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Drama Bahasa Inggris (4 orang)

Timun Mas

Scene 1
Long time ago, living a widow named Dadapan. She lived in a village
near the Setra Forest. She did not have any children.
Widow Dadapan: (Widows Dadapan brood) If my husband was alive, I
certainly would not be lonely like this. Living alone away from the
family, no friends to talk to. When daylight, the leaf reluctant to
whisper. It would be happily if I had cute kids. God... oh, I thought I
heard that there was a giant in the Setra Forest that he would to
could grant anyzz request. Maybe he could help me got a child. But I
also heard that ask a human as victim? Ah, I had to try. I had to have
children. Maybe this time he did not ask for victim. (Without
thinking long, she went away to Setra Forest)

Scene 2
Widow Dadapan arrived at the cave in the Setra Forest. Giant was
standing, his eyes closed, folded her arms across his chest. Widow
Dadapan woke giant.
Widow Dadapan : O ... Giant. Wake up. I met you.
Giant : Hahaha ... how dare you, disturbing my asceticism. What the
purpose of your coming?
Widow Dadapan : I want to ask you. Give me a child so my life
becomes more meaningful in this world .
Giant : Hahaha ... All right. I was able to do as you wish. However ,
there is requirement. Are you able to do this requirement, old lady ?
Widow Dadapan : Tell me what requirement is it. Whatever it is I
will be able to do it , eventhough my life at stake .
Giant : Hahaha ... Listen carefully . I will give you this large
cucumber. At home, take the cucumber in your bed . You will have a
very beautiful child. I'll give you the opportunity to take care of her
17 years . After that I'll take it back your dear . Are you willing, old
woman ?
Widow Dadapan: (without thinking) I will, giant. I will fulfill my
promise .
Giant : Come here and receive this cucumber .
Widow Dadapan: (Dadapan gladly accept) Thank you . Thank you , O
giant .
Giant : Go on , I'll see you seventeen years later during the full moon
Widow Dadapan : (rushing off)

Scene 3
Widow Dadapan: (put cucumber on her bed) Hopefully this cucumber
becomes a children. (Cucumber split and come out pretty little
baby) My dear, how beautiful you are. Because you come out of this
cucumber, I'll give you the name Timun Mas.
Scene 4
17 years later, Timun Mas has grown up . when the full moon, Widow
Dadapanlooked sad.
Timun Mas: Why Mother sad?
Widow Dadapan: (stroking Timun Mas hair) Mother is not sad, my
dear . Im so happy . You are more beautiful and grown up . it does
not feel seventeen years old I take care of you . That means I must
release you, my dear.
Timun Mas: Farewell? Where are you going, Mom?
Widow Dadapan : My dear, Timun Mas, I make mistakes so Mom
regret. Before you were born, Mother made an agreement with a
giant of Setra Forest.
Timun Mas: what 's agreement , Mom ?
Widow Dadapan : Look , kid .. I am allowed to take care of you until
you are 17 years old. After that, the giant of the Setra Forest will
bring you again.
Timun Mas: Am I not your daughter, Mom?
Widow Dadapan : Yes, Timun Mas. You are the only one my daughter
Timun Mas: Then, why the giant pick me up, Mom ?
Widow Dadapan : My dear, actually I didnt bear you, but from
giants cucumber . when The full moon he will come to eat you .
Timun Mas: Do not be sad, Mom . Lets pray together for God's
protection . Hopefully we can save.
Widow Dadapan and Timun Mas prayed together .
Scene 5
When Widow Dadapan and Timun Mas prayed, suddenly appeared an
Dewi Tunjung Sari: Mother Dadapan and Timun Mas, dont be sad . I
came to the earth to help you.
Timun Mas: ( whispering ) Who is she , Mom ?
Widow Dadapan : ( whispering ) It looks like she is an angel from
heaven .
Dewi Tunjung Sari: Come closer. Let's say your problem. I 'll try to
help .
Timun Mas: O good Angel, the next full moon, giant of Setra Forest
will come to pick up and eat me . Please help me .
Dewi Tunjung Sari: Dont be afraid, Timun Mas. Because of your
earnestly, I will help . Here you are. Accept this bundle of needle.
Timun Mas: ( approaching receiving gifts ) Thank you , Goddess .
Dewi Tunjung Sari: Bring this shrimp paste as your stuff.
Timun Mas: Oh , thank you.
Dewi Tunjung Sari: This salt will also be very useful to you later .
Timun Mas: Thank you , O Goddess.
Dewi Tunjung Sari: Throw them one by one to your back when the
giant will catch you. Now , go to the west. Soon the giant will arrive.
We are praying for you. Goodbye my dear. Hopefully The God always
protect you, Timun Mas.
Then the Angel went away .
Giant : (voices in the distance) Hahaha... Where are you Widow
Dadapan? Where is Timun Mas? Certainly ripe and soft flesh once !
Hahaha .
Widow Dadapan : Ran fast, my dear ! Save yourself !
Timun Mas hugging her mother. Then, Timun Mas ran out of the
house .
Scene 6
Giant : Where are you going, Timun Mas? You can not run away from
me !
Timun Mas: I dont want to go with you ! If you can, catch me !
Giant : Hahaha ... ! Catching you? Hahaha ... one step I 'll be able to
catch you , sweet child .
Timun Mas: (while throwing shrimp paste) Reach me if you can , O
xarrogant giant .
Giant: What is this?! Sticky mud and stench. Ouch ! my steps become
heavy. Dont run, Timun Mas !
Giant came out of the mud puddle . He ran closer to the Timun Mas .
Timun Mas threw the needle to the back .
Timun Mas: Take this needle , bad Giant !
Giant : Ouch no! Why suddenly there are this thick as bamboo spines
. Ouch ! Ouch ! Really tough prickly revoked . Oh , my body all
bloody. I am really hurt!
Finally giant broke free again . He ran closer to the Timun Mas.
Timun Mas: You'll never get me , greedy and cruel Giant!
Timun Mas threw salt behind him .
Giant : ( Giant swimming as he can ) Hah ! Oceans ! Just wait Timun
Mas. I can catch you in a moment to the other side . Aah! My body is
sore all! This ocean is deep and broad. Why I do not get the point
across . I'm not strong anymore . Please ! Timun Mas forgive me !
Forgive me!!
Giant rose suffocate drowning in the sea .

