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DISTRICT LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY Combined Court Buildings, Dindigul - 624 001. CHAIRMAN Ta SECRETARY iy Thiru.K.Muralishankar,B.L., Thiru.C.VIJAYAKUMAR.B.A.B.L., Principal District and Sessions Judge SENIOR CIVIL JUDGE. MEDS. (-z4phleBlésenes craést 3/2017) (sLLLieflsdt pono Gags &LLibd 1987 flay 9(5)én Sip Gleueflud_cui@Alenpgy) 1.2017 Lorain yIG SULPETA wnfla svehsdr sonamrdeupeAer si,51 crest «6743 /E /2017 Dated 23.10.2017.crug. 9 slanGsacd cores SLLULomscT QnreorgGy BQeavsssid snShurs ocre/yHwusres GgrigAssuLL Qorfloa Pljens egchunentGorheoo Pjours esunei(seflol Qusgeueujg) wigbd sigeaes egeflumeny LeMAUIL WE CEGS SEA aMLS pLujsonor serocuplpserono omew_L §5u9 AcinGsad sieujsdr s ioivewlsdt syenemsqup sti 1987 Dla 95)ér ig. CoH SASOSS oS #poMLLui_ Qerongy. 2eeCai Oss siflléms ECp sco reels epasron 55550 Las crséGNu GlersphApopsdls5G§ cor.w ses amiss pujsclid Qos Serercumed cupasci@senper.Q\bs AMAieosCumnG® Capsgq Qoorsscii Oro EHlsgepssiuLr seGs UBAssd Aemariumsd H555 Les EsefWw Sess su! sraQoriusLuule sedchlé srenfilspsaier peGan@ sa MUssIUL Carcior Gd. SarAuI_mseler Maupmsc sols ses.Osmpagiugs s@sewouer THO Chany srSAui_miscfen craorenflscns worhmid Gor sypHAapenm Grp SoTL 9)_Leueneersafed (1) (II) (IL) crea) GAG @eteren. (1) sibLet gm apenp Upehier Guu Qafloo jars apscunent Rs 19,500-62,000(Pay Matrix) STO LicwluIL user cratrenflésens, (As per the G .O.MS NO 303 Finance] (ongib peorblioe) (Pay Cell)Department Dated| 11.10.2017.) sbals 5d) Gopss ucsone 104+2/ CodPoociumindfead GsreA umes Cousin Gi Ben e194) apenm 1-lsey.dGUGSSUUCGLo5 (MBC)) LuLigwid Beng seus (SC)) (MW) upeai@er Quuy epee Bares Rance Jewbuer bm (peop Rs 19,500-62,000(Pay Matrix) (As per the G .O.MS NO 303 Finance}ona pang. (Pay Cell)Department ~—_—Dated 11.10.2017.) soa s Sel comps uteone 10+2/] CodAootiumcMficdd Cpe AuppGaa| Gauain@ib. Asmplagicus sds seA. senile eparbd sigamss serefludeondae aie ‘Computer anénlsip(Certificate course in on Office Automation)/saxflef! DpunasHe Luss wigtny (Diploma in Computer Application) SrA Liew msc creiremAsenss Bar apad cpp 1 GUO SsLIULGLAF (BC) lige) (ity fsibuet aim apap. Upeih@er Quit sgiaies epcawrent Rs 15,700-50,000(Pay Matrix) (As per the G .O.MS NO 303 Finance} ung aon hie. (Pay Cell)Department ~—_—Dated| 11.10.2017.) soos 5G) opis ulsors alum aguda CajeAl Aub pss Cousins. Qae is arson oc Opi Adroreupserse — apengyfleno eres UewfluGl_muecr creitenhlsens en HpI3) Cpanp 19 HUOSSLIUL GLmj (apetvehid) (BC (M)) Lig wied Lup ri @Uq.uGenf (ST) 4.cuwgy cumidy:- SeirenrLuismppect 01.07.2017 eng). acer [Aeremiugmyjscic GeleanisuLe aug ]ads ue aug Sip b4l cumaaer. 01.07.2017 engi ]01.07.2017 sierm 1 LCGued Blonsseuract, Lg wed} 18 ewig) 35 euwigy. Derssaujscr(aqssAwijadr), ULquid —LiipmuGigudlemrfaicr wpb SITS) Jug uiyesenaruyud ari bS -24STANpp Alsencuscr, 2 Waray DHuOs sou] 18 euwigy 32 euwgy. aiGUGeni/ Si ton Gon WMuGSHOULL — auwenGeni augundeni ooo 3. Bsr GilMeny (osreugy 18 aiwigy . 