S Giáo D C Và Đào T o Hà N I Trư NG THPT Chuyên Hà N I-Amsterdam

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S GIO DC V O TO H NI K THI HC K I NM HC 2016 - 2017


---------------------------- Thi gian lm bi: 60 pht, khng k thi gian pht
XUT S 2 -------------------------------
( thi c 04 trang)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in
the position of the main stress in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. diversity B. conversation C. application D. documentary
Question 2: A. advent B. custom C. expand D. figure
Question 3: A. drama B. centralize C. mindset D. replenish

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs
from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 4: A. addicted B. efficient C. dominant D. diversity
Question 5: A. asthma B. scandal C. achieve D. attitude
Question 6: A. farewell B. wish C. watermelon D. wrestle

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 7: Although the student raised his hand, the teacher did not acknowledge his presence.
A. recognize B. inquire C. communicate D. dismiss
Question 8: The prevailing opinion among the politicians was that the new law was going to bring
about a lot of positive changes.
A. uncertain B. questionable C. secondary D. dominant
Question 9: The adverse effects of global warming will be inevitable because heat-trapping gases are
long-lasting in the atmosphere.
A. uncontrollable B. unsuitable C. unavoidable D. undesirable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 10: In a new culture, many embarrassing situations occur _______ misunderstanding.
A. due to B. as C. for D. of
Question 11: Tom: Did you enjoy your graduation ceremony?
Miley: Oh yes, but I didnt like_______all the time
A. it to be photographed B. being photographed
C. to have been photographed D. photographed
Question 12: Until she was arrested last week, the young woman thought she had _______ the perfect
A. charged B. got away with C. committing D. found unguilty
Question 13: Professional people expect _______ when it is necessary to cancel an appointment.
A. that you would call them B. you to call them
C. you calling them D. that you are calling them
Question 14: Jane came _______ a beautiful picture when she was tidying the room.
A. pass B. round C. across D. into
Question 15: We all _______ working with you. You are so dynamic.
A. believe B. judge C. think D. appreciate
Question 16: Research in the work place reveals that people work for many reasons _______.
A. beside money B. money beside
C. money besides D. besides money
Question 17: It is believed _______ causes weight loss.
A. much stress that B. that much stress
C. many stress D. it is much stress
Question 18: _______ have made communication faster and easier through the use of email and
Internet is widely recognized.
A. That it is computers B. That computers
C. Computers that D. It is that computers
Question 19: Dad: I have bought you a toy. Happy birthday to you! Son: _______.
A. Have a nice day! B. The same to you!
C. Thanks, dad! D. What a pity!
Question 20: _______ students in our class is 45.
A. A large amount of B. A lot of
C. A number of D. The number of
Question 21: English and French, _______ do you think is easier to learn?
A. which language that B. which language C. what one D. what
Question 22: We believe that the conservation of natural resources and habitats should be part of
technological and economic _______.
A. development B. strength C. blossom D. increase
Question 23: Its very cold in here. Do you mind if I put _________ the heating?
A. off B. up with C. on D. down
Question 24: Jane was shocked when I disagreed with her. Shes so used to getting her own __________.
A. mind B. views C. opinion D. way

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE
in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.
Question 25: She had a cozy little apartment in Boston.
A. uncomfortable B. dirty C. lazy D. warm
Question 26: A frightening number of illiterate students are graduating from college.
A. able to read and write B. able to join intramural sport
C. inflexible D. unable to pass an examination in reading and writing
Question 27: My heart sank when I realized we had to walk another ten kilometers before we got to the
youth hotel.
A. I was delighted B. I was sad C. I had a normal heart D. I felt nothing
Question 28: It took Milo a while but eventually he caught his teachers attention.
A. finally B. initially C. easily D. quickly

Mark the letter on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correcting.
Question 29: George dislikes (A) politics because (B) he believes (C) that they are (D) corrupted.
Question 30: The (A) twins have the same (B) identical birthmarks (C) on (D) their backs.
Question 31: When (A) teenagers finish school, they have several choices: going to college (B), getting a
job (C) or the army (D).
Question 32: Both (A) Mr. John and Mrs. Hill are (B) demonstrating the children the rules (C) at the
moment (D)
Question 33: Green technology(A) uses (B) renewable resources that(C) are never deplete(D).