Scene 7
Timun Mas was going back home. Arriving at the house.
Timun Mas: (calling Widow Dadapan) Mom ... Mom ... I did it. I
escaped from the giant.
Widow Dadapan: (came out) Timun Mas! You're safe, dear. (hug
Timun Mas) What happened to the giant?
Timun Mas: He suffocated in the middle of the ocean there.
Widow Dadapan: Well, kid. Lets go inside.
Finally, the greedy and cruel giant was dead. Widow Dadapan and
Timun Mas lived happily ever after.

On school breaks, there are Dhea and Salma in front of the class. They are
having a conversation. Pada saat istirahat sekolah, Dhea dan Salma ada di
depan kelas. Mereka sedang bercakap-cakap.(narrator 1)
Salma : "Dhea, what do you think about the lessons in junior high school ? It
is difficult, itsn't it?"Dhea, apa pendapatmu tentang pelajaran hari ini? Susah
Dhea : "I think, as long as we want to learn and do all with sincerity, it will be
easy" Aku pikir kalau kita berusaha semaksimal mungkin dan melakukan
semua dengan penuh ketulusan, pasti gampang deh.
Salma : "Hahay, I agree with you, so we must be a diligent child yeah? Okee
!! Iyaa, aku setuju sama kamu. Jadi kita harus jadi siswa yang rajin yah?
Emm, Btw Dhea, do you know how to make an Facebook (FB)
account? " ~ ~Ngomong-ngomong kamu tau caranya bikin facebook?

Dhea : " Make a Facebook account? Emm, I know ! " Buat Facebook?
Emmaku tahu!
Salma : "That's good, would you teach me how to make it, please !!" Wa,
bagus deh. Kamu mau nggak ngajari aku gimana cara buatnya, aku mohon.
Dhea : "Ok! First prepare a computer with an Internet connection, a valid
email, friends who are also on
Salma : "Than?"
Dhea : " Go to, and look on the right. You should see,
"Sign Up! It's free, and always will be. Fill up the form that you see such as
your first name & last name. Provide your email address and password and
re-enter your password. Next fill up your sex & birthday. Than hit the button
"Sign up". Finnaly, the account FB is ready to use. In the rest you can fill up
your religion, favorite book or music, your status etc. But, be careful when
providing personal details and don't upload any pictures that you'll regret
later. Anyone can save it and share with people you dislike or dont know."
Emm cara buat facebooknya nggak usah diterjemahin ya? Aku yakin udah
pada apal banget nget gimana cara buatnya.
Cuma yang terakhir: But, be careful when providing personal details and don't
upload any pictures that you'll regret later. Anyone can save it and share with
people you dislike or dont know. Tapi hati-hati waktu nulisin informasi pribadi,
jangan upload gambar-gambar yang nanti kamu bisa menyesal. Orang lain
bisa nyimpen gambar itu dan nyebarin ke orang-orang yang nggak kamu suka
atau kamu kenal.
Salma : "Oh, like that, I understand. Thanks for the information Dhe " Oh,
cucok banget deh. Aku udah paham. Makasih ya Dhea informasinya.
Dhea : "Youre Welcome" Sama-sama

