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Write an individual essay related to Discuss the application of the theory of constructivism (Lev
Vygotsky, 1896) and Theory Hoka Hockey (Ned Hermann, 1991) in the learning kit produced.


Briefly, the learning kit produced was a job spinning wheel. The theme selected is based
on the Year 3 English textbook. The aim of creating this learning kit is to enhance and attract
pupils interest in learning English while playing and having fun. Game is chosen because Aydan
Ersoz (2000) stated, language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be frustrating, so it is
supported by Lee Su Kim (1995) where there are many advantages of using games in the
classroom. As we known, games mean a world to the children. In addition, this learning kit
produced also fulfilled the application of the theory of constructivism by Lev Vygotsky and Hoka
Hockeys Theory by Ned Hermann. Basically, constructivism theory presented by Lev Vygotsky
is about social influence in pupils cognitive development and also Zone of Proximal Development
(ZPD) where it shows the distance between a pupils ability to perform a task under adult guidance
or his peer and the pupils ability to solve problems independently (Lee J., Ng. J., Allen and Wu
J., 2016). Meanwhile, Hoka Hockey theory is regarding the structure of brain which being split
into two; left brain is related to logical and structured thinking and right brain is related to creative
and emotional thinking (Maria Joao Martins, 2015). Later on, the two sides of brain will be
separated into four quadrants; fact, form, future and feelings. Throughout this review, we will be
focusing on the application of both theories in learning kit produced.


First and foremost, the application of constructivism theory can be seen through the
cooperative and collaborative learning used in teaching and learning in classroom. This is
because the production of learning kit requires pupils to work in groups. Pupils will be divided into
a group of three to four members each. This type of learning is more towards student-centered
and it related to the constructivism theory in which cognitive development of a pupil is happening
through the society. As stated by Zhan (2008), this type of learning can engage pupils
participation and interaction where pupils will be working together as a team in order to achieve
a common goal. In small groups, pupils can share strengths and also develop their weaker skills.
They will also learn to deal with conflict. According to Weber, E. (1999), in order to create an
environment in which cooperative learning can take place, three things are necessary. First, pupils
need to feel safe, but also challenged. Second, groups need to be small enough that everyone

can contribute. Third, the task that pupils work together on must be clearly defined. This means
teacher needs to provide a clear instruction to the pupils. In this case, the pupils will be working
together to play the job spinning wheel and next they need to act out about the occupation with
its description. Thus, teacher will act as a facilitator that provides opportunities for collaborative
and problem solving and also to make some corrections if there is any misunderstood concepts.

Next, the application of theory can also be revealed through authentic tasks provided. By
using the learning kit produced, pupils need to act out about the occupation which let them see
the real-world task of that particular occupation. For instance, when pointer of the spinning wheel
shows to doctor, teacher can give out a situation in a hospital. Then, the pupils need to perform
in group of that particular occupation. This is supported by Jonassen (1994:35) in his eight
principles for guiding instructional designs which one of them is to present authentic tasks which
contextualizing is important rather than using abstract instruction. Authentic task is the experience
of personal relevance that allow learners to practice skills in which that the skill will be used.
Brown, Collins and Diguid (1989) described authentic task as the ordinary practices of the culture,
meanwhile Newman and Wehlage (1993), stated that authentic activities are the real world task
that a person can expect to encounter such as on the job, at home or other social contexts. Thus,
it has the potential to foster meaningful intellectual learning since it is related to learners real life
experiences. This particular task enable them to apply their new learning to their current
knowledge and also will be useful in the future. Therefore, authentic task have the real world

Last but not least, teacher can implement Hoka Hockey theory through the production of
this job spinning wheel because it helps to balance the usage of right brain and left brain.
According to Mok Soon Sang (2002), education system in Malaysia nowadays is only focusing on
the left structure of the brain where everything is about reading, writing, arithmetic and reasoning.
Everyone neglects the development of the right brain structure, for example music, art, creativity,
colours and so on. Teachers should be able to balance the usage of both sides of brain because
different pupils have different styles of learning. Some may acquire knowledge through visualizing
and some may gain information through verbal. Teachers should use all five senses in teaching
and learning process in classroom. By using this learning kit, teacher will help pupils to stabilize
their brain. This is because for the right brain activity, music will be played along when pupils start
to spin the wheel. It will help to attract pupils attention and interest in English learning and English
can be learn in a fun way. Next, they need to perform regarding the occupation and it helps to

improve their thinking skills via imagination. Meanwhile, for the left brain activity, pupils need to
write and spell of the occupations name. Hence, it will completely involve both sides of the brain.


In conclusion, the learning kit produced which is the job spinning wheel completely fulfill the
application of both theories; constructivism and Hoka Hockey theory. Knowledge is constructed
by the learners through an active mental process of development. Therefore, with a well-planned
classroom environment and best selection of teaching kit, people will definitely will learn how to

(1008 words)

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