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Top 5 Bodyweight Movements

Every Guy Needs To Be Doing

For Strong Arms, Wide Shoulders and Chiseled ABS

By Coach Greg Mihovich
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich

Wide shoulders, strong arms and well defined abdominal muscles are a graphic result
of a dedicated fitness regimen. However, most of the times it is all show and no go, as
it these muscles are built on the bench, selectorized machines and isolation exercises.

Fortunately, there is a better way! You can get a sculpted body that is as strong and
functional as it looks, not just a collection of body parts that can only perform on
the bench.

For the purpose of this report, I will share with you my Top 5 bodyweight exercise
variations for guys that can be learned relatively easy and do not require much
specialized equipment other than a horizontal bar, a dip station and may be some
rings. The exercises shared here have a rich history a great track record. It is pretty
safe to say that these exercises have built thousands, if not millions of tons of muscle
throughout the history.

So lets begin your exciting journey to physical supremacy!

Greg Mihovich

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Body Rows

Body Row (BR) is a tremendous upper body pulling exercise that builds strong and
conditioned upper back and scapular region, improves posture, improves the cores
strength and stability as well as balances out the pressing movements for overall
shoulder health and stability.

Aside from it being a great stand-alone exercise, Body Rows also are a great gateway
to upper body pulling exercises for beginners and heavier guys that are unable to do
pull ups as of yet.

For the purpose of this report I will share with you a few Body Row variations that
are easy to learn and perform in home training conditions.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Table Rows

Table Row is the easiest variation of the Body Row family of exercises and works
great as an introduction to rowing.

Start by getting into the proper position grab a low horizontal bar or a set of
gymnastic rings set at about stomach height, while facing up, arms straight and
keeping your knees bent at 90 degrees, glutes and abs tightly engaged. Keep your
entire foot on the floor. The position is basically a variation of a bridge aka Reverse
Table Position.

Begin the exercise by pulling your chest up to the bar/rings. Pull the bar/rings to the
bottom of your sternum rather than to your neck it will keep you safer while
increasing your leverage and strength.

Pause on top for a couple of seconds, while keeping the glutes tight and then reverse
the motion, lowering your body under control. Common mistakes are to shortcut the
exercise and fail to employ a full range of motion make sure to begin and finish the
exercise with fully straight arms.

Also make sure that throughout the entire exercise you keep your shoulders in the
sockets by pulling down with your lats it helps if you visualize that your shoulders
want to meet and connect with your hips.

Also keep your elbow in, rather than wide out that and keeping your shoulders in
the sockets will ensure that you have the optimum leverage and safety in your

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Straight Body Rows

Straight Body Rows is a bit tougher row variation that requires higher core
stabilization skills. You can adjust the difficulty by manipulating the angle of your
body (the higher is your head over the legs the easier it is) and the elevation of your
feet (the higher you raise your feet the tougher it is). Additional option is to place a
weight plate on your stomach if your feet are high enough for it not to slide off or to
use a weight vest as additional means of resistance.

Start out by grabbing low horizontal bar or rings at approximately stomach height,
while facing upwards, body straight out with glutes, quads and abs engaged. Keep
your shoulders down by engaging your lats and visualizing them being pulled towards
the hips.

Begin the exercise by pulling your chest up to the bar/rings. Just like in the previous
variation, pull the bar/rings to the bottom of your sternum rather than to your neck.

Pause on top for a couple of seconds, while keeping the glutes tight and then reverse
the motion, lowering your body under control. Use the full range of motion just like in
the previous variation.

Make sure to keep your legs, hips, torso, neck and head in one straight line throughout
the entire exercise. Common mistakes include breaking the line by leading with your
chest and/or head or sagging at the bottom. Keep your core engaged and your body
lined up!

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Push Up

Push Up is a tremendous upper body pressing exercise and is probably the most well-
known exercise out there. However, most people perform Push Ups wrong and do not
reap the full benefits of this excellent exercise and/or end up hurting themselves.

There are literally hundreds of Push Up variations for the purpose of this report I
will share a few basic ones with you that you can easily learn and perform on your

But the devil will be in the details read on and forever separate yourself from the
average Joe with these little-known body mechanics know-hows that will supercharge
your performance, while minimizing a chance of injury.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Optimal Performance Tune Up

Scapular Bridge

For a hard core fella who just wants to get jacked Scapular Bridge might look very
disappointing and almost feminine-like.

However, please bear with me we will not spend much time on this exercise, it will
be just a tool for us to activate a specific set of muscles so you learn to use your core
properly when doing Push Ups.

