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The spillway is Weir or a hydraulic device consisting of a recess intended to permit the free or controlled
water pass in the runoff; the spillway being exclusively for the drain and not for measurement.

Perspective view of a landfill

Side view of a landfill. components.

Landfills are structures that have widespread application in all types of hydraulic systems and express a
special condition of non-uniform motion in a section with noticeable difference in level. A landfill can
have the following functions:

Ensure that the water level in an intake reaches the value required for the operation thereof.

Maintain a fairly constant level upstream of an intake allowing flow over the crest of the landfill
is developed with a liquid film of limited thickness.

In an intake, exceedance landfill constitutes the security organ most important, removing the
excess waters generated during peak flood events.

Allow control of the flow drop structures, energy dissipators, transitions, input and output
structures in road culverts, sewer systems, etc.

Figure 1 Operation of a landfill exceedance 2

The function of landfills exceedance in storage dams and regulators is to miss the surplus or avenues
that will not fit in the space for storing water, and the drifters prey to pass the surpluses are not sent to
the system bypass. Ordinarily, the excess volumes are taken from the top of the reservoir created by
the dam and driven by an artificial conduit back to the river or to a natural drainage channel.

The importance of insurance can not be overemphasized landfill; many failures of dams were poorly
designed or because of insufficient capacity landfills. The breadth of capability is extremely important
in earth dams and the rockfill, who are at risk of being destroyed if they are exceeded; while concrete
dams can withstand a moderate overshoot. Generally, the increase in cost is not directly proportional
to the increase in capacity. Often the cost of a landfill large capacity is only slightly larger than one that
is obviously very small.

In addition to having sufficient capacity, the landfill should be hydraulic and structurally adequate and
should be located so that the discharge weir not erode or undermine the heel of water under the dam.
The surfaces forming the discharge channel of the weir must be resistant to erosive speeds created by
lowered from the surface vessel to discharge water and generally some means for dissipating the energy
necessary to walk drop.

Frequency of use of the landfill runoff determine the characteristics of the basin and the nature of the
use. Ordinarily, the avenues are stored in the glass they are derived by shots or downloaded and do not
need to operate the landfill. Discharges through the landfill may occur during floods or sustained periods
of high runoff when the capabilities of the other outputs are exceeded. When the capacity of the vessel
is large or when other discharge or bypass are large, the landfill will be used rarely. In the diversion dams
where storage is limited and derivative volumes are relatively small, compared to the normal spending
river, the landfill will be used almost constantly.


Measurements and data required for the design of landfills depend on the level of design to be
considered and the specific conditions found at the site. Generally these data and measurements are:

topographic data.

climatological data.

hydrological data.

geological and seismological data

Scope and project requirements

Flood control capacity

Hydraulic data.

structural data

Water quality data

Special requirements.

Conditions downstream.
The data are typically required hydrological:
1. Runoff measurements, daily downloads, monthly volumes, and momentary peaks

2. Study floods, including probable maximum flood (PMF) and specific frequencies grown used to:
establish the level of the crest of an auxiliary spillway, in evaluating operation of the landfill, in
the study of diversion schemes and studies risks.

3. Data groundwater level in the vicinity of the reservoir and dam site

4. Maps of flood basins.

5. Water depth curves through the discharge expected ranges. Studies of sedimentation, erosion
channel, the effects channel blockage downstream, and the effects of future construction

6. Backwaters studies, QUAD localized upstream of the reservoir characteristics can be affected
by levels higher than naturally occurring water. Sediment deposition in the reservoir should be
considered in these studies.

Support data required for hydraulic design are:

1. Flow entering the reservoir - probable maximum flood and sometimes frequencies moderate
flooding of 100 and 200 years return period, floods of different design probable maximum flood,
normal runoff, channel power, and other inflows controlled.

2. Reservoir storage allocations.

3. Data area and reservoir capacity.

4. Data including sedimentation in the reservoir volume and distribution.

5. Garbage and other data in the reservoir.

6. Climatic factors.

7. Requirements and limitations of water level in the reservoir

8. Ice anticipated problems

9. Analysis of open channel flow - flow profiles, backwater curves, curves flow strap.

10. River downstream requirements

11. Projecting the requirements and limitations involving landfills.

12. Study of reservoir operation (including curves regulation and other related data)

Parts that make up a landfill.

The main component of landfills are:

Control Structure.
One of the components of a landfill is the control structure that regulates and governs the discharge
vessel. This control limits or prevents discharge vessel when the level reaches levels above those already
stipulated. The control structure may consist of a ridge, weir, orifice, nozzle or tube.

Control structures can take several forms both in position and in its Fig. Ground landfills can be straight,
curved, semicircular, U-shaped or round.


