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EGSS Meeting Minutes: 19 September 2017

Welcome, highlights from last year include planning successful events with a small budget
and creating legacies and traditions
o Last year was an amazing year for finding money
o Asked for suggestions from the executives for upcoming year
o Elections in three weeks, the president and vice president will set up
o Bassam running again and everyone else (Natalie, Tiffany, Heidi, Janice) also
interested in being involved again
Goals for next year: structure for follow through with event ideas (hierarchy, delegation, etc.)
Tiffany would like to continue having multiple people contribute to the blog, lots of traffic
for the newsletter
o It would be good to set up an archive as a resource for incoming students
o Some web content is old
Lets do more videos this yearwould save writing time
o Maybe a podcast to highlight research, grad student issues
o We should consider a committee or team for communications and social media
Pro Ds (Natalie and Heidi): hard to gauge what students want, socially-oriented Pro D events
had a better turn out
o We could have workshops to follow up Alisons Pro D sessions
Word of mouth is good advertising techniquewe need to be popular and visible in order to
increase attendance at events
Lets host events in small rooms to make them look full
Goal: greater presence in department
Food is important to have at events
Dinner party at Bassams for EGSS bonding and as means to model our lets be friends!
outlook for this year

Secretary: Janice Niemann

Vice President:

President: Bassam Chiblak

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