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The Impact of Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction

Madison Pleasants

Cedar Crest College



Early career burnout within the nursing profession has been a consistent and widely perceived

issue, especially within the acute-care setting. Short-staffing and work-life interferences, which

then have caused overall job dissatisfaction, have been identified as factors impeding career

success (Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger, 2017, p. 1182). While other professions have

explored the positive impact that organizational support has on employees, nursing has yet to

make this a focus. The purpose of this paper is to provide data that demonstrates significant

increase in job satisfaction after the implementation of organizational support such as authentic

leadership and structural empowerment. It is recommended that all healthcare facilities educate

their staff regarding the basis of organization support, the immense benefits, as well as how to

implement this new management strategy.

Keywords: organizational, support, authentic, leadership, nursing, job, satisfaction


The Impact of Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction

New graduate nurses are the most likely to experience job dissatisfaction compared to

seasoned peers working in the same setting. The combination of high stress work environments

and observed lack of support make it impossible for graduates to become emotional and

physically accustomed to their new profession. The burnt-out, unskilled nurse affects co-

workers, the organization, and hinders patient safety (Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger,

2017, p. 1183). To combat this rising concern, authentic leadership as well as structural

empowerment are two examples of organizational support that should be immediately fulfilled

within the acute-care setting. The philosophy behind authentic leadership states that leaders

reflect on their own experiences, morals, and organizational support in a transparent manner to

create an accessible learning environment leading to an increased professional satisfaction

(Wong & Laschinger, 2012, p. 948). To compliment that, structural empowerment is th

e creation of a work-place environment that focuses on mobilization of staff by making

necessary support, opportunities, and resources readily available and therefore increasing the

amount of meaningful work being completed and job satisfaction (Wong & Laschinger, 2012, p.



The studied PICO question was based on the premise that Registered Nurses, especially

new graduates should be working in an environment with a certain level of organizational

support to increase job satisfaction. The PICO questions read: Within Registered Nurses who

work in acute care inpatient hospital units, does organizational support opposed to no support

increase staff satisfaction?


Evidence has stated that professional commitment is directly correlated to job satisfaction

(Chang et al., 2017, p. 1). This type of commitment shows pride, dedication, and belief of values

and goals that surrounds a specific profession. Professional commitment of nursing is separated

in three components: affective, continuance, and normative. Chang et al (2017) investigated the

relationship between the three components, nurse burnout, and professional satisfaction. It

should be noted though that the study of professional commitment would be incomplete without

considering organizational commitment. Organizational commitment is a staff members bonded

relationship with the employer, not the profession (Chang et al., 2017, p. 2).

As previously mentioned, job dissatisfaction impacts employee turnover rates, patient

quality of care, adverse events, and overall intentions to abandon the nursing profession. Chang

et al (2017), concluded that although professional commitment assists in new graduate retention

rates, it is not enough to overcome the obstacle that nurse burnout has created. Therefore, it is the

combination of professional commitment with organizational support that will positively

influence ones career satisfaction and overall well-being (Chang et al., 2017, p. 6).

Process of the Literature Search

The literature search began on Google Scholar as it is an advanced search option with

abilities to restrict the search for subjects such as psychology and nursing (Craig & Smyth,

2012, p. 70). The researcher used the keywords: nursing, organizational, support, and

satisfaction. Unfortunately, even after using the BOOLEAN search method and reducing the

search years to since 2013, the researcher received 28,000 search results (Craig & Smyth,

2012, p. 61). From here, the author switched to a health-science database to isolate more

scholarly research articles.


From previous experience, the researcher knew that WorldCat Local through the Cedar

Crest College Library was a reputable literature database. The following keywords were used in

a variety of order: authentic, leadership, job, satisfaction, organizational, new,

graduate, and patient care. The use of the BOOLEAN search method continued with greater

success. To further identify specific research articles, the publication date was pre-set to show

only literature prior to 2013. The first search yielded 15 results, then 16 results, and 39 results,

respectively. The researcher ensured each article was peer-reviewed and included the full-length

article prior to reading the abstract. The literature pieces that fit the previous criteria were then

read for clarity before being chosen as an ideal article.