The volumes discharged by the control structure are conducted generally the channel, below the dam,
by a discharge channel. Exceptions occur when downloading a dam crest arc type freely done, or when
it is sent directly from the skirt to form a cascade in the same. The conduit structure may be facing
downstream of a dam concrete, an open channel dug along the ground surface, a covered channel
placed through or below the dam, or carved into a tunnel the slopes. The profile can have sections with
steep slope or little; the cross section may vary from rectangular to trapezoidal, circular, or be
otherwise; and the discharge channel may be broad or narrow, long or short.

Flume must be excavated resistant or coated with one that is the erosive effect of high speeds material
and which is structurally to withstand the forces produced by fillers, underpressure, loads produced by
the weight of water, etc.

Main components of a side dump exceedances

Terminal structure.

When the water passing through the spillway of exceedances reservoir level falls vessel at river level
downstream static charge is converted into kinetic energy. This energy manifests itself in the form of 5
high speeds if it is large pressures produce diminish. Therefore, generally means must be provided to
allow discharge water into the river without erosions or dangerous undercuts on the heel of the dam
and that do not cause damage to adjacent structures.

In some cases, the download can be done at high speed directly into the stream in which the energy
along the channel impact, turbulence and friction is absorbed. This method is satisfactory when there
bedrock with suspenders shallow in the channel and along the slopes or where the outlet weir is
sufficiently removed from the dam or other auxiliary structures to prevent damage by scouring, drag or
softening of the slopes.

When you want to avoid intense erosions on the runway, it should dispel the great energy of the stream
prior to discharge to the river. What I could be effected using a device to dissipate energy as ponds for
forming the shoulder, a submerged trampoline, a laundry with dice, a pit damper baffles and walls, or
some damping or energy dissipating.

Arrival and download channels.

Arrival channels serve to capture the water in the glass and lead to the control structure. When the
water comes directly from the vessel to the dump and falls into the river, as in the case of a landfill
placed on a concrete dam, they are neither necessary nor arrival channels nor discharge. In the case of
landfills placed on the slopes where the dam rests, however they may be necessary channels with water
to control landfill and to ward off water from its terminal structure.

The discharge channels carry water passing through the terminal to the river downstream of the dam
structure. In some cases only a pilot channel is constructed, making the assumption that the drag section
extended for higher flows. The dimensions of the discharge channel and the need to protect it with
coatings or castled, depends on the ability to erode. Although damping structures are built, it can be
impossible to reduce speeds resulting below the natural rate in the original stream and, therefore, may
not prevent occurrence some erosion on the runway.


There are generally two types of dumps, the thin wall (gaging) thick.

Landfills thin wall

They are primarily used to determine the flow rate at any time in a small stream.
This type of landfill is the most used, especially as flume, because of its easy construction and
installation. Patronados properly calibrated or equations or curves in which the flow rate is a function
of the hydraulic head H. obtained
In landfills thin wall contact between the water and the ridge is only one line, that is, an edge. For a
landfill is considered thin wall is not essential that the crest is thinnest. The wall may have a certain
thickness (e). If e = 2H / 3, it is considered that the landfill is thin-walled.

DETERMINATION flow through a garbage dump THIN WALL

Landfill perfect conditions.

1. Spillway in thin wall: e <0.5h.

2. Contraction full background: H = h + a> 4h

3. null lateral contraction: B = b.

4. Zero speed or U <0.3m / sec arrival.

5. horizontal and perpendicular to the threshold current, vertical surface.

6. Free sheet (freefall)

The flow equation is:

The expenditure ratio by some authors

Correction coefficients conditions are not verified:

Landfills thick wall

They are mainly used to control exceedances and evacuation can be free or controlled.

Landfills broad crested have lower discharge capacity for equal loading of water dumps thin crest and
most common use is as level control structures.

In landfills thick-walled contact between the water and the ridge is a plane. Flow adheres to the ridge.
Figure landfill broad crested in the length crest, flat and horizontal, is b appears. Landfill is free
download, ie not influenced by the conditions downstream.

For the landfill behave like thick wall is necessary that the thickness b of the ridge is greater than the
two third parts of the load: b = 2H / 3

It is considered that the maximum length of b should be about 15H. The formula for calculating the flow

George E. Russell, presents some coefficient values, from three investigators, for various values of length
L of the landfill, the threshold P and conditions upstream edge of the landfill. The results are shown in
Table 01.

If the level of flow downstream of the landfill was higher than the crest of this, the calculation conditions
would be different.


DETERMINATION flow through a garbage dump THICK WALL.

1. Landfill thick wall: e = 3h.

2. Contraction full background: when a / hC = 3.5.
3. null lateral contraction: B = b.
4. Zero speed or U <0.3m / sec arrival.
5. horizontal and perpendicular to the threshold current, vertical surface.
6. Free sheet (freefall).

