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Welcome to the premiere issue of Undercur- A PLEDGE with several reaching over one hundred meters.
rents, the Blue Planet newsletter. This bi- Blue Planet is just a roleplaying game, a product of Their composition is currently unknown, and any
monthly mini-supplement is intended to keep the imagination. However, the theme of environmen- evidence of how or why they were constructed
BP players up on the latest developments in tal destruction woven through its premise is anything has not been forthcoming. The age of the Mono-
the Blue Planet universe, and to keep them but imaginary. In this spirit, we are presumptuous liths therefore also remains a mystery. Their sur-
informed about upcoming products and spe- enough to hope that Blue Planet can stand for more faces are inexplicably devoid of encrusting ma-
cial offers from Biohazard Games. Our hope than a simple pastime, that its story can serve as a rine organisms, making it impossible to determine
is to make Undercurrents as much a commu- reminder of the pollution and overharvest threatening even how long they have been submerged.
nications venue for Blue Planet enthusiasts as our own planets oceans. To this end, Biohazard Games
for Biohazard Games. To that end you are has pledged to donate 10% of the net profits from the Though located in one of the most remote regions
encouraged to let us know what you, think, Blue Planet product line to the Cousteau Societys of Poseidon, the GEO has been forced to estab-
and to send us your ideas and takes on Blue Calypso II Project. lish a tight cordon of Peacekeeper patrols to pro-
Planet scenario outlines, personalities, or- tect the formations, and allow the onsite science
ganisms, equipment, whatever. Poseidon is a For half a century the late Captain Cousteau and the teams to explore the area unmolested. Little has
wild us tame the frontier. crew of the Calypso have been steadfast champions yet been learned about the structures, but the flurry
of the marine environment and the global ecology. of reports, holographs, and recorded footage pro-
Undercurrents is available as a yearly sub- For half a century the Calypso has sailed the Earths vided by the research teams has caused a flood of
scription for only $6.00 annually, and is of- oceans helping to discover their secrets and share them scientific speculation, religious claims, and out-
fered free of charge on our website. with the world. Now, the venerated ship finally needs right wonder.
replacing, and the Calypso II Project is intended to
help do just that. Most scientists seem to be in agreement that as-
A VIEW FROM ORBIT By purchasing a copy of Blue Planet, you have helped
sumptions about the structures artificial origin
are premature. As Professor Nicholas Haden at
BEWARE THE NATIVES ARE RESTLESS... Biohazard Games support the Cousteau Society in its HIST points out, Poseidon is a new and strange
Biohazard Games is hard at work on the first Blue continued study and protection of Earths oceans. We world. We have barely scratched the surface in
Planet supplement, Archipelago. The book is a 128 thank you. If you would like to make a personal dona- terms of the discoveries yet to be made here. Con-
page tour de force that brings to life the Pacifica Ar- tion to the Society or one of its projects, you are en- sidering their unknown nature, it would be ill-
chipelago, the heart of the Poseidon colony. The book couraged to contact the Cousteau Society at 777 United advised to rule out formation by a reef-building
is awash in detailed information and will be indis- Nations Plaza, New York, NY, 10017-3585, or at species or some such. We just do not yet know.
pensable to anyone who plays Blue Planet. Archi- Those who disagree with Professor Haden, assert
pelago is a frontier survival guide containing the fol- that the evidence against a natural origin is sim-
lowing: ON THE HORIZON ply too compelling.

Rich descriptions and detailed maps of select re- CommCore/TimesNet/Poseidon 8.7.2199 Speculation and controversy are not only ram-
gions and settlements in the Archipelago GEO, na- (213.99 local) pant within the scientific community. Many reli-
tive, and Incorporate. gious groups, both established and fringe, have
THE DUNEDIN MONOLITHS found portent or denial in the discovery. Most
Detailed dossiers on the key groups and conflicts in The excitement continues in the wake of last traditional sects continue to stand by traditional
the struggle for control of the planets future the weeks announcement by the National Geographic doctrines that demand the divine uniqueness of
GEO, the Incorporate, native factions, ecoterrorists, Society regarding its discovery at the Dunedin humanity, while various cults are claiming this is
cults, cooperatives, crime syndicates, and more. Seamounts. At a hastily called press conference, the sign for which they have been waiting. One
Dr. James Wiggers soberly announced that a So- rather xenophobic group gathered in their Idaho
Profiles on the whos who of the Islands inhabitants ciety film crew had stumbled upon what might Free Zone compound and committed mass sui-
the famous, the infamous, the heroic and the nefari- be archeological evidence indicating that ad- cide, while a small sect of radical Belters boarded
ous alike. vanced intelligence once inhabited the planet. a large fusion ship and are currently headed to-
This stunning claim has captured the attention of ward the edge of the Solar System. They have so
The latest rumors, clues, encounters, and scientific Poseidon and the Solar System and sent shock far refused to acknowledge any attempts at com-
theories concerning the planets enigmatic aborigines. waves though both the scientific and religious munication. Regardless of individual beliefs, it is
The abos are a rising threat to life on the frontier, and communities. likely that all religion will be profoundly affected
though they are still a frustrating mystery, not all their
should the artificial origin of the Monoliths be
secrets remain undiscovered.
