 __(1OSMPa)_(103 MPa) "f Waning: The Flexmaster cits designed to cea pipe and tube connections. The Flesmaster joint isnot intended to hold piping systems together. Normal hangers, guides, anchors and other external piping restraints must be Used to restrain the piping or tubing system from movernent PIPE AND TUBE MATERIALS WHICH CAN BE CONNECTED BY Selt-Rexained Gasker NOTE °F, inches, in, Ha, psi in bold ©. mm, ba. MPa in ight EATON GASKET INDENTIFIER CHART ‘Gasket ‘Buna N (std) Black Yollow or White ‘Buna N (high tomp) Black ust Orange Auminun ——_X Not Recommended PVE. Plasie) x Not Recommended copper x Not Recommended “Al pig end bn comeciedby Flecester pis must mes {heroranl 0. dimensions presented en pages 10-17 2" Ppng and Tubing, which ute slestramed asks, rust have ardness betveen 4585 ona Rockel 8 scale (a5: 8580) 5 Industry Flows Through Us c new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Technical Data Gasket Selector Chart ‘An important consideration inthe selection of @ gasket material is to avold undesirable chemical reaction between the agent caried and the gasket material. The gasket selecior chart indicates the compound most serviceable in spectc agents Gasket Material: C-BUNAN (standard) Key: G- GOOD D-EPDM F-FAIR N-BUNAN (high temperature) \V— Fuorocarbon ew goo Beste Ae tl TW oh Pool ase ‘esis Ae Viga FFF pees ‘eel Ape SesbelsAeom sane Slr ‘i So slats ‘sino Ga ei. Dinos St Sa new ie Slr Ue wat ord Sie Ai 10788) ere Sal Slates Sil Red 5 Feo Sy Stone Ste eis) AT emai F 5 Fel = - a Trent ‘to ag — Sogn SjeomtGyee esse Industry Flows Through Us new !2LINE GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED How To Order Coupiing (Tube sizes thu 4.50" 114:3mm / Poe sizes thru 4.00") / po ew | setts y else \\, stand (unrestrained) Site y Covping (Tube sizes thu 4.50" 114.3mm /, Pipe sizes thru 4.00") ‘ f joo" sleeve 7 | Gasket Gasket Retainer Self-Restrained Style Coupling 2 (Tube sizes over 4.50” 114.3 mn Pipe sizes over Ad” 101.6 mim) Dye ¢ v 2 NH16XX () 000 () 000 Basie Part Number (rom pages 10- 17) Example: NH1600 Gacket Materia (C= BUNAN (standard) D=ePom “N= BUNA.N (high temperature) “$= Sileone = Fluorocarbon * Available in Standard (Un-Restrained) Model Only Example Part Number: NH1600C075B0250 Complete assembles may be ordered by the procedure shown abi Standard components may be ordered as shown on page 7 Toei engin on moved ote Example: 2.5” = 0250 Siye Is avalabe in engins shown. Other lenge are avaiable in mulipies of teh ‘on special requests. Contact Eaton for avallabity Sleeve Materia ' = Plated Steel (Standard) S = Stainless Steel Sleeve only consut FEW-LINE for avalailty) Size of Pipe or Tube to be connected (imhndredts of neh) Exampe:.75°= 075 Industry Flows Through Us new !2LINE GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Technical Data Parts List Gasket Materia: C~ BUNALN (standord) D=EPOM NOBUNAN (high trperatire) \ V—Fluorocarbon 5 Sikcone (Other materiale avaiable. Consult new-Line.) courme STRAYS" in Tae feeds Maral Arle Marr Avalble ‘SeliRestined tom Steck isha inchs) Stor Standaré Standard__Standard Gasket. v Gasket oo {001.00 NH0008-S7SYF_NK1257-07980250_NK00003-075 _NKT000064x100 _ N«roonsaxi00 x 4125 1.25 NHTO0086-100¥F NK1Z37-10080268—NK100002-100 —NKTO00068125. 