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Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394

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Characterization of phenolic compounds, anthocyanidin, antioxidant

and antimicrobial activity of 25 varieties of Mexican Roselle
(Hibiscus sabdariffa)
I. Borrs-Linares a,b , S. Fernndez-Arroyo a,b , D. Arrez-Roman a,b, , P.A. Palmeros-Surez c ,
R. Del Val-Daz c , I. Andrade-Gonzles c , A. Fernndez-Gutirrez a,b , J.F. Gmez-Leyva c ,
A. Segura-Carretero a,b
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n, C.P. 18071 Granada, Spain
Research and Development Functional Food Centre, Health Science Technological Park, Avda Conocimiento s/n, C.P. 18016 Granada, Spain
Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Technological Institute of Tlajomulco, Km 10 Carretera a San Miguel Cuyutln, C.P. 45640 Tlajomulco de Zniga,
Jalisco, Mexico

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study reports the phytochemical prole (phenolics, avonoids and anthocyanins), the antioxidant
Received 9 October 2014 capacity and the antibacterial activity of the ethanolic extracts of a collection of 25 Mexican Hibiscus
Received in revised form 5 February 2015 sabdariffa (Hs) varieties with different calyx color intensities, from greenyellow to deep red, culti-
Accepted 22 February 2015
vated in the same condition. A great variety of phenolic compounds were identied in the different
extracts using HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-MS, mainly phenolic acids, avonoids, and anthocyanidin, some of
which have been described for the rst time. The total phenolic, avonoid and anthocyanidin contents
Hibiscus sabdariffa
showed great variation in the different Hs extracts, ranging from 2400 300 to 10,000 400 mg gallic
Phenolic compounds
acid equivalents (GAE)/100 g dry calyx (dc), from 419 2 to 2260 70 mg quercetin/100 g dc, and from 0
Antimicrobial activity to 4408 mg/100 g dc with different ratios of delphinidin:cyanidin, respectively. Furthermore, the antiox-
HPLC-AD-ESI-TOF-MS idant capacity determined by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay presented the same behavior,
with values that varied from 27.4 0.3 to 112 8 mol equivalent trolox/g dc. In addition, the antibacte-
rial activity of the HS extracts was assayed against Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis)
and Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus luteus) microorganisms, demonstrating that the
ethanol extracts were effective against all the bacterial strains tested, showing a greater effect against
Gram-positive bacteria. Finally, a multivariate analysis for the classication of the Hs varieties has been
carried out based on the anthocyanidin content. The results reported in this paper shows for the rst
time antibacterial and phytochemistry diversity of the different varieties of Hs, which highlights the
importance of a correct description of Hs materials used in research papers.
2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction food industry. Furthermore, these calyces are a good source of nat-
ural food colorants because of their high pigment content (Bridle
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (Hs; Malvaceae), commonly known as and Timberlake, 1997). Moreover, the dried calyces are consumed
roselle, red sorrel or karkade, is an annual herbaceous subshrub worldwide in hot infusions and in cold drinks (Hervert-Hernndez
belonging to the family Malvaceae. This plant is native to Africa and and Goni, 2012). Besides its extended consumption as a beverage
grows in tropical and sub-tropical regions such as Sudan, southern and its uses in food industry, roselle is also used in animal feed,
Asia, and America. Fleshy calyces (sepals) are commercially impor- nutraceuticals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals (Wang et al., 2012).
tant for the production of beverages, juices, jams, and syrup in the Hs plant contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, acids, min-
erals, vitamins, as well as many types of phenolic compounds.
Mucilaginous polysaccharides and pectins also form part of its
Corresponding author at: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sci- composition. Furthermore, Hs seeds contain a wide range of less
ences, University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n, Granada C.P. 18071, Spain. polar compounds, such as sterols (sitosterol, ergosterol, campes-
Tel.: +34 958248409; fax: +34 958243328. terol). Although the composition of this plant has been thoroughly
E-mail address: (D. Arrez-Roman).
0926-6690/ 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
386 I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394

studied, one notable (and underreported) group of compounds determining the content of phenolic, avonoid, antocyanidin and
present in this plant is phenolic compounds, which recently have antioxidant activity as well as their antibacterial activity against
attracted a great deal of attention due to their benecial effects in Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus and
the promotion of human health and well-being (Ali et al., 2005; Micrococcus luteus.
Crozier et al., 2009; Rodrguez-Medina et al., 2009).
The phenolic compounds found in this plant include organic 2. Material and methods
and phenolic acids, such as citric acid, hydroxycitric acid, hibiscus
acid, and protocatechuic acid. Flavonoids such as quercetin, lute- 2.1. Chemicals
olin or gossipetin, and their respective glycosides are also present.
Anthocyanins, detected in high amounts in the calyces, are respon- All chemicals used were of analytical HPLC reagent grade.
sible for the bright red color. The most frequent anthocyanins Formic acid, triuoroacetic acid, methanol and acetonitrile,
of Hs owers are cyanidin-3-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, used for preparing mobile phases, were purchased from Fluka,
cyanidin-3-sambubioside, and delphinidin-3-sambubioside (Ali SigmaAldrich (Steinheim, Germany) and Lab-Scan (Gliwice,
et al., 2005; Rodrguez-Medina et al., 2009). Sowinskiego, Poland), respectively. Water was puried by a Milli-
Numerous pharmacological properties have been attributed to Q system from Millipore (Bedford, MA, USA). The standards, for
Hs calyx (Ali et al., 2005). The most signicant ones are its car- the comparison with the compounds detected, chlorogenic acid,
dioprotective action, antihypertensive action, effectiveness against cyanidin chloride, delphinidin chloride, quercetin, and quercetin-
low-density lipoprotein oxidation, and hyperlipidemia (Alarcn- 3-glucoside were purchased from Fluka, SigmaAldrich (Steinheim,
Aguilar et al., 2007; Beltrn-Debn et al., 2010; Gurrola-Daz et al., Germany) and Extrasynthese (Genay Cedex, France). The stock
2010; Fernndez-Arroyo et al., 2012; Herranz-Lpez et al., 2012; solutions containing these analytes were prepared in methanol
Kuo et al., 2012; Laikangbam and Damayanti Devi, 2012; Hopkins (Lab-Scan), and the hydrochloric acid (HCl) used for anthocyanin
et al., 2013). Also potent effects in the reduction of urinary concen- determination was purchased from Lab-Scan (Gliwice, Sowin-
trations of creatinine, uric acid, citrate, tartrate, calcium, sodium, skiego, Poland).
potassium, and phosphate have been demonstrated (Kuo et al.,
2012; Laikangbam and Damayanti Devi, 2012). Moreover, its anti- 2.2. Sample collection and processing
inammatory, antioxidative, hepatoprotective, and antitumoral
effects have been highlighted (Fernndez-Arroyo et al., 2011; Lin Seeds of 25 different varieties of Hs were collected from the main
et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2000). producing areas in Mexico during the years 20072010 (Table 1).
Most of the research on Hs does not specify the origin of the The different varieties were established in the eld under the
variety and the crop site, making it difcult to make comparisons same conditions until physiological maturity and then the calyces
between the phytochemical prole and biological properties of were collected and dried in a forced convection hot-air oven. A
extracts obtained in different studies due to the inherent vari- total of 100 g of dried calyxes of each Hs variety were grounded
ability of the variety and harvesting location of a crop. The aim and extracted using acidied ethanol (70% ethanol plus 0.1% HCl)
of the present work has been to identify the phenolic com- with a solvent to sample extract ratio of 1:10 (w/v). After 72 h of
position by HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-MS of the ethanolic extract in extraction, solvent was evaporated at 40 C using a rotary evapora-
a collection of 25 different varieties of Hs from Mexico and tor (Bchi R-215, Bchi Labortechnik AG, Switzerland) under high