The flow equation is:

The expenditure ratio is determined by the following expression:
The resistance factor friction is obtained as follows

Where "n" may be determined by the following relationship:

The resistance factor of mouth: depends on the shape of the weir edge, where if the edge is rounded:

If the edge is not rounded, it is necessary to verify whether or not fulfilled the condition of contraction
full background.

If not met () value is obtained from the following table < 3.5

TABLE N 02: resistance values EMBOUCHURE


to: weir height in (m)

hC: height criticizes the dispensing flow from the landfill (m)

h: hydraulic load on the dump (m)

Whereas if the contraction full background is satisfied it means that ((), the expenditure ratio n is
obtained from the following table 3.5

TABLE N 03: VALUES expenditure ratio

By function:
Landfills Service
(See Figure 1) are designed for frequent use flow conducting in normal and flood water released into
the reservoir below the dam.

Auxiliary landfills

They are designed for less frequent use and can accept limited damage when used.

Emergency landfills

They are designed for additional protection in case of a dam overflow, they are used under extreme
conditions such as landfill service failures or other emergency conditions

It is common that some designers do not make any distinction between auxiliary and emergency

Exceedance landfills are generally classified according to their most important characteristics, either
with respect to the control system, the discharge channel, or another component. Often landfills are
classified as controlled or uncontrolled, depending on whether or not they have gates. Commonly they
classified as types the free discharge (straight drop) of cimacio (stroke), side channel, open channel (low
or very steep), conduit tunnel drop inlet (well or funnel), and siphon sewer.


free spillway

In the free dump the downstream level is below the crest.

submerged weir

It is said that a weir is immersed when the downstream level is higher than the weir crest. The condition
depends weir submergence not itself but flow conditions. Same landfill can be submerged or not, as the
flow is present.

Downstream conditions, for example, a backwater may determine that a weir is immersed. The
submerged weir may be of any type or form.

In Figure 9.19 a submerged weir in which H is the difference in level between the free surface and the
upstream weir crest is observed; h is the difference in level between the free surface and the
downstream weir crest. It is called submergence the relationship between h and H
typical scheme of a submerged weir

Submerged weirs are presented in various hydraulic structures. The landfill it acts as a spillway
rather than as an element of capacity.

If the ratio h / H, is the submergence, it is close to unity or when is very small, usually occurs
downstream wavy flow, as shown in the following Figure

wavy flow that can occur downstream of a weir immersed

That's why it is recommended that the calculation only for:

0.2 0.8

DETERMINATION flow through a landfill submerged.


One of the oldest criteria for determining the flow submerged in a landfill is the Du Buat, 1816.
This method considers the total expenditure consists of two partial expenses. Q1 is draining
through a virtual free weir the crest of which is supposed to match the downstream level and Q2
that is draining by a virtual opening whose height is the difference in level between the
downstream and weir crest. Consequently, for a landfill submerged rectangular sharp crested
spending it is:

The accuracy of this formula depend on the accuracy with which it can determine the coefficients 13
c1 and c2 for this particular case. Many researchers tried to find these coefficients, but the results
were not satisfactory nor coincidental. It is usually considered that c1 = c2 = 0.62, which although
no theoretical justification is more useful for practical calculations


Some authors, such as Herschel, solve the problem of finding the download in a landfill submerged from
a modification of the formula of Francis

Where H is the charge of the landfill considered as if it were free and N is a reduction coefficient of the
free course load dump, which depends on the submergence. The experimental values obtained are
shown in Table 04



Villemonte in 1947, at the University of Wisconsin, established a generic formula for submerged weirs

n depends on the type of landfill (3/2 for rectangular weir, weir 5/2 to triangular, etc.), Q1 is the flow
rate that would occur if the dump was free.

According to other authors 14

Other researchers point out that:

h1: Load over weir upstream

h2: Load over weir downstream is measured where the regime has been reset.
Lto equation for flow calculation for sharp crested weir is:

In the case of weirs with lateral contractions:


Q: flow rate in m3 / S

Cd: discharge coefficient (Cd = 0.61)

L: Length in m peak.

h1, h2: loads upstream and downstream of the weir in m.

n: number of contractions.

The formulas for calculating the discharge of a landfill submerged are less accurate than those for free
landfill, why is not used to determine flow rates.


Thin wall (sharp peak) without contractions:


Q: Flow

L: length of the landfill.

P: height of the landfill.

H: hydraulic load on the ridge.

V: speed to pourer.

g: acceleration due to gravity.

Cd: discharge coefficient, whose characteristic values are between 0.55 and 0.65.

Neglecting the influence of speed to pourer

The possibility of neglecting the approach speed depends on its value and accuracy with which you want
to work. Referentially noted that if the cross section of the channel approximation is greater than 8LH
then can be neglected approach speed.

