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Outdoor Fire Siren

Technical Data

Power supply 20...28v

Standby current consumption 1oInA
Charging current consumption max. l00mA
Current load during work Supply by Battery
Back-up battery 12Vl 4Ah or 7 Ah
Sound Mode (vary) 900...2400H2
Sound pressure 118 dB
Prcduct B type (Outdoor)
Protection level IP 33C
Wires 0,22. . .l,5mm2
Weight (withoul battery) 3Kg
Sizes 295X200X100mm
Opemting temperatue -40...+85.C
Max humidity 95% RH
SelfTest Battery, Lamp, Hom

The PS'128F fire siren device are designed for application in the fire alarm systems.
Way of example it could be connected to fre loop four,-tbree, -two wires or deenergized starting
In case offour wires mode used the siren able to trouble event send to the hre control panel, such that
end of.esistance oftbe loop is inlerupted. So the fire cofltrol paDel indicated the signal Ioop fault.
The siren is provided sound and lights, while the siren given signal tdgger from fire control panl.

The device ofpackage contents a paper template. So we can mounted the siren on the flat wall easier.
With this template paper could be made a mark on the wall for wire, bolt and wall-plug. Please
removed the siren of cover and mounted it on the wall by fow scre\'r's.

Before setting ofjumpers must be power offat the device.
;,Tamper': If necessjty, plac ofjumper can be connected the tamper switcher: without tamper
switcher l ve it on.
,,Relay"i Felhelyez6sivel a a lez{rrst megszakft6 reid iktathat6 ki (hibajelentds tiliisa).
,,1": Ielhelyezdsdvel a tApelvdteles inditds tilthat6, elt ivoliLisaval engedlyezhet6.
..2''...J*: \ol used (reserved).

Connectin Modes:
1. mode: Two wires nol-supervised 2.modeitr our wires non-supervised starting
(deenergized) starting mode: mode:
lfyou removed the,,l"jumper it can be Better than the first version, that power outage
enable the deenergized starting mode. ln cas u ill nor sran. It is advantageous if lhe siren is
of enoDght two wircs. The Siren ofDC + not the last member of the loop. The
(+24V) and DC - (GND) points, connected by disadvantage is that the control panel does not
relay to the Aux+ and Au-\- ofthe fire svstem. detect erors lhen declared.
Fire system
PS.t28F PS-128f

3. mode Fourwires supervised starting 4. mode: Threel wires starting mode:
mode: The s en oftwo wires power supply required
In case of failue ofthe fire alrrm control panel and for the sarting signaljust one wire requird.
appears on the siren circuit fault is indicated by The tdgger signal can be connected in two
the siren briefly intenupied by the closure, ways, depending on the polarity.
which is detectd through the center ofthe If the trigger signal polarity is positive(Start+),
hom loop. so positive voltage gjven for siren DC in, it
must be connectd to the following


| (r l,--r I R Of Elrd
ATTENTION !!! Ifthe trigger signal polarityis negative, so that
The dlird version connection is not working 0V voltage given for siren DC in, for the fire
properly in all fire alann system. In any case, alam of satiing in is about 0V when the siren
make sure the compatibility before installation, is working. it must be connected to the
check with the manufactue. or distributor of following
fire alarm system, rcfer to the document. Fire systcm

Start up, Installation:

lfyou sure the wbing is correc! reconnect the battery negative trminal ofthe biack wire to the
positive pole ofthe red. Then, tum on the power supply (24V), and tum on th fire control paneltoo.
Ifthe baitery is new or has been discharged, it may indicate a fault until the battery reaches the proper
levpi. If the eror persists even after two days, check up the siren, ifnecessary, contact your dealer.
If everything works, unscrew the two screws on the cover,

The loop of siren circuit

Ifa PS-128F is not the last ofthe siren circuit, the outgoing wire to the R + and R-terminals connected
polarity, as shown below.

DC 24V


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