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Bio 105 - Contemporary Biology - Fall 2017 Learning Guide 00

Chapter: 1 Part: 1 of 1 Part

Major Topic(s) Covered: The Introduction to Biology 105

Read Section(s): Chapter 1 Introduction; 1.1 to 1.7; 1.10
Omit Section(s): 1.8, 1.09, & 1.11
Individual Assignment(s): Read the course Syllabus; Read the text on How to Use the
Book Pages: iv-vii
Group Assignment: Organize groups of four students to work in class. Exchange
contact information. Turn in Group sheet.

Why this Material? This will be the only study guide you get which you will read after
the class material has been covered. It is done this way simply for the mechanical reasons
of time and place, but it is important to study the appropriate material because an
understanding of the operations of the course and its goals are central to your success in
this course.

Learning Objectives: After the first class and upon completion of this learning guide,
you should be able to:

1. Know the procedures which will be used in this class and how this class will differ from
the straight lecture format you might have been expecting.

2. Know how informative testing is to be carried out and understand its role in this course.

Bio 105 - Contemporary Biology - Fall 2017 Learning Guide 00

3. Define biological literacy and explain why it is necessary for any educated citizen.
Ability to use the process of scientific inquiry to think creatively about real-world
issues that have a biological component
Able to communicate these thoughts to others
Able to integrate these ideas into your decision making

4. Know what background knowledge your instructors expect you to already have, and
how it will affect what is covered in the course.

5. Name at least nine levels on the life around us may be organized (hierarchy) and
understand the relationship(s) between those levels.

Bio 105 - Contemporary Biology - Fall 2017 Learning Guide 00

6. Know about the chemical and cellular basis of all life. [Things to think about: Are
there any exceptions to this statement? If all living things operate on the basis of the
laws of physics and chemistry, then how is a human different than a washing machine?]
Processes that all living organisms exhibit ex. Order form,
reproduction, growth/development, etc.
Recognize life by what living things DO
Cell: place where properties of life emerge, the simplest way that can
exhibit all of the patterns and processes of life
How do you make sense of diversity and complexity; also unity of life

7. Understand why Evolution is the core theme of biology, being so important that every
chapter in your book has an Evolution Connection Module. .

8. Understand the meaning and use of the following terms or ideas:

The Three Domains of Life

The definition of the term Evolution

Natural selection

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