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HW410 Stress: Critical Issues in

Management and Prevention

Management and
Program Resource

Stress Management and Prevention

Program Resource Guide


Marilyn Niffin

Kaplan University

HW410: Stress: Critical Issues in Management and Prevention

October 22, 2016

Total Points = 2
Table of Contents


Information to Remember........................................................................3
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................3
Journal Writing.........................................................................................4


Information to Remember........................................................................5
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................5
Journal Writing.........................................................................................5


Information to Remember........................................................................9
Self-Assessment Exercises.......................................................................9
Journal Writing.......................................................................................10


Information to Remember......................................................................12
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................12
Journal Writing.......................................................................................13


Information to Remember......................................................................17
Journal Writing.......................................................................................17



Information to Remember......................................................................20
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................20
Journal Writing.......................................................................................21


Information to Remember......................................................................24
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................24


Information to Remember......................................................................25
Self-Assessment Exercises.....................................................................25
Journal Writing.......................................................................................26



Information to Remember......................................................................28



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Unit 1: The Nature of Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: What is Stress? Stress is a perceived threat which can be real or imagined, that
impacts our actions and behaviors. Stress is different for each of us and the things we find stressful
will change based on our values, beliefs and experiences. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Stress is personal for each of us. Personal stress can manifest in a variety of
different ways and from multiple sources. It is important to identify what is stressful to us personally.
Journal writing can be an effective way to identify the things we find stressful in our lives and also
identify what level of stress they bring. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are different kinds of stress, and not all stress is bad. There is Eustress (good
stress), Neustress (neutral or inconsequential), and Distress (bad stress). Stress can also manifest as
Acute or chronic. Each situation requires different coping strategies. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
There are multiple components related to overall health and well-being.
Demonstrated in the form of a Mandala or a wellness paradigm, it illustrates how
all the components are equally important and all need to be considered in order
to find balance. Emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health all need to be
integrated, and balanced in ourselves to provide harmony and overall wellness.
This concept suggests that all 4 components are equally important and the whole
is greater than each individual part. It is impossible to find wellness if we look at
each one individually. They are inextricably linked and must each be addressed to
find balance. (Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Complete the Journal Assignment entitled: How Stressed Are You? Directions are found on

pages 11 and 12 of the Mindfulness workbook. List the situation on the left. Use a rating scale of 1

through 10 for the start, midway, and end. You will use this Journal Assignment as a way of mapping

your stress throughout the course. Keep it handy and refer back to it often.

Situation Start Midway End

Organizing meals through the week for the family 3
Ongoing responsibilities at work that are beyond my job 6
Making time for myself 5
Trying to get my kids ready for bed at night 5
Finding time for homework 4
Finances breaking even at the end of the month 7
Keeping the house clean and tidy 3
Finding the time for both my husband and my friends 4
Being the go between or the voice of reason between my 4
family and siblings
(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 2: The Physiology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Stress has a significant impact on our physical wellbeing and is related to several
adverse health conditions. Stress has been linked to the leadings causes of death which include heart
disease, lung disease, cancer, and even suicide (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are financial, social, economic, emotional, technological, and many other
sources of stress. These can have an impact on our relationships, nutritional choices, and emotional,
mental and spiritual health (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There is a strong connection between the mind, body, and the spirit. When we are
under stress and we are unable to clear our minds, or cope with that stress, it can manifest itself in any
number of physical ways, including migraines, breathing problems, anxiety just to name a few.
(Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
There has been significant research on stress and its effect on the body in recent
years. Specifically the area of neuroscience, researchers have learned that
neuroplasticity does exist in the brain. Neuroplasticity is the ability of brain
tissue to change and adapt as needed. It can create new pathways and
connections between various tissues and cells as it determines the need. The
nervous system and the immune system are both affected by stress and can
manifest in a number of different ways. The immune system becomes less
effective at fighting off invaders like influenza. (Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit Two Journal Writing Assignment

Complete the Journal Assignment entitled, Explore: How is stress or anxiety affecting your

life? Directions are found on pages 33 through 35 of the Mindfulness workbook. Upon completion of

this Assignment, you will take the first step toward greater well-being and become aware of how

stress is impacting your life. This should be a minimum of two full pages.