Once we learn to do that you can move on and never look back, although I know that
some of you will secretly perform some Scapular Bridges when nobody is looking.
Just kidding

To perform a Scapular Bridge, simply lie down on your back and tuck your feet to
your butt while keeping them a bit apart. Make sure that your heels are on the floor
and lift your hips up as far as you can. Hold for a few seconds and lower the hips back
down. The heels must remain on the floor for the entire duration of the exercise,
otherwise you will not be using/working your glutes effectively.

There are many variations available. You could lift your hips up and down with a
slight pause on top. You could statically hold your hips on top for time (30-60
seconds) rather then moving them up and down. You could also use a short bench
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
under your feet to increase the range of motion. Or you could use a sandbag across the
hips or a partner can gently push on your hips downwards in order to increase the

The point of the exercise is in this case to become aware of your glutes firing, learn to
fire the glutes even without the bridge and to transfer that feeling to Push Ups. It will
all make sense in a few minutes. So for now, just keep that awareness of your
posterior chain in mind and lets move on to the next Optimal Performance Tune Up

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Kelso Shrugs

Kelso Shrug is a concept, rather than an exercise and it has hundreds of exercise
applications. Kelso Shrug variations build strong tendons, ligaments and muscle in the
areas surrounding joint capsules.

For the purpose of this report, they will help you to become aware of some of the
strongest muscles in your body that play a critical role in many movements your

Lets take a look below at two basic variations of Kelso Shrugs.

Kelso Shrug Lat Activation, Variation One

Hang on a pull up bar, keep your elbows straight. Allow your body to sink down as
low as you can, but do not go to the point of feeling pain in the shoulders.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Then pull your body up, while keeping your elbows completely straight I repeat,
completely straight, do not get them involved! Your available range of motion will be
only three to five inches and it might feel a bit weird at first.

Go up and down in that manner a few times and then pull yourself up and remain
hanging in that position for some time you now have packed shoulders and are
using your lats to actively keep your shoulders in the sockets.

Kelso Shrug Lat Activation, Variation Two

Get into a Body Row position (described elsewhere in this report) underneath a set of
rings or a horizontal bar. Allow the body to sink down at the shoulders, while
maintaining the core engagement and NOT allowing the core to sag down.

Pull your body up, while keeping the elbows straight and your core engaged make
sure to keep your body line even and not to get your arms involved. Again, all it is, is
a short movement, may be 3 to 5 inches.

Make sure that while you are moving yourself up and down you are not shrugging
your shoulders up as a matter of fact you will be using the skills obtained doing
Kelso Pull Up Shrugs and keep your shoulders down utilizing your lats. Try thinking
of your shoulders connecting to the hips, it will help.

Again, go up and down in that manner like 5-7 times, then on the last Kelso Shrug
Body Row remain in the top position, focusing on your shoulders pushed down and
back, while maintaining the core recruitment and alignment.
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Straight Arm Front Plank

All right, so now that we learned to fire our glutes and to keep our shoulders packed,
lets master the correct form for Straight Arm Front Plank (SAFP) and we will be on
our way to the highest quality Push Ups out there!

To begin a SAFP simply get into a top push up position. Here is where you will be
able to put together and apply the knowledge obtained in the previous exercises.

So once in the position, I want you to first engage your glutes by tucking your pelvis
under do not simply sag the entire hips down, but move just the pelvis by tilting it
underneath your body. Sort of like a pelvic thrust.

Once you perform that maneuver correctly you will immediately feel your abs
contracting like crazy. You see, most people just talk about recruiting their abs but
provide little input on HOW to do it. Some even suck it in in a vague attempt to
engage it I guess these folks never got punched in the stomach while doing so.

The proper and safe abdominal recruitment comes from pelvis-abs connection and has
a lot to do with the so-called hollow body position. When you get into the hollow

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
body position you are in the position of biomechanical advantage to produce and
resist force and are able to recruit your body and to the fullest.

But this is not all you also need to recruit your lats and, by doing so, to connect your
arms with the torso so your body performs as one unit. Use a Kelso Shrug-like short
movement to pull your shoulder down and in and keep them there. It will help if you
think of screwing your elbows inward, this way you will feel the lats even more.

So now it feels way different, ah? Now you are ready for Push Ups the right way!

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Regular Push Up

To start out get into a Straight Arm Front Plank position and get your pelvis tucked
under and your abs and lats engaged. Now PULL yourself down with your lats, just
like when you do a Body Row but in reverse the key is to get down by actively
pulling, rather than flopping there like a mush.