Critical Appraisal of the Evidence

Wong & Laschinger (2012)

The purpose of this research was to identify outcomes that arise from authentic leadership

such as structural empowerment, employee performance, and job satisfaction. The authors seek

to understand how the employee is effected by these inventions. This non-experimental,

predictive survey questioned a random sample of 600 Registered Nurses. Due to insufficient

responses from the participants, the final sample size was 280 Registered Nurses. The authors of

this research study distributed a variety of questionnaires and surveys including The Authentic

Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ), The Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II

(CWEQ-II), Global Job Satisfaction Survey, and the General Performance scale. The lengthy

variables involved and the self-report study showed altered data and therefore presented as

limitations to the study. The authors used specific questionnaires to combat this, but not all data

could be properly identified. The results specifically showed how authentic leadership positively

impacted job satisfaction and performance by using empowerment techniques. To further


emphasize the importance of the research, the authors dedicated multiple sections of the

literature to policy implication and how the nursing profession would be affected by the noted


Boamah, Read, & Spencer Laschinger (2017)

The purpose of this literature was to identify how a nurse managers authentic leadership

behaviors reduce negativity and increase job satisfaction. In addition, the authors investigated the

use of structural empowerment to influence employees by providing information, support,

resources, and opportunities. By convenience sampling, 1,020 new graduate nurses participated

in this time-lagged study. The initial sample size was 3,743 new graduate nurses but the response

rate was 27.3%. By providing the sample population with Authentic Leadership Questionnaire

(ALQ), Conditions of Work Effectiveness-II (CWEQ-II), Work Interference with Personal Life

(WIPL), Maslach Burnout Inventory- General Survey (MBI-GS), and a short-staffed survey the

authors could collect sufficient data to support the results. The authors identified the use of self-

report questionnaires and the low response rate as limitations. Lack of data and bias data

negatively impacts studies of this nature and cause altered conclusions. After much analysis, it

was concluded that short-staffing and work-life interferences are main factors in new graduate

nurse burnout. To combat this, authentic leadership and empowering work environment can

increase job satisfaction and therefore impacting new graduate retention rates. The researchers

hypothesis that burnout will have negative results on professional commitment of new graduate

nurses and this lead to lower job satisfaction.

Aranza, Moriano, & Molero (2013)

The purpose of this peer-reviewed research article was to portray how an organizations

culture can be beneficial to its employees especially when authentic leadership is implemented.

Specifically, the researchers considered how leadership facilitates the positive relationship

between flexibility-oriented culture and job satisfaction. The study was conducted using a cross-

sectional survey with 571 employees chosen from a convenience sampling. The sample size

included employees under direct supervision of the same leader but were promised full

confidentiality regarding their responses. The authors of this research study distributed a variety

of self-report surveys including a FOCUS Questionnaire, Authentic Leadership Questionnaire

(ALQ), Job Satisfaction Scale, and a Socio-Demographic Survey. This cross-sectional survey

identified that the exclusive use of self-report was a main limitation in the data collection

process. It is obvious that bias could be observed in the data as it was not accounted for by using

a control questionnaire. The results of the data verified the authors hypothesis that flexibility-

oriented cultures, based on support and innovation, exert their positive effects on job satisfaction

via authentic leadership. The authors noted that previous studies have also confirmed that

authentic leadership directly enhances job satisfaction.

Synthesis of Evidence

When read separately, each piece of literature describes at least one part of the PICO

question being asked but not in its entirety. When the research articles are combined, and

understood in full, the focal question is well-defined and the outcome is present. Each of the

identified research article evaluated authentic leadership, structural empowerment, and the

concurrent effects they have on job satisfaction (Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger,

2017, p. 1183). Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger (2016) describe the relationship between

authentic leadership and structural empowerment as workplace perception along with key

behaviors such as self-awareness and transparency. The conclusions described the importance of

managers and other administrative figures utilizing the key behaviors when interacting with staff.

The goal is that personnel will notice the new leadership strategy and then implement it in

everyday tasks. By involving the staff with leadership exercises, pride and organizational

membership retention increases (Chang et al., 2017, p. 1).

Due to the nature of the studies, no specific numerical figure can be used to identify the

validity of the PICO question; testimonies and satisfaction scales drove the conclusion. Although

this is not an improper technique to synthesis the data, it is a less formal version. The evidence

showed that examples of organizational support such as authentic leadership and structural

empowerment decrease the significance of new graduate nurse burnout and therefore increasing

job satisfaction (Wong & Laschinger, 2012, p. 949). The return responses from workplaces with

authentic leadership in place further verified the importance of the organizational support. Each

study noted that by offering leadership skills and mentor opportunities at the workplace, job

satisfaction continued to rise (Aranza, Moriano, & Molero, 2013, p. 46).


