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International Trade Treaties

Comparative Table Analysis

Group 34

Assigned tutor: Miguel ngel Gonzlez

Academic leader: Fernando Rodrguez Prez

Melissa Serrano Neri


Abraham Hernndez Quiroz

Jorge Luis Gonzlez Gonzlez
Vctor Martnez Snchez
Vctor Manuel Gmez Morales

Countries involved Benefits or losses that are Give a real example of a Improvements on the
and date of signature involved for Mexico benefit/loss treaty that you would
Mexico Japan The benefits are focuses more Mexico now is Certainly, more than
Signed on September on agricultural products and consolidated as the 3rd improvements there are a
17 of 2004. the free trade of them. commercial partner of lot of opportunities for the
There are a lot of new Japan in relation with agri- increase of terms that the
preferential tariffs. Mexican food exportations. In 2016, treaty could embrace.
farmers will be able to export it closed in US$1054 Actually, there is a
products to Japan, exactly million dollars, reinforcement in trade
80,000 of pork, 6,500 tons of representing an increase of relations with Japan with a
orange juice, among others. 9.84 percent. strategic alliance between
Mexicos exports could grow by Based on a report from both countries.
10. Percent annually over the the General Coordination An improvement that
next 10 years, creating 277,000 of International Affairs, could be achieved is the
new jobs in the process. SAGARPA between 2015 inclusion of more products
Other benefits involved in the and 2016, international or sectors that could
treaty are the following: trade between Mexico and participate in the trade
Mexico can become the Asian nation increased agreement like the free
one of Japans principal by 10.19%, with an agri- trade of services or other
sources of foodstuffs. food trade balance commercial products.
Creation of market for favorable to Mexico by Also, both countries should
exporters worth US$35 1.043 billion dollars. include a collaboration
billion Mexico is the main agreement to coordinate
Foreign direct supplier of food to the detection and combat
investment from Japan Japan as Persian of illicit practices in the
to rise to US$12.7 lemon, with a 99% international trade like the
billion over the next 10 share; avocado, undervaluation
years. 93%; melon, 79%;
asparagus, 56%;
mango, 49%; tuna,
49%, and is the
only exporter of
tequila and agave
Since the entry
into force of the
Mexico - Japan
Agreement (EPA)
in 2005, agri-food
exports to that
destination grew
by 81.7%, from
579.9 million
dollars, to more
than 1 billion
registered in 2016.

Mexico Colombia The two countries Since the entry into force In terms of trade and
Signed on June 13, have since expanded their of the Mexico-Colombia investment, the agreement
1994 agreement and further Free Trade Agreement, contemplates a tariff
liberalized trade. Mexico's exports to reduction program for
Among the benefits, in includes Colombia have increased most of the tariff universe
the following: twelvefold, from $ 306 over a period of 10 years,
Five provisions for million to $ 3,757 million but theres an exclusion of
market access (growth of 1,100%), most of the agricultural
Improvement in measures Imports from the United sector.
related to market access, anti- Mexican States originating This could represent an
dumping and countervailing in Colombia multiplied by opportunity of
duties, rules of origin, customs 6.5 times, from US $ 121 improvement, but of
procedures, government million to US $ 795 million course adding some
procurement. (550% higher) protection measures.
Expanded market Exports from Colombia to
access in the the United Mexican States
Colombian market for amounted to 638 million
Mexican exports of dollars
semitrailers, non- The main Colombian
alcoholic drinks, export products are: coal,
chickpeas, orange insecticides, polypropylene
juice, hard wheat, polymers, women's
turkey preparations underwear, cosmetics,
and tomatoes. medicines, copper
minerals, books, tires ...


Zona Econmica. (2008). El Tratado de Libre Comercio entre Mxico y Japn. Retrieved from:

El Economista. (2017). Mxico fortalece presencia en mercado japons, exportaciones suben

9.84%. Retrieved from:

ICTSD. Japan, Mexico Reach Free Trade Agreement. Retrieved from:

SIPSE. (2017). Mxico y Japn refuerzan relaciones comerciales. Retrieved from:
MINCOMERCIO, INDUSTRIA Y TURISMO. (2011). Tratado de Libre Comercio entre los Estados
Unidos Mexicanos y la Repblica de Colombia. Retrieved from:

EENI. (2013) Tratado de libre comercio Mxico-Colombia. Retrieved from:

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