Table 1
Content of total phenolic compound, avonoids, anthocyanin, delphinidin, cyanidin and antioxidant capacity in H. sabdariffa extracts.

HS extract Variety Origin Total phenolic Flavonoid Anthocyanidin Delphinidin Cyanidin content Antioxidant
content content content** content capacity
(mg GAE/g dc) (mg QE/ 100 g dc) (mg/100 g dc) (mg/100 g dc) (mg/100 g dc) (mol ET/ g dc)

HS 1 Americana Jalisco 30 6hi 813 5i 969m 444k 525 h 104.0 9a

HS 2 Tepalcatepec Michoacn 90 20b 692 8jk 1673i 1083g 589f 83.0 0.6dc
HS 3 Diamante Jalisco 98 1a 1695 8b 2967d 2232c 734c 112.0 8a
HS 4 Colima Colima 94 9b 1310 40 d 2306f 1658e 648d 60.1 1fe
HS 5 Tempranilla Jalisco 41 3g 429 5n 4408a 3535a 873a 40.0 2ji
HS 6 Talpa Jalisco 38 5g 419 2n 4085c 3300b 784b 45.0 8i
HS 7 Violenta Jalisco 60 10e 720 30j 4246b 3495a 750c 48.6 0.4i
HS 8 Quesera Colima 57 9ef 530 20l 1781h 1223f 558g 105.8 0.3a
HS 9 CriollaTala Jalisco 64 2e 890 10hi 1369j 825h 543g 80.0 2dc
HS 10 Tecoman Colima 42 4g 470 10n 1013m 511k 501i 37.0 1k
HS 11 El Bordo Colima 34 3h 1030 70gh 1308k 783h 525h 76.6 0.3ed
HS 12 Tempranilla Colima 45 9fg 1140 50fe 2613e 1956d 657d 84.0 2bcd
HS 13 Sudan Colima 43 4g 488.0 0.6m 929m 436k 492i 36.3 0.3k
HS 14 M. Luna Colima 70 10d 681 7k 1500j 940h 560g 38.5 0.1j
HS 15 Pisila Colima 68 3d 740 20ji 1361k 791h 569g 56.0 2fgh
HS 16 JB 01 SM Guerrero 83 1c 1050 30g 0n 0l 0j 84.0 8bcd
HS 17 JCP 01T Guerrero 88.8 0.6cb 950 30h 1058L 552j 505i 56.0 3fg
HS 18 Blanca Guerrero 81 1c 1272 10 0n 0l 0j 49.2 0i
HS 19 JJ 01 SM Guerrero 83 1c 810 50i 1216L 663i 553g 48.6 0.5i
HS 20 JR 01 C Guerrero 37 5gh 1070 10fg 1147l 633i 514h 85.0 0.9bcd
HS 21 Americana Colima 51 7f 504 4m 1815h 1205f 609e 35.1 0.1kl
HS 22 P. Anzar Colima 28 4i 632 5kl 1178l 678i 500i 97.3 8bc
HS 23 Blanca Jalisco 24 3j 855 8hi 0n 0l 0j 27.4 0.3l
HS 24 Real Veracruz 100 4a 1500 70c 1280k 707i 572f 101.0 6b
HS 25 Reyna Nayarit 70 1d 2260 70a ND ND ND 97.0 4bc
Mean values in a column superscripted by the same letter are not signicantly different at p < 0.05.
ND: Not determined.
Anthocyanidin content = Delphinidin + Cyanidin.
I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394 387

