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1. A survey vessel has a 10 ft diameter, B 5-90 propeller with a pitch of 10 ft.

propeller speed is 200 rpm, the boat speed is 20 knots, and the thrust reduction factor
(t) is 0.12, wake fraction (w) is 0.18, and the relative rotational efficiency R is 1.0.

The propeller operates as indicated by the Wageningen (Troost) Series B propeller

charts. Determine:

a. Thrust
b. Shaft torque
c. EHP of the boat
d. The propeller shaft power (delivered power) PD
e. The (Quasi) PC or D

The propeller is also tested at zero ship speed (bollard pull) and it is found that the
engine limits the torque to 50,000 lbf ft. Determine:

f. the propeller rpm and thrust at this condition

a. Prop. Thrust.
Given variables d := 10ft p := 10ft p_over_d := n_rpm := 200 Vs := 20knot
t := .12 w := .18 R := 1 := 1.9905lb

VA := Vs ( 1 w) m
Velocity of Approach VA = 8.437

n_rpm 1 VA
n := n = 3.333 J1 :=
Advance Ratio 60 sec s n d J1 = 0.83

Use the B 5-90 prop curve to determine KT and KQ

KT := .12 KQ := .023

2 4
Thrust := KT n d 4
Thrust = 2.654 10 lb
b. Shaft Torque
2 5
Torque := KQ n d
Torque = 5.087 10 lb ft
c. Shaft powerr delivered PD := 2 n
sec 3
550 PD = 1.937 10 hp
d. EHP Vs
PE := Thrust ( 1 t )
ft 3
lb PE = 1.433 10 hp

e. Quasi Efficiency
D := D = 0.74
f. Propeller rpm and thrust at 50,000.

Advance_velocity := 0 Torque max := 50000 lb ft

Torque max
n o :=
5 1
KQ d R no = 3.305
s n q := n o 60 sec
n q = 198.286
2 4 7 2
Thrust q := KT n q d Thrust q = 9.391 10 s lb

2. A propeller is to be selected for a single-screw container ship with the following

EHP = 80000 HP, ship speed = 25 kts, maximum propeller diameter = 34 ft,
w = 0.249, t = 0.18, R = 1.0, centerline depth, h = 25 ft

a. Using the maximum prop diameter, determine the optimum B 5-90 design. Use the
metrics below to confirm your design.
a. P/D
b. KT (optimum)
c. KQ (optimum)
d. o (optimum)
e. J
f. Developed HP
g. The (Quasi) PC or D
h. RPM

From the consideration of cavitation, determine:

i. The predicted cavitation (%) using the Burrill correlation
j. The expanded area ratio (EAR) to provide 5% cavitation for a commercial
Assume the operating conditions are similar to the B 5-90 propeller.

Given V2 := 25 knot EHP := 80000 hp d 2 := 34 ft w2 := .249 t2 := .18 R := 1 h := 25

First we must combine a couple of equations in order to get all the information we know in terms of KT and
sec EHP R2 T2
R2 := 550 V2
T2 := Kt :=
J2 :=
hp V2 1 t2 2
n2 d2
n 2 d 2

Kt 550 ( EHP)

hp = 0.55
2 3 2
( )(
V2 d 2 1 t2 1 w2 ) 2

Now we can plot the function KT = 0.55 * J2 on the B 5-90 curve graph. Drawing a verticle line
where the function plot and each KT - P/D intersect will provide a value for KT and o. Starting
with a logical P/D (.5 for example), step though P/D values, recording KT and o. Take note at
the peak value for o, That will determine optimal values. Using the curves posted on the web, I
P/D = 1.2 KT=.29 o = .6
Kt := .29
a. P/D = 1.2
Kt Kq := .055
b. KT(opt) = .29 J2 :=
c. KQ(opt) = .055
o2 := .6
2 5
d. o = .6 Q2 := Kq n d
J2 = 0.726
e. J = 0.726

PC := o2

1 w R

PD2 := PD2 = 1.242 10 hp
f. HP = 124200 HP PC
1 w2
g. PC = .644 n 2 := V2
J2 d 2 1
n2 = 1.284 PC = 0.644
h. RPM = 77.012 s

N2 := n 2 60 s N2 = 77.012

Cavitation Calculations EAR := 90 P_over_D_ans := 1.2

h := 25ft

A E := EAR assume AD ~ AE
A P := A E [ 1.067 0.229( P_over_D_ans ) ] 2
VR := V2 ( 1 w2) + ( 0.7 n d 2)
2 2

AP 1
3 2 10
C := A E = 7.591 10 m C = 5.421 10
1 2 2
VR A s

4 3
ft ft
2026 + 64.4 h
4 4 2
sec sec sec
0.7R :=
2 2 4
0.7R = 1.095 10
VR + 4.836 N2 d 2
2 1 2 ft

2 0.2
C A s + 0.3064 0.523 0.7R
C :=
0.2 C = 17.791 % cavitation
0.0305 0.0174

Negative cavitation indicates that it is not a problem with at this speed

i. Cavitation = - 17.8%

Cn := C .0305 0.7R
0.2 0.2
. 0174 .3064 + .523 0.7R
A pn := A pn
.5 V 2 EARn :=
Cn R 2
1.067 .229 1.2 34
( )

j. = EAR is much less than one, Changing to meet these requirements would
not be necessary. (This will be considered extra credit)
3. List the advantages and disadvantages of the fixed pitch propeller, controllable
pitch propeller, and waterjet propulsion systems. List the best applications (or
platform(s)) for each propulsor and supporting reasons considering the mission of the
platform. (expectation: half a page of concise thought).

For full credit - A brief discussion similar to that in chapter 6 of the text, At least 2 advantages and 2
disadvantages of each and an example of where each has been used sucessfully.

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