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This to Certify that I have completed the PROJECT
Titled: SELECTION & RECRUITMENT under the guidance of
JASPREET KAUR in the partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the Award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS

This is an original work and I have not submitted it earlier


This is to certify that the Project Titled: SELECTION &
RECRUITMENT is an academic work done by Name ,
submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS

In the name of almighty I would like to extend my sincere gratitude
and heart-full respect to my faculty Madam: Mrs. JASPREET, for
valuable guidance and inspiration that helped to complete my
Practical-File, successfully. I feel thankful to her for her innovative
ideas, which led to successful completion of this Practical-File. She
has always welcomed my problems and helped us all to clear our
Name of company: Omnis Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.
Address: 1/4th Floor, Najafgarh-Road, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110018
Industry: Healthcare and Wellness.
History of Organization: Established on 16th October 2015.
Organization structure: 149 employees
Number of Directors: 3
Number of Managers: 8
Number of Accountants: 3
Number of Operational-Staff: 5
Number of Field-Staff: 7
Number of Sales-Staff: 120

GOAL = To be the best Service-provider and focus on Customer-


MISSION = We focus on understanding you and your needs, and then

deploy solutions precisely based on them. Our mission is to help you be
the best version of yourself, in terms of health, and help you become
the rock star of your life.

Submitted by:
Institute: Kamal Institute of Higher Education & Advance
Technology, New Delhi-110059.
Course: BBA (G)
Enrollment No.:
Internship Batch No.: 4th

Submitted to:
Omnis Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.
Apollo Munich Health Insurance
Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd. is a
private sector health insurance company in India.
Founded on 8 August 2007, it is a joint venture between
the Apollo Hospitals group and Munich Health, one of the
three business segments of Munich Re; a leading
reinsurance company based in Germany.
Apollo Munich Health Insurance is ISO 9001:2008
certified for Design, Distribution and Servicing of health
insurance products. It has 100 physical offices all over
India and more than 2,200 employees.


Apollo Munich Health Insurance Company Ltd. was

originally known as Apollo DKV Insurance Company
Ltd.; a joint venture between Apollo Hospitals and DKV
AG, a subsidiary of ERGO Group; a group of insurance
companies owned by Munich Re. The stake holding of the
two companies was in the ratio of 74:26 (Apollo
Hospitals Group: DKV AG).
Apollo DKV was renamed Apollo Munich Health
Insurance in December, 2009. Munich Re acquired an
additional 23.27% share of Apollo Munich Health
Insurance in January, 2016, increasing its shareholdings
to 48.75%.
Apollo Munichs tag line, Lets Uncomplicate, is
supposed to convey its effort to simplify and make more
transparent, the process of buying health insurance. Its
brand logo, a colorful, happy man, is meant to depict the
companys endeavor to help its customers stay healthy
and joyful.

In March, 2012, the company appointed Sourav Ganguly,

a former Indian cricketer and captain of the Indian
national cricket team, as brand ambassador. Sourav
Ganguly is part of Apollo Munichs media plan that
combines marketing, strategic and social initiatives.
Antony Jacob, CEO, Apollo Munich Health Insurance,
accords this decision to the congruence of Sourav
Gangulys qualities and traits with those of the company,
including his leadership qualities, courage, constant
endeavor to improve and clarity & transparency.

AwardWinning Products:-
Dengue Care
Awarded the Best Health Insurance Plan award at FICCI
Healthcare Excellence Awards 2016, Dengue Care is the
only insurance plan in India covering a specific
contagious disease.
Energy has won Innovation of the Year award by Asia
Insurance Awards and Fintelekt. It is a health insurance
plan specifically for those with Type II diabetes, pre-
diabetes or hypertension. It has no waiting period for
hospitalization arising from these conditions.
The plan includes a health management program and a
reward system that rewards the policyholder with a
discount on renewal premium and additional
reimbursement of medical expenses.
Optima Restore
Having won multiple innovation awards by Asia
Insurance Review, Finnoviti, Digirati and Fintelekt,
Optima Restore is a health insurance policy that restores
the entire sum insured if it is used up in the policy period,
at no extra cost. The product also offers 50% of sum
insured as bonus in a claim-free year, up till 100% of sum
insured for two consecutive claim-free years
Apollo Munichs innovations standardized by IRDAI
Apollo Munich Health Insurance has brought in several
innovations that have been made industry standards by the
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of
India (IRDAI). These standardizations are described by
IRDAI as follows.
The right of an individual health insurance policy holder
(including family cover), to transfer the credits gained for
pre-existing conditions and time-bound exclusions if they
decide to switch from one insurer to the other or from one
plan to another plan of the same insurer, provided the
previous policy has been maintained without any break.
No claim-based loading
An insurer cannot increase the premium owed by the
policy holder for the same sum insured on the basis that
the insured made a claim in the previous policy year for
an illness or accident.
Lifelong renewals
A policy holder can renew their policy for their lifetime.
Meaning of Recruitment:-