2X NKrOoonEIxIaS XC 1381.38 NH0096:150¥F NK1Z57-13880300_NKI00056:138 —NT00006x138 4150150 __ NH00086150¥F _NK1Z38-16080500_NKI00056-150 _NKT000084x150 {1751.95 NHO00@S:1S0¥F NK1Z38-17560050 —NKT00056:175 —NKTO00068X175 2.00200 Nit0one6-200¥FNKI238-2008m250 NKOnONs6.200 _ NKCO0054K200, 523s 238 20580400 Ni 250250 NiIOone-2507FNKIZ38-25080400 NKIOIONS.250" 2.88 288 Nii0on8S-250F_NKI237- 25080880 NKIO00023.20 _ NKiGOOOSSK280 ‘200200 Nii0oneE-s0yFNKI23e-SOnBNS00 RICOOOOSE-200 NK. 10NNE4X300 $3253.25 NHI0O086 357FNKIZ38-:2560850 NKIOIODS6.25 NKiGOIOB4K375 ‘350350 NHIOO0ES-30F_NKIZ7-S0080550_NKOODIZS-300_ NKIOOI0=SX300 X_NKTORDNE SMD .\ x ! ‘on don —Niicas 2507. ss80550 NKIOomE3 50 NKiCOMSISO Chios) — xX \ 450 450 NH100085-4007F _NK1237-40080650_NK1000023-400 _ NK1000063%400 NK 1000061400. on Som Nicos Soo Nk Sons0ss0NKIOoSs $00 NKivoMXGaD “Nitoas21600 Figs Fie Site ob {ches nce \ ‘Be 675 NHIOQRS-OSMF NH -OGND_ iON a_NRTOODENTDN XX ‘Sts Nios 25027108075 NKiow7 0s) NGtoMEENOS)_X_K_X K_X_NCUOOETSD xX x XX xx xx xx Xx Xx x x x x x X_NKTOODNEEXISO_—_X. = NTO00062075| X_ Nkto00062«200 x x NKioonEDISD x NK 000061250 2X NKONONEZKSOD [715 1.0S0 _ NHI0008.75YFNKI237-OPSBO250 NKON0020-075 — NKIOO0053K075 N«rO20061X075 NKrOONETXIO0 N«rON0061xI25 NKrOOMNE X50 N«rO00061200 NOONE 250 NKD0o061X300 N«TOOOOE 350 NKDN006 X00 NOOO X00 N«rONoNE x00 {1001-315 _ NH0035:100vF NK1Z57-10080268—NK000023-100 —NKT000063100 4125 1.660 _ NH00085125¥F _NK1257-12580525 _NK000023-125 _NKT0000634125 {Ls 1.900_— NHO0095:150¥F NKZ37-1080950 NKT000029-150 ~NKTOOO05150 x x x x ‘2.00237 _ NH00085200¥F _NK1Z57-2080400_NK000023-200 —NK100005200 x ‘250 2.875 — NHOO0Q5-250VF _NK1Z57-250806550 NKO00022-250 —NKO000621250 x. x oC x x x $300 3.500 NH0086-S00¥F NK1Z579080650 —NK11000023-300 —NKT000055300 5230 000 _ N05. SS0¥F _NKIZ37-B3500650_NK1O00002-350 —NKIO000631350 ‘400 4500 NH00086:400¥F NK237-00806s0 —NK000022-400 ~NKTO0005% 40 S00 5.563 _ NH10035-S00¥F _NK1Z57-S080650 _NKTO00003-500 —NKT00006500_ {G00 6.525 _ NH0006-C00¥F N73 0805S0NK000023-600 —NKO00062x600 JOINT SIZE Bor Nor lines) PART NUMBER PART NUMBER ‘ibe Pipe Carbon Steel Corton See! Mota 38w75 SSSISA-7 ——SBRGEAAC-C itoz S651985-8 SER05ASC-C 250108 ‘SESIBAE-12 S6SISABC-C 5106 ‘SERIEARC-C . Industry Flows Through Us a new /0Line Assembly Instructions Pipe and Tubing Preparation and Flexmaster Joint Installation instructions 1. Pipe (Tube) End Preparation *+ Debut and clean pipe (tube) ends. *+ Surface shouldbe fee of deep scratches, gouges. dents, dit, ee 2. Joint installation * Install retainer (1), gasket” (2) sleeve (3) on one side of pipe in sequence shown in Figure 1 * instal remaining retainer (4) and gasket (6) on other pipe end. * Poston retainer (4) and gasket (5) to proper pipe insertion depth (D')as shown in Table 1 + Slide sieeve (3) to gasket (5) and move gasket (2) and retainer (1) into positon as shown in Figure 2. Pipe must be inserted to proper depth ("Dino both gaskets as shown in Table 1 *3, Special Notes + Assembly of gaskets can be made easier by dipping gaskets in \Water ofthe ld tobe sealed. The use of ether rubber lubricants an be detrimental tothe ite