Interest Group Graphic Organizer 1

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Name:_______________________________________ Date:______________

1. Quick write! Below is a quote by a famous founding father regarding interest groups.
Please underline the main point of the quote and circle any words that support your
argument. You may use the keywords underneath the quote to further expand your
thoughts. We will be having a discussion afterwards.

A free society must allow for the representation of all groups that seek to
influence political decision making, yet groups are usually more concerned
with their own self-interest than with the needs of society as a whole; for
democracy to work well, it is important that groups not be allowed to assume
a dominant position.- James Madison

Key words to remember

1. Interest groups: An organization of people with shared policy goals entering the policy
process at several points to try to achieve those goals. Interest groups pursue their goals
in many arenas.
2. Political Action Committee (PAC): Groups that raise money from individuals and then
distribute it in the form of contributions to candidates that the group supports. PACs must
register with the FEC and report their donations and contributions to it. Individual
contributions to a PAC are limited to $5,000 per year and a PAC may give up to $5,000
to a candidate for each election.
3. Pluralism:
4. Hyper-pluralism:
5. Elitism:

Interest Group Gallery Walk

Key words:
1. Lobbying: Communication, by someone other than a citizen acting on his or her own
behalf, directed to a governmental decision maker with the hope of influencing his or her
2. Electioneering: Direct group involvement in the electoral process, for example, by
helping to fund campaigns, getting members to work for candidates, and forming political
action committees.
3. Litigation: The process of taking legal action; ie a lawsuit.
4. Appealing: Interest groups carefully cultivate their public image and use public opinion to
influence policymakers ie grassroots campaign.
Example 1.

Interest Group Interest Group Policy platforms Strategy used to Money raised,
type/ Definition Examples and bills implement policy PAC association

Single Issue Mothers against

interest group- drunk driving
Just one issue,
one stance

Use this graphic organizer when collecting the data that youll be presenting in todays gallery
walk and when taking notes.
Interest Group Interest group Policy platforms Strategy used to Money raised,
type/ Definition examples and bills implement policy PAC association









Civil Rights




Single Issue


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