Submerged in over five hundred meters of water proven.
Plot-lines and lead-ins intended to inspire game the Monoliths - as the standing formations have
moderators. Detailed adventure seeds are presented been dubbed in tribute to the 20th Century futur- Still others have begun speculating about the pos-
that game moderators can use to create full scenarios ist, A.C. Clarke - form a semi-circle almost a kilo- sible connections between the Monoliths and
or to deepen their own adventures. meter long. The array is made up of twenty Mono- Poseidons enigmatic aborigines. As the contro-
liths, seven of which have toppled over, appar- versy over the intelligence and sophistication of
Archipelago makes planetfall in November, 1997. ently as a result of severe seismic activity. Each the aborigines continues, many believe there must
Monolith is an irregular, multifaceted obelisk that be some relationship. With such meager evidence
tapers from base to top. The structures are regarding both the aborigines and the Monoliths,
strangely organic in appearance and vary in height, however, such assertions remain as only so much
storytelling. Ryan Jenkins, TimesNet/Haven
the only way to stay on his good side is to meet
MOST WANTED those standards every hour of every day. Those BATAKU
below him often consider Bishop an unpredict- Bataku was born forty-three years ago to the
JOHN BISHOP able tyrant, but his current position was founded transient orca who founded the first settlement
on the consistent results his methods produce. in the Sierra Nueva. Like many of his people,
Bataku has been deeply influenced by a radical
The most common targets of Bishops wrath are sect of the Church of Whalesong Theogony.
several of the Incorporate states. It is likely that These beliefs apparently developed among a
this enmity resulted from the experiences of his small group of dolphin colonists during the
father, a private industrialist, in a global economy early years of the Athena Project. Violent re-
dominated by the Incorporate giants. Publicly, sistance to Earth interference on Poseidon is
Bishop claims a commitment to improving the one of the religions central themes.
GEOs relations with the Incorporate, but pri-
vately, he considers them a serious threat to the Bataku is a charismatic leader in a culture that
GEO and to humanity in general. On Poseidon, attaches a great deal of respect to genlifted ce-
he fears that the unabashed excesses of GenDiver, taceans. He enjoys widespread support and
the NIS, and others will plunge the colony into a guidance from the tribes dolphin shamans, and
prolonged conflict that will destroy its future. is perceived as an almost mythical figure by
many of his people. Above all, he is driven by
As a result, Bishop uses his position and influence a burning need to see his native world rid of
to thwart Incorporate interests whenever the op- the newcomers, once and for all. To this end,
The Colonial Administrator is the highest rank- portunity arises. In pursuing this agenda, Bishop he has been organizing several tribes of the Si-
ing GEO official on Poseidon. He heads the Of- must walk a fine line. Because anti-Incorporate erra Nueva into an effective guerrilla resistance
fice of Colonial Affairs, and each of the Deputy sentiment is not at all uncommon within the up- force.
Commissioners on the colony world are directly per echelon of the GEO hierarchy, Bishops ac-
answerable to him. From his offices in the Gov- tivities often have the unspoken support of many The orca warchiefs psychology is a unique
ernment Center in Haven, and his personal do- of his superiors. However, the GEO is also charged hybrid of transient and resident characteristics.
main on Prosperity Station, Bishop struggles to with protecting the rights of the Incorporate as His father was a soldier in the UN Peacekeep-
maintain the GEOs tenuous political grasp on member states, so the Colonial Administrator ing Force charged with protecting the Athena
the tumultuous colony. must always use discretion to avoid allegations Project from Poseidons marine predators. Like
that he is abusing his authority in the interests of his son, the first Bataku was a fierce, aggres-
Bishop is sixty-four years old, though he appears a personal vendetta. Bishops anti-Incorporate sive warrior and a charismatic and disciplined
to be in his mid- to late-forties. He was born into activities are always hidden behind a carefully con- leader. Batakus mother, Ruahe, was a resident
a wealthy family in Toronto, Canada, and gradu- structed veil of secrecy and plausible deniability. orca who served in search-and-rescue with the
ated from McGill University with a degree in pub- Haven colony for 12 years before joining the
lic affairs at the age of twenty. In 2156, he took a Species: Human, Genetic Redesign original settlement effort in the Sierra Nueva.
position with the GEO High Commissioner for Profile:
State and Internal Affairs, and worked for 12 years Origin Earth (Urban)
in the diplomatic corps. In 2168, he was trans- Background Wealthy
ferred to the Earth Consulate in Ibrium City, where Education Graduate University, Military
he served for three years as a diplomatic attach. Training
In 2171, he was appointed Executive Adminis- Goal Justice
trator of Olympus Dome, the sprawling GEO Motivation Professionalism
complex on Mars Colony. Bishop held this posi- Attitude Manic
tion for 16 years, before being named the Colo- Profession: Administrator
nial Administrator on Poseidon in 2187.