vacuum. The resulting extracts were used for all the determinations previously described (Re et al., 1999). Briey, an aliquot (50 L) of
during the study. extract was placed in 96-well microplates, and 200 L of 0.1 mM
methanolic solution of DPPH was added and allowed to react in
2.3. Total phenolic content determination the dark at room temperature. The decrease in absorbance of DPPH
at 515 nm was measured until the absorbance stabilized (30 min).
Total phenolic content of ethanol extracts of 25 calyces was Methanol at 80% was used as a blank solution, and DPPH solution
determined by the FolinCiocalteu method (Singleton and Rossi, without test samples served as the control. The antioxidant activity
1956). An aliquot of 450 L fresh Folin reagent 1N in water (1:1 v/v) of the samples at various concentrations was determined using a
was mixed with 50 L of different concentrations of each extract trolox standard curve at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125,
or different concentrations (20180 g/mL) of gallic acid used as and 500 g/mL, and expressed in terms of mol equivalent of trolox
standard. Further, after incubation for 5 min at room temperature, per gram of dried calyx (mol ET/g dc).
500 L of (15% Na2 CO3 ) sodium carbonate solution was added and
the solution was mixed thoroughly and incubated for 60 min at 2.7. Instrumentation
room temperature. The absorbance was measured at 765 nm. All
results were expressed as milligram of Gallic Acid Equivalent per 2.7.1. HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF analysis
100 g of dried calyx (mgGAE/100 g dc). In order to study the qualitative composition of the extracts,
dried extracts of Hs calyces obtained as described below were
2.4. Total avonoid content determination diluted with ultrapure water up to a concentration of 25 mg/mL
while stirring in a vortex. Prior to analysis, the solutions were l-
A colorimetric method was used to determine the avonoid tered with single-use lters (0.45 m) and directly injected into the
content (Chang et al., 2002). An aliquot of 0.5 mL of each extract HPLC system.
(50 mg/mL) was separately mixed with 1.5 mL of methanol, 0.1 mL The analyses were carried out using an Agilent 1200 RRLC sys-
of 10% aluminum chloride, 0.1 mL of 1M potassium acetate and tem (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA) of the Series Rapid
2.8 mL of distilled water. It was kept at room temperature for Resolution equipped with a vacuum degasser, an autosampler, a
30 min. The absorbance of the reaction mixture was measured at binary pump, and a UVvis detector. The chromatographic separa-
415 nm with a Microplate spectrophotometer UVvis (MultiskanTM tion was performed on a Zorbax Eclipse Plus C18 analytical column
GO, Thermo Scientic, Waltham, MA, USA). The calibration curve (4.6 150 mm, 1.8 m particle size) at a ow rate of 0.5 mL/min.
was recorded using quercetin solutions in methanol with concen- The temperature of the column was maintained at 25 C and the
trations ranging from 10 to 100 g/mL. The total avonoid content injection volume was 10 L. Prelters were used as precolumn,
was expressed in terms of milligram of quercetin equivalent per RRLC in-line lters, 4.6 mm, 0.2 m (Agilent Technologies, Palo
100 grams of dried calyx (mg QE/100 g dc). Alto, CA, USA). The mobile phases used were water:acetonitrile
(90:10, v/v) plus 1% of formic acid as mobile phase A and acetoni-
2.5. Anthocyanin, delphinidin and cyanidin content trile as mobile phase B. The separation was conducted using the
determination following multi-step gradient: 0 min, 5% B; 20 min, 20% B; 25 min
40% B; 30 min 5% B; and nally a conditioning cycle of 5 min with
The determination of these analytes was performed by HPLC the initial conditions for the next analysis. The UVvis detection
as reported by (Gurrola-Daz et al., 2010). Before the determi- was performed in a wavelength range 190950 nm.
nation Hs extracts were acid hydrolyzed as described by (Zhang For MS detection a microTOFTM mass analyzer (Bruker Daltonik,
et al., 2004). Briey, 100 mg of Hs extract was dispersed in a 1:1 Bremen, Germany) was used coupled to the HPLC system via an ESI
(v/v) water/methanol solution containing 2N HCl, syringe-ltered interface (model G1607A, Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA, USA)
through 0.22 mm nylon membrane (Millipore) and incubated operating in negative ionization mode showing the molecular ions
at 100 2 C for 60 min, immediately cooled to room temper- [MH] . Due to the high ow rate of the separation, to ensure sta-
ature for analysis. A volume of 25 L was injected onto a ble ionization conditions and reproducible results, the efuent from
Zorbax C18 column (250 4.6 mm, 5 m particle size). Antho- the HPLC system was split before it was introduced into the mass
cyanins were eluted by an isocratic gradient of 50:49.99:0.01 (v/v) spectrometer (split ratio 1:3). External mass spectrometer calibra-
methanol:water:triuoroacetic acid for 20 min at a ow rate of tion was performed with a sodium formate cluster solution (5 mM
1 mL/min using a Thermo Finnigan Surveyor HPLC system (Thermo sodium hydroxide and 0.2% formic acid in water/2-propanol (1:1,
Finnigan, CA, USA). Detection was performed at 522 nm, and spec- v/v)) in quadratic plus high-precision calibration (HPC) regression
tral data from 490590 nm were also collected, using a photo-diode mode. The calibration solution was injected at the beginning of the
array detector (UV6000, Thermo Finnigan, CA, USA). Anthocyani- run and all the spectra were calibrated prior to identication. This
dins were identied by comparing the sample retention times and external calibration eliminates the necessity of a dual sprayer setup
peaks with those of known standards for cyanidin and delphini- for internal mass calibration due to the compensation of tempera-
din chlorides. Reference standards ranging between 0.2 and 100 ture drift in the micro-TOF analyzer, providing accurate mass values
mg/L were prepared by dissolving either cyanidin or delphinidin (better than 5 ppm).
chlorides in 1% HCl solution. Linear regression analysis was car- Source and transfer parameters were optimized as previously
ried out on the data for peak area versus concentration, obtaining a described (Fernndez-Arroyo et al., 2011) for good sensitivity and a
linear calibration with 98% accuracy. The cyanidin and delphinidin reasonable resolution of the mass range for the compounds of inter-
content (mg/100 g dried calyx) was calculated using its correspond- est (501000 m/z) in order to improve ionization performance. The
ing standard curve. Both delphinidin and cyanidin sambubiosides optimum values of source parameters were: capillary voltage of
constituted more than 99% of the total anthocyanins. 4500 V; drying gas temperature, 200 C; drying gas ow, 7 L/min;
nebulizing gas pressure, 1.5 bar, and end plate offset 500 V. The
2.6. Determination of antioxidant activity by the DPPH values of transfer parameters were: capillary exit, 120 V; skim-
radical-scavenging method mer 1, 40 V; hexapole 1, 23 V, RF hexapole, 50 Vpp; skimmer 2,
22.5 V; transfer time, 50 s, and 3 s pre-pulse storage time.
The scavenging capacity of the DPPH radical was determined The accurate mass data of the molecular ions were pro-
using the stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH ) as cessed through the software Data Analysis 4.0 (Bruker Daltonik),
388 I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394