Read the following passage and then choose the word A, B, C or D that best completes each blank.
The Southwestern States of the United States suffered one of the worst droughts in their history
from 1931 to 1938. The drought (34) ______ the entire country. Few food crops could be grown. Food
became (35)______, and prices went up (36) ______ the nation. Hundreds of families in the Dust Bowl
region had to be moved to farms in other areas with the help of the federal government. In 1944, drought
brought huge damage to (37)______ all Latin America. The drought moved to Australia and then to
Europe, (38)______ it continued throughout the summer of 1945. From 1950 to 1954 in the United
States, the South and Southwest suffered a (39)______ drought. Hundreds of cattle ranchers had to ship
their cattle to other regions because pasture lands had no grass. The federal government again

(40)______ an emergency drought-relief program. It offered farmers emergency credit and seed grains
(41)______ low prices.
Question 34: A. pushed B. incurred C. occurred D. affected
Question 35: A. scarce B. mystified C. hidden D. uncommon
Question 36: A. during B. on C. all D. across
Question 37: A. near B. totally C. almost D. most
Question 38: A. which B. that C. where D. when
Question 39: A. heavy B. sharp C. strict D. severe
Question 40: A. carried B. conducted C. founded D. conformed
Question 41: A. in B. to C. over D. at

Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each question.
In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused on visible, explicit aspects of
culture, such as language, dress, food, religion, music, and social rituals. Although they are important,
these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the
tip of the iceberg of culture. Much of culture is taught and learned implicitly, or outside awareness.
Thus, neither cultural insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that certain invisible aspects of their
culture exist.
Invisible elements of culture are important to us. For example, how long we can be late before
being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention
through listening behavior, what we consider beautiful or ugly- these are all aspects of culture that we
learn and use without being aware of it. When we meet other people whose invisible cultural
assumptions differ from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behavior as
cultural in origin.
Differences in invisible culture can cause problems in cross-cultural relations. Conflicts may
arise when we are unable to recognize others behavioral differences as cultural rather than personal. We
tend to misinterpret other peoples behavior, blame them, or judge their intentions or competence
without realizing that we are experiencing cultural rather than individual differences.
Formal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and
the legal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences. If the differences were more
visible, we might have less misunderstanding. For example, if we met a man in a courthouse who was
wearing exotic clothes, speaking a language other than ours, and carrying food that looked strange, we
would not assume that we understood his thoughts and feelings or that he understood ours. Yet when
such a man is dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious
ways, we may fail to recognize the invisible cultural differences between us. As a result, mutual
misunderstanding may arise.
Question 42: What is the main purpose of the passage?
A. To describe cultural diversity.
B. To point out that much of culture is learned consciously
C. To explain why cross-cultural conflict occurs
D. To explain the importance of invisible aspects of culture
Question 43: The word rituals in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. cultures B. formalities C. assumptions D. aspects
Question 44: The phrase the tip of the iceberg in paragraph 1 means that ___________.
A. visible aspects of culture are learned in formal institutions
B. most aspects of culture cannot be seen
C. other cultures seem cold to us
D. we usually focus on the highest forms of culture
Question 45: Which of the following was NOT mentioned as an example of invisible culture?
A. What topics to avoid in conversation.
B. How late is considered impolite
C. What food to eat in a courthouse
D. How people express interest in what others are saying
Question 46: The word those in paragraph 2 refers to__________.

A. people who speak a different language B. people from a different culture
C. topics that should be avoided in conversation D. invisible cultural assumptions
Question 47: It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that conflict results when ___________.
A. people think cultural differences are personal
B. people compete with those from other cultures
C. one culture is more invisible than another culture.
D. some people recognize more cultural differences than others.
Question 48: The author implies that institutions such as schools and workplaces ________.
A. are aware of cultural differences
B. teach their employees about cultural differences
C. share a common culture.
D. reinforce invisible cultural differences
Question 49: Which of the following would most likely result in misunderstanding?
A. Unusual food being cooked by foreign visitors
B. Strange behaviour from someone speaking a foreign language.
C. Strange behaviour from someone speaking our language.
D. Learning about our own culture in school
Question 50: The word exotic in paragraph 4 could best be replaced by__________.
A. foreign B. informal C. formal D. expensive


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