Look down under your face as you pull yourself down or, in other words, keep your
head in line with your body. Also keep your elbows in, imagining like you are
hugging something in between with them.

Stop just short of touching the floor with your nose. Pause for a bit. Keep your glutes,
abs and lats engaged and your body aligned.

Reverse the motion by pushing the floor away from you. Keep the core and lats
engaged and maintain your posture!
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Do not rush through and bypass your weaknesses with momentum. Explosive
exercises are great, but you have to earn the right to do them first, by developing
strength throughout the entire range of motion. Take 2-4 counts to get down, 1-2
counts on the bottom and 2-4 counts to push back up. Enjoy the exercise!

Experiment with different distances in between your hands: medium, wide and
narrow. The narrower your hands are the more you will work your triceps and the
wider they are the more you will work your chest. But regardless of the grip width,
with the correct pelvic alignment and lat recruitment you will train the entire torso
every time.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Pull Up

Pull Ups are great upper body builders, but they are also immensely functional (hint:
this is the reason why they are so effective at building muscle). Pull Ups can and
should be one of your top upper body exercises.

The only exception to that would be heavier guys (above 220 lbs), in which case Body
Rows, eventually weighted, can be an acceptable substitute. But even bigger guys can
work up to some impressive numbers in the Pull Up department.

Regardless of how big you are right now or even if you cannot do a single Pull Up at
the moment, in this report I will share with you some manageable Pull Up
progressions and variations that will build a ton of functional muscle in your back,
shoulders and arms. Lets get to work!

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Pull Up Negatives

To begin, jump or help yourself otherwise to the chin over the bar position and then
as slowly as possible yield yourself down thus the name Negatives, as you
only perform the negative (eccentric) part of the exercise.

This method works because you are always stronger in the eccentric part of any
movement. So you are starting in your strongest position in order to work on your

Dont worry that in the beginning you might go down really fast, with almost no
control over the movement. Eventually, you will be able to take as many as four
or five seconds on your descent.

Then you need to add stops and pauses at various points. When you are going down
extremely slow for a few reps with a three second pause at the top, middle and bottom
of the movement you should be ready for your first Pull Up!
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Just make sure to be honest with yourself from the very beginning and to perform
your Negative Pull Ups through their full range of motion, meaning that you will
finish in a full hang, with your elbows straight and shoulders packed. Pause for a few
counts on the bottom of the hang it will build the necessary attributes for Pull Ups in
the near future.

Top Position Pull Up Holds

Another entry level variation of a Pull Up is a Top Position Hold. Even when you can
do actual Pull Ups for reps, this variation actually is still a fairy good endurance and
mental toughness exercise.

Begin by getting your chin over a pull up bar any way you want and hang there,
keeping your feet of the floor of course. It is not unreasonable to work up to 30 to 60
seconds of hanging time. If you do it with your friends, suddenly, hanging with your
buddies will take on a whole new meaning!

On a more serious note, try to finish your Top Position Pull Up Holds with a solid
Negative Pull Up. Your upper body will thank you for it and that cute girl next door
will appreciate it as well as she will be checking out your strong and masculine torso
and arms.
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Pull Up (medium, wide & narrow)

Begin by firmly grasping the pull up bar with your hands facing away (pronated grip)
and hanging off. Depending on your goals and specific objectives of your training you
could place all fingers over the bar (tactical grip) or place your thumb under the bar
(gym grip) generally speaking the gym grip is harder for your grip.

As you hang of the bar, maintain your shoulder in the sockets (keep the shoulder away
from the ears). The full hang position should be returned to after every rep (no half
pull ups, strive for the full range of motion) and it has the elbows locked out, but not
hyperextended and your lats are stretched, yet remain active.

Exhale, as you pull yourself up until your chin goes over the bar. The bodys
trajectory has a bit of a curve to it towards the rear. Make sure to fully engage your
lats by focusing on pulling the elbows down towards the rib cage and also make sure
to fully engage your arms by squeezing the bar with your hands.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Depending on the amount of effort it takes you to do your set and whether it is done a
low rep strength exercise or high rep strength endurance builder you will vary the
degree of total body tension involved from arching your back and bending your
knees at 90 degree and flexing spinal erectors, glutes and hamstrings for more max
effort type lifts to relaxing everything else but the lats and the arms.

Inhale, as you push yourself away from the bar, lowering your body under control to a
full elbow lockout. Finish the motion with fully stretched arms and lats but with
shoulders remaining pulled in the sockets and ears away from the shoulders.