Recommendation #1

Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger (2016) identified that this research should be

used to provide leadership enhancement and opportunities to teach staff how to become authentic

leaders as to improve the overall healthcare system. It is not enough to request that staff,

especially those in leadership positions, act in a certain manner without proper training. Nurses

must be adequately trained on these skills to create the ideal organizational support. As most

interpersonal relationships are concerned, a skill set must be developed and then perfected to

have the ultimate effect on the specific population. By utilizing authentic leadership, the staff,

the organization, as well as the patient will benefit.


Recommendation #2

Due to the influence that organizational leadership has on job satisfaction, managers need

to have a full understanding of how to create structural empowerment and recognize nurse

burnout satisfaction (Boamah, Read, & Spencer Lanschinger, 2017, p. 1183). The organizational

support of structural empowerment is based on providing staff with access to information,

resources, and guidance to ensure the work being done is meaningful. An employee with

professional commitment can develop organizational commitment when given the correct

resources for growth. The literature depicted computerized data, in-services, data collection, and

leadership workshops as examples of providing access to information, resources, and guidance.

Recommendation #3

Managers, supervisors, and team leaders should be utilizing all aspects of authentic

leadership such as transparency, self-awareness, and increased ethical standards to improve job

satisfaction (Wong & Laschinger, 2012, p. 955). Once properly educated, all staff members

should be held to a standard that reflexes proper authentic leadership techniques. To gain full

control of a unit or entire healthcare system, all leaders must be using the same practices to direct

peers in the correct direction for professional growth and commitment. This recommendation is

crucial for job satisfaction.

Implementation of Plan

The implementation of the previous recommendations will not be a large task as many

hospitals require frequent training seminars and that is the method the author recommends be

utilized. To implement the first recommendation, all staff regardless of leadership status, should

be required to complete an online lecture followed by an in-service day. Each of these events

will describe what authentic leadership is, how it can be implemented, and the expected results.

Authentic leadership is composed of four key behaviors including self-awareness, balanced

processing, and internal moral perspective in which, combined, highlight ethical leaders.

Implementation includes transparency where the leader reflexes on their own past experiences. It

is expected that staff will value relationships and seek opportunities to enhance their professional

wellbeing. Each person in attendance should be given information to reflect on later.

The second recommendation should be implemented in a similar manner but for an elite

population, nurse leaders. Managers must not only implement authentic leadership but use

structural empowerment to determine which staff member is struggling with the high stress. By

being able to make these identifications, other interventions may be implemented to salvage the

professional commitment of the staff member. Once the information has been provided to nurse

leaders, e-mails or letters should frequently be present to keep updated evidence-based practice.

The third recommendation requires surveillance and a standard. Surveys and

questionnaires as completed in the research literature should be distributed across the hospital to

evaluate the usefulness of the organizational support education and implementation. It should be

noted that bias may be present but this method maintains confidentiality, which may be

extremely important given the situation. The general census of the manger or leader in question

should be evaluated by an administrator. If the report did not meet the standard of an authentic

leader with structural support, further training may be required.


As the risk of developing early career burnout in Registered Nurses remains a constant

factor, the burnout development process must be explored to find an intervention (Boamah,

Read, & Spencer Lanschinger, 2017, p. 1183). A multitude of factors can be identified that

increase nurse burnout, but there is limited research regarding the intervention techniques to

improve job dissatisfaction. Organizational support such as authentic leadership and structural

empowerment have made positive improvements on professional commitment and job

satisfaction. Implementation of both interventions is crucial to stop the cascade of early career

nurse burnout. It should be understood what each intervention can accomplish and how to

properly implement them.



Aranza, G., Moriano, J. A., & Molero, F. (2013). Authentic leadership and organizational culture

as drivers of employees job. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29, 45-50.

doi: 10.5093/tr2013a7

Boamah, S. A., Read, E. A., & Spencer Lanschinger, H. K. (2017). Factors influencing new

graduate nurse burnout development, job satisfaction and patient care quality: A time-

lagged study. Journal of Advance Nursing, 73(5), 1182-1195. doi: 10.1111/jan.13215

Chang, H.-Y., Shy, Y.-I. L., Wong, M.-K., Chu, T.-L., Lo, Y.-Y., & Teng, C.-I. (2017). How

does burnout impact the three components of nursing professional commitment?

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 1-9. doi: 10.1111/scs.12425

Craig, J. V., & Smyth, R. L. (Eds.). (2012). The evidence-based practice manual for nurses (3rd

ed.). Elseiver.

