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Cuando empleamos "going to" en una oracin para referirnos al futuro, la construccin
se compone de tres elementos:

el verbo "to be" conjugado conforme al sujeto + "going" + el infinitivo del verbo

Conjugacin Significado

I am going to eat yo ir a comer

you are going to eat t irs a comer
he is going to eat l ir a comer
we are going to eat nosotros iremos a comer
you are going to eat vosotros iris a comer
they are going to eat ellos irn a comer

We can use a present form of be + going to + the base form of a main verb to talk
about the future. We use it for plans and intentions, predictions and commands:

Im going to buy a new car next week. (plan or intention)

Youre not going to do all this in an hour. Theres just too much to
do. (prediction: the speaker can see how much there is to do)

Im telling you, youre going to do it. You dont have a choice. (command)

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