ofthe gaskets. Never lubricate the metal parts. + Settrestrained gasket instalation, To simpttyinstallaton of a selrestrained gasket, install lower gasket hatvay onto the pipe first, leaving the spit area in the steel retaining ng fee atthe top. ‘See Figute 3. Then, stretch. the gasket and spt area ofthe retaining ring untl they slp over the tube or pipe and into postion Rete to Figure 3 4. Coupler Installation * Install both V-couplings. encompassing the retainer, gasket and sieeve as shown in Figure 4. Do nt tighten either couping unt the entire jin is assembled (See Figure 2). Tighten nuts tothe toque species n Table 2. Do NOT lubricate the nut or bolt before assembly. The gap method cutie in Table 3 may be used for standard gaskets only Retainer Gasket Sleeve Gasket Retainer _| Install Retainer 4 & Gasket § ont inches ton ond of pe. Figure 2 Split area in retaining ring Lift and stretch gasket and retaining ring unit ‘gasket sips aver pipe Install lower gasket haltway onto pipe Spit in notched retention ring (Gasket is shown cut-away for clarity) \ ay A Lower gasket and retention ting =e t < Figure 4 9 Industry Flows Through Us new !2LINE GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Technical Data Parts List ‘asus necuneD MERTON DEPTH" OF REANDTUBE __ rams 2 FuDGMASTER Jt AssEmALY newTENNG OWDE. = — ee era ee eo ee oe Sunderd SarReraned see a “1 we LE Tbe 4.60 inch lbs 40 inch 38 1.00 Bs a 1.10 (19.1 to 284mm) —_(4.55-6.88 Nem) (4.55-6.88 Nem) Bs 49.1 18.8 239 38" to .75” Pipe 1250 275 ube S000 nck the 10160 i = Mm Bs its iiaigesnm!” ioteiesiew) sree sm a1 8 tai tt 30754 83a? 2.88" to 3.50" Tube 180-200 inch-Ibs. 220-240 inch-Ibs. oo ae as ess a8 8B mm) (2027-2252 Nem) (24. 79-27.14 Nem) Bo Be 25010 Pipe y 12 115 156 125 116 140 4" 0.5" Tube 240-260 inch-Ibs. ‘280-300 inch-Ibs. uy Me sas oe (1018 0122 men) (2.142028 Nem) (8153-088 Nem) rh a re a ny 5 ube 300: nck is S00 nh a ee acces am 2 eT ae ree Pg — vale polar trun biean npn 427605 44531 a9 304170240 ~««200~=«NAS SS 2615083247 350 172”=«2a2~=225C SCAB B15 5723158467 40074288 4220330487 5002082282508 528 $89 635787485 600185 ~=—«233—~=«7SSCAASCA SD 47253299 442—_483 Tube Size Pipe Size 45 288 «4168238 50, 63,759, "2 82. 730427605 127,160,191 158 3004167 230 oe cy 72424 584 iis 325167248 1 4. 26 42463. 350170 240 1% es 43261 5 400.172 me 1016 337 ‘450174 2 143442. 5 5001.75 2a 1274 “Dimensions shown are for standard, straight, bulged sleeves only, a Elbow, tees and specials must meet the minimum insertion depths. 32 NOTE! inches and inchabs in bold, mm and Nem in ight 4 5.00, 6.00 5.6 127, 1524 Method Industry Flows Through Us 10 new /0Line Joints for Rigid Pipe Pipe and Tubing Preparation and Flexmaster Joint installation instructions al (AI ‘STRAIGHT PART NUMBER’ 148 NH TB00X038X0200 316 : 155 ‘NiT600xOsox0225, INH650x050x0225 186 (NH600x07Sx0250 250 INH650xO7Sx0250__ 63.5. 237 ‘NHT600x100X0288 288 602 INHI650x100x0288 73.2 ‘NH600x125x0325. 3.25 a8 INHi650x125K0325 82.6. 2.96 ‘NHT600x750X0350 3.50 INHI650X150X0350___ 88.9. 343 ‘NH600x200X0800 4.00 au INH1650x200x0400___101.6. 