How is stress or anxiety about people affecting your life?

I have always had a strong sense of who I am and what is important to me, and much of the

time I do my best to acknowledge that it doesnt matter what other people think of me, it matters what

the people I care about think of me. There are also people that are in my life that I feel I have to care

about what they think or how they feel because we are connected through either social groups or my

kids. If not for those connections, than I would not care and not associate myself with them as they

do not help to lift my spirits or display the personality characteristics that I feel are important in life.

Regardless, I will not change my own values or behaviors, but I do find there to be some stress as the

relationship has an impact on other relationships in my life.

How is stress or anxiety about the world affecting your life?

The world is changing so fast and I was always aware (at arms length) about the happenings

in other countries, but it is becoming more and more apparent that what happens in other countries

affect what happens in our own. Whether it is the value of the dollar, or the ability to exchange goods

on the global market, there is a wave of effect from what is happening in other parts of the world. The

other thing that scares me (which I really didnt think about before) is that we are not immune to

anything. Now that I have children of my own, I often think about what kind of world they are going

to grow up in and what life will be like for them in the future.

How is stress or anxiety about food and eating habits affecting your life?

I do stress about what I am eating, but I am more concerned about what I am teaching my kids and I

am trying to help them develop a healthy relationship with food and teach them healthy eating habits.

Food is not something that I can cut out of my life, or avoid completely.

How is stress or anxiety about sleep and sleeplessness affecting your life?

I do have some stress about sleep and sleeplessness, but I would have to say that this is the

least amount of stress I feel compared to all the other things on this list. For the most part, after many

years of shift work, I have finally adapted and I am able to sleep regularly most of the time.

How is stress or anxiety about exercise or lack of physical activity affecting your life?

This is something that has recently become more stressful. After hurting myself at work, I actually

became more active and healthy and was able to exercise regularly and lose a bunch of weight. I felt

good and was happy with my progress. Since starting the new job full time, I have very little time to

myself without the kids to look after and have not been able to exercise as much as I was. I also

suffered a secondary injury which stopped me from running, which I found extremely beneficial. Not

only for my physical health, but my mental health as well. I have yet to find a replacement for this

activity and that weighs on my mind constantly.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 3: Psychology of Stress


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Stress can have a significant impact on our emotions and how we deal with many
situations. When anger becomes prevalent and we are unable to control that anger it can be difficult
to maintain and create relationships. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Communication in this age of technology can easily be compromised. We spend
less time talking to people in face to face communications and more time with electronic means. This
creates difficulties for people when things like expressions, mannerisms, and tone cannot easily be
expressed. Misunderstandings or miscommunications become more commonplace and lead to
strained relationships. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: There are many different theories about the psychology of stress offered by
respected members of the psychological community. Although many of their theories vary regarding
human behavior and what causes them, there seems to be a consensus that self-awareness is
necessary to cope with stress and manage negative behaviors. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
In this North American culture we are generally motivated by our egos and we
behave the way we do because of the need to feed our own ego. According to the
Tibetan culture, this means that we can never really be happy. They believe that
to find our true Self we must free ourselves from attachments and things and that
we must find happiness from within. By living and attaching ourselves to so many
materialistic things, we are unable to let go and find our true self, and the
happiness that comes with it. (Seaward, 2015).

Fear is one of the emotions that we develop in response to our past experiences.
Fear can be extremely stressful, and even debilitating for some people. There are
ways to manage fear however and we must look to find solutions that work for us
in order to be able to move past our fear and move forward in life (Seaward,

Communication is so important in building effective relationships and it is
important to understand your audience and know what to do and how to
communicate with them. Being mindful of your own strengths and weaknesses
can go a long way in creating an environment for effective communication
(Seaward, 2015).

Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit Three Journal Writing Assignment

When I first started the Five-Minute Mindful Breathing exercise I found it difficult to actually

breathe normally. When I was concentrating on my breathing I started to breath deeper, and was

trying to think about my breath going in and out of my body as the instructions describe. It took a

minute or so for me to slow my breathing and not feel like I had to take such big breaths. Once I

calmed this a little, I noticed that my mind started to wander to odd things. I wasnt really thinking

about my day, or things I had to do later or tomorrow, it seemed to be just random thoughts about

different people and things in my life. I wondered if it was because I was trying to block out all of the

to-do things that I would be normally thinking about that my mind allowed these other thoughts to

come to the surface. Emotionally, I felt content. I was able to give myself credit for participating in

the exercise, and I started to think about all the times that I would have the opportunity to integrate

informal practices into my daily routine

Overall I found the experience to be a positive one and it showed me that it really takes very

little effort to incorporate mindfulness practice into your routine. It doesnt take much, and in the end

I did feel more relaxed. Although my mind did wander a couple of times, I became aware of it fairly

quickly and was able to bring myself back to the task at hand. I think it will be fairly easy to try and

start doing this during my drive home, as well as when Im eating. I think it will make a big


difference in how I see food, and how I feel after eating.

(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 4: Personality Traits and the Human

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are many different traits associated with our personality. Most of us exhibit
traits associated with several personality types. The combination of these traits can lead one to have
either a stress-prone personality type, or a stress-resistant personality type. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Regardless of personality type, self-esteem is said to have a critical role in how we
respond to stress. Low self-esteem can be a significant predictor for those individuals that are more
susceptible to stress and the negative effects associated with it. (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Having a strong spirit can be an invaluable tool used to combat stress. Incorporating
mindful practices into our daily routines can help develop ones spirituality and in turn provide a
clearer path to reducing or managing stress. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
Self-esteem is a deeply rooted feeling that we all have that relates to the core of
our personality and how we see ourselves. High self-esteem is linked with more
stress resistant personalities and conversely low self-esteem is associated with
more stress prone personalities. Relationships, values, and meaningful purpose in
life are considered the cornerstones to spiritual well-being. When we deal with

significant stressors in our life, we can find it difficult to clearly see these things
and how we might nurture them in order to find happiness. (Seaward, 2015).

Attitudes, values and beliefs are each different, but all connected and guide our
thoughts feelings and behaviors. They make us who we are.

Prochaskas Stages of Change is a model that describes 6 stages that one goes
through in order to change a behavior or create a new one. It is rarely a smooth
transition from one stage to the next and often takes a significant period of time
(months, even years). It is quite common for people to move back and forth
through the different stages with the hope that eventually you will adopt the
change as the new normal behavior (Seaward, 2015).

Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit Four Journal Writing Assignment

Explore: Identifying Emotions in the Body.

FEAR: apprehension, anxiety, distress, edginess, jumpiness, nervousness, panic, tenseness,

uneasiness, worry, fright, feeling overwhelmed.

For this emotion I would circle the words apprehension, anxiety, edginess, tenseness, worry,

and feeling overwhelmed. I am familiar with the other words, but do not identify with them as much.

I generally feel most of the words associated with this emotion in my chest. I start to get an almost

light feeling in my chest and it feels as though I need to try and take a deep breath. With anxiety and

worry, I get a tightness in my chest that I recognize as anxiety and I know I need to try not to think

about the negatives and focus on what is actually happening, and trust that everything will be ok. I

need to not worry about what might happen and focus on what is happening and move on from there.

CONFUSION: bewildered, uncertain, puzzled, mystified, perplexed, chaotic, foggy, or unaware.

Bewildered, perplexed, or unaware would be the words I would circle for this emotion. In

general, I dont really recall any physical feelings associated with this emotion. I feel like this one

provides a more neutral physical reaction and I tend to have more images pop into my head as I try to

work out the problem or the source of my confusion. I will replay conversations or moments in my

head like a movie or video and try to make sense out of what it confusing me.

ANGER: aggravation, agitation, annoyance, destructiveness, disgust, envy, frustration, irritation,

grouchiness, grumpiness, rage.

Anger will usually present itself physically for me in my neck and my shoulders. The words I

would circle for this emotion would be aggravation, agitation, annoyance, frustration and irritation. I

rarely feel destructiveness, or rage, in fact I cant remember a time when I felt that way. Im sure I

have, but at this time I dont recall. When I get angry, or more often irritated or annoyed, I can feel

the tension rise in my shoulders, up through my neck and into the back of my head. It becomes very

tight and restricted feeling which makes my annoyance even worse. Its not until I am able to remove

myself from the situation, or it becomes resolved that I can feel the tension start to leave and I can

unshrug my shoulders.