which provided a list of possible elemental formulas by using 2013, which generates a dendrogram of the Hs varieties based on
the Generate Molecular Formula EditorTM . The editor uses a the euclidean distance.
CHNO algorithm, which provides standard functionalities such
as minimum/maximum electron conguration, elemental range,
and ring-plus double-bond equivalent, as well as a sophisticated 3. Results and discussion
comparison of the theoretical with the measured isotopic pattern
(SigmaValue) for increased condence in the suggested molecular 3.1. Content of total phenolic compound, avonoids,
formula. The widely accepted accuracy threshold for conrmation anthocyanidin, and antioxidant activity in Hs extracts
of elemental compositions was established at 5 ppm. Many chemi-
cally possible formulae are obtained even with high mass accuracy; The amounts of total phenolic compounds of Hs extracts, deter-
although the use of isotopic abundance patterns as a single fur- mined by FolinCiocalteau method, are listed in Table 1. The total
ther constraint removes more than 95% of the false candidates. This phenolic content showed great variation in different Hs extracts,
orthogonal lter can condense several thousand candidates down ranging from 2400 300 to 10,000 400 mg GAE/100 g dc. The
to only a small number of molecular formulas. highest level of phenolics was found in Hs 24 from Veracruz
(Real variety), followed by Hs 3 from Jalisco (Diamante variety)
2.8. Biological material (10,000 400 and 9800 100 mg GAE/100 g dc, respectively), and
no signicant differences were found among them. On the other
The potential antibacterial activities of all extracts were ana- hand, the lowest phenolic content corresponded to Hs 23 from
lyzed against the following bacteria: Escherichia coli (ATCC 25,922) Jalisco (Blanca variety).
Salmonella enteritidis (ATCC 14,028), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC With respect to the avonoid content (Table 1), a similar behav-
25,923), and Micrococcus luteus (ATCC 9341). All bacterial isolates ior was observed; the values ranged from 4192 2 to 2260 70 mg
were maintained in nutrient agar media and incubated at 37 C QE/100 g dc. The highest content was found in Hs 25 (Reyna vari-
for 24 h. For antimicrobial activity determination, a single colony ety) from Nayarit, followed by Hs 3 (Diamante variety) from Jalisco,
was selected from fresh culture from all strains and grown in 5 mL which is signicantly lower (2260 70 and 1695 8 mg QE/100 g
nutrient broth for 24 h at 37 C. dc, respectively). The minimum content was found in Hs 6 (Talpa
variety) from Jalisco, followed by Hs 5 (Tempranilla variety) and
2.8.1. Antimicrobial activity assay Hs 10 (Tecoman variety), although no signicant differences were
The antimicrobial activity of Hs ethanol extracts were assayed present between them.
by the agar well diffusion method according to (CLSI, 2005). In the determination of the total anthocyanidin content
Mueller-Hinton agar medium was poured into aseptically Petri (Table 1), the highest levels of these compounds were found in
plates and allowed to solidify. The tests of the bacterial strains the extracts Hs 5 (Tempranilla variety) and Hs 7 (Violenta vari-
were prepared by the inoculation of a 24-h culture at a density ety), both harvested in Jalisco. The same behavior was found for
of 108 UFC/mL of bacterial strains by the spread-plate method. For the delphinidin content, where these extracts presented the high-
this, 20 L of ethanol extract equivalent to 7.6 mg of total solids est concentration. Nevertheless, the determination of the cyanidin
were placed in sterile paper lter disks 6 mm wide. Five antibiotics content revealed that along with Hs 5, which possessed the high-
were used as a positive control: gentamicin (10 g), erythromycin est concentration in cyanidin, Hs 6 from the variety Talpa collected
(15 g), vancomycin (30 g), tetracycline (30 g), and clindamycin in Jalisco was one of the richest extracts in cyanidin instead of Hs
(2 g) (Sensi-Disc BBL, USA). Ethanol discs were used as a negative 7. On the other hand, in extracts Hs 16, 18, 23 and 25 no antho-
control. Agar plates were incubated at 37 C for 24 h. Diameter of cyanin, delphinidin or cyanidin were detected. These extracts were
clear zone of inhibition in millimeters around the disks containing obtained from white varieties of Hs and, as mentioned before, since
the Hs extracts was taken as an index of the degree of antibacterial anthocyanins are responsible for the red color of this plant, it was
sensitivity considering the diameter of inhibition as: Susceptible expected that these compounds were not present in their calyces.
21 mm, Intermediate 1720 mm and Resistant 16 mm according The contents of these phytochemicals (phenolic compounds,
to (CLSI, 2005). avonoids, anthocyanidin, cyanidin and delphinidin) found in our
study have found to be higher than previous results reported by
2.9. Statistical analysis other authors. In a study conducted by Christian and Jackson (2009)
the analysis of dried calyx from two Hs varieties, red and colorless,
Data was analyzed using Origin (version Origin Pro 8 SR0, revealed a total phenolic content which varied from 5002400 mg
Northampton, MA, USA) to perform one-way-analysis of variance GAE/100 g dc, while the monomeric anthocyanin content uctu-
(ANOVA) at a 95% condence level (p 0.05) to identify signicant ated from 2 to 345 mg/100 g dc. Furthermore, Mohd-Esa et al.
differences among phenolic, avonoid, anthocyanin, delphinidin, (2010) reported a total phenolic content of 185291 mg GAE/100 g
and cyanidin content, as well as for antioxidant and antimicro- dc, which were too much lower than our results. Moreover, Sindi
bial activities of Hs extracts. Pearson correlation coefcients were et al. (2014) also reported lower values for total phenolic con-
also calculated with this software in order to measure the linear centration and total monomeric anthocyanins, ranging from 0 to
correlation between variables (Table 5). 2200 mg GAE/100 g dc and from 0 to 600 mg/100 g dc, respectively.
In the same study, the individual concentrations of delphinidin
2.10. Multivariate data analysis (0426 mg/100 g dc) and cyanidin (0427 mg/100 g dc) had a very
similar behavior than total contents, being lower than the reported
The similarities between the 25 varieties of Hs were ana- in the present research.
lyzed using two different techniques of multivariate analysis. The Nevertheless, these differences could be explained because of
principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in order to different factors. One aspect to be considered respect to the con-
determine the data variance of the six analyzed variables (Contents tent of these phytochemicals is the extraction process of the calyx.
of total phenolic compounds, avonoids, antocyanins, delphinidin, Recently, Sindi et al. (2014) evaluated the inuence of the extrac-
cyanidin and antioxidant capacity). PCA was performed using the tion solvent in the contents of total phenolic and anthocyanins,
software Statgraphics Plus 5.0 (Statistical Graphics Corp., Rockville, as well as antioxidant capacity, using a variety of Hs. The results
MD). Clustering analysis was conducted using InfoStat Version showed that there were a signicant difference in the content of
I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394 389

Fig. 1. Typical HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-MS prole of different H. sabdariffa extracts. The numbering of the peaks correspond to those listed in Table 1.