Then, Nani come to join the conversation. She brings a book, but the cover
of book is broken.Lalu Nani ikut ke percakapan Dhea dan Salma. Dia bawa
buku, tapi sampul bukunya rusak.(narrator 2)
Nani : "Hi friends !" Halo temen-temen!
Dhea : "Hi" Hai!
Salma : "Whats up Nan?" Ada apa nan?
Nani : "Emm, I broken a book which I borrowed from Sinta, but its dont my
mean." Emm, aku merusakkan buku yang aku pinjem dari Sinta nih, tapi aku
nggak maksud buat ngrusakin.
Salma : "What did you say?" Kamu bilang apa? (di sini si Salmanya nggak
focus jadi nggak denger terus minta di ulang.)

Nani : "I broken a book whitch I borrowed from Sinta. I feel guilty so I must
apologize to her and must substitute it with a new book." Aku bikin rusak buku
yang aku pinjem dari Sinta. Aku nyesel banget jadi harus minta maaf sama
dia dang anti bukunya dengan buku baru.
Dhea : "Oh, I see Nan" Oh, aku ngerti apa yang kamu rasain Nan.
Nani : "Yeah, after the school, whould you accompany me to buy a new
book in bookstore in Godean Market ?Sip sip, pulang sekolah nanti kalian
mau nganterin aku beli buku baru di toko buku pasar godean enggak?
Salma : "Sorry Nan, I cant because I have to go home on time, if not, my
mother will be angry. So sorry Nan !! Maaf Nan, aku enggak bisa. Aku harus
pulang ke rumah tepat waktu, kalau enggak nanti Ibuku marah. Maaf banget
ya Nan.
Dhea : "I can, it can for amuse me too, to forget my problem, hehe" Aku bisa
nan, sekalian buat hiburan. (maksudnya hiburan bisa ikut ke took
buku~semacam nonton-nonton bukunya gitu)
Nani : "It's okay Salma. Well Dhea, thanks! Gapapa Salma. Oke Dhea!
Makasih yaa"

After school, Dhea and Nani go to the bookstore in the Godean Market. To
go there, they just walk because the distance between their school and the
bookstore not so far. In the bookstore Setelah pulang sekolah, Nani dan
Dhea pergi ke took buku di Pasar Godean. Mereka pergi ke sana cuma jalan
kaki karena jarak dari sekolah ke toko bukunya nggak jauh. Di toko buku...
(narrator 3)
Nani : "Here it is the bookstore, come on Dhea!" Ini ni dhe toko bukunya,
ayo Dhea1
Dhea : "Ok!."
Nani : "Good afternoon sir!" Selamat siang pak.
Seller : "Good afternoon too. What can I do for you?" Iya selamat siang,
ada yang bisa saya bantu?
Nani : "Emmmmm" (Ini si Nani agak ragu-ragu karena saking merasa
Dhea : "Well sir, my friend wants to buy a book in title This Live, Nur
Rohman's work." Gini pak, temen saya mau beli buku yang judulnya This
Live karangan Nur Rohman.
Seller : "Wait a minute, please!" Oh ditunggu sebentar ya
Nani : "Thank you Dhe" Makasih ya dhea
Dhea : "Okay"
Seller : "This is a book that you mean" Ini buku yang kamu maksud?
Nani : "Yes sir, how much does it cost?" Iya pak, berapa harganya?
Seller : "It cost Rp25.000" Harganya 25.000
Nani : "Wow, it so expensive, how about Rp20.000?" Wah, mahal banget.
Gimana kalau 20.000?
Seller : "Sorry, its fixed price" Maaf harga pas.
Nani : "O yeah, I will take it. Here is the money." Oh yaudah, aku beli. Ini
Seller : "Yes, here is the change. Thanks. Sometimes, buy books here
again, please!" ^^Beres. Ini uang kembaliannya. Makasih ya, kapan-kapan
beli buku di sini lagi.

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