According to Edwin Flippo: Recruitment is the

process of searching the candidates for employment
and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the
Recruitment is the activity that links the employers
and the job seekers

Other definitions:-

A process of finding and attracting capable applicants

for employment
Process begins when new recruits are sought and end
when their applications are submitted.
The result is a pool of applicant form which new
employees are selected
Other definition Cont.:-
It is a process to discover sources of manpower to
meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to
employ effective measures of attracting that
manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective
selection of an efficient workforce.
Recruitment is the first step in filling a vacancy.
Examine the vacancy.
Considering the source of suitable candidates.
Making contacts with the candidates.

Attracting applications from them.

Recruitment needs are of Three-types:-
The needs arising from changes in organization and
retirement policy.
Anticipated needs are those movements in
personnel, which an organization can predict by
studying trends in internal and external
Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to
unexpected needs.

Attract and encourage more and more candidates to
apply in the organisation.
Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the
selection of best candidates for the organisation.
Recruitment is the process which links the employers
with the employees.
Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
Help increase the success rate of selection process.
Purpose and Importance of effective recruitment:-
The increasing unemployment means that the labor
market is large, hence the need to ensure that you
attract the right candidates for the jobs
High turnover for some occupations are another
problem for recruiting

Finding the right inducements for attracting and

hiring employees can be a problem also:-
Attract and encourage more and more candidates to
apply in the organization
Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the
selection of the best candidates for the organization
Determine present and future requirements of the
organization in conjunction with its personnel
planning and job analysis activities as
Increase organization and individual effectiveness of
various recruitment techniques and sources for all
types of applicants
Sources of Recruitment: Internal and External:-
Seeks to fill positions from among the rank of those
currently employed
Best suitable in succession planning the process of
ensuring a suitable supply of successors for current and
future senior or key jobs.

It is less costly than external recruiting.
Organizations have a better knowledge of internal
applicants skills and abilities than that which can be
acquired of candidates in an external recruiting effort.
Through performance appraisal and other sources of
information about current personnel, decision makers
typically will have much more extensive knowledge on
internal candidates and thus make more valid selection
An organization policy of promotion from within can
enhance organizational commitment and job
satisfaction, leading to lower employee turnover and
Best used for succession planning.
If the organization has decided to change its business
strategy, entrenched managers are problem not the best
change masters since the internal recruitment
approach simply propagate the old way of doing things.
Complaints of unit poaching good employees from
another unit.
Politics have a greater impact on internal recruitment.
Personal biased decisions towards specific candidates
not necessarily based on performance or job
Employees who apply for jobs and do not get them may
become discontented,: telling unsuccessful applicants
why they were rejected and what remedial action might
take to be more successful in future is thus crucial.
Although many times managers post job opening and
interviews to all candidates, the manager often knows
ahead of time exactly whom he or she wants to hire .
Requiring the person to interview a stream of
unsuspecting candidates can be a waste of time for all
Groups are sometimes not as satisfied when their new
boss is appointed form within their own ranks as when
he/she is a newcomer. It may be difficult for the insider
to shake off the reputation of being one of the gang.
Inbreeding is another potential drawback. When all
managers come up through the ranks, they may have a
tendency to maintain the status quo, when a new
direction is what is required. Balancing the benefit of
morale and loyally with the possible inbreeding problem
can be a challenge.