these compounds and the antioxidant capacity depending on the explained because it is difcult to make a direct comparison due to
extraction procedure. These ndings highlight the difculty for the diversity of Hs varieties, as mention above.
comparison of results obtained in different studies due to inconsis- The study revealed that the content of the compounds analyzed
tencies in the used methodology. (phenolic, avonoid and anthocyanins) and the antioxidant activ-
Additionally, as our results suggested, other factor that inuence ity found for the 25 different Hs extracts have a great variation
the content of these phytochemicals was the Hs variety (Wang et al., between varieties, since the seeds collected in different parts of
2014). These results highlights the need to specify the Hs origin Mexico were established under the same geographic condition and
genotype, due to most of publications only report that Hs were fertility, which allows a precise comparison between these vari-
purchased in supermarkets or merely referred as Hs, which can lead eties. The results obtained highlight the potential uses of several
to a signicant variation in results and make comparisons difcult. Hs varieties studied. In particular, the extracts Hs 3, Hs 24, Hs 25,
The antioxidant capacity of Hs extracts (Table 1) was deter- the richest extracts in total phenolic compounds and avonoids,
mined by the DPPH method. The values ranged from 27.4 0.3 to could be used as potential sources of these compounds for the
112 8 mol ET/g dc. The highest antioxidant capacity was found development of functional food and nutraceuticals, although stud-
in Hs 3 (Diamante variety), followed by Hs 8 (Quesera variety) and ies regarding bioavailability need to be performed (Patel, 2014).
Hs 1 (Americana variety), although no signicant differences were The same application could be concluded for the extracts with the
detected among them. Meanwhile, the lowest antioxidant capacity highest antioxidant capacity, in particular for Hs 1, Hs 3 and Hs 8
corresponded to extract Hs 23, a white variety from Jalisco, fol- (Wang et al., 2014). On the other hand, the extracts with highest
lowed by Hs 21 from Colima (Americana variety). The antioxidant contents of total anthocyanins, cyanidin and delphinidin (Hs 5, Hs
capacity of some Hs extracts was in the range of the activity exerted 6 and Hs 7) could be used in the food or pharmaceutical industry
by grape wine, one of the most common antioxidant natural source as source of natural pigments, a highly valued group of substances
(Xia et al., 2010). Other authors have reported the antioxidant activ- (Frimpong et al., 2014).
ity of various extracts of Hs, in fact, recently this plant has gained
attention due to the growing interest in natural antioxidants (Tsai 3.2. Characterization of phenolic compounds in Hs varieties by
et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2014). HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-MS
Pearson correlation coefcients showed no direct relationship
between the antioxidant capacity and antocyanidin or pheno- The analysis of the Hs extracts by HPLC-DAD-ESI-TOF-MS
lic content, on the contrary to avonoids (r = 0.516, signicance revealed the presence of a wide variety of polyphenols and other
p < 0.05). These results are contradictory with several reports in polar compounds (Fig. 1). Ions detected were tentatively identi-
which a direct correlation between phenolic or anthocyanin con- ed by their generated molecular formula, the use of standards
tent and antioxidant capacity was observed (Tsai et al., 2002; when available and after a thorough survey of the literature on
Djeridane et al., 2006; Wojdylo et al., 2007). However, these differ- Hs. Thus, Table 2 lists the peak number, retention time, observed
ences might be explained by the fact that the antioxidant activity m/z, the generated molecular formula and the proposed compound
of the Hs extracts could be attributed to the presence of individual detected in the different Hs varieties. The number of compounds
or specic phenolic compounds, and not to the total amount of this identied was in the range of 2442 depending on the variety.
group of compounds. Moreover, as commented before, the vari- The presence of hibiscus acid derivatives was notable, as in the
ety of Hs is crucial respect to the total contents and distribution of case of hibiscus acid hydroxyethylesther, hibiscus acid dimethyles-
these phytochemicals (phenolic, avonoids and anthocyanins), so ther, and hibiscus acid hydroxyethyldimethylesther, besides a
different varieties probably possessed different chemical structures nitrogenated compound called N-feruloyltyramine in all the Hs
and concentrations of individual phenolic acids, avonoids and varieties.
anthocyanins, which are directly correlated with the antioxidant On the other hand, hydroxycitric acid (peak 1) was detected in
activity. Accordingly, the different results in these studies could be all extracts except in Hs 2, 11, 16, 20, 23, and 25, while hibiscus acid
390 I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394

Table 2
Compounds identied in H. sabdariffa extracts.

Peak RT (min) Theoretical m/z Mol. formula Proposed compound HS extracts

1 4.10 207.0146 C6 H8 O8 Hydroxycitric acid 1, 310, 12-15, 1719, 21, 22, 24, 25
2 4.87 189.0041 C6 H6 O7 Hibiscus acid 124
3 5.28 221.0303 C7 H10 O8 3-Deoxy-d-lyxo-heptulosaric acid 1, 3, 6, 813, 1625
4 5.50 235.0459 C8 H12 O8 Hibiscus acid hydroxyethylesther 125
5 6.13 353.0878 C16 H18 O9 Chlorogenic acid (isomer 1) 3, 5, 12, 13, 19, 23, 24
6 6.36 249.0616 C9 H14 O8 Trimethylhydroxycitric acid (isomer 1) 1-2, 611, 1425
7 6.69 249.0616 C9 H14 O8 Trimethylhydroxycitric acid (isomer 2) 1-2, 611, 1419, 21, 22, 24, 25
8 7.35 217.0354 C8 H10 O7 Hibiscus acid dimethylesther 125
9 7.75 249.0616 C9 H14 O8 Trimethylhydroxycitric acid (isomer 3) 6, 9, 10, 19, 2123
10 7.85 353.0878 C16 H18 O9 Chlorogenic acid 35, 13, 19, 20, 23, 24
11 8.31 353.0878 C16 H18 O9 Chlorogenic acid (isomer 3) 25, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24
12 9.13 263.0772 C10 H16 O8 Hibiscus acid hydroxyethyldimethylesther 125
13 9.50 369.0463 C15 H14 O11 2-O-trans-caffeoyl-hydroxycitric acid 13, 8, 13, 19, 2225
14 9.70 367.1034 C17 H20 O9 Methylchlorogenate (isomer 1) 2, 612, 14, 1625
15 11.07 337.0929 C16 H18 O8 Coumaroylquinic acid 12
16 11.40 507.1144 C23 H24 O13 Syringetin-3-O-glucoside 17, 21, 22
17 11.80 263.0772 C10 H16 O8 Kinsenoside 611, 1418, 2125
18 12.30 367.1034 C17 H20 O9 Methylchlorogenate (isomer 2) 1, 2, 6, 8, 1113, 1625
19 13.50 367.1034 C17 H20 O9 Methylchlorogenate (isomer 3) 11, 1620, 2225
20 13.77 381.1191 C18 H22 O9 Ethylchlorogenate (isomer 1) 125
21 14.00 335.0772 C16 H16 O8 5-O-caffeoylshikimic acid 3, 5, 12, 19, 2025
22 14.44 475.0882 C22 H20 O12 Kaempferol-3-O-glucuronic acid methyl esther (isomer 1) 21
23 15.11 475.0882 C22 H20 O12 Kaempferol-3-O-glucuronic acid methyl esther (isomer 2) 21
24 15.46 461.0725 C21 H18 O12 Kaempferol 3-O-glucuronide 1, 412, 1424
25 15.50 463.0882 C21 H20 O12 Quercetin-3-glucoside 2, 3, 13, 19
26 16.22 381.1191 C18 H22 O9 Ethylchlorogenate (isomer 2) 125

