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EGSS Meeting Minutes: 18 October 2017

Bassam and Heidi ran unopposed for President and Vice Presidentcongratulations to them!
Heidis goals as VP: expand the EGSS handbook to include outlines, roles and
o Year-long project
o Will be asking for feedback from EGSSwill reshape roles based on our experiences
o Will include a form or guidelines for EGSS event-related monetary claims
We want to be a more official group, especially when it comes to applying for funding
Heidi and Bassam will put together the colloquium CFP
We want as many people as possible to attend the Halloween party and colloquium
Advertising for Halloween: Janice will do Facebook, Bassam posters, and Natalie TA offices
Partners are encouraged to attend events
Snowflake Gala update: Lisa has agreed to host, will be either December 2nd or 9th, Lisa
asked that we check Alisons availability because its important that the grad advisor can
attendJanice will talk to Alison and keep everyone updated
Pomodoro: should have snacks (Bassam willing, always, to help with food prep.)
o Tentatively the last three weeks of November
Were starting the year with approx. $1260 and will, this year, budget per event instead of
per committee
Alison asked that we not contribute money to a grad travel grant
We want to have an emergency monetary cushion in the bank, probably about $250
Fundraiser idea: Stephen Ross wants to do a travel fundraiser that is a rock show
o We will offer to attend but not volunteer to help out with organization
At next department meeting, Heidi and Bassam will clarify the EGSS-department
Looking for ways to strengthen relationships with profs this year
We will actively recruit new members, committee members
o Goal: each of us will recruit at least one new person for the next meeting
o We will ask people to offer what they can
Coffee Hour will be Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30 in grad loungeTiffany and Heidi in charge
Draft budget for 2017-2018:
o $100 Halloween
o $110 Fall Colloquium
o $150 Snowflake Gala
o $150 Fall Pomodoros
o $160 Coffee Hours
o $100 January Welcome Back Event
o $110 Spring Colloquium
o $50 Fundraiser
o $150 Spring Pomodoros
o Year End Event: based on how money earned in fundraiser
We want a logo
Lets remember to bring cameras to events
o We should get an EGSS instagram account
o For future meeting: consider our social media presence more in-depth
o Pro D chair: Natalie
o Social chair: Janice
o Webmaster: Tiffany
o Treasurer: absorbed into responsibilities of President and VP

Secretary: Janice Niemann

Vice President:

President: Bassam Chiblak

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