SADNESS: alienation, anguish, despair, disappointment, gloom, grief, hopelessness, insecurity,

loneliness, misery, unhappiness, rejection.

For this emotion, I feel that I have been very lucky lately as I have not had to experience it

very much. When I am grieving or even disappointed, my entire body feels weak. I tend to lack

energy and I cant really describe a specific area of my body where I carry this emotion, right now all

I remember feeling is physically drained. The same as when I am disappointed in someone or

something. Its like the life just drains out of me like I am sinking and I have to try to think about

something that makes the situation not so sad. Once I am able to find that more positive perspective I

can feel the life come back into my body and I get a renewed sense of energy.

SHAME: guilt, embarrassment, humiliation, invalidation, regret, remorse, mortification.

Again with this emotion, I am having a difficult time trying to remember or create the physical

presentation of shame. When I feel guilty about something I tend to feel similar to the nervousness in

my chest as I feel that my actions have caused a negative feeling for someone else. When I get

embarrassed, I tend to feel my face flush and become very warm. It usually doesnt last very long,

but long enough to send myself some self-doubt messages. I think why did I say that or why did I

do that. When I get embarrassed I find that it is because I have done something or said something

that is outside of my moral and value zone.

LOVE: affection, arousal, attraction, caring, compassion, desire, fondness, infatuation, kindness,

liking, longing, warmth, sympathy, sentimentality.

Love provides many different physical responses throughout my entire body. Depending on

who the emotion is directed at or from determines the type of reaction I physically feel. I smile a lot

and get a warm fuzzy feeling throughout my upper body. With a more intense feeling like love for my

kids, I get almost a heaviness in my chest when I look at them. I get a nervous feeling or butterflies in

my stomach when the emotion is directed at or from my husband. When I am around him, I often can

feel the tension of the day melting away. I feel at ease and everything relaxes. I try to do a random act

of kindness often and I find by doing this it gives me a warm feeling all over and almost a renewed

amount of energy. It gives me a more positive mindset for the rest of the day.

JOY: amusement, bliss, contentment, eagerness, elation, enjoyment, enthusiasm, excitement,

exhilaration, hope, optimism, pleasure, satisfaction.

With Joy, I feel like this is very similar to love, but the intensity is different. This one is hard

to explain. When I am simply happy, I dont feel much physically. In fact I feel less. The pain from

my chronic injury is less and I generally feel a calmness come over me. In the situation where I am

excited about something, I feel things similar to that when I am nervous. I get a light feeling in my

chest, but it is associated also with tension in my arms and shoulders as well. The difference is I have

more positive thoughts and the tension somehow feels lighter.

This exercise was very enlightening and helpful in understanding how physical our emotions

really are. I have always believed in a mind-body connection despite my scientific mind and

schooling, and I am constantly surprised by the number of my colleagues both who also believe in the

connection as I do, but the many that dont believe in it at all. This simple exercise goes to show that

our minds and what we are feeling can manifest themselves in so many physical ways that it stands to

reason that many physical ailments would actually be related more to our minds and emotion than to

any physiological or structural problems. Or simply that the root of the physical problem stems from

an unhealthy emotional state or the inability to cope with so many different emotions. I enjoyed this

exercise. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 5: Dealing with Stress: Coping Strategies


Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are multiple different coping strategies when it comes to stress management.
It is important to try several different things and find what works for you as an individual in order to
be an effective tool that you incorporate into your routine.(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Having a positive outlook on life can be an effective stress management tool.
Determining whether or not you have an optimistic or pessimistic view on life will have a profound
impact on your ability to heal both physically and spiritually. Cognitive therapy can be an effective
way to learn how to defeat helplessness and a pessimistic attitude (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Meditation is a powerful tool to help clear your mind and cope with the side effects
of anxiety and stress. There are different types of meditation that can be implemented in both a quiet
setting as well as a busier more public setting. They can be implemented when needed the most
(Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Journal Writing:
Unit Five Journal Writing Assignment

Take some time to write about whatever came up for you mentally, emotionally and physically

when doing this practice for the first time.