27 17.10 381.1191 C18 H22 O9 Ethylchlorogenate (isomer 3) 125

28 17.85 475.0882 C22 H20 O12 Luteolin-7-O-D-glucuronidemethylester 10, 11, 15, 17, 21
29 18.00 319.0823 C16 H16 O7 Methyl-epigallocatechin 3, 12
30 18.60 489.1038 C23 H22 O12 Kaempferol 3-O-(6-O-acetyl) glucoside 13, 12, 11, 13, 19, 24
31 21.75 317.0303 C15 H10 O8 Myricetin 2, 3, 12, 13
32 21.90 489.1038 C23 H22 O12 4-O-Acetylquercitrin 1, 4, 5, 15, 17
33 22.95 609.125 C30 H26 O14 Prodelphinidin B3 3, 23-25
34 24.70 385.0919 C20 H18 O8 Cleomiscosin (isomer 1) 2, 8, 18, 2225
35 24.92 312.1241 C18 H19 NO4 N-feruloyltyramine 125
36 26.40 385.0929 C20 H18 O8 Cleomiscosin (isomer 2) 1, 510, 1225
37 27.70 301.0354 C15 H10 O7 Quercetin 15, 8, 1113, 15, 1820, 2325

(peak 2) was missing only in the last extract. Also, three isomers of chlorogenate, the isomers have been found at retention times 9.70,
trimethylhydroxycitric acid, another hibiscus acid derivative, were 12.30, and 13.50 min. The rst isomer was not found in extracts
detected in most of the extracts. The rst and the second isomers 15, 13, or 15 whereas the second was not present in extracts 35,
appeared at 6.36 and 6.69 min, respectively, but neither compound 7 9, 10, 14, or 15. Lastly, the third isomer was not detected in
was detected in the extracts 35, 12, 13, or in the case of the second the extracts 110, 1215, or 21. Otherwise, the three isomers cor-
isomer in the extracts 20 and 23. The third isomer, which eluted at responding to ethyl chlorogenate were detected in all extracts at
7.75 min, was present in the extracts 6, 9, 10, 19, 2123. retention times 13.77, 16.22, and 17.10 min.
Furthermore, chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid), a com- Moreover, other phenolic compounds present in this
pound with proven antimicrobial activity, was characterized plant matrix have also been detected, such as 2-O-trans-
in Hs together with two isomers, called neochlorogenic acid caffeoyl-hydroxycitric acid at 9.50 min (extracts 13, 8, 13,
(3-caffeoylchlorogenic acid) and cryptochlorogenic acid (4- 19, 2225), coumaroylquinic acid at 11.07 min (extract 12), 5-O-
caffeoylquinic acid). Chlorogenic acid was conrmed by compar- caffeoylshikimic acid at 14.00 min (extracts 3, 5, 12, 1921, 2325),
ison of its retention time, 7.85 min, and its UVvis and MS spectra quercetin-3-glucoside at 15.5 min (extracts 2, 3, 13, and 19),
with the standard. Its isomers, at retention times 6.13 and 8.31 min methylepigallocatechin at 18.00 min (extracts 3 and 12), myricetin
for neochlorogenic and cryptochlorogenic acid respectively, were at 21.75 min (extracts 2, 3, 12, and 13), prodelphinidin B3 at 22.95
differentiated based on the relative intensities in MS spectra and the min (extracts 3, 23 25) and nally quercetin with a retention time
literature (Vallverd-Queralt et al., 2010). Cryptochlorogenic acid of 27.7 min, which was present in almost all extracts except in 6,
showed a m/z 173 which corresponds to [quinic-H-H2 O] whereas 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 21, and 22.
neochlorogenic acid does not present this loss. The rst isomer Besides these well-known Hs compounds, other new
(neochlorogenic acid) was found in the extracts 3, 5, 12, 13, 19, compounds were detected in the extracts: 3-deoxy-D-lyxo-
23, and 24; while chlorogenic acid appeared in 3, 4, 5, 13, 19, 20, heptulosaric acid (in all extracts at 5.28 min apart from 2, 4, 5, 7,
23, and 24. Cryptochlorogenic acid was the most frequent, being 14, and 15), syringetin-3-O-glucoside (in extracts 17, 21, and 22 at
present in all the extracts in which the other two isomers appeared, 11.40 min), kinsenoside (at 11.80 min in all Hs extracts except 15,
plus extracts 2, 8, and 18. Related to this antimicrobial agent, the 12, 13, 19, and 20), luteolin-7-O--D-glucuronide methyl ester (in
extracts contained two compounds, i.e., methyl esther chlorogenic extracts 10, 11, 15, 17, and 21 at 17.85 min), 4 -O-acetylquercitrin
acid and ethyl esther chlorogenic acid, commonly called methyl (in extracts 1, 4, 5, 15, and 17 at 21.90 min) and nally 2 isomers of
chlorogenate and ethyl chlorogenate. It is remarkable that these cleomiscosin, commonly named cleomiscosin A and B (at 24.70 min
compounds are the methyl and the ethyl esther forms of chloro- in extracts 2, 8, 18, 2225, and at 26.40 min in all extracts except in
genic acid, so in the extracts, there are three isomers of chlorogenic extracts 24, and 11, respectively). Moreover, different kaempferol
acid and three isomers of these esther forms. Regarding methyl derivatives were found in different extracts, specically two
I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394 391

Table 3
Unknown compounds from Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts.

