The White House: John Mccain and The Uss Fitzgerald

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November 6, 2017

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed Fiscal Year

(FY) 2018 Budget amendments for the Department of Defense (DOD) .
The request includes an additional $4.0 billion to support
urgent missile def eat and defense enhancements to counter the
threat from North Korea, $0.7 billion to repair damage to U.S.
Navy ships, and $1.2 billion in support of my Administration's
South Asia strategy.

This request supports additional efforts to detect, defeat, and

defend against any North Korean use of ballistic missiles
against the United States, its deployed forces, allies, or
partners. The request also includes costs necessary to repair
damage to and restore the operational readiness of the
USS John s. McCain and the USS Fitzgerald. These ships provide
critical naval presence and additional ballistic missile defense
capabilities in the Asia-Pacific theater. My Administration
requests that the funding requested for missile defense and Navy
ship repairs be designated as an emergency requirement pursuant
to section 251(b) (2) (A) (i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency
Deficit Control Act of 1985 (the "Act").

This request also includes costs associated with increased

U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan in support of my
Administration's South Asia strategy. The additional resources
would enable DOD to deploy an additional 3,500 troops, and
includes funding for urgent needs and special operations forces
capabilities. My Administration requests that the funding to
support the South Asia strategy be designated as Overseas
Contingency Operations pursuant to section 251(b) (2) (A) (ii) of
the Act.

In addition, I ask the Congress to act on the FY 2018 Budget

request for the border wall of $1.6 billion within the
Department of Homeland Security Customs and Border Protection

(CBP) Procurement, Construction, and Improvements account.

Providing for the safety and security of the American people is
my top priority. That priority is reflected in both the
enclosed DOD Budget amendments and the border wall request,
which provides the down payment on what CBP needs to secure the
southwest border.

The details of the DOD Budget amendments are set forth in the
enclosure from the Director of the Office of Management and
Budget. The border wall request was set forth in the FY 2018
Budget request.


The Honorable Paul D. Ryan

Speaker of the
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C. 20515

Estimate No. --~--
115th Congress, 1st session

THE DIRECTOR November 3, 2017

The President
The White House

Dear Mr. President:

Submitted for your consideration are amendments to your Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Budget
for the Department of Defense (DOD), including: $4.0 billion to support urgent missile defeat
and defense enhancements to counter the tlueat from North Korea; $0.7 billion to repair damage
to the USS John S. McCain and the USS Fitzgerald; and $1.2 billion for increased U.S. troop
levels in Afghanistan, in support of the Administration's South Asia strategy. These amendments
increase the proposed FY 2018 Budget total by $5.9 billion for DOD, including $4.7 billion
designated as an emergency requirement and $1.2 billion designated as Overseas Contingency

The enclosed materials summarize the amendments to the FY 2018 Budget and describe
a new authority for military construction that the Administration requires as part of this request.

The funding amounts proposed for missile defeat and defense enhancements are
requested to be designated as emergency requirements pursuant to section 25l(b)(2)(A)(i) of the
Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (BBEDCA). This request supports
additional, accelerated, and priority efforts to increase the capability and capacity of the United
States to detect, defeat, and defend against any North Korean use of ballistic missiles against the
United States, its deployed forces, allies, and pattners. This includes current and projected
threats to the U.S. homeland, Guam, South Korea, and Japan. The emergency portion of this
request also includes costs necessary to repair damage to and restore the operational readiness of
the USS John S. McCain and the USS Fitzgerald. These ships provide critical naval presence
and additional ballistic missile defense capabilities in the Asia-Pacific theater.

The funding amounts proposed for increased U.S. troop levels in Afghanistan in support
of the Administration's South Asia strategy are requested to be designated as Overseas
Contingency Operations pursuant to section 251 (b )(2)(A)(ii) of BBEDCA. These additional
resources would enable DOD to deploy an additional 3,500 troops and includes funding for Joint
Urgent Operational Needs (JUONS) and special operations forces (SOF) capabilities.