This week I was able to complete both the mindful walking as well as the Mindful Self Inquiry

for Stress and Anxiety. I found the Mindful Self-Inquiry to be better for me to write about as it was

difficult to remove all the distractions I needed to from the walking exercise. This was a very busy

weekend for me and ultimately I found it quite stressful. During this formal practice I was able to see

that my stress was based on a few emotions. I believe that I will need to explore these emotions more,

but it was a good start.

Initially when I sat to begin the exercise, I was very tense. My shoulders were tight, the

middle of my back was very tight, my lower back was sore, and I had heartburn. I felt as though I was

unable to move properly and felt very stiff. Through the mindful breathing I was able to relieve some

of this physical stress and become more relaxed, although I found it difficult to find a comfortable

position to sit for the entire exercise.

As I worked through the body scan I could feel the frustration and the irritation that I had been

feeling throughout the weekend. Thanks to the body scan exercise last week, I was able to more

easily recognize these emotions.

Through the course of the exercise, I was able to see that I can choose how I look at the

situation. I need to be more communicative to my family about how stressful I feel, and even though

I think I have told them before, it obviously wasnt done in a way that they understood exactly what I

meant. Mentally, following the exercise I did feel better. Having a conversation with yourself during

meditation and taking the time to be aware of exactly how you are feeling was helpful. I was able to

see how some of the emotions I was feeling I needed to take responsibility for. In fact I had to take

responsibility for all of them. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 6: Relaxation Techniques 1: Breathing,


Meditation, and Mental Imagery

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: There are many general relaxation techniques that can help reduce the amount of
stress one feels. Returning our bodies to a state of homeostasis is the most important goal when
reducing our stress levels. When techniques are properly practiced, we can have a positive effect on,
and even control, many of our bodys physiological responses (heart rate, blood pressure, temperature
etc.) (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: It is important to understand the importance of breathing patterns and the different
types of breathing as they relate to relaxation. Diaphragmatic or belly breathing reduces stress and
promotes relaxation when practiced over time. Chest breathing is a sign of stress and does not
promote homeostasis (Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Mental Imagery can be a very effective way to manage stress. When using Mental
Imagery, the individual uses conscious thought to create a more positive picture in their head than the
worst-case scenario that one often jumps to when faced with stressful situations. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
In this exercise, the importance of diaphragmatic breathing was discussed, and
why it is thought to be effective. By bringing conscious thought to focus on our
breathing. We are able to clear our mind and engage the bodys relaxation
response. In order to practice effective diaphragmatic breathing, we need to be
comfortable, in a quiet environment to allow for concentration, and use
visualization to promote the release of frustration and other negative emotions.
Meditation ultimately allows one to find mental clarity and provides and
environment for self-awareness (Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit Six Journal Writing Assignment.

Mindful of how you interact with yourself?

For the most part, I try to keep a positive attitude and keep a cup half full attitude as

opposed to dwelling on things that I cannot change. I do get down on myself and wonder why I am

not able to make the positive changes I want to in my life. I have noticed when I am anxious, I

develop a sensation or tightness in my chest and this lets me know that I am anxious. I dont ever tell

myself that I am worthless, or this is hopeless. There is always a way to accomplish things, it just

may not be exactly how you initially envisioned it. I think I am better at applying the positive spin to

others as opposed to myself all the time. I know that I do have high standards for myself and I feel

that at times, I do not have the energy to complete them.

Seeds of suffering?

I think that last statement leads perfectly into this section. If I were to stop watering the

seeds of suffering so to speak, I would see that there is nothing that I cant accomplish. Even if

things seem unattainable, I would be able to find a way to get to my goal. Again, it may not be easy,

or exactly the way that I envisioned it, but I would be able to get there. I think that I would also be

able to find the courage to pursue some dreams that require a certain amount of risk.

Day-to-day life feelings of resentment?

I think sometimes we place ourselves in a position to judge someone elses behavior when we

shouldnt. I often tend to give people the benefit of the doubt and play the devils advocate so to

speak and it drives my husband crazy. I do find there are times however when I cant always do this.