Mental Attributes: Awareness 56, Charisma 87,
Bishop is a transhuman approximately 1.9 meters Education 75, Experience 78, Initiative 42, In-
in height and 98 kilograms in weight. He receives tellect 75, Will 82.
regular longevity treatments, but has allowed his
dark hair to gray at the temples. His eyes are a Physical Attributes: Agility 38, Appearance 95, ONLY RECORDED
strikingly designed emerald, and his perfect fea- Constitution 64, Dexterity 44, Endurance 72, IMAGE ON FILE
tures are the result of an engineered heritage and Speed 41, Strength 52.
extensive body sculpting. His voice is deep and Both parents played an active part in Batakus
clear, and can utter both soothing platitudes and Modifications: Transhuman, Body Sculpting, upbringing. With the careful guidance of his tribes
biting criticisms. Neural Jack, Multiglands. dolphin shaman, Batakus father taught the young
orca how to hunt, how to find and win a mate,
The Colonial Administrator is an extraordinarily Primary Skills: Bureaucracy 80, Law 60, Man- and how to effectively lead his people. Batakus
competent manager and a shrewd politician. agement 80, Leadership 60, Logistics 60, Eco- mother taught him a love for his people and his
While he is highly respected, he is not often well- nomics 60, Negotiation 70, Persuasion 80, world that showed him why being a good leader
liked. His moods are legendary on Prosperity Sta- Colonial Culture 80, GEO Culture 80, Incor- was important. As an adult, Bataku considers the
tion and in the halls of the Government Center. porate Culture 60, Political Science 60, Fast Sierra Nueva his world, and believes that all of its
He is the kind of man who can be diplomatic, Talk 70. tribes are his children. He dreams of the day when
understanding, and praising one moment, and he will unite them and drive the newcomers from
angry, bitter, and harsh the next. He holds him- his beloved oceans.
self and his people to the highest standards, and
While Bataku frequently uses modern weap- deeper mouth (19 meters). too busy trying to stay alive and enjoying the rush
onry against the Incorporate and other en- of it all.
emies, this is the only significant concession HISTORY
he has made to high technology. He commu- Nova Mare was settled by middle-class newcom- DEMOGRAPHICS
nicates with humans exclusively through ers who had had enough of being wedged be- Of the original 170 pioneers, 164 survived the
Interspecies, and he never uses CICADAs or tween the poor masses below and the ultra-rich first storm. Since the founding, the population has
other cetacean devices. When dealing with hu- Incorporate above. The project was organized increased to 274, including a pod of seven dol-
mans, even his own people, his language is originally through CommCore discussion groups phins who wandered in one night. Nova Mare
typically direct to the point of abruptness. by Gwendolyn Fowler, a British entrepreneur. In doesnt exactly advertise its presence, nor does it
Like most orcas, he prefers to think things 2190, after pooling the resources of 170 like- try to hide. Its just a simple, out-of-the-way place
through carefully before speaking. When an- minded people, the Nova Mare Project was ready. with no Incorporate or commercial appeal. A few
gered, however, his Interspecies is often punc- The colonists booked passage, bought supplies, hardy souls, like the dolphins, have wandered into
tuated by primal vocalizations and body and even hired a guide on Poseidon to scout out a the bay and been welcomed. As a tight-knit com-
movements that can be extremely intimidat- good place to settle. munity, residents regard outsiders with an aloof-
ing to both humans and dolphins. It is likely ness approaching that of true Poseidon natives.
that the eloquent statements and manifestos Everything seemed to be going well once the pio- Still, the memory of their life back on Earth offers
Bataku has released to the colonial media neers were planetside and the caravan of boats sympathy to those who are looking for a new
were, in fact, crafted by his dolphin advisors. was underway for a promising island in the Sea start.
In almost all cases, the orca is content to let of Cousteau. Poseidon, however, swiftly taught
dolphins do the talking - he much prefers di- the settlers their first lesson: expect the unexpected. Noticeably missing from Nova Mare are genies
rect action. A freak storm blew in one night while they were and modies. Most of the original settlers used up
en route, decimating the travelers vessels and kill- their savings on passage to Poseidon and equip-
Species: Orca ing six. Fortunately, their native guide was able to ment stakes. A handful were able to purchase salt
Profile: lead the remaining vessels to a nearby island. Af- tolerance, while some had improved blood oxy-
Origin Poseidon Native ter collecting what was left of their battered ve- genation biomods. Still, the majority of the island-
Background Dangerous hicles and supplies, the settlers knew that limping ers cope with Poseidon without benefit of mod-
Education Elementary, Military to their target island would be foolish. Looking ern bioengineering.
