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Presentation on Skill Development for Young Engineers

to Reform the Core Sector : Vision 2025

Presented by : S. Mistry, FIE

Zaloni Club Auditorium, Duliajan
"Skill Development for Young Engineers....." by S MISTRY,OIL
Date: 02/02/20171
Venue: Zaloni Club Duliajan, Date: 2nd Feb. 2017
Skill Development for Young Engineers to Reform the
Core Sector : Vision 2025
Introducing Myself
Discipline: Electrical Engineering
Professional Skill:
Testing Commissioning and Maintenance of :
3.3KV /6.6KV / 11KV / 33KV Switchgear Panels, Overhead Distribution
Lines, Switchyards
Distribution / Power Transformers up to 240MVA, HT & LT Motors
400V MCCs, DBs and Switchgear Panels
Installation Commissioning and maintenance of Maintenance of Electrical
System of Oil Field Installations and Rigs
Planning Design and Estimation of Electrical Field/Civic Installations and
New Project Works.

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Points to be discussed
Why Skill Development is Significant?
Skill India : The Core issues
Technical skill for Engineers
Engineers Responsibility
The Practices Young Engineers should Avoid
Result of Wrong Practices
Recommended practices for Young Engineer
Responsibilities of Seniors
Real life case study
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Why Skill Development is Significant ?
National Employability Report by New-Delhi based
Aspiring Minds (an employability evaluation and certification company)
revealed :
Of the 6,00,000 engineers that graduate annually in the
country less than 8% Indian engineers fit for Core
Engineering roles
(The Economic Times, Jun 14, 2016)
The nationwide analysis based on a sample of 1,50,000
engineers showed there was a huge gap in skills of
engineers as needed, to work in the large industry.
(The Hindu, June 14, 2016)

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Initiative Drives of Government of India
Significant drive of Government of India to promote
inclusive growth in electronic services, products, devices,
manufacturing, job opportunities are Make in India(Sept.
2014), Digital India(July 2015) and Skill India (July 2015)
This initiative aspires to generate 100 million jobs by
Low employability of engineers, will impede this growth
in a big way and requires Skill development with
immediate attention.
basic electrical engineering / basic concepts of
mechanics etc. is the key area of attention to reduce this
gap and make these initiatives successful.
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Core Engineering Sectors
Information Technology

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Skill Development : The Core issues
Socio-economic Development
Social and economic development in a society mainly literacy
and levels of employment
Reform in Education System
Practice and experience(Practical) based teaching to replace
present book-based and theory-oriented teaching system
HR development
Process of developing the knowledge, skills, education etc.
Uniform opportunity
Right to be treated without discrimination on the basis of
language, caste, race, sex, national origin, religion etc.
Technical skill
Feedback from the ground level
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Skill is the ability and capacity to smoothly

and adaptively carryout complex activities
or job functions

Technical skills
The knowledge and abilities needed to
accomplish mathematical, engineering,
scientific, computer or technology related.

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Technical skill for Engineers
All successful engineers have strength and
weaknesses but they have some essential
skills in common which helped them to place
themselves amongst the top engineers of the

Those are basic Skills and Knowledge can be

termed as Employability Skill

11/7/2017 "Skill Development for Young Engineers....." by S MISTRY,OIL Venue: Zaloni Club Duliajan, Date: 2nd Feb. 2017 9
Employability Skill
doing value creating work, getting paid
for it and learning at the same time,
enhancing the ability to shape work in
the future

In the other word employability skills not

only can help to get job but, it can also
help to stay in a job
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Set of skills termed as Employability Skill
1. Communication
2. Teamwork
3. Problem solving
4. Innovative and initiative
5. Planning and organizing
6. Self-management
7. Learning
8. Technology
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Engineers Responsibility

An Engineer is one who

knows basic engineering practices
have practical knowledge

Engineering book knowledge cannot convert

to engineering practices without
practical involvement
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Engineers Responsibility
An Engineer should be able to answer the
following queries
what the basic problem is?
why the problem created ?
what to be done to resolve it ?
how it will be done ?
what is the best suitable solution for a
particular problem ?
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The Practices Young Engineers should Avoid
1. Using short cut method to get quick result
2. Instruction to the working group following Book
3. Tendency of reluctant to site visit
4. Taking decision on telephonic communication
5. Use of software for practical solution
6. Ego problem and ignoring key/expert person
7. Sitting Idle during free time (no direct job or
assignment )
8. Showing more interest to non technical issues or
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Result of Wrong Practices
1. He will become more manager than an engineer
2. He may lose the ability to use his engineering knowledge
3. He may always be dependent on others decision.
4. He may have to compromise with wrong doing by his
5. He may never be able to take quick decisions to achieve
required result in time
6. He may feel comfortable with old machine, old system of
functioning or keep status quo
7. He may not be able to encourage for adoption of new
8. Absence of confidence to stick to his decision which he
feels right
9. He may get frustrated with his engineering carrier
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Recommended practices for Young Engineer
1. Writing assignments and reports as part of assigned role
2. Oral presentations on assigned role
3. Should interact with the work force in local language to
understand their views
4. Use pen and paper and free hand drawing to explain a
new thing or job to your technical workers
1. Listen views of each member of the team and take
appropriate decision
2. Goal-setting in a meeting with every team members
participation with equal status
3. Periodic meetings with team members and encourage
them to provide feedback on team activities
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Recommended practices for Young Engineer
Problem solving
1. Analysis of complaints / problems, finding appropriate
solution to resolve at the workplace itself
2. Listen views of each member of the team and take
appropriate decision

Innovative and Initiative

1. Always explore ways and means to improve the system
and work environment
2. Giving suggestion and proposing necessary change

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Recommended practices for Young Engineer
Planning and organizing
1. Managing your time around work
2. Fixing timetable for different type of jobs like technical
discussion, site visit, office work etc. and sticking to it
3. Always be ready to accept new assignment or
Self Management
1. Praise self for any achievement or good job done
2. Admit mistakes to avoid similar happening for future
3. Control emotions and stay focused on your goal
4. Fix your own Timetable and sticking to it

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Recommended practices for Young Engineer
1. Stay motivated to improve study habits and read manuals,
case studies etc. to improve your knowledge and way of
2. Use internet and digital system learning and upgrade
your knowledge in other technical fields also
3. Learn free hand drawing or sketch with pen/pencil to
explain job functions to your work force
1. Learn to use a computer for different technical
requirement like computing, drawing or maintaining
database etc.
2. Keep yourself updated with new technology
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Responsibilities of Seniors
1. Young Engineers should be considered as assistant
2. Avoid shifting of responsibilities to young engineers to
avoid committing mistakes
3. Opportunity to be given to solve any issue related to
technical independently
4. Should not often involve him to a non-technical matters
5. Do not allow him to stay idle (without any assignments)
6. Do not advice or allow him to use any shortcut methods or
thumb rule for faster result
7. Allow him as minimum as it requires to use Computer or
any software
8. Always advise him to use paper and pen to explain any
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Responsibilities of Seniors
9. Do not give multiple assignments at one time to avoid
apply short cut methods
10. Give technical assignment and ask for report in written
form as well as in simple presentation
11. Monitor his work and style of functioning and give proper
advice to rectify where necessary
12. Send him for training on necessity basis
13. Praise him for any good job done or for any achievement
14. Do not criticize harshly for committing mistake
15. Teach and explain how to avoid the possible mistake
16. Encourage and guide young engineer to explore new
innovative ideas for improvements
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Engineering Reform to reform Core Sector
will be possible if the entire engineering society
starting from
engineering institutions to core engineering sector
changes their way of functioning to achieve the goal

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