If I were to pick a person that I have difficulty communicating with, I think that many of those

challenges come from a lack of self-confidence or self-esteem for this person. They havent always

had the easiest time achieving things in life and have never been able to stick with anything long

enough to be successful (despite being fully capable). I think this lack of confidence makes

conversation and the relationship difficult because despite my attempt at trying to be helpful and give

a different perspective, they see that as a criticism even though it is really not meant that way. This

person is a very hard worker and very smart if maybe not book smart. They have every ability to be

successful at whatever they choose, but lack the confidence to persevere.

Reflection on writing?

This part is definitely easier said than done. I think that I really do try to be as positive as I can


and try to see the good in others and not judge too harshly. I do not want to be judged myself and I

have learned that things are not always what they seem, or that peoples actions are based on their

perceptions of events. Many times a negative situation is simply a misunderstanding. I do my best to

practice what I preach, and when I find myself in a situation where I am upset or frustrated with

someone else, I want to give them the opportunity to explain the what and why of the situation. I

think that I have more self-inquiry that needs to be done in order to give myself the benefit of the

doubt that I extend to others so freely. I think that this process in learning how to deal with stress and

find the internal struggles that I have has been good, but also very challenging. (Stahl & Goldstein,

2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 7: Nutrition and Stress

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Our Nutrition and our stress levels are closely linked and one has a significant
impact on the other resulting in a positive or negative effect on our overall health. As described by
Seaward (2015) there is a domino effect in the relationship between stress, nutrition and health. Stress
depletes the amount of nutrients we are able to absorb, we fail to restore those nutrients because of
poor eating habits while under stress, those poor food choices perpetuate the bodys stress response,
and poor nutrition choices can cause the body to retain and store toxins from processed and poorly
grown foods. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Eating certain foods can actually trigger the stress response. This can create a
vicious cycle that leads to more poor food choices and increasing or at the least, prolonging the stress


response. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Bringing mindfulness to everyday activities, like eating, can help us to make
healthier choices and develop or maintain healthier habits when it comes to the food we eat. If we
practice mindfulness when eating we become more conscious about where our food comes from,
what is in it, how it tastes and how our bodies respond to it. This information goes a long way to
helping us make choices that are best for us as individuals. (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercise:
This Self-Awareness exercise required the practice of Mindful Lying Yoga. It was
a 30 minute exercise and once performed, I was able to gain some clarity on my
role in my immediate family and how it was ok to prioritize myself sometimes.
Although I want to be a good mother, daughter, wife, hostess, I need to take care
of myself in order to be all those things. It is not being selfish when I take some
time for myself. (Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 4

Unit 8: Physical Exercise and Activity

Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Physical activity is so very important when looking at overall health and wellness as
well as an avenue to manage stress. When engaging in physical activity, research shows that our
physiological responses (Heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure) generally return to lower than
pre exercise numbers, thus having a positive response and integral role in managing health conditions
(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: Hobbies are an effective way to provide a distraction to the stresses of our everyday
lives, or just an activity that brings us joy, thus providing us with an opportunity to find mental clarity
and/or better prepare ourselves to face to stressors before us. (Seaward, 2015).

Key Learning Point: Building relationships and using a team approach can help build better and stronger
outcomes in whatever the task at hand. Being open to working with other team members provides
the opportunity for a different perspective and ideas that may not have been considered previously.
This can also be said for activities. Using friends, or playing team sports can help motivate
individuals to stick with physical exercise programs and in turn, finding positive health results and
reduced stress levels (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Self-Assessment Exercises:
In this unit we worked to develop a workplace wellness program that aimed to
incorporate mind-body practices and initiatives to promote health in the
workplace. We developed a program and pitched the idea to a classmate who
offered feedback. Once the feedback was received we were able to put together
the program and offer ideas with the rationale behind the chosen initiatives, as
well as the estimated costs for implementation and the benefits received by both
the employees and management if they chose to implement the program.
(Seaward, 2015). Total Points = 4

Journal Writing:
Unit Eight Journal Writing Assignment

EMPATHY: I do try and empathize with most people before making any decisions about how I will

proceed in a given situation, and I think I am fairly good at empathizing with people. Being a

paramedic for so many years has allowed me to practice this on a regular basis. I know this is a

constant work in progress.