The major categories of funding are highlighted below:

DOD - Emergency Requirements

$2.1 billion for missile defense, including for the following critical capability and
capacity increases:
o Construction of an additional Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) field at Fort
Greely, Alaska, along with associated equipment;
o Initial procurement funding for the eventual purchase of 20 new GBis;
o Procurement of 16 Standard Missile-3 Block IIA interceptors;
o Procurement of 50 Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptors; and
o Other discrimination and shooter capabilities.
$839 million for combined missile detection, disruption/defeat, and defense,
including the procurement of 147 Missile Segment Enhancement missiles and a
variety of multi-role capabilities.
$214 million for missile detection, including radar upgrades and intelligence and
reconnaissance capabilities.
$116 million for missile disruption and defeat, including long-range strike
$743 million for other associated missile defeat and defense activities.
$674 million in Navy operation and maintenance funding to repair damage to the
USS John S. McCain and the USS Fitzgerald, which provide critical naval presence
and additional ballistic missile defense capabilities in the Asia-Pacific theater.

DOD - Overseas Contingency Operations

$985 million for Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Defense-Wide military
personnel and operation and maintenance funding to increase deployments for
Operation Freedom's Sentinel (OPS), including personnel, intelligence,
transpottation, communications, facilities, and base support.
$76 million for Navy operation and maintenance funding, including intelligence,
surveillance, and reconnaissance to suppott increased OPS deployments and JUONS.
$75 million for procurement of Navy JUONS and SOP capabilities.
$5 million for Marine Corps procurement based on increased expenditure of
$44 million for other associated activities.


I have reviewed this request and am satisfied that it is necessary at this time. Therefore, I
join the Secretary of Defense in recommending that you transmit the proposals to the Congress.

Border Wall

In addition, I recommend that you reiterate your FY 2018 Budget request of$1.6 billion
for the border wall in the transmission of the DOD Budget Amendments to the Congress. The
entire package will reflect your top priority of providing for the safety and security of the
American people.

Mick Mulvaney




Heading: Military Construction, Defense-Wide

FY 2018 Budget
Appendix Page: 276

Pending Request:

Proposed Amendment: $200,000,000

Revised Request: $200,000,000

(In the appropriations language under the above heading, add the following new paragraph at the

For an additional amount for "Military Construction, Defense-Wide'', $200,000,000, to

remain available until September 30, 2022: Provided, That such amount shall be used to carry
out a missile field construction project in Alaska, not otherwise authorized by law: Provided
further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as an emergency requirement pursuant
to section 25l(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985:
Provided further, That the amount designated under this heading as an emergency requirement
pursuant to section 25 l(b)(2)(A)(i) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act
of 1985 shall be available only ifthe President subsequently so designates such amount and
transmits such designation to the Congress.

This amendment would provide $200 million for the Military Construction,
Defense' Wide account, which is requested to be designated as an emergency requirement. This
requested amount would fund the construction of Missile Field No. 4 at Ft. Greely, Alaska to
provide the ballistic missile defense system with increased ground-based interceptor capabilities
to enhance homeland defense.
Department of Defense

FY 2018 Budget Request for Emergency Requirements

(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2018 Budget FY2018
President's Budget
Amendment - Total Request
Appropriation Account Title
(no Emergency Request)
Emergency Emergency
Defense Bill Appropriations

Operation and Maintenance

Operation and Maintenance, Navy + 673,500 673,500

Operation and Maintenance, Air Force + 18,750 18,750
Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide + 23,735 23,735
Operation and Maintenance Total + 715,985 715,985

Missile Procurement, Army + 884,000 884,000
Missile Procurement, Air Force + 12,000 12,000
Other Procurement, Air Force +288,055 288,055
Procurement, Defense-Wide + 1,239,140 1,239,140
Procurement Total + 2,423,195 2,423,195

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army + 20,700 20,700
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy +60,000 60,000
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force + 255,744 255,744
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide + 1,010,220 1,010,220
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total + 1,346,664 1,346,664

Total - Defense Bill + 4,485,844 4,485,844

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Department of Defense
FY 2018 Bndget Request for Emergency Requirements
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY2018 FY 2018 Budget FY2018
President's Budget Amendment Total Request
Appropriation Account Title (no Emergency Request) Emergency Emergency

Militarv Constrnction Bill Appropriations

Militarv Construction
Military Construction, Defense-Wide + 200,000 200,000
Military Constrnction Total + 200,000 200,000

Total - Military Construction Bill + 200,000 200,000

Total Department of Defense + 4,685,844 4,685,844

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Department of Defense
FY 2018 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations
(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2018 Budget FY2018
FY 2018 Amendment Total Request
Appropriation Account Title President's Budget - OCO OCO OCO