Goal Revolution around, they then realized that this island - their
Motivation Faith proverbial shelter from the storm - wasnt half GOVERNMENT
Attitude Disciplined bad. Ms. Fowler founded the settlement of Nova Gwendolyn Fowler was the natural choice for the
Profession: Native Warrior Mare on the spot. first leader of Nova Mare. Shes since grown weary
of leadership and has handed the mantle to
Mental Attributes: Awareness 64, Charisma 81, PHYSICAL LAYOUT Nekoko Tadaka. Just a teenager when they first
Education 20, Experience 53, Initiative 42, Will While Shelter has the best land for habitation, Rise arrived at the islands, Nekoko has matured to
75. has the best plants for consumption and building become adept in administrating and arbitrating
materials, so both islands have been valuable. Rise the needs of the settlers. Once a week, the adults
Physical Attributes: Agility 30, Appearance 65, is named for the high volcanic peak that domi- meet with Nekoko at the fire pit to discuss imme-
Constitution 60, Dexterity 50/0, Endurance 70/ nates the outer edge of the islands arc. The jungles diate issues and long term plans.
8, Speed 38, Strength 50/7. are thick and animals are abundant. Shelter is flat-
ter, though it also has higher ground toward the ECONOMIC BASE
Modifications: None. edges. Though less vegetated than Rise, there is a The Nova Mare settlement is mostly self-suffi-
small freshwater lake on the island. cient. Aquaculture and fruits collected from Rise
Primary Skills: Aquatics 100, Computer Op- provide half of the local diet, and fishing accounts
eration 30, Electronics Operation 50, Gunnery The settlement itself is on Shelter, a collection of for the other half. Water hemp growing around
50, Interspecies 60, Leadership 60, Martial Arts older platformed, bioplastic buildings in the vil- the islands is a valuable and heavily utilized asset.
60, Native Culture 70, Orienteering 80, Stealth lage center with a few newer wooden ones on the Clothes, nets, and small boats are woven, built or
70, Tactics 50. Special - Bataku is trained to outskirts. One uplink dish has been set up on Rises repaired using the plant.
use his Martial Arts skill with his natural bite peak, giving decent CommCore access when
and ram attacks. everythings working properly (about 80% of the A rare variety of root grows on the nutrient-rich
time). hillsides of Rise, and is prized by gourmet chefs in
COLONIAL CONTRIBUTION The equipment the original settlers brought with
Haven and the Incorporate settlements as a spice.
While it seems this would make Nova Mare popu-
NOVA MARE them is starting to wear out though. The first storm lar with traders, the manger root grows very
took off that showroom look from the boats, slowly. Hence, traders only visit the island twice a
LOCATION and things have only gone downhill from there. year to purchase the harvest. The profit, however,
Nova Mare sits on twin islands at 50 00' 38" Nearly all Nova Mare residents live on Shelter, as is enough to buy tools, some medicines, and oc-
west longitude, 09 04' 28" south latitude. Near their fishing boats were designed for utility over casionally a piece of replacement equipment.
the outer waters of the Sea of Cousteau, the is- comfort. A dock sits in the deeper part of the bay,
lands, named Rise and Shelter, form a crescent its fast fungus infected bioplastic components INFRASTRUCTURE
broken in the middle by a shallow and narrow slowly being replaced with timber. The Nova Mare Responsibility for sanitation, water, and general
strait. Thirty meters wide and only five meters settlement is laid out in the native semi-circular civil upkeep is shared by all. Of these, the evapo-
deep at high tide, the locals refer to the narrows style around a large commons and fire pit. Homes ration traps are the most important. The natural
as Jimmys Sand Bar, and to crossing the strait as are spartan but comfortable, and are becoming freshwater pool on Shelter has never been enough
going down to the Bar. A small protected bay simpler as original equipment continues to wear to supply all of the communitys needs. Anyone
marks the southwestern end of Shelter and has a out. Nova Mares citizens dont complain - theyre
Continued on page 5.

tion is also deteriorating. If she doesnt re-
DIVE IN ceive the necessary treatment soon, shell suf-
fer irreparable brain damage. A simple X-ray
will be sufficient to reveal the implant com-
JENNY MNEMONIC by Greg Benage puter, and a medic or cyber technician will be
able to diagnose the neurological damage it
wherein the lady is not what she seems ... has caused.

After a bit of asking around, the characters

should find out that Jennys best bet is one of
This scenario outline is designed for use with blow caused only a minor concussion and the many cutting-edge cyber salons in Dyfedd,
any group of player characters, in any Blue likely would have caused her little difficulty, the Lavender Organics company town (BP p.
