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The Coca-Cola Company

Management 310: Project Plan

Team 40:
Kayla Bright
Michael Cunningham
Madeline McLean
Tim OSullivan
Marissa Oudt
Leslie Owen

Allison Gabriel
24 September 2017
S.M.A.R.T Goals
Our group plans to meet for three to four hours a week in order to discuss and stay organized in
our research on The Coca-Cola Company. We will research two main issues within our
companys management. The first will be assessing employees workload, while the second will
be the effect of workplace politics on our employees. After collecting all relevant information,
we plan to create a document that addresses these two key issues and then provide solutions to
these problems. This report will be completed before November 20th. Our first goal is to split up
the research into individual parts on October 1st. Then, by October 15th, we will have
interviewed a current employee within the company, who is an account manager. This will be an
informational interview that includes our questionnaire. Our questionnaire consists of seven
statements in which they will rate the extent to which they agree or disagree on a scale from 1-5.
The interview and questionnaire will provide us with the opportunity to gain insight about
employee satisfaction first hand. After collecting all of our individual research and conducting
our employee interviews we will compile all our data together on October 29th. Its important
that we all individually hold ourselves accountable for quality research completed by this
deadline. After we put all the components together to create our report, we will put together a
presentation that effectively communicates our ideas and recommendations. Our overall goal is
to provide management with effective solutions that will improve employee satisfaction and job
performance while also addressing our two underlying issues.

Plan For Collecting Data

In order to gather data for a such a large company like Coca-Cola, our group felt that the most
effective approach to gather information and receive feedback would be to speak with employees
directly about specific organizational-behavior issues within the company. This will help us
gather information from primary sources and allow us to analyze how employees feel about how
organizational politics affect promotions as well as assessing the employee workload. Within the
Coca-Cola Company, we plan to contact Shelley Lopez, who is an account manager for Jack-in-
the-Box. She will be a strong employee to communicate with as she is a manager and oversees a
group of employees that work under her. This way, we can get a managers perspective as well
as her subordinates that are not as high up in the company. We plan to gather data about these
two issues: workload and promotions within the company. This will be done by providing a
questionnaire on observational behavior as well as interviewing an employee that we are
currently in contact with at Coca-Cola. From this research, we will be able to gather information
surrounding how employees feel about the amount of work that they do and their workplace in
order address these issues in the hopes of providing an even more positive experience for Coca-
Cola employees.

Here is the questionnaire our team will use to survey middle management employees of The
Coca-Cola using the Likert Scale:

5- Always Agree
4-Sometimes Agree
3- Neither Agree or Disagree
2-Sometimes Disagree
1-Always Disagree
Determine Effect of Workplace Environment/ Politics on Employees

The culture and emotional climate of the workplace is generally positive and supportive.
1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

I feel like Im a part of the team (shared mission, values, efforts and goals).
1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

My efforts are recognized and acknowledged in tangible ways.

1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

I find myself distracted from my job by non-task hindrances.

1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

Determine Effect of Workload on Employees

I feel in control of my work and capable of competently carrying out daily tasks.
1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

I view my tasks as challenges rather than obstacles (hindrances).

1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:
I cant get all my work done because I have too much to do.
1 2 3 4 5
If less than a 3, please explain:

Following this research, we will be able to compare this primary source feedback to some
secondary sources such as online reviews and online employee feedback. With these two aspects
together, we will be able to compare our results to some of the former information that has been
gathered about the employee satisfaction. We feel it is important to get honest feedback directly
from the employees, while still taking into consideration what other employees in the company
have to say about the same issues. This will allow us to point out specific trends within the
company that may be worth looking even deeper into.

Work Breakdown Structure

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