Why Disciple in Groups

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Why Disciple in Groups?

More books and conferences under the banner of disciple-making are available
now than ever before. As a result, believers are contemplating the implications of
the Great Commission for their lives. With a better understanding of discipleship
come questions of how to replicate the process. One important facet is how many
people should be discipled together. The size of your discipleship group should be
considered before approaching potential group members.

I have found that the most effective discipleship groups, what we call D-Groups, are
gender-exclusive. Men should meet with men, and women should meet with
women. Some topics and personal problems should not be discussed in a mixed
group. While it is wonderful for couples to study Gods Word and grow spiritually
together, the crucial dynamic of a D-Group is compromised when couples are
involved, particularly in the areas of transparency and accountability.


While the Bible never prescribes a particular model for discipling others, Jesus
invested in groups of varying sizes.[1] Larger groups learned from his teachings
and miracles, while his closest followers benefited from personal discipleship and
specific instruction. While one-on-one discipling is valid and has it purposes, I want
you to consider five reasons to meet in a group of three to five instead of privately
with one.

1. Avoid the Ping-Pong Match

First, a group of two can be like a ping-pong match: you, the leader, are
responsible to keep the ball in play. Mike, how was your day? Good, responds
Mike. The leader probes deeper by asking, Any insights from your Scripture
reading this week? I enjoyed it, Mike briefly replies. The conversation progresses
only as the mentor engages the mentee. The pressure to lead is lessened when
others in the group join in on the spiritual journey.

2. One-on-One can be Challenging to Reproduce

Second, a one-on-one model can be challenging to reproduce because the person

in whom you are investing has a tendency to look at you in the same manner that
Timothy looked at the Apostle Paul. Mentees, after a year or two in a discipling
relationship, have said to me, I could never do with another person what you did
with me. Yet a group takes a journey together. It is worth noting that group
members usually dont feel ready to begin their own groups. Neither did the
disciples. But Jesus left them with no choice. Remember, the discipling relationship
is not complete until the mentee becomes a mentor, the player becomes a coach.

Em segundo lugar, no discipulado um-em-um pode ser um desafio para reproduzir porque a
pessoa em quem voc est investindo tem uma tendncia a olhar para voc da mesma maneira
que Timteo olhou para o apstolo Paulo. Depois de um ano ou dois em um relacionamento de
discipulado um a um, alguns discpulos disseram-me: "Eu nunca poderei fazer com outra pessoa
o que voc fez comigo." No entanto, um grupo faz uma viagem juntos. Vale a pena notar que os
membros do grupo geralmente no se sentem prontos para comear seus prprios grupos. Nem
os discpulos. Mas Jesus os deixou sem escolha. Lembre-se, o relacionamento discipulado no
est completo at que o aprendiz se torna um mentor, o discipulo um discipulador.

3. Group of Two Tends to Become a Counseling Session

Third, a group of two tends to become a counseling session, where you spend the
majority of your time solving personal problems. Biblical wisdom for personal issues
is certainly a part of the discipling relationship, but therapeutic advice every week
must not define the group.

4. Jesus Discipled in Groups

Fourth, as mentioned earlier, Jesus utilized the group model. While he spent time
investing in a group of twelve, he used teachable moments to shape threePeter,
James, and Johnin a unique way. With the exception of Judas, all twelve
faithfully followed the Lord, even to the point of death. But these three were the key
leaders in the early years of the church.

Solomon, a financial genius and the Warren Buffett of his day, advocated the
diversification of assets twenty-five hundred years before Wall Street existed (Eccl.
11:1-2). Wise people invest in a variety of stocks, bonds, and commodities. Jesus,
too, believed in diversified investing and modeled it in his discipleship example.
Joel Rosenberg and T.E. Koshy pose a thought-provoking question:

What if for three years Jesus had discipled only Judas? Despite his best efforts,
Jesus would have wound up with no one to carry on his legacy and his message
when he returned to the Father. Jesus didnt invest in just one man. He invested in
a group of men from a wide range of backgrounds, including fishermen, a tax
collector, and a Zealot (a political revolutionary).[2]

Jesus poured himself into twelve men, and taught us the importance of the group in
disciple-making. Yes, there are times when a one-on-one mentoring relationship is
beneficial, but in the New Testament, particularly the Gospels, it is not the norm.

Paul, in similar fashion, used his missionary journeys to train others. He rarely if
ever traveled alone, always including Barnabas, Silas, John Mark, Timothy, and
others as gospel co-workers. When Paul charged Timothy in his final letter, he
stated, You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus,
and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to
faithful men who will be able to teach others also (2 Tim. 2:1-2). Notice that Paul
says, Entrust to faithful menpluralwho will teach others. Throughout his
ministry, Paul modeled this practice.

5. Built-in Accountability

Finally, a group of three to five provides a built-in accountability system, as well as

encouragement from others. In my first D-Group, two of the three men involved
came prepared with a Bible-reading journal I had asked them to complete. But one,
a skeptic of the systems value, failed to make any entry. Prior to joining the D-
Group, his excuse for not reading the Bible was, Its difficult to understand. Using
the other two men to motivate him, I countered, Can you just try journaling for the
next five days? Right now, you have no evidence to prove that it doesnt work. By
trying it, you will know if it works for you or not. The next week, he arrived with a
smile on his face, saying, Let me share what I heard from God through his Word
this week. Watching the excitement of the others challenged him to contribute to
the group, and to his own spiritual development.

What has been your experience in a discipleship group? Does size matter? If so,

[1]The gospels record Jesus ministering in 5 group sizes: the crowd (multitudes),
the committed (the 72 in Luke 10), the cell (the twelve disciples), the core (Peter,
James, and John), and the close-up encounters (one-on-one). Making disciples
cannot be restricted to a particular group meeting; however, a regular gathering
time is practically necessary for accountability.

[2] Joel C. Rosenberg and T. E. Koshy, The Invested Life (Carol Stream, IL:
Tyndale House Publishers, 2012), 87-88.

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