Peak RT (min) Measured m/z Theoretical m/z Mol. Formula Error (ppm) mSigma HS extracts

a 10.76 217.0344 217.0354 C8 H10 O7 4.4 5.3 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 1417, 21, 22, 25
b 18.14 397.0787 397.0776 C17 H18 O11 2.7 1.5 2, 8, 24, 25
c 19.40 365.1248 365.1242 C18 H22 O8 1.8 19.9 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 1417, 2022, 24, 25
d 20.29 357.1186 357.1191 C16 H22 O9 1.5 7.3 2
e 21.96 429.0478 429.0463 C20 H14 O11 3.3 25.3 1, 4, 5, 6, 819, 21, 22, 24, 25
f 22.55 303.1074 303.1085 C13 H20 O8 3.6 12.4 1, 8, 11, 1418, 21, 22, 25
g 23.15 411.0923 411.0933 C18 H20 O11 2.3 15.2 2
h 23.65 399.0925 399.0933 C17 H20 O11 2.1 14 2, 6, 812, 14-25
i 26.21 443.0673 443.0679 C14 H20 O16 1.2 13.5 1, 525
j 27.16 206.0213 206.0207 C8 H5 N3 O4 2.9 16.4 2

isomers of kaempferol-3-O-glucuronic acid methyl esther which 3.3. Antimicrobial activity of Hs varieties
appeared at 14.44 and 15.11 min (only in extract 21), kaempferol
3-O-glucuronide at 15.46 min in all extracts apart from 2, 3, 13, 25, The results of the antimicrobial assays showed that all ethanol
as well as kaempferol 3-O-(6 -O-acetyl) glucoside (in Hs extracts Hs extracts have great potential as antibacterial agents against
13, 1113, 19, and 24 with a retention time of 18.60 min). Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Some had similar
Besides the effort to characterize the Hs extracts, some com- antimicrobial capacity compared to the antibiotics used as positive
pounds remain unknown due to lack of evidence to determine control (Table 4). In addition, it was observed that the response for
the structure. Table 3 provides information gained by the TOF-MS each microorganism tested was different. The Hs extracts revealed
related to these ions, including their retention time, measured and greater antimicrobial activity against S. aureus and M. luteus than
theoretical m/z, generated molecular formula, mass error (ppm), E. coli and S. enteritidis. We found that the most sensitive organ-
mSigma values, and Hs extract where they were detected. In this isms were Gram positive S. aureus and M. luteus with an inhibition
sense, further studies need to be performed to identify these range from 16 to 22 mm and 10 to 18 mm, respectively, while the
unknown compounds, such as MS/MS experiments. least sensitive were E. coli and S. enteritidis with a clear zone of
In most cases there is a very similar composition in extracts 1016 mm.
from different origins and varieties, such as Hs 20 (variety JR 01 The most effective Hs extracts in the inhibition of bacterial
SM) and 23 (Blanca variety) from Guerrero and Jalisco respectively, growth were Hs 2 (Tepalcatepec variety), Hs 3 (Diamante variety)
as reected in Fig. 1. Nevertheless, some extracts have a more and Hs 20 (JR 0001C variety) for E. coli, Hs 11 (El Bordo variety) for
complex phenolic composition, such as Hs 2 (variety Tepalcate- S. enteritidis, Hs 23 (Blanca variety) for S. aureus, and Hs 2 (Tepal-
pec, from Michoacn), compared to other extracts such as Hs 20 or catepec variety) for M. luteus. It is important to note that three of
23. these extracts belong to red varieties of this plant, while only Hs

Table 4
Antimicrobial activity of Hibiscus sabdariffa extracts.

HS extract Variety Origin Inhibitory zone (mm)

E. coli S. enteritidis S. aureus M. luteus

HS 1 Americana Jalisco 14 0b 13.7 0.6def 13.7 0.6cdef 12.7 0.6fghi

HS 2 Tepalcatepec Michoacn 16 0a 15.3 0.6bc 16.0 0bc 21 1a
HS 3 Diamante Jalisco 15.7 0.6a 14.7 0.6cd 15 1bcd 17 1bc
HS 4 Colima Colima 10.3 0.6e 12 0ghi 10 0gh 10.3 0.6i
HS 5 Tempranilla Jalisco 10 0e 10.7 0.6ij 12 2e 11.3 0.6ghi
HS 6 Talpa Jalisco 11.7 0.6d 14.3 0.6cde 16 0bc 12.3 0.6fgh
HS 7 Violenta Jalisco 12 0cd 14 0cdef 10.3 0.6gh 14.3 0.6de
HS 8 Quesera Colima 10.3 0.6e 14.7 0.6cd 8.7 0.6h 12 0fghi
HS 9 CriollaTala Jalisco 14 0b 14 0cdef 13 1def 18 0b
HS 10 Tecoman Colima 10.3 0.6e 11 0ij 14 2cdef 13.3 0.6ef
HS 11 El Bordo Colima 14 0b 18.0 1a 14.3 0.6bcde 16 0cd
HS 12 Tempranilla Colima 14 0b 13.7 0.6def 15.7 0.6bc 12 0fghi
HS 13 Sudan Colima 10 0e 10 0j 10.3 0.6gh 10 0i
HS 14 Media Luna Colima 10 0e 13 0efg 10 0gh 10.7 0.6hi
HS 15 Pisila/Colima Colima 12 0cd 16.3 0.6b 15 1bcd 17.7 0.6bc
HS 16 JB 00001 SM Guerrero 12.7 0.6c 15 0 bc 14 0 cdef 16 0 cd
HS 17 JCP 0001 T Guerrero 10 0 e 13 0efg 10 0gh 13 0efg
HS 18 Mutante Blanca Guerrero 14 0b 14.7 0.6c 15 1bcd 18.7 0.6b
HS 19 JJ 00001 SM Guerrero 10 0e 13 0efg 11.7 0.6fg 12.7 0.6fg

HS 20 JR 00001 C Guerrero 16 0a 12.7 0.6fgh 16.7 0.6b 10.3 0.6i

HS 21 Americana Colima 12 0cd 11.3 0.6hij 15.7 0.6bc 13.7 0.6e
HS 22 Puerta de Anzar Colima 12 0cd 14.7 0.6c 15 1bcd 12 0fghi
HS 23 Variedad Blanca Jalisco 12 0cd 11.3 0.6hij 22 0a 13 0efg
HS 24 Real Veracruz 10 0e 10.3 0.6j 10 0gh 10.3 0.6i
HS 25 Reyna Nayarit 12 0cd 10.7 0.6ij 13 0def 13.3 0.6ef

Antibiotic Clindamycin 0 22 0 33
Erythromycin 0 24 0 35
Gentamicin 20 16 14 23
Tetracycline 24 28 13 28
Vancomycin 2 18 0 21
392 I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394

Table 5
Pearson correlation coefcients of all studied variables.

