Executive Council (Directors) 3150 '2018-2019'

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Executive Council `2018-2019`

Rotaract Distri
istrict Organization, Rotary Internati
ernational District 3150

1. District Director Comm
ommunity Services

a. Responsible to come up with innovative and sustainable projects which

promote service to the co
community and its plan of execution.
b. Should plan and execute district/zone level projects which will include all
the Rotaract Clubs in the district/zone becoming a part of it.
c. If any Rotaract Club is planning to come up with a Community service project
pr and
if they need assistance in completing it, District Community service team shall
support them.
d. Share sustainable Community Service Project Success ideas with clubs
and encourage them to take up such projects.
e. Coordinate Community Service Project concurrently by Clubs on a common theme.

2. District Director Profess

rofessional / Vocational Service Developmentt

a. Organize district level training programs which will help the club leaders/members
to understand their role better.
b. Organize Professional and vocational forums & Management seminars in various
clubs or at a district level.
c. Helping Rotaractors to improve public speaking skills.
d. Training Rotaractor's to delegate project responsibilities and ensuring necessary
e. Organizing RLTW- Rotaract Leadership Training Workshop.

3. District Director Intern

national Service

a. Plan & Execute District International Service projects.

b. Maintain healthy Relations with other districts.
c. Plan and Organize Inter District Youth Exchange(IDY
Exchange(IDYE) E) programs with other districts.
d. If there is/are any visiting Rotaractor/Rotaractors whom the district would like to
host, will be taken care by him/her.
e. Encouraging and having flag exchanges, Sister club agreements and twin
club agreements.
f. Help clubs to interact with the other districts and encourage them to have joint
g. Promotion of Inter District and Rotary International Events. (Rotasia, International
RYLA, etc.)

DRRE Rtr. Ranjith Kumar Reddy

Email: rtr.ranjith.cp
r.ranjith.cp@gmail.com || Mobile: +918520041492
Executive Council `2018-2019`
Rotaract Distri
istrict Organization, Rotary Internati
ernational District 3150

4. District Director Publiic Relations

a. Responsible for handling the Communication from District to General Public.

b. Any information that reaches public about Rotaract District will be maintained by
him/her, such as managing social network accounts, website, blogs etc.
c. Creating plans to reach more crowd wit
h promotional activities.
d. Writing Press Write ups and Follow ups.
e. Creating a Brand image for Rotaract in the Rotary International District 3012.
f. Creating and executing plans to attract youth to join Rotaract, guiding them with the
procedures to join clubs.

5. District Director Club Service

a. Should be connecting all the council members and making a record of meeting and
the attendance of the Executive Council.
b. Gather the personal data of all council members
c. Wish them on their birthday
birthdays or any special occasions .
d. Should d be planning the meeting for the district council member and execute them
without any fail.
6. District Director Rotary and Rotaract Relation

a. He/She should plan the meeting which build a good relation between the Rotary and
b. He/Shehe should plying key role in coonect with the rotary and build a strong rotaract clubs
in the district.
c. Should plan the events in collaboration with rotary and rotaract .

7. District Editor

a. Plan & Executive District Bulletins / Newsletters.

b. Develop Posters and Other Promotional Material for District Events and Projects.
c. Creating the District Directory, updating and maintaining it.
d. Providing Literary support to events hosted and conducted by the district.

DRRE Rtr. Ranjith Kumar Reddy

Email: rtr.ranjith.cp
r.ranjith.cp@gmail.com || Mobile: +918520041492
Executive Council `2018-2019`
Rotaract Distri
istrict Organization, Rotary Internati
ernational District 3150

8. District Head Websitee & Social Media

a. Learn about the current website.

b. Knowledge transfer from the current team
c. Works in parallel with the District Director Public Relations.
d. Responsible for maintaining and u updating
pdating District updates on District Website and
social platforms.
e. Learn about the current social media platforms.
f. Knowledge transfer from the current team
g. Designing and creating attractive posters as well as quotes to be uploaded on social
h. media.

9. District Designer

a. Designing and creating attractive posters as well as quotes to be uploaded on social

b. Designing and creating attractive teasers for district events.
c. Works in parallel with the District Director Social Media and Head Website
We &

10. Director Cultural Team


a. To plan cultural activity for all the district events.

b. To form a team with various Rotaractors for flash mobs, plays etc.
c. Be an advisor member for Cultural Teams for all the events.

Note : - All the JOINT DISTRICT DIRECTOR will be assisting the DSTRICT
DIRECTOR in their respective avenues (Roles and Responsibilities are same)

DRRE Rtr. Ranjith Kumar Reddy

Email: rtr.ranjith.cp
r.ranjith.cp@gmail.com || Mobile: +918520041492

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