External Recruitment:-
Can be important when:
o A firm cannot get all the employees they need from
the current staff
o When the firm wants to inject a new perspective into
running the organization.
Recruitment Process:-
1. Identify vacancy
2. Prepare job description and person specification
3. Advertising the vacancy
4. Managing the response
5. Short-listing
6. Arrange interviews
7. Conducting interview and decision making.

External Sources:-
Employee referrals
Educational associations
Professional agencies
E-recruitment (general recruitment agents/ companies
own sites)
For this to be successful the firm must address tow
The advertising media
The advert construction:
Advertising media:-
The selection to the media depends on the positions
which the firm is recruiting for
Local newspapers for blue collar jobs and jobs whose
labor is in plenty supply.
Specialized jobs will be adverted in trade and
professional journals like the economists etc.
Jobs with an international focus will be advertised in
international dailies or magazines


Trends are being seen in Recruitment

Orientation is the process of acquainting new employees

with the organization. Orientation topics range from such
basic items as the location of the company cafeteria to
such concerns as various career paths within the firm.
Hence we can say that induction or orientation is the
process through which a new employee is introduced to
the job and the organization.
In the words of Armstrong, induction is "the process of
receiving and welcoming an employee when he first joins
a company and giving him the basic information he needs
to settle down quickly and start work.
Definition: Orientation is a systematic and planned
introduction of employees to their jobs, their co-
workers and the organization.
It is also called as Induction.
Orientation is designed to provide a new employee
with the information he/ she needs to function
comfortably and effectively in the organization.
Should be a process, not an event.

To reduce start up costs (associated with job
To reduce anxiety
To reduce employee turnover
To save time for supervisor & colleagues
To Develop Realistic Job Expectations and Job
Steps In Induction-Programme
Welcome to the organization
Explain about the company.
Show the location, department where the new
recruit will work. .
Give the company's manual to the new recruit.
Provide details about various work groups .
Give details about pay, benefits, holidays, leave, etc.
Emphasize the importance of attendance or
Explain about future training opportunities and
career prospects.
Clarify doubts, by encouraging the employee to
come out with questions.

The areas covered in employee induction

programme may be stated as follows:-
Content of Induction
About the Organisation:
1) History of company.
2) Names and titles of key executives.
3) Employees' title and department.
4) Layout of physical facilities.
5) Probationary period
6) Products/services offered.
7) Overview of production process.
8) Company policy and rules.
9) Disciplinary procedures.
10) Safety steps.
11) Employees' handbook.
Employee benefits:
Pay scales, pay days.
Vacations, holidays.
Rest pauses.
Training Avenues.
Insurance, medical, recreation, retirement benefit.
Job duties:
Job location:-
1) Job tasks
2) Job safety needs
3) Overview of jobs
4) Job objectives
5) Relationship with other jobs
Orientation Programme:-
Employee handbook and orientation program.
Communicate pride in the company by giving each
new employee an item with the company logo on it.
Encourage communication, and a sense of
importance, by inviting new employees to have
coffee or lunch with the company owner or a senior
Here are some ideas to consider, when devising the
orientation program:
1. The MIND thinks in IMAGES not WORDS!
2. Repetition is Key Repetition is Key Repetition
is Key.
Employee is most excited on the first day of work.
You need to keep that excitement alive for as long as
possible !
According to Thomas stone Selection is the process of
differentiating between applicants in order to indentify
and hire those with a greater likelihood of success on the
In simple words
It is the functions performed by the management of
selecting the right employees .After identifying the
sources of human resources, searching for prospective
employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an
The objective of the selection decision is to choose the
individual who can most successfully perform the job
from the pool of qualified candidates.
Selection on the other hand is a process whereby out
of the many job applicants the best are taken to fill
the vacancy. Selection means whittling down the
application pool by using the screening tools such as
test, assessment centers, background and reference
Difference between Recruitment & Selection:


It the process of searching the candidates for

employment and stimulating them to apply for
jobs in the organization.
The basic purpose of recruitments is to create a
talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of
best candidates for the organization, by attracting
more and more employees to apply in the
Recruitment is a positive process i.e. encouraging
more and more employees to apply.
Recruitment is concerned with tapping the sources
of human resources.
There is no contract of recruitment established in
It involves the series of steps by which the
candidates are screened for choosing the most
suitable persons for vacant posts.
The basic purpose of selection process is to choose
the right candidate to fill the various positions in
the organization.
Selection is a negative process as it involves
rejection of the unsuitable candidates.
Selection is concerned with selecting the most
suitable candidate through various interviews and
Selection results in a contract of service between
the employer and the selected employee.
Employee selection:-
With a pool of applicants, the next step is to select
the best candidate for the job.
This means whittling down the application pool by
using the screening tools such as test, assessment
centers, background and reference checks.
Why careful Selection is important?
Selecting the right employee is important for three
main reasons:
o Your own performance always depends in part
on your subordinates. Employees with the right
skills and attributes will do a better job for you
and the company. Employees without these skills
or who are uncompromising or obstructionist
wont perform effectively and your own
performance and the firm will suffer. The time to
screen out undesirables is before they are in the
door, not after.
o It is costly to recruit and hire employees in terms
of interviewing time, reference checking,
traveling etc.
o Legal implication of incompetent hiring can be
costly and lead to court redress. If you hire a
criminal who swindles customers, you will be
Basic tests for Selection:-
For effective recruiting, therefore, the selection test
must be valid and reliable.
The test should measure what is supposed to
measure. The evidence that is being tested should be
job related, in other words, the performance on the
test is a valid predictor of subsequent performance on
the job.
There are two ways to demonstrate test validity:
criterion validity and content validity.
Criterion validity shows that those who do well in
the test also do well on the job and vice-versa.
Content validity show that the test constitutes a fair
sample of the content of the job.
Reliability refers to its consistency.
It is the consistency of scores obtained by the same
person when retested with the identical test or with an
equivalent form of test
If a person score 90% on Monday, then they should
score the same on Tuesday for the same test
Types of Tests:-
We can classify test according to whether they
Cognitive (mental) abilities.
Or psychomotor (motor and physical).
Interest or achievements.

Other Selection Techniques:-

Background investigation and reference check.
Polygraph (lie detector) and honesty testing.
Physical examination.
Substance abuse screening.
Background Investigation and Reference

Purpose is to verifying job applicants background

information and references:
These include making telephone enquiries, credit
rating, use of reference letters
Commonly verified data include legal eligibility
for employment, dates of prior employment,
education and identification (dates of birth,
address to confirm identity)

Reasons to conduct background check:

Two main reasons to conduct employment
background investigation and/or reference check:
To verify faction information previously provided
by the applicants
To uncover damaging information such as
criminal records
Interviewing candidates:-
An interview is a procedure designed to obtain
information form a person through oral responses
to oral enquires. On the basis of these responses
the interviewer is able to predict future job
Interview is by far the most widely used personnel
selection method

Types of interviews:

