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Case 2:16-cr-00540-JMA-SIL Document 89 Filed 11/06/17 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 1964

U.S. Department of Justice

United States Attorney

Eastern Dislrict of New York

LTG 610 Federal Plo:a

F. #2015R02148 Central Islip. Nev lotk I1722

November 6, 2017

The Honorable Joan M. Azrack
United States District Judge
United States District Court
Eastem District of New York
Central Islip, New York 11722

Re: United States v. Edward Mangano et al.

Criminal Docket No. l6-540 (JMA)

Dear Judge Azrack:

On consent, the government respectfully submits this request for a 7-day

extension oftime to respond to the defendants' motions. Thus, the government's response will
be lrled by November 14, 2017, and the defendants' reply by November 28,2017.

Moreover, all parties respectfully request that the Court adjourn the November
13,2017 status conference to December 4,2017 at 1l:00 a.m.

As Iam sure the Court is aware, the speedy trial clock is tolled during this
period, as the motions remain pending.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.

ly submitted,

U ited States Attorney

Lara Treinis Gatz

Assistant U.S. Attomey
(631) 7ls-7913
cc: Counsel ofRecord via ECF

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