Planet campaign. It is set on Poseidon, and except that it damaged her implant computer 74). The physicians and bioengineers in
the action can take place anywhere within the (BP p. 225) which in turn caused rather seri- Dyfedd are among the most skilled on Posei-
Pacifica Archipelago. The scenario can serve ous neurological damage. The condition has don, and they are most likely to have the ex-
as a stand-alone plot line, or it can be used as been progressive, and by the time the charac- pertise and technology needed to help her.
a sub-plot and dropped into an existing ad- ters meet her, she is almost a complete amne-
venture. If youre not a game moderator, siac. About the only thing she does know is A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE
please consider this section of Undercurrents that some men are trying to kill her, and she If the characters arent motivated by compas-
Access Denied. needs help. sion, they can probably be motivated to help
Jenny by greed. They should receive their first
CHANCE ENCOUNTER ON THE RUN visit from the agents of any one of the involved
In the course of their daily routines, one or Jenny is actually an Internal Security opera- parties shortly after encountering Jenny. Even-
more of the player characters cross paths with tive (BP p. 173), and she was charged by her tually, they should realize that she has an im-
a beautiful young woman. She could be run- controller with investigating possible connec- plant computer with some data stored in it
ning down a back street in some colonial tions between organized crime and the Incor- that a lot of people want very badly. If they
settlement and literally bump into the porate states on Poseidon. Until a couple havent actually jacked her in and checked her
characters,or she could be found crying on a weeks ago, she had been conducting a sur- out, there are other ways to drop hints. Per-
bench in Colonial Park. Where she is and what veillance operation on Mr. Reasons syndicate haps the barriers between the stored data and
shes doing isnt especially important, but in Nomad (BP p. 97). The syndicate had just Jennys subconscious are breaking down, and
there should be something about her that arranged a weapons deal with Misha shes babbling all kinds of interesting things
catches the attention of at least one of the Popsakova, a connected enforcer who runs in her sleep, as the sensory recording is re-
player characters. the Nomad branch of the Gorchoff Family played in her dreams.
(BP p. 93). Mr. Reason planned to tip off the
Shes a knockout, and thats often enough to Justice Commission and set up a sting; his or- Whatever their motivations, the characters
arouse the characters interest. There is also ganization would lose some low-level thugs, will probably pursue one of two courses of
a frightened, almost haunted, look in her eyes, but a few high-level Gorchoff Family gang- action: they will either try to get her to
a sense of desperation and vulnerability. Game sters would also take the fall. Jenny hacked Dyfedd, or if theyre rats with no conscience,
moderators can also use the characters Pro- into Pop's communications, and recorded the theyll turn her over to one of the interested
files to hook them into the adventure. The conversation in which the deal was arranged. parties. Either one can work, but the scenario
key is to present the encounter in such a way She then hid herself at the appointed meeting will play out very differently depending on
that the characters are drawn to her, rather place, and captured the exchange of guns and which one they choose.
than making her approach the characters. money on her sensory recorder (BP p. 225).
If the characters decide to help Jenny, theyll
Jenny is tall and lithe, with long, light brown The trouble started when a GEO Patrol SWAT have to dodge the agents of Mr. Reason,
hair, tanned skin and lovely blue eyes. Whats Team led by Marshal Church showed up. In Popsakova, and Church long enough to get
more, she has just enough imperfections to the ensuing firefight, Jennys position was re- to Dyfedd. Maybe theyll try commercial
make it obvious that her beauty is the result vealed and she suffered the troublesome blow transportation and have to escape arrest at
of natural genetic fortune, rather than genetic to the head while attempting to escape. She an airport. More likely, theyll try to take a
modification. Shes wearing simple but fash- made it out alive, but the damage had already jumpcraft or VTOL, in which case one or
ionable clothes, though a close inspection will been done. There were other casualties, in- more chase sequences are almost inevitable.
reveal that they are rather dirty and even torn cluding several agents of both Mr. Reason and There may also be one or more bush town
in a few places. On even closer inspection, Popsakova, and a number of Patrol Officers. refueling stops, and there should always be,
characters will notice that she has a neural Now, Mr. Reason, Misha Popsakova, and in reality or perception, a number of unknown
jack at the base of her skull. Peter Church are all looking for Jenny. The assailants waiting for them around every cor-
Marshal wants to question her, Mr. Reason ner.
If approached, Jenny will appear anxious, wants to keep her quiet, and Pops just wants
frightened, and more than a little distracted. to get rid of her. Assuming they more-or-less safely arrive at a
She will tell the characters that her name is Lavender mod parlor in Dyfedd, theyll have
Jenny, but will offer no further information Jenny has been running from agents of all to get her to one of the local clinics. A physi-
about herself. The thing is, she doesnt have three factions since the incident, and whats cian will remove the damaged implant and
any further information about herself. A worse, she doesnt even remember why theyre repair the neurological damage Jenny suf-
couple of weeks ago, Jenny suffered a blow after her. If one of the characters is skilled in fered. Hell also download the stored data into
to the temple - the bruise has healed some- General Medicine, or if they take her to some- his maincomp, and he can even offer Jenny a
what, but a trained medic may notice it. The one who is, theyll discover that her condi- new implant computer. If the characters ask

around enough, theyll eventually find some- result in an ambush, but Mr. Reason will make
one with a research interest in Jennys condi- an effort not to kill the characters. If deadly
tion who will perform the operation for free. force is necessary, hell do his best to have NOVA MARE Continued from page 3.