Wong, C. A., & Laschinger, H. K.S. (2012). Authentic leadership, performance, and job

satisfaction: The mediating role of empowerment. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 69(4),

947-959. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2012.0608



Evidence Summary Table

Author, Date, Research Independent Rating of Evidence/
Title of Study, Questions/ Methods (IV) Measures/ Results/Findings Limitations Recommendations
Journal Hypothesis/ Dependent Reliability
Purpose (DV) Validity
Research (RV)

Aranza, G., Purpose: To Design: IV: Instruments: The authors Cross-sectional Level = IV
Moriano, J. A., portray how an Cross- Flexibility- FOCUS verified that survey Quality = Good
& Molero, F. organizations sectional oriented culture Questionnaire flexibility-oriented identified the
(2013) culture can be survey with Authentic cultures exert their exclusive use of Recommendations:
beneficial to its descriptive leadership Authentic positive effects on self-report as a Organizations should be
Authentic employees results Leadership job satisfaction via main limitation. providing a guideline to
leadership and especially when DV: Questionnaire authentic It is obvious that address the need for
organizational authentic Sample: Job satisfaction (ALQ) leadership. bias could be authentic leadership as it
culture as leadership is Convenience observed in the directly enhances
drivers of implemented. sampling of Job Satisfaction data. employee job satisfaction.
employees job Specifically, 571 employees Scale
how leadership
Journal of facilitates the Setting: Socio-
Work and positive 114 Spanish Demographic
Organizational relationship private Survey
Psychology between companies
flexibility- including Methods of Data
oriented culture industry, trade, Collection:
and job IT, scientific, Questionnaire
satisfaction. health, and Survey

Author, Date, Research Independent Rating of Evidence/
Title of Study, Questions/ Methods (IV) Measures/ Results/Findings Limitations Recommendations
Journal Hypothesis/ Dependent Reliability
Purpose (DV) Validity
Research (RV)

Boamah, S. A., Purpose: To Design: time- IV: Instruments: Short-staffing and The authors Level = IV
Read, E. A., & identify how a lagged study Authentic Authentic work-life identified the Quality = Good
Spencer nurse mangers leadership Leadership interferences are use of self-
Lanschinger, authentic Sample: Structural Questionnaire main factors in new report Recommendations: The
H. K. (2017) leadership Convenience empowerment (ALQ) graduate nurse questionnaires use of authentic
behaviors sampling of burnout. To combat and the low leadership and
Factors reduce 1,020 new DV: Conditions of this, authentic response rate as empowering along with
influencing negativity and graduate Job satisfaction Work leadership and limitations. adequate staffing assist in
new graduate increase job nurses Patient care empowering work Lack of data and counteracting the rate of
nurse burnout satisfaction and quality environment can bias data new graduate burnout
development, how structural Setting: (CWEQ-II) increase job negatively rates.
job satisfaction empowerment Canadian satisfaction and impacts studies
and patient care is how leaders inpatient Work therefore impacting of this nature.
quality: A time- influence hospitals Interference with new graduate
lagged study employees by Personal Life retention rates.
providing (WIPL)
Journal of information,
Advance support, Maslach Burnout
Nursing resources, and
opportunities. Inventory-
General Survey
(MBI-GS) Short-
staffed survey

Methods of Data

Author, Date, Research Independent Rating of Evidence/
Title of Study, Questions/ Methods (IV) Measures/ Results/Findings Limitations Recommendations
Journal Hypothesis/ Dependent Reliability
Purpose (DV) Validity
Research (RV)

Wong, C. A., & Purpose: Design: non- IV: Instruments: The results The lengthy Level = IV
Laschinger, H. Identify experimental, Authentic The Authentic specifically showed variables Quality = Good
K.S. (2012) outcomes that predictive leadership Leadership how authentic involved and the
arise from survey Relational leadership self-report study Recommendations:
Authentic authentic Sample: A transparency positively impacted showed altered Managers who use
leadership, leadership such random Balanced (ALQ) job satisfaction/ data. The transparency, balanced
performance, as structural sample of processing performance by authors used processing, self-
and job empowerment, Registered Structural The Conditions of using specific awareness, and high
satisfaction: employee Nurses empowerment Work empowerment questionnaires ethical standard impact
The mediating performance, Effectiveness techniques to combat this. empowerment and overall
role of and job Setting: Acute Questionnaire II job satisfaction
empowerment satisfaction. care hospitals DV: (CWEQ-II)
The authors across Informal/formal
Journal of seek to Ontario, power
Advanced understand how Canada Task/role Global Job
Nursing the employee is performance Satisfaction
effected Survey


Methods of Data

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