43 NHT600x250x0650 6.50 1201 INHt650x2s0x0650 165.1, 536 ‘NHI600X300X0650 6.50 138.1 INHT650x300x0650 1651 5.86 'NHT600X350X0650 6.50 1488 INH650x350x0850 165.1 6357 ‘NHT600x400X0550 6.50 161.5 INHT650x400X0650___165.1, 322 **NHIGQOXSOOXO850 650. 2088 INHT650X500X0650 165.1, ‘8.85 **NHIGQOXBO0X0850 680 725.0 HYBS0X600X0850 165.1 Note Letter X in part numbers shown indcates a code letter tobe filed in, See Page 6 for explanation ‘of part numbers and nov te order * Gray partrumbers are standars type. Black pat numbers are seltzesrained type. “Sleeve in this sie is eyinaical (no-bulge), Allowable misalignment i 42" per endfor thi ze. Dimensions: inches in Bold, mm in light, " Industry Flows Through Us new !2LINE GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Joints for Rigid Pi ‘Basle Part Number: Ni41600 Long) |N#1650 (Long) Allowable misalignment: per end sTRaicHT DoustesuceD PART NUMBER" *NH600K0G8X0200 asic Part Number: WHI601 i651 ‘Allowable misalignment: 22 per end NH I60TXO38x ‘Ni 600x050x050, INH650x050x0350 'NH1g00x075x0400, aeeeeD Nini NiT6S0< 00x05 Niie0Txo50x INH1651XO50x ‘NH i607x075x _NH1651X075X INHIB51X100% 'Ni600x125x0550, HAD 1397 Ni i601xI25x [NH651X125X 'Ni600x 50x07 NAT6S0< 1600575 575 148.1 NHI60TxI50x NHIB51X150x 'NH1600X200X0675, INi11650X200%0675. 675, ms. ‘NH I601x200x INH1651x200% (NH 600X250K1 125, INH1650X250%1125. 1125 2858 ‘NHIGOTX250x NHIBS1X250% (NH 600X300K1125, INii650x300x1125. 1125 258 ‘NH I60TX300« INH I651xX300% (NH I6OOX350X1125, INH1650X3501125. 1125 258 NH IGOTXS50x INH 1651X350% (NH600X400X1125, INiip50x400x1125. 1125 258 ‘NH IGOTX#00x NH 651 x400X. 'NHT600X500x0650, INH1650XS00x0650. 650. 165.1 'NHT600X600x0650, INi1650XS00x0650. 650. 165.1 "Note: Letter x in pat numbers shown indicates a code letter tobe filed in. See Page 6 for explanation of part numbers and how to orcer. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black part numbers are seltestrained type. ‘Sleeve in this siz i elindseal no bulge). Allewable misalignment is #2° per enc fortis size Dimensions: inches in Bold, mm in lant Industry Flows Through Us 2 new /0Line Joints for Rigid Pipe f ‘Sob Pipe Stop i PT L ¢ | Basicpartrumber: —NHI617 Basie Part Number: ‘1602 asicPart Number: NEI618 ‘Niti667 wii082 ‘Allowable misalignment: 22 per end | Allowable misalignment: 22 por end PIPE 45: SHORT ELBOW 90 LoNG ELBOW ‘Size __ PART NUMBERS PART NUMBER: R ‘8 __ NHIBI7x0R8x TNHYB0OKOB8X 28 : 50 | - 223 _Niierrx0sox ‘299 | Ni602x050x os | Nivsiexosnx INH1657X050% 758 | _NHIB52KO50X 268_|_NHIBGEXO50X 7S NHIBI7xO75K ‘gat | Nuie02x075x tat | Neieiexc7sx NHIB57XO75X ‘366 _|_wH16s2x075K 3i3__|_NHIBSEXO7SX. 190 NHIBI7xI00x ‘389° | NHi602x100x 12 | NEIBIExt00x NHI667x100% ‘988 _|_hiesex100x ai1_|_NHIBeexto0x 125 NHIBITxI25x “4az_ | wi602x125x vas | NeTBIexI25x NHIGE7XI25X 1123 | NHIB52X125x 143 478_|_NH1668x125x 150 NHII7xI50x “485 | WHI6UzX150x 458212 | _NHIGIBxIS0X NHIG67X150% 123.2 | NHIBS2X150X 1240 538 | NHI668x150x 200 NHI617x200x ‘555 | Nite0zxz00x 538 2ez | NHIGIBx200x NHI667x200% sano | NHn652x200% 1367665 | _NH1658x200x 250 NHI617x250x ‘s7_|_Niie0zx2s0x 12-325 | NHI61Bx250x NHI657X250% 151.6 | NHIB52X250x 1854 826 | NHI6GBX250x 300" NHI617x300x ‘6a0_ | Nit602x300« 806 500 | NHi6i8xs00x INHI657x300% 1626 | NHIB52X300x 208.7 1270 |_NHT668x300X 350 NH1617X350x ‘683 | NH1602x350x 906600 | NiI698K350x NHI667X350% 1735 _|_NHI652X350x 230.1 1524 | NH1668X350X ‘400 NHI617x400x 728 | NHi602x400x 10.06 7.00 | NuI6%8xi00x NHI667xa00x seaa | NHI652X¢00x 2555 178 | NH1668K400X ‘Note: Letter x in part numbers showin indleates a code letter tobe ited in. See Page 6 for explanation ot part numbers and how to order. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black pat numbers are seltrestrained type ‘Sleeve in this size is cylindrical (no-bulge). Allowable misalignment is 22° per end for this size. Dimensions: inches in bold, mm in ight 3 Industry Flows Through Us new /0Line Joints for Rigid Pipe ‘Basic Part Number (1606 NHI656 Allowable misalignment: $2 per end Tee BULKHEAD JOINT PART NUMBER* PART NUMBER" TNHT6D4X030x “450, INHT6OBXOSEX 1143 Ni 60axosox 5.00 TNAT605xOSOX ‘NHT654X050x 1270 INH1656XO50X_ INH IBO4XO75x 516 (NHI6OBXO7SX NHY654K075X 1463 INHI656XO75X. TNH1604%x100X 790 'NH606x100x ‘NHB54X100X 1718 INH1656X100X_ INH1604X125x 828 (NHT608X125X NH654X125X 2093 INH1658x125x_ NHI6O4X150X 3.00 (NHT60BX150X INHI654X150X 2288 INH656X150X. 'NH1604x200x 1050 'NH1606x200X INH1654Xx200x 266.7 INH1658X200x_ 'NH1604X250x 13.88 ‘NH608X250X INH1654X250X 3526 INH1656x250X ‘Ni 1604x00x 15.88 TNHi605x300x_ NH1654%300X_ 4034 INH1656X300x_ INH T604X350x 17138 (NHT6OBX350X_ NH 1654x350 4815 INH1656x350X. ‘Ne ne0axao0x 1888 ‘NHT606x400x. ‘NH654x400% 4798 INH1656x400X_ ‘Note: Letter x in part numbers showin indleates a code letter tobe ited in. See Page 6 for explanation ot part numbers and how to order. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black pat numbers are seltrestrained type ‘Sleeve in this size is cylindrical (no-bulge). Allowable misalignment is 22° per end for this size. Dimensions: inches in bold, mm in ight Industry Flows Through Us “ c new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Bane Numaen RATERS gh TATEESNOTENOZT TERNS ND 8g Be)? Tea tersxronxa2so KT SD TESTA ier SKtooxDe0 RATEZSKT DED TARTS TE 2540850 I eeaKT NOES MvGPSKtSRNDATS TNHTSPOKTSONDSTS ier SKIsOXDe7S NHIBPOKYTSNDSTS v6? SKY 7SK0575 HNEPSRDOONTSTS Nve7SxaOONDSTS — ners ex0200 TTEe=K SOxOaND fiersxisox000 UXT N360 ners sas exons nerexaonx03eo S\ZE BEE Re EE BBIBEISE slaslenleslaslze TEED RHTSZORZZSKDS7S 3 Tieonaooane TAOS esaxao0x0200 ieSOK2OONDS7S Eeax2S0x0800 NHISZORDSONDSTS fniersxasoxoa00 kierexasox0e7s TESKaTSNOEND RATEPSRZISNDSTS TORTS esaxzeoK 25 NHISPORSOOKTTIS 67 Sx30040125, RHEZERSKTT ES TaD esaxasox0ss0 e\88 TENDONS iersxa00x0300 ENO TATED esx TAHT BOOSONOSED eSOKs0K0380 TORTS eSOxSOOKNN2S inGoOxeOOKT S| esOK@00KH125, Bea nr eoxanNOssD esaxaonxo3s0 79. os ps ““hilozsxsoox05s) 65a | on o2xsonx0550 mnersxeoonoesa eB zs G7 SKSOONDASO "Note: Letter X in part numbers shown indicates a code letter tobe filed in. See Page 6 for explanation of part numbers and how to orcer. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black part numbers are seltestrained type. ‘Sleeve in this siz i elindseal no bulge). Allewable misalignment is #2° per enc fortis size Dimensions: inches in Bold, mm in light {Straight Double-Bulged joints are available in longer lengths than “E* shown in Inerements of 1 inch, "E"dieneicn ls minimum length fr longer jin 8 Industry Flows Through Us . new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED ase PatNamber 101625 (Lona) ste tong ‘towable miealgnment 2 pet nd SLE RTMinee is Nels NAS OO TATOO sO ierexiaox Be NST ESE es x25 ie7exi 254 Nites xraax NEDO ieee erexioak ites xisox TTEZEXT SOK so erexisox 2a Tne TOK es x00 erexco0x Nisan TOK exes ierexasn BBSRSRISS/Sa/25|28| 28 as. 28 io. ge] Naisancon ‘0 | Eo e2_| ninesixao0. tors_| nterexcoox us|: ae |: E asa_| Nineoocon ‘aoe [rae is | Nies6xc00. tons _| niestxao0x ‘tg0_| Nitsosxasax ‘ag0_—[nncoa50K fons_| Nitesexcsnx favs _| nanests0x ‘asa | Niteooxzonx ‘ago [ri corxa00« Ties | Niesexaonx avs _| niiestxao0x ‘oe Nutsstxsoax ‘ag0 | - 1270 | Niiesixsonx tos | Note: Letter Xin part numbers showm indicates a code letter tobe filed in. See Page 6 for explanation cof part numbers and how to order. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black pat numbers are selt-estrained type. * Sleeve in this size is cylindrical (no-bulge). Alowable misalignments 22° per end for this size Dimensions: inches in bold, mm i ight, Industry Flows Through Us 6 c new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Joints for Inch-Size Tube Basic par number: ‘Aton misgnment 2 per end TIezTO7SK Tavearxioor NTT ier7xr00K N00 - ‘ngasxo00-T ieasxta025 TNATEBSKIS Ks NESSKIIS: NMIGESKI2550 Tineaskaae-25 sx e-125 NAVESSKISO NHI Niiexsxr 0-20 NI 200 Nea isierrxt25K Naren iserrxrsax NATEZIXI5OX ierrxisax Ja)" * NAAT ier7xt75% NiigzDx200x eerrx200% Nia ueasx200| NieasKaa0 2 Nx200 250 Naess N20 Nie a ieasx23000 NAvESSRSIO N60 NueaasDE Nierrx2s0x Nao irrxao0K NEDO Na TteaTeaox irrxgoox NATEEIAASOX errxasax 1585 TE Aeasxe00 a|BG|z8)" (28 6 SB\EE|SE/28) /BS|" /ER/ER) "Es Note: Letter X in pat numbers shown indicates a code letter tobe filed in. See Page 6 for explanation of part numbers and how to orcer. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black part numbers are seltestrained type. ‘Sleeve in this siz i elindseal no bulge). Allewable misalignment is #2° per enc fortis size Dimensions: inches in Bold, mm in light {Straight Double-Bulged joints are available in longer lengths than “E* shown in Inerements of 1 inch, "E"dieneicn ls minimum length fr longer jin 7 Industry Flows Through Us . new !JLine GEE HOSE & FITTINGS BED Joints for Inch-Size Tube ri i) cows dS | ‘Bose partnumber_ni607 nae ‘Atowabemiesignment £2 pr en Alowabl misalignment. 42 pr end hinesp000 funea7xi00 Neer NSTXID0 Ts 00-25 vestxt00 HIESTII ES uniearxi2s Nitsa 3-60 rx Be NTR veoPxI25| TESTED earxi50 NHTEsIt-20 es7x180-200 NATED NMIESPxISD Ble NATED NIESTx200-250 nigs7x200-250 TEE ntestxz00 NESS near Niesra3t 00 esas 30 ae eo 2s is as rnearx200 me a ist a5 = 3a se. NE nlestx250| NNESTSO0| e300 6)" Ba BSB5)S8 Te 7, resxa00 isis 134 Note: Letter Xin part numbers showm indicates a code letter tobe filed in. See Page 6 for explanation cof part numbers and how to order. * Gray part numbers are standard type. Black pat numbers are selt-estrained type. * Sleeve in this size is cylindrical (no-bulge). Alowable misalignments 22° per end for this size Dimensions: inches in bold, mm i ight, Industry Flows Through Us 18

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