LOVING-KINDNESS: I would want the other person to be the best person they could be. I would

want them to have confidence and love of self and to be able to find value in their contributions to the

world. I would want them to find happiness and learn to be content in life

SYMPATHETIC JOY: My husband has recently taken on a new position where he has always felt he

wasnt good to do the job. I am thrilled that he was finally able to find the courage to accept the

position and then even more thrilled to see him enjoying it. Coming to the realization that he always

had what it took to do the job well and now actually enjoying it.

EQUANIMITY: This one I think is the most difficult because each of us has different needs and

perceives things differently. Where I might think I am treating them equally, they feel that I am not,

and vice versa. Being conscious of your own mood and perceptions is important and I think that this

quality is a combination of all the above qualities. We need to be open to seeing the situation from

different viewpoints in order to decide how to respond to it. Some people will gladly accept

assistance in doing a task where others see that as an insult. I think that if we view another with

respect and ask how best I can help them or dont make assumptions about what their needs are, we

are better equipped to offer what that person needs.

SUMMARY: It really is amazing how many things need to be considered in each and every

relationship we have, whether it is a personal one or a mere chance encounter. Overall I think it is

important just to be positive and approach any encounter with an open and positive mind. Whether it

is personal or not, judgments without all the information are rarely correct. Treat people with respect

and try to look at things for what they actually are instead of reading into it too much. It takes

constant awareness and mindfulness to approach each relationship with honesty and without

judgment. Always a work in progress.(Stahl & Goldstein, 2010). Total Points = 3

Unit 9: Applying Stress: Critical Issues for


Management and Prevention to your

Professional Life
Information to Remember:
Key Learning Point: Having access to resources and extensive knowledge in a particular area can allow
one to offer professional advice without the associated stress that comes from being unprepared. The
more experience we have, the more confidence we gain and we become less susceptible to the stress
associated with fear.(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: A practice what you preach mentality can go a long way to lending yourself
credibility and reducing that amount of stress you feel when called upon to offer advice. In the
professional setting, it is important that you stay current with your knowledge and upto date on the
research that is out there. You need to know where to go for credible information, and having a
network of professional peers is an invaluable resource.(Seaward, 2015).
Key Learning Point: The Mind-body-spirit connection is one that needs constant attention. Each one is
equally important and needs thoughtfulness in order to maintain overall health and wellness. By
implementing mind-body practices into everyday life it is easier to nurture the soul and develop
effective coping mechanisms when faced with stressful situations. Learning to build resiliency leads
to a more stress-resistant personality type and in the end, a better work-life balance (Seaward, 2015).
Total Points = 9

Additional Information
Book: Learned Optimism, by Martin Seligman

This book describes the difference between an optimistic and pessimistic personality type. The

research that explained how we can learn to be helpless is discussed, as well as how to determine if

you are optimistic or pessimistic in nature. Seligman discusses how pessimistic people are more

prone to depression and its negative effects as well as how to determine what personality type you are.

It goes on to discuss that despite being pessimistic, you can learn how to change your overall outlook

(Seligman, 2006). Secondary source

Article: Featured in the Washington post, the article discusses the effects of childhood trauma on

health and wellness (Chandler, 2016) Secondary Source

Website 1: Provides information on different types of meditation

including videos and background and history of practices (How to Meditate, 2016). Secondary source

Website 2: Provides a wealth of information on current research and

information related to health and wellness. Secondary source

Video: Yoga for Back pain. Found on you-tube from Yoga TX. Secondary source.

Chandler, M. A. (2016, October 6). This doctor pioneered a way to treat stress in children, a startling

source of future disease. Retrieved from The Washington Post:



How to Meditate. (2016). How to Meditate. Retrieved from Howto

Mayo Clinic. (2016). Mayo Clinic Home Page. Retrieved from Mayo

Seaward, B. (2015). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (8th ed.).

Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Seligman, M. E. (2006). Learned Optimism. New York: Vintage Books .

Stahl, B. & Goldstein, E. (2010). A mindfulness-based stress reduction workbook. Oakland, CA: New

Harbinger Publications, Inc.

Yoga TX (June 8, 2014). Yoga for Back Pain [Video File]. Retrieved from


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