Phenolics Flavonoids Anthocyanidins Delnidin Cyanidin DPPH Ant. Act. Ant. Act. Ant. Act. Ant. Act.
(E. coli) (S. enteritidis) (S. aureus) (M. luteus)

Phenolics 1
Flavonoids 0.477* 1
Anthocyanidins 0.043 0.307 1
Delnidin 0.045 0.269 0.992** 1
Cyanidin 0.029 0.411 0.843** 0.769** 1
DPPH 0.205 0.516* 0.115 0.133 0.014 1
Ant. Act. (E. coli) 0.039 0.281 0.067 0.057 0.096 0.462* 1
Ant. Act. (S. enteritidis) 0.038 -0.061 0.045 0.041 0.052 0.320 0.510* 1
Ant. Act. (S. aureus) 0.421 0.001 0.205 0.166 0.332 0.096 0.5764* 0.178 1
Ant. Act. (M. luteus) 0.3453 0.106 0.132 0.108 0.207 0.114 0.580* 0.608* 0.341 1
Signifance p < 0.05.
Signicance p < 0.001.

23 is from a color less variety. Pearson correlation coefcients results which were in concordance with the higher sensibility
did not demonstrate a signicant correlation between antimicro- found for S. aureus in our research.
bial activity of these extracts and the total content of anthocyanins Antimicrobial activity of these Hs extracts could be used to
or cyanidin and delphinidin contents. characterize and develop new healthy food ingredients, medical
Plant polyphenols are considered to have antimicrobial activ- compounds or pharmaceuticals used to control the growth of food
ity, generally by the disturbance of the function of bacterial cell and human pathogens (Higginbotham et al., 2014; Higginbotham
membranes which retards bacterial growth or multiplication. Nev- et al., 2014).
ertheless, other compounds such as quercetin, could act essentially Due to the complexity of the composition found for the Hs
by enzyme inhibition of DNA gyrase (Cushnie and Lamb, 2005). extracts, it is difcult to attribute the potent antimicrobial activ-
However, according to the antimicrobial activity of Hs extracts, ity of some of the extracts to a specic component or group of
a high total content in phenolic compounds, including avonoid, compounds. Antimicrobial activity of these extracts is likely to be
anthocyanin, cyanidin, and delphinidin, are not always correlated caused by multiple mechanisms and synergies of various com-
to high antibacterial activity. In fact, the most potent Hs extracts pounds with different chemical forms. On this sense, future studies
against the studied microorganisms did not exhibit the highest con- need to be performed for the determination of the antimicrobial
tent in these compounds, such as Hs 2, 11, and 23. Therefore, the activity of individual Hs compounds and different combination of
antibacterial activity exhibited by these extracts could be attributed them, in order to stablish the compound or groups of compounds
to the presence of specic phenolic compounds in their composi- responsible for the exerted bioactivity against the studied microor-
tion and to the possible existence of synergistic effects with others ganisms and the possible existence of synergic or antagonist effects.
non phenolic compounds present in the Hs extracts.
The inhibition zones founded in our research for Hs extracts 3.4. Multivariate data analysis
agreed with those reported by Jung et al. (2013), who used
the disk diffusion method for evaluating the antimicrobial activ- The main concept of PCA is to project experimental data from
ity of an unidentied variety of Hs at different concentrations high dimensional space onto a lower dimensional one, replacing
(25200 mg/L). The study reported the inhibition zones for Bacillus the large number of variables by a small number of uncorrelated
subtilis (1018 mm), E. coli (1323 mm) and S. aureus (1634 mm), principal components that can sufciently explain data structure.

Fig. 2. Biplot graph showing the grouping of 25 H. sabdariffa extracts.

I. Borrs-Linares et al. / Industrial Crops and Products 69 (2015) 385394 393

Fig. 3. Clustering analysis for 25 H. sabdariffa extracts based on data derived of anthocyanidin, cyanidin and delphinidin contents.

The experimental data are ordered in such a way that the vari- pounds. Furthermore, this work is the rst report available of the
ance explained by the rst principal component is the greatest; the classication of 25 different Hs varieties based on a multivariate
variance explained by the second principal component is smaller, analysis, which could be useful for varieties classication according
and so on. In this study, after using PCA, the two principal com- to their anthocyanin content in relation to content of delphinidin-
ponents (PC1 and PC2) explained 98.7% of the total variance of 3-sambubioside and cyanidin-3-ambubioside.
the samples. The principal component analysis revealed that the
differences observed in the Hs varieties were derived from the
composition of anthocyanins. For PC1 signicant variables were Acknowledgements
the contents in delphinidin and anthocyanin, while for PC2 signif-
icant variables were avonoid content and total phenolic content. The author IBL acknowledges nancial support from the
Examining the two dimensional PCA plot (Fig. 2), only Hs 57 were Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (FPI grant, BES-2009-
well separated from the other extracts and composed a recogniz- 028128) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
able cluster. Apparently, Hs 16, 18, 23 and 25 were also separated, (MINECO) and the European Social Fund (FSE) for the contract PTQ-
but did not congregate as closely as the other group. No separation 13-06429. The authors are also grateful to the Spanish Ministry of
or clusters were observed on the PCA plot for the rest of Hs extracts. Education and Science for the project AGL2011-29857-C03-02, to
Furthermore, clustering analysis of 25 Hs varieties (Fig. 3) Andalusian Regional Government Council of Innovation and Sci-
showed that the samples are divided into four well-dened groups ence for the excellence projects P09-CTS-4564, P10-FQM-6563 and
(AD) depending on the anthocyanin content. The different groups P11-CTS-7625, as well as GREIB.PT.2011.18. The authors wanted to
(AD) present a proportion of delphinidin:cyanidin of 4:1, 3:1, thank to Aarn Morn from INIFAP Campus Tecomn for providing
2:1 and 0:0, respectively. This relation agreed with the calyx col- some varieties of Hibiscus sabdariffa.
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