Make sure to perform your Pull Ups with a full range of motion, as always leaving
your arms bent on the bottom of the motion could lead to your body adapting to that
limited range of motion over time and leaving you unable to perform full Pull Ups,
easily anyway.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich

Dips are kings when it comes to building strong, massive and chiseled chest,
shoulders and triceps. Do yourself a favor get off the bench, safe your shoulders in
the long run and train like a man by cranking out Dips.

Dips in combination with Pull Ups form an ultimate one-two combination for
outstanding upper body development, just like Push Ups and Body Rows. Between
those four exercises you are guaranteed to gain some serious upper body muscle and
to be able to back up your looks with real-world strength.

Even if you are unable to perform a single Dip yet, in this report I will show you some
safe progressions that will lead you all the way to mastering Dips and owning that
exercise. Now let's get to it!

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Negative Dips

Just like in the case of Negative Pull Ups, by focusing first on the eccentric part of
the movement you will build a foundation of strength to eventually perform both the
eccentric (negative) and the concentric (positive) part of the exercise. So it will be a
positive experience all around!

Start out by getting into the support position on the parallel bars. As you get there,
keep your elbows straight and your lats engaged here is another opportunity to get a
few Kelso Shrugs in to feel that you set your shoulders in the correct position.

As you hang, bend your knees at approximately 90 degrees and cross your ankles.
Tuck your pelvis under and crunch up your torso a bit get into that solid hollow
body position that will enable you to express your strength fully. Keep your abs tight.

Begin your decent by pulling yourself down, while maintaining the engagement of the
lats by imagining that you are hugging something hard with your elbows.

Slowly, very slowly go down as low as you safely can it helps if in the beginning
the parallel bars are not too high, so you can safely bail out on the bottom of the
movement by simply extending your legs.
Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Pause on the bottom for a few counts, while maintaining full tension. Then settle your
legs down and jump up back to support. Do not fly through the support position
hold it for a few counts, that position itself builds strength and muscle.

Regular Dips

Start out by getting into the support position on the parallel bars. Make sure to keep
your elbows straight and your lats engaged.

Go down, by pulling yourself down with your lats and inhaling as you go. Proceed
slowly, do not rush and enjoy the exercise.

Pause on the bottom for a few counts, while maintaining full tension.

Than reverse the motion by pressing the bars away from you. Stay tight all the way up
and finish with a full lockout. Rinse and repeat

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Ring Dips

Dips performed on a pair of rings are one of the best upper body pressing exercises
available. First timers prepare to be humbled a bit dips on the rings work the
stabilizing musculature very hard. As a result, fewer reps are performed then when
doing dips on parallel bars, but the overall quality and workload are much higher.

Start out by supporting your body of the rings on straight arms. Keep the rings close
to your body by engaging the lats and pecs.

Begin the exercise by pulling yourself down (shoulders to the rings). Inhale as you
descend. You could keep your elbows wide (more chest involvement) or narrow
(more triceps). Keep the rings close to the body, but not against it. Try to go as deep
as you can, attempt to finish with your elbows way above your shoulders your
available range of motion could vary.

Pause on the bottom. Stay tight.

Reverse the motion by pushing yourself away from the rings, hissing the air out as
you go up. Finish with your arms fully locked out, but not hyperextended.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Make sure to be able to perform at least a few Dips on parallel bars first before
tackling down Ring Dips. When just starting out, rings could feel very unstable, so
begin relatively low to the floor and jump off when you feel things are getting out of

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Hanging Leg Raises

Hanging Leg Raises (HLRs) are outstanding when it comes to abdominal

development. Lets put it this way I do not know a single person that does HLRs on
a regular bases and does not have a chiseled abs.

HLRs also decompress your spine and level out the intra-abdominal pressure.

Lets take a look at a few basic HLRs progressions and variations.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Hanging Knee Raises

Start out by hanging of a pull up bar with a pronated (palms away) grip. Keep your
elbows straight.

Exhale, as you smoothly pull your knees up until you touch your chest, upper arms or
elbows. Avoid using momentum and rely on your strength alone. Flex your lats, abs
and hip flexors hard. Keep your elbows bent ever so slightly if at all.

As you pull your knees up, do not think of isolating your lower abs or some other
muscle magazine induced nonsense, but focus on using your entire body instead pull
with your wrists, lats, hip flexors, abs Pull with everything you have! It might help
to have an image of a bug with a sort of sectioned tail that gets tucked in.

Do not despair if you cannot go all the way up to the prescribed height right away
most people dont the first few times, it takes some practice, keep working on it.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Inhale, as you return under control to the starting position. When you finish your rep
there should be no swinging around and if there is some, which means that you did
not come down under good enough control.