Defense Bill Appropriations

Militarv Personnel
Military Personnel, Army 2,635,317 + 48,377 2,683,694
Military Personnel, Navy 377,857 377,857
Military Personnel, Marine Corps 103,800 + 179 103,979
Military Personnel, Air Force 912,779 + 1,340 914,119
Reserve Personnel, Army 24,942 24,942
Reserve Personnel, Navy 9,091 9,091
Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps 2,328 2,328
Reserve Personnel, Air Force 20,569 20,569
National Guard Personnel, Army 184,589 184,589
National Guard Personnel, Air Force 5,004 5,004
Military Personnel Total 4,276,276 + 49,896 4,326,172

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Department of Defense

FY 2018 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations

(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2018 Budget FY2018

FY2018 Amendment - Total Request
Appropriation Account Title President's Budget - OCO oco
------- oco

Operation and Maintenance

Operation and Maintenance, Army 16,126,403 + 872,491 16,998,894
Operation and Maintenance, Navy 5,875,015 +76,274 5,951,289
Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps 1,116,640 +24,734 1,141,374
Operation and Maintenance, Air Force 10,266,295 10,266,295
Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide 7,712,080 + 81,164 7,793,244
Office of the Inspector General 24,692 24,692
Operation and Maintenance, Army Reserve 24,699 24,699
Operation and Maintenance, Navy Reserve 23,980 23,980
Operation and Maintenance, Marine Corps Reserve 3,367 3,367
Operation and Maintenance, Air Force Reserve 58,523 58,523
Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard 108,111 108,111
Operation and Maintenance, Air National Guard 15,400 15,400
Drug Interdiction and Counter-Drug Activities, Defense 196,300 196,300
Defense Health Program 395,805 395,805
Afghanistan Security Forces Fund 4,937,515 4,937,515
Counter-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Train and Equip Fund 1,769,000 1,769,000
Operation and Maintenance Total 48,653,825 + 1,054,663 49,708,488

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Department of Defense

FY 2018 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations

(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2018 Budget FY2018
FY2018 Amendment Total Request
Appropriation Account Title President's Budget - OCO oco oco
Aircraft Procurement, Army 424,686 - 424,686
Missile Procurement, Army 559,283 - 559,283
Procurement of Weapons and Tracked Combat Vehicles, Army 1,191,139 - 1,191,139
Procurement of Ammunition, Army 193,436 - 193,436
Other Procurement, Army 405,575 - 405,575
Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Fund 483,058 - 483,058
Aircraft Procurement, Navy 157,300 - 157,300
Weapons Procurement, Navy 152,373 - 152,373
Procurement of Ammunition, Navy and Marine Corps 225,587 + 10,853 236,440
Other Procurement, Navy 220,059 + 31,500 251,559
Procurement, Marine Corps 65,274 - 65,274
Aircraft Procurement, Air Force 740,778 - 740,778
Missile Procurement, Air Force 395,400 - 395,400
Space Procurement, Air Force 2,256 - 2,256
Procurement of Ammunition, Air Force 501,509 - 501,509
Other Procurement, Air Force 4,008,887 - 4,008,887
Procurement, Defense-Wide 518,026 - 518,026
Procurement Total 10,244,626 + 42,353 10,286,979

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Army 119,368 - 119,368
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Navy 130,365 + 37,200 167,565
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation, Air Force 135,358 - 135,358
Research, DeveloEment, Test and Evaluation, Defense-Wide 226,096 - 226,096
Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Total 611,187 +37,200 648,387

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Department of Defense

FY 2018 Budget Request for Overseas Contingency Operations

(Dollars in Thousands)
FY 2018 Budget FY2018
FY2018 Amendment Total Request
Appropriation Account Title President's Budget - OCO oco oco
Revolving and Management Funds
Defense Working Capital Funds 148,956 - 148,956
Revolving and Management Funds Total 148,956 - 148,956

Total - Defense Bill 63,934,870 + 1,184,112 65,118,982

Military Construction Bill Appropriations

Military Construction
Military Construction, Army 139,700 139,700
Military Construction, Navy and Marine Corps 18,500 18,500
Military Construction, Air Force 478,030 478,030
Military Construction, Defense-Wide 1,900 1,900
Military Construction Total 638,130 638,130

Total - Military Construction Bill 638,130 638,130

Total- Department of Defense 64,573,000 + 1,184,112 65,757,112

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