Otherwise, they could be looking at as much medics standing by to treat trauma victims.
as 50,000cs for the procedure, plus the cost Assuming the characters are captured, hell endangering the water supplies through neglect
of a new computer (if theyre really generous). interrogate them to determine what they or foolishness swiftly finds themselves with few
Jenny, of course, has no money. know. If they dont know much, hell let them friends in Nova Mare.
go. If they know too much, he will try to re-
The characters will be welcome to hang cruit them as either paid informants or agents. The community also has a mostly functioning
around while Jenny recovers, and if they do, If that doesnt work, he will threaten to have relay that connects Nova Mare with the outside
the game moderator can spring the last sur- them killed, in some rather unpleasant fash- world. Nova Mare even has a group address on
prise on them. No longer helpless and des- ion, if he ever learns that they have revealed CommCore, where relatives on Earth can drop
perate, Jenny will be irritated that her cover what they know about the situation. them the occasional message.
is in danger of being blown by both the char-
acters and the physician who treated her. As If the characters help Jenny and survive her SILENT BARGAIN
it will seem the most expedient solution, shell attitude readjustment, they will have made While officially Nova Mare has very little need
try to take them all out whenever the oppor- some powerful enemies. If they have been for the GEO (a rep from Colonial Affairs only
tunity arises. If the characters leave before identified by the Marshal, they will have some visits once every couple of years now), there is a
Jenny recovers, shell take care of the medi- legal difficulties and will probably be impli- silent bargain that has been struck. The sale of
cal staff and go looking for them. cated in the murder of the medical staff in manger root doesnt cover all operating expenses
Dyfedd, if Jenny succeeds at that. Mr. Rea- for the settlement, and the inhabitants arent as
If the characters decide to turn Jenny over to son isnt not the vengeful sort, and hes not self-sufficient as theyd like to think. Medicine,
one of the parties interested in her, the sce- likely to pursue the matter, but Pops certainly teaching programs for the children, batteries, fuel
nario will play out differently depending on will. For the reasons stated above, and be- cells, and spare water purifiers all require money.
which faction they choose. If they hand her cause the characters actively thwarted his
over to Peter Church, the characters will likely plans, hell be out for blood. Of course, hes Four years ago, a GEO representative came to
be caught in the middle when Jennys pro- only a local boss and doesnt have the re- Gwendolyn with a plan that was being tested in
grammed reflexes kick in. Shes been pro- sources to do much more than issue a con- pioneer villages. The GEO wished to relocate pa-
grammed to respond to attempted capture tract for the characters, but a syndicate con- roled, non-violent criminal offenders to small
with extreme violence, and she will be able to tract is usually bad enough. settlements. This new program hoped to move
respond with the requisite skills despite the criminals who were guilty of lesser crimes from
damage to the implant computer. Once she NPC STATS overcrowded and corrupting prisons in the Solar
makes her move, there likely wont be time System to a new life on Poseidon.
to stop and discuss things rationally. Other- Jenny
wise, things should go pretty smoothly, ex- Mental Attributes: Awareness 76, Charisma For taking in the ex-con, the village would receive
cept that the characters will likely be charged 84, Education 55, Experience 30, Initiative 10,000cs per year for five years. Gwendolyn had
with aiding and abetting a fugitive. The Mar- 70, Intellect 60, Will 72. little economic choice and the GEO promised there
shal will hear them out before slapping the would be no problems. She did have one condi-
restraints on, of course, and if theyre reason- Physical Attributes: Agility 68, Appearance tion: nobody on the island could know. The con-
ably cooperative and honest, hell probably 85, Constitution 67, Dexterity 61, Endurance vict would be brought in under false pretense and
let them go. If theyre not, theyre likely to 64, Speed 71, Strength 52. would elect to stay. In addition, the convict
wind up in a local holding cell awaiting a would never speak of the program or the deal to
hearing before a Magistrate. Modifications: Transhuman, Accelerated anyone. Breaking the agreement would mean re-
Neurons, Implant Computer, Multiglands, moval of the person. The GEO agreed, and twelve
If the characters hand Jenny over to Misha Neural Jack, Programmed Reflexes, Spyware. weeks later, Harrison Purser came to Nova Mare
Popsakova, theyll still have Jennys pro- on a trader ship. He was certainly rough around
grammed reflexes to deal with, and Pops will Primary Skills: As per Covert Operative (BP the edges, but seems to have integrated himself
also try to eliminate them. He doesnt really p.276). into the pioneer village with a quiet determina-
want to pay them if he doesnt have to, and tion. While the inmate bar code tattoo on the side
besides, they almost certainly know too much Game moderators should use the Profession of his head makes it difficult to hide his past, resi-
about him to let them live. This option is most templates in the Blue Planet core book to de- dents havent asked too many questions and have
likely to involve an ambush at the designated tail the characteristics of each of the major not prejudged him.