30 cuwigy. Ucgud Bens seujecr, equa Qersgeujscr(oGpsSuijecr), UL Gd — Lippi iguDanjescr Baad GUO SSCL augtiGens — 185 wo Dons MpuGssUULL ageuGenh MpuGssLULL — AGLWGen}| (qpeveid) au aGldlenané sirgmpeupescr (aug agby sQmsac pa_epOgicra snags 17% apenemadr ppd ois AACepseflerig GewduGssuuGw) 5.wao_8l rer: PYoswrses USI GetuULL Aebremuimusener suweHerssi © 50 sre sig5sd Adsosd giioulL eeomuy_er Paagaoss§ed CpoqunsGan sag) uP assure epermsCeur 16.11.2017 wrene 5.45 wahéGs Soésspis sored SCyp sem PsaHlsG qiiilenass Govsin@id.16.11.2017 sen wnenw 5.45 vahléG Cod agGb Aareniumsdr céerramd snenGid ons Aencreminriom ing, geSurer Aeirremiunsd wi GOCo sins AsnéreriuObe fu eepsgs Csfascr whgd Epjsnemd epawns Gopscin sumed GrIUCUGd, 7.768 QoWKULL Aleman iunischt eg) Gay Causing. apscufl:- sooat /pscow oral. sAus , WILL sLLUvenflsd mors Gy, fAwarp snp cer 14, USw FAwerp cuarraid, Cagpréfung corned, wr ay AUF sigiai@s eierrEtb, Sen Gsse ,624001. 8 genoait/apsereno orate §HFus ora sive flat ROME UY Air HssoIujsGHsG CoCwsem useSlaepssron Csja/iaiPuvesas a5 eG sMeAyd AsnOssmod 5g) AsiwiGan/ sta nassCar sPsnpd cinG. Qs -ipflléensuy dr GCaj5g; GacWKuL@dror euler Osdsener Aeoromiuisnpiedr SAMGNITG FONG GSH CousinOud cron SMeynssuuGHermgy. Sooo /apserenw oral $HuH , wore, ef tied yeni (YQ. Kee ee . GOT (BBV. RS 6 Alcor fsepssron_auflsm_Qsdsdr ;:- LAlerrentiusmriasd siiscrg Acireaiusns (pybscucny siiscrg osvlenGoCu SGLY /dog) fo fp Upsiqpenencs GueneflamGean s105) sonal mpod sLiés Gariwicii Guo fips Gausin@id crongy aGlayssiuiGAerpg. LAereniusnniscd snes orbs UeMse AeiremuMsAermrisdr ctémigenon ShsAg Acirenciugsdd GALES Bp flelss CousinGid. SQAAANG UFASG0 seaAlsschunon Aemeriumesdr sopIssCuLd CausiGrd. A.gAGang AsmeniugGerGid sur Bors. e550 damon e556 Adrene SLLOULL oop saunngy Qoanssud Cousin @rd. S.AMEsH' Loo MEFs Gd AeireeniIgwd Asinaoiugnyjscr 1.07.2017 DGD GOHsu sib 18 swmsw yIEA QeLAGss CoueirGrd. 6.oPsursions 107.2017 seg ULgUd Bedgsaujsc wppb uc_ud LpmGHUvISHEEsGS 35 auignd Daa WuiGPSs0ULL odd MPuGssOULL AGLIGGHSG 32 auignd ody Gunges Vieid odrenajsdr 30 auers yissl Asiiumod Qepss Cousir@id. Tagiaos esAunat ueMléG AereriIGbd Aerentiugnriscr Gopps ULsDIe 8 AGU E5jsA Sin HAGSS CucinOh Ashossés Qowrs aunser LORE e flow AupNdraraussanaG apergyfeno apisLUGid. BQaflooa Pjons esAurey vols AeramiiIsGd eramivusmyjsdr Gapps Uso 10+2/Godfleas urUAfieile CsjeA Guodpi Gis CararGrd. IDerGone Plans ogeluncri(semlal Qusepi) vewlége AeimomiIs eid Aaranciuginisc Gone usons 10+2/Codfeot um cide - Css GupAGss CasinGid opm sala qpabd sgaess scalssonésd Aled snciy§\yp(Certificate course in Computer on Office Automation) 2idag) senile yGunssAo ucLurd (Diploma in Computer Application) Quislessa Gauein ®t. 10.6u srenflituc Cp sam. apecmbiscr/enéufsipadr Aeiremiucs Up.aisg cr Qmenés iid GouenOd. 