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Literacy Numeracy

Calendar: Learn the months of the

year in sequence (through song).
This term we will be focusing on celebrations around the
Highlight the dates of each
world. We will be discover answers to the following
celebration we explore.
The passage of time today,
What does celebration mean?
tomorrow, yesterday, next month,
Why do we celebrate?
Do we all celebrate the same things? EYLF:
What significant celebrations occur within our preschool 5.2 Use specific, topic related vocabulary
community? 4.1 Children begin to understand how symbols and
pattern systems
Discuss the significance of celebrations.historical,
religious and personal.
We will be reading many stories of celebrations as well as
exploring resource books and looking at photos of
celebrations around the world.
Make a Celebration Wall. Invite our preschool community
Expressive Arts
to share photos of family celebrations. Display these on the Months of the year Song
wall for the children to see and discuss. People All Around the World
Invite families to come into preschool and share one of their Christmas songs (for concert)
home country celebration/traditions. This may include Watch a variety of cultural
reading stories, teaching songs/dance, cooking etc dancing on the IWB. Play
traditional music pieces during
EYLF: the day meal time, free play,
4.1 Explore different ways of doing things music/movement experiences.
5.2 Share, illustrate, re-enact or re-tell stories of different cultures
5.5 Use ICTs to access images and information
2.1 Contributes to group experiences and projects
4.1 Responds to music, dance and drama and

History & Geography

incorporates creative ideas in play

Revisit our world map, globe and Indigenous Map of

Creative Arts
Revisit our prior learning of the geographical features of
Australia we are a large island, surrounded by sea.

Highlight the equator and discuss the terms northern and Lanterns (Chinese New Year)
southern hemisphere.
Discuss how the Earths geography has changed over time CD Diyas (Diwali)
and how this has resulted in many, many different
languages, traditions and cultures. Explore the evolution of Christmas Craft
transport and how this has enabled the multicultural
community we enjoy today. Fireworks Art (New Years)
Identify the many different home countries of our preschool
community. Plot the childrens photographs to correspond Good Deed Tree/Henna Art (Eid)
with their country/countries of heritage.

2.2 Children develop an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait 1.1 Seek to participate in new experiences
Islander ways of being 2.2 Notice and respond in positive ways to
similarities and differences between people
5.3 Develop understanding that maps are miniature representations of 5.2 Respond to ways in which colour, line, shape and
something real design are used to communicate ideas

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