meeting place, and knowing players, both NPCs in this scenario. Mr. Reason is a Co-
sides are likely to ambush each other. Pops vert Operative (BP p. 276), while Misha Currently, only three people know of the GEO
will probably try to use a stunner on Jenny to Popsakova is a Gangster (BP p. 273). The base deal: Purser, Gwendolyn Fowler, and Nekoko
get her out of the firefight immediately. stats for Peter Church are included in the char- Tadaka. If the rest of the village were to find out,
acter generation section (BP p. 298). Game there would be a great deal for Tadaka and Fowler
Handing Jenny over to Mr. Reason is the most moderators should treat Mr. Reasons hench- to explain, and though hes fairly well accepted,
complicated. As usual, hes in a difficult posi- men and the Gorchoff Family soldiers as there would also undoubtedly be significant ap-
tion. On the one hand, hes an officer of the Thugs (BP p. 273), and the Patrol Officer tem- prehension regarding Harrison Purser.
Justice Commission and isnt as willing to plate can be used for the personnel under Mar-
murder innocent civilians as Popsakova is. On shal Churchs command (BP p. 277). Contributed by Travis Bryant,
the other hand, he doesnt want the charac- Fort Mitchell, KY
ters to blow the whistle on his operation, ei-
ther. Ultimately, the exchange is likely to also

and a variable suite of sensory equipment and Manufacturer: Hydrospan
THE CUTTING EDGE computer power. Interfacing with the onboard Model: Water Spirit (dolphin power shell)
systems is usually accomplished through neu- Dimensions: 320 kilograms and 4 meters long
CETACEAN POWER SHELL ral jacks or sonic trodes. Performance:
In an effort to provide cetaceans with supe- Minimum 0
rior speed, range and functional capabilities, Most designs sport hardpoint attachments for Low 5
engineers at Hydrospan have developed a line small cargo pods or weapon systems. The dol- Cruise 10
of MHD sleds for use by both dolphins and phin versions typically have three, while orca High 20
orcas. The devices are essentially part hard shells can have up to four. Because power Maximum 25
suit and part submersible. The user slips into shells are inherently streamlined, each occu- Power: 3
the form-fitting forward cowling which snugs pied hardpoint reduces each of the crafts per- Power Source: Industrial cell and MHD Drive
securely about the anterior body. The over- formance ratings by 10%. Range: 500 kilometers/charge
sized MHD drives are positioned just below Sensor:
the users tail and provide tremendous speed Most power shells are constructed of various Radar 2
and power. Sensitive mechanical linkages re- composites of bioplastic and ceramics. Dol- Active Sonar 10
lay the pilots own instinctual body move- phin shells are powered by industrial batter- Passive Sonar 7
ments to the fin-like rudder surfaces, allow- ies, and orca shells by small fuel cells. It is a ECM: None
ing subtle control of the fast and nimble craft. matter of public record that the GEO has con- Stealth: 10
tracted for a series of military grade power Availability: Uncommon
Power shells are essentially sleek mini-subs shells with integral weapon systems and ar- Cost: 80,000cs
that lack a pressure hull. They therefore in- mored cowlings. It will not be long before Damage Scale: 2
crease a cetaceans speed, endurance, and paramilitary power shell models are available Armor Grade: 3
cargo capacity, but not his depth limits. Stan- on the open market. Armor Protection: 10
dard designs provide artificial gill life support Passenger/Cargo Capacity: None/200 kilograms
divided into 3 cargo pods.




FUSION REACTORS until the last half of the Twenty-First Cen- drive a turbine to produce electricity; even
tury. The breakthrough came in 2057 when with modern materials the turbine weighs as
HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT McCluskeys Starfire reactor design, a modi- much as the reactor itself. Light-weight, low-
The history of controlled nuclear fusion be- fied Yoshikawa, demonstrated such a great activation ceramic composites are used as
gan in 1950 in the Soviet Union when Andrei increase in efficiency that all existing fission shielding around the reactor core and com-
Sakharov and Igor Tamm designed the Toka- and fusion reactors were replaced by prise about one-third of the mass of a typical
mak, toroidolnya kamera ee magnetnaya McCluskeys within a decade. commercial reactor. Modern McCluskeys
katushka (toroidal chamber and magnet have a mass-power density of 2000 kWe per
coil). In spite of intense international com- metric ton.
petition, the first fusion reactor did not reach
break-even, i.e., actually produce more Starfire reactors, colloquially referred to as A few modified Yoshikawas using deute-
energy than it used, until 2007 when it was McCluskeys, are reversed field pinch, deu- rium-helium-3 reactions are also in use.
achieved by Japans Yoshikawa reactor. terium-deuterium reactors that utilize plasma Helium-3 is an extremely rare element mined
The first commercial deuterium-tritium fu- shaping and nuclear-spin polarized fuel to from the moon and the asteroid belt, how-
sion reactor began producing energy in 2019. increase efficiency. The energy produced by ever the deuterium-helium-3 reaction pro-
With costs comparable to those of fission a McCluskey consists of highly-energetic neu- duces highly-energetic protons which can
plants, fusion plants remained relatively rare trons which superheat the transfer fluid to produce electricity by direct electromagnetic

conversion. Since they dont need a turbine,
modified Yoshikawas are half the mass of
comparable McCluskeys, and are used in cir-
cumstances where their small size compen-
sates for their exotic fuel requirements.