1 [Snirsenag oigd ang Aguerd [Ipuy4s enensp/8 b aeoy/@or flows sae ude @nd agiys encnflsp(SS.L.C) /Gweslena udraflés ecvellé sreniSlgyp (HSC) 2 [ond Besuemb Seas aden SaniouuTe| SUpmSOULL ends endnplsy 3 jada s@ sl slepuemb sche snénflgy> (HSC)/uLLb/ulLws srénBp ip. 4 [Ganfla pcug sais Apenéarar|Gemfa glu emiuveser@ Bebe cupmsUc sronisp/@er Opi ef. 5 |Comeaminy use, orair/CsSéeren|Cumoeuminy sigaess use Ble ses <1 6 56D. GObU Heorwrer sLen/aundanenh lenLurer siL@L/asgni siLen_/s_aysheQ. ILeaGang uahiGhapgeb OQrggedireng, (wnflo nhl) aienaivle 6 | Biber Waaféanen geno SOLUIGSSUOL SA ETO onfleo sLioucwladr mans eupoiler eget Asuiah Qos yoamigGageAer Sp vesFyfud abs EG sHawenjupr Pjenas srrerisG5esns Wiblosier opp UGHsEd vow orgs Aevswieomd L2.epwagions YIEA QewWOUCL enema sereaus /apscreno wren. £89 once st tiuewadr s,enemi gp 6SloénD 10 cre 14,4Hu SSrocnp auarrsid GagpnéAuns ousrmsid Dain@éscd-624001 crérguid s1giuws (psaiflenus 16.11.2017 .oieng tonena 5.45 wenger arbgse_ujorgy sey masse Cousin Gb. 13. 16.11.2017 sia wna 5.45 DahsGl TerinsCam S005) SES5Un Wis! Gsimiuing Acinomiimses sidag sobs soamisear Qmensasns Adres end ~ppiGordnsAGaGu Arrahsssu@. : 14G0Go sem. upAa@xiens Aeremiud Aew@cusennGaCu Aererniugirisdr cUGsGb .5 usclsaiier rex PuwensSpanen Gsngsflono aHA\b Jado crenyy AsfchlsssuGdslenpgy. 15 sMporO oMPlostiuehsd yar qupcler ogiiGent Qsumf eps eri6 GuGascn. usdAlscsdaren Gsja/ucMpuvesns abs go sled GanGasnod 74g) QeiuGan/ sdrof madsGain oPanmd oor G. Eoeeii] operand WACK FB, pry LorauL gL civeriledr a,enemaeup, Sua w SOLID OKXXKK YOOWKKHHK OHKKHKK Guppé s@aaii/(pséren wre §us, LOMEULL ELL LMS ened e(lp, Asin Qiao. WALI G Aw gun, Bunge: wore sLLtiuersdr gonamsGap - yt Caniy Asm fume — QarBow Ajons 2polunert / BerBlerw Piers © soAuinari (seaflal QusGues) /sgees ogefumary - Sleremiud - sw Giug) - Agn_juns, brat Borla flyans egeSuinany | Berflena Pfeurs 2 seSumenh (sone Qusguay) | sgams esSunery vee EAIILGULL umasdd Aramid wogbd sweep ULL snenslspseer Qsgucr Qaomss Sei DujerGorear pret sli tuerflsd goers Gup SDUIG Come Caius aumiciuehsgidu1ys GaLQé AandrlenGpen. pen, Quy SG, Brus 2 ciorenwouysirar, Qus: Gap AoireariGs Gd upeAuSer Quusg: L.cAlaneniuempfér Qui 2.spens | cares Quit 3.9 p58 Geil (srendlayp @lonemréeci_ Carsin@id) 4.cuusgy (01.07.2017 exergy) S.eggaior | Quici 6.Gp8lu: Qenb (Nationality) T.apgib (Religion) BMenciIflay wdpd grésenenpleyp (snenilgyp Qenerréaciu GeusinG) 9.5des ne (seni) Ghonemrdsexc1Li_ Gousir ub) “eu.creiet Udrafi/scdgnfiudles Guu | uit 10.Qsmpa yLu sasAnenw (smenpls % Gover Casein@ib) LU. Gacoermiiy sigems upley crn ppd + Bla, par (oneiBlayp Glooerréasci Causin@ib) 12.Qsflig Giompadr 13.,Aybsy (pseu(encng Qonemastiu sei @ib) 14. Gin wpse Bleupd (Hey Depsre) 15.Qgm_ iy cre. 16. eras cpascufl (aren @eoaene) U7 Gecwssiuce snepPppeaiicn paced 1. Aum 2 3 pi slaiQu, LumeivGuumie satay Yeostiuib. GppeA AGL AN oréhonred CnGa mpc Buphadt Seng © cmenvduer = ppucadenGper Bitisdr © obreo.ouydror (@a@uimiiib)

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