Selection interview
Appraisal interview
Exit interview
We can classify selection interviews according to:
How they are structured
Their content type of questions they contain
How the Firm administers the Interview:-
Structured or directive interviews:
The questions and acceptable responses are
specified in advance and the responses rated for
appropriateness of content.
All interviewers generally ask all applicants the
same questions, and hence:
o Tend to be more reliable and valid
o It increases consistency across candidates
o Enhances job relatedness
o Reduces overall subjectivity ( and thus the
potential for bias)
o May enhance ability to withstand legal
On the other hand structured interviews do not
provide opportunity to pursue points of interest as
they develop.
Interview content type of questions:-
These could be situational interview questions - asking
candidates how they would behavior in a given
hypothetical situation and evaluating the applicant
based on the choice made
Behavior interview questions asks interviewees to
describe how they would reacted to an actual situation
in the pasts
Job related interviews the interviewer tries to deduce
what the applicant on the job performance will be base
on his or her answers to questions about past behavior.
The question here do not revolve around hypothetical
questions but ask job related questions e.g. what does
human resources recruitment and selection involve.
Stress interview seeks to make the applicant
uncomfortable with occasionally rude questions
Aims is supposedly to spot sensitive applicants and
those with low or high level of stress tolerance
Stress interviews may help unearth hypertensive
applicants who might overreact to mild criticism with
anger and abuse
Puzzle questions - meant to see how a candidate reacts
under pressure. Used mainly for technical and finance
related areas.
Administering the Interview:-
Interviews can be administered in several ways:
o One on one.
o A panel interview.
o Sequentially or all at once.
o Computerized or personally.
Personal interviews (one on one) two people
meet alone and one interviews the other by
seeking oral responses to oral inquires.
Panel a group of interviewers question the
candidate. This may have advantage over the
others because in sequential candidates may cover
the same ground over and over again with each
interviewer. But panel format lets the interviewers
ask follow up questions based on the candidates
answer. This may elicit more responses.
Sequential several persons interview the
applicant in sequence, before a decision is made.
This can be structured or unstructured.
Computerized interview in this case a job
candidates oral and/ visual responses are
obtained in response to computerized oral or
visual or written questions and/ situation.
A candidate is presented with a series of specific
questions regarding his/ her background,
experience, education, skills, knowledge and work
attitudes that relate to the job for which the
person has applied. The questions are presented in
a multiple choice and questions come in rapid
sequence. After the computerized interview there
is usually a one on one.
What can undermine an interviews
usefulness pitfalls/ errors ?
First impression - which one gets from the
interviewees application form and personal
Misunderstanding of the job - interviewers who do
not know precisely what the job entails and what sort
of candidate is best suited for it usually make their
decisions based on incorrect stereotype of what a
good applicant is
Candidates-order (contrast) error and pressure to hire
- The order in which you see applicants affect how
you rate them. After first evaluating unfavorable
candidates, an average candidate can score quite
Pressure to hire accentuate problems like the error or
Non verbal behavior and impressions management -
eye contact, energy levels, low-voice etc. can
influence the interviewers decision
Body language, smile, posture may interfere with the
interviewers judgment
Effect on personal characteristics stereotyping :
Involves categorizing groups according to general
traits then attributing those traits to a particular
individual once the group membership is known
attractiveness, gender, race - in general, individuals
ascribe more favorable traits and more successful life
outcomes to attractive people
Some see men or women as more suitable or a certain
race as more suitable
Interviewers behavior - some interviewers talk so
much that the applicant have no time to answer
questions. On the other extreme, some interviewers
let the applicant dominate the interview and so dont
ask questions. Neither is good situation
Others play the role of a judge or psychologist.
Designing and conducting an effective
interview steps:-

The structured situational interview procedure:

Job analysis - write a job description and list of
duties, knowledge, skills and abilities.
Rate the job duties.
Create the interview questions situational
questions, job knowledge questions etc.
Create benchmark answers with a five point rating
Appoint an interview panel and conduct
interview: 36 members preferably the same
employees who wrote the questions, also include
job supervisor and/or incumbent, and an HR
Conducting an interview - steps:-
The Questions:

Structure your interview questions so that it is

standardized, consistent and relevant. This will
include ensuring that:

You base your questions on action job.

Use knowledge, situational and behavior oriented
questions and an objective criterion to assess the
interviewees response.
Train your interviewers.
Use the same questions for all candidates.
Use rating scales to rate answers.
Use multiple interviewers for panel interviews to
reduce bias.
Control the interview limit the interviews follow
up questions.
Prepare for the interview:

1.) The interview should take place in a private

room with minimum interruptions:

Prior to the interview, review the candidates

application and resume and not areas that
are vague or that may indicate strengths or
Remember the duties of the job and the
specific skills and traits that you are looking
for review the job specifications.
2.) Start the interview with an accurate picture of
the traits for the ideal candidate.
3.) Establish rapport put the person at ease
greet the applicant, drop in some courtesy
words and start interview with non related
question, e.g. About the Weather. Be aware
of people background and make additional
efforts to make such people relax.
4.) Ask questions follow your list of questions.
Dont ask questions which can be answered
with yes or no, dont push words into the
applicants mount, dont interrogate the
applicant as if the person is a criminal, dont
be patronizing, sarcastic ask open end
questions, listen to the candidate, encourage
Close the interview leave time to answer
any questions the candidates may have.
5.) End the interview with a positive not, tell the
applicant the next steps, and make any
rejections diplomatically.
6.) Review the interview review notes and fill in
the structured interview guide.

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