With advances in materials technology and
high-temperature superconducting electro-
magnets, modern reactors range in size from
two tons to several hundred. The smallest
reactors can be used to power industrial and
military vehicles, and the largest provide elec-
tricity to urban power grids. Fusion reactors
are effective, clean and efficient but they are
not cheap, ranging in cost form 2 to 150 mil-
lion scrip. Fuel costs for McCluskeys over
their typical thirty-year operating life are less
than ten percent of the cost of the reactor.
Yoshikawas are universally smaller and less
expensive, but the annual cost of their fuel is
typically ten to fifteen percent of their con- Chain Beetle (Dorsalis givenius)
struction cost.

DANGERS polished the shell material makes excellent appear to have a debilitating effect on the
needles, awls, skinning knives and other small, colony by interrupting its communications.
Modern fusion reactors are fail-safe since the
durable tools. There is even a growing mar- Fire has also proven to be a useful deterrent
plasma cools quickly if the reaction is inter- ket for chain beetle shell jewelry in some of against attacking chain beetles.
rupted either on purpose or by accident. The
the larger settlements. When polished clean,
energetic particles produced during opera-
the inner layers of the shell glow with remark- Range Temperate and tropical regions planet
tion are lethal even in small amounts, but the
able colors and patterns. wide.
reactor core shielding normally absorbs all of
Habitat Wet sand and mud flats, and shore-
them. However, reactor shielding that is used
Behavior: Chain beetles have a unique ecol- line vegetation.
past its designed lifetime of thirty years be- ogy that makes them interesting to scientists Length 25 centimeters each
gins to leak neutrons and can be very dan-
and a threat to the unwary. Individual beetles Weight 1.0 to 2.0 kilograms each
gerous. The shielding itself acquires some
are fairly secretive and are rarely encountered. Frequency Uncommon
residual radioactivity, but, unlike fission
Typically however, chain beetles collect into Resource Value Medium
byproducts, the radiation dose is small and
coherent colonial groups, literally chaining Threat Level High
decays rapidly with a half-life of about six
themselves together using extremely power- Movement 3/5
months. ful grasping hooks under the leading and trail- Awareness 80/4
ing edges of their shells. Large colonies can Intellect 20/2
BIOHAZARDS contain over twenty individuals, yet are able Initiative 45
to behave and hunt as a single entity. Their Agility 35
CHAIN BEETLE means of communication is currently uncer- Constitution 50/3
Chain Beetles are actually not insectoids, nor tain, but evidence indicates some sort of Endurance 90/3
are they crustaceans as their amphibious be- chemical messaging. Strength 30
havior implies. Their phylogeny is unclear, but Rounds 3
they appear to be some sort of large Because of their formidable shells, colonial Attack Pincher - 45, grade 1, 1 per round per
amphipoid. They vary in size, but individuals chain beetles are almost fearless, and where individual
can grow rather large, and colonies can reach they are common, they can be a threat to live- Damage Ranks 1/100
over five meters in length. Their coloration is stock and humans settlers. Chain beetles on Damage Scale -1
cryptic, and typically matches the muds and the prowl have been known to force their way Armor 2/30
sands in which the animals commonly bury into homes at night and attack sleepers. They
themselves. Their bodies are flattened dosa- seem unperturbed by noise and physical at-
ventrally and their shells are extremely thick tack, and are almost impossible to deter. Un- ISSUE #1 CONTRIBUTORS
and strong. The creatures eight lateral limbs fortunately, as single individuals are killed the Jeff Barber
are used for locomotion, and several strong rest of the colony simply carries the deceased
ventral appendages are used for collecting and along with it and continues the attack. Flow-
Greg Benage
processing food. ing across the ground like a terrestrial milli-
Christopher Benedict
pede, the colony uses its sharp ventral mouth Travis Bryant
Chain beetle shells are so hard that the ani- parts to nip small chunks of flesh from its Catten Ely
mal has few natural enemies. Though it pro- prey. Typically the colony is unable to kill James Givens
tects the beetle from most natural predators, larger prey in a single attack, and simply James Heivilin
the shell also makes them a prized harvest for latches on, continuing to chew, eating the prey Lannae Long
Poseidons natives. When ground down and alive. Certain synthetic aromatic chemicals

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