Avoid using the straps and patiently strengthen your grip along with your core it
will pay off in the long run. If your grip gives you a lot of problems you can try a
staggered grip with one palm in (supinated) and one palm out (pronated).

Hanging Leg Raises

These are done in a similar fashion, just like the Hanging Knee Raises above the
difference is that you now will work with legs held almost straight, rather than bent at
the knees.

Make sure to keep your elbows straight and minimize the swinging on the body stay

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Rotational Leg Raises

Rotational Leg Raise (RLR) bring core conditioning to a whole another level. This
exercise delivers it all: grip and core strength, chiseled stomach and lower abs.

People will take notice when you will be working the bars at the gym unfortunately
most of them will return to their crunches that hurt their lower backs and do nothing
for their athleticism. But you know better!

Start out hanging on a pull up bar. When performing RLRs you can either keep your
knees bent (easier) or keep your legs straight (harder).

In either case, use your entire body and pull your knees/legs across as close to your
body as possible. Keep your momentum to a minimum and rather work on fewer but
better, more strict repetitions.

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Training Plan

Brief overview:

Train three days a week with a day of active rest in between and two active rest
days at the end of the week
Pick one exercise out of each category per workout (Push, Pull, Core)
Warm up for 5 minutes before (Joint Mobility, Bridges, Planks, Kelso Shrugs)
Perform 3-5 reps in a set for your harder exercises (Dips, Pull Ups, Leg Raises)
Perform 8-15 reps in a set for your easier exercises (Body Rows, Push Ups,
Knee Raises)
Perform multiple sets (as many as you can) of your chosen exercises in a
rotation within 20 minutes (it is ok to begin with 10 or 15 minutes)
Rest briefly between exercises
Focus on quality of technique rather than sloppy quantity for the sake of
posting numbers
Alternate harder and lighter workouts by simply decreasing or increasing your
overall number of sets
Your goal is to work up to 10 sets in 20 minutes on your harder exercises and
8-10 sets on your lighter exercises

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich
Training Programs Examples


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Exercises Body Rows, Negative Pull Ups, Body Rows,
Push Ups, Negative Dips, Push Ups,
Hanging Knee Hanging Rotational Hanging Knee
Raises Knee Raises Raises

Directions 8-10 reps per set, 3-5 reps per set, 8-10 reps per set,
multiple sets in 20 multiple sets in 20 multiple sets in 20
minutes minutes minutes

Goal Work up to 8-10 Work up to 10 sets Work up to 8-10

sets in 20 minutes in 20 minutes of 3- sets in 20 minutes
of 8-10 reps over a 5 reps over a course of 8-10 reps over a
course of 4-6 weeks of 4-6 weeks or course of 4-6 weeks
or your best your best number or your best
number otherwise otherwise number otherwise


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

Exercises Pull Ups, Body Rows, Pull Ups,
Ring Dips, Push Ups, Ring Dips,
Rotational Leg Knee Raises Rotational Leg
Raises Raises

Directions 3-5 reps per set, 8-15 reps per set, 3-5 reps per set,
multiple sets in 20 multiple sets in 20 multiple sets in 20
minutes minutes minutes

Goal Work up to 10 sets Work up to 8-10 Work up to 10 sets

in 20 minutes of 3- sets in 20 minutes in 20 minutes of 3-
5 reps over a course of 8-15 reps over a 5 reps over a course
of 4-6 weeks or course of 4-6 weeks of 4-6 weeks or
your best number or your best your best number
otherwise number otherwise otherwise

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym
Top 5 Bodyweight Movements For Men
by Greg Mihovich

Ok, now there you have a simple, proven plan that will result in a dramatic increase
in your functional strength, muscle size and definition, provided that you will put the
effort into it.

Do not underestimate the exercises presented in this report these are some of the
most easily accessible and productive muscle building movements of all time!

But equally, do not underestimate as well as all the details that go into their
performance description those techniques will not only dramatically improve your
performance, results and safety in the prescribed exercises but will also carry over to
other athletic activities that you participate in and improve your overall exercise
experience and quality of life.

And finally, also broaden your horizons and investigate our website for functional
ways to train your legs and hips, as well as natural and wholesome nutritional
lifestyle. Both will be a great aid in building a healthy, muscular and chiseled body
that performs well for years to come.

Best of luck to you and LIVE STRONG!

Greg Mihovich

P.S. Please check out the link below by clicking on it, if you would like a free
personal training session at our facility or free consultation via email, thank you:

Copyright @2013 Gresser Fitness DBA Underground Gym

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