Thin wall (sharp ridge) and contractions:

The effect of shrinkage is taken into account by subtracting the total length of the weir crest L, the
number of contractions multiplied by 0.1h

It is obtained by replacing:
In the case of landfill without lateral contraction (n = 0)

sand it requires an aeration zone at the ends of the structure allowing ingress of air and thus to ensure
that the downstream pressure is atmospheric structure, see Fig.

In general, the discharge coefficient Cd of a landfill depends on several factors: H charge, nature of the
edges, threshold height, fluid properties, etc. The various experimental investigations to determine the
discharge coefficient have been developed for different conditions. Each research is therefore a field of
application. If we left him no security in the results. With regard to rectangular weirs are two large
groups of them: no lateral contractions and contractions.


The formula obtained by Francis considers the approach velocity V0 and the possibility of side

Francis formula is:

Where Q is the flow rate in m3 / s, the length L in meters weir, the H load meters, the approach velocity
V0 in m / s. the number of contractions (0, 1, 2) is designated as n.

It is noted that the criterion used by Francis to consider the effect of contractions is to consider that as
a result of which a reduction in length occurs landfill. and an effective length (L nH / 10) depending on
the number n of contractions appear. Note that if L0,2H appear zero or a negative value for the flow

Considering that the approach speed is very small and can be neglected, then V0 = 0 and Francis formula
becomes: 17
If, furthermore, there were no side contractions, then n = 0 and Francis formula would be reduced to:

The conditions of application are:

0.18 m H 0.50 m

0.60m P 1.50 m

L / H> 3

It can be achieved by calculating the expenditure to within 3%.


Bazin formula Hgly applied to landfills which loads are between 0.10 m and 0.60 m, whose lengths are
between 0.50 m and 2.00 m in the threshold height is between 0.20 m 2 , 00 m. For a weir with side
contraction the value of c is

Where B is the channel width.

If the landfill were no contractions, then B = L and the discharge coefficient would be:


Discharge coefficients given by this formula are used in rectangular weirs satisfying the conditions
indicated below. They apply to the general formula discharge weirs. Values H, P, B and L are in meters.

The coefficient c for a landfill with contractions is

B is the channel width.

Limits application of this formula to the discharge coefficient rectangular weirs with contractions are:

The discharge coefficient c for a landfill without contractions is:

H charge is in meters. The limits of application of this coefficient are:


It is one of the most reliable formulas. It applies to all rectangular weirs with contractions or without

As can be seen, rather than the length of the weir the 'effective length' used ', which is the sum of the
length L of the landfill plus KL value found from an expression obtained experimentally and appears in
the Figure. KH is a value equal to 0.001 m, which is added to the burden to be the 'effective charge'. Ce
is the coefficient of self-discharge of the formula. It has experimental origin and appears in Fig.

Among the requirements for successful application of the formula they include:
H load should be measured at a distance equal to 4 or 5 times the maximum load.
The landfill must be properly thin wall. The ridge must be 1 or 2 mm thick.
The level of the free surface downstream must be at least 6 cm below the weir crest.

The load must exceed 3 cm. The threshold must be at least 10 cm.

The length of the weir and the channel width should be greater than 15 cm.

The relationship between the load and the height H P threshold must be less than 2.5.

If the length of the weir is equal to the channel width (L = B), then no contractions, but it must be that B
- L 0.2 m.


Lto formula 1929 to the discharge coefficient in landfills rectangular thin wall uncontracted is

H and P are in meters.

It is recommended to use the formula for loads ranging between 0.025 m and 0.60 m.


The discharge equation of a triangular weir is:

If the dump were formed by an asymmetric triangle where the angles to the vertical 1 and 2 were
can be considered the respective average.

Among the advantages of the triangular weirs can include the following. As the download depends on
the power 5/2 of the load can be more precise measurement of small flows. Also, in the triangular weirs
is very small influence threshold height and speed of arrival. This requires that the approach channel
width equal to or greater than 5 times the load on the dump.

B 5H

The triangular weirs are very sensitive to the roughness of the upstream face and the measurement
accuracy of the load. For small loads influences the viscosity and capillarity.
The coefficient c depends on several factors; among them are the angle and load dump.
The way to meet the discharge coefficient is by experimental studies.
Hydraulics Laboratory at the University of Chile engineers L. Cruz - Coke, C. Moya and others
performed between 1923 and 1924 an extensive experimental investigation of the flow in landfills
15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120. In Figure 9.13, taken Hydraulic Dominguez, the results shown. For
each angle of the dump and for each value of the load coefficient m which is 8/15 of the discharge
coefficient c is obtained. Thus:

Applying the table would be a simple formula for each weir a certain angle, which could be applied to
values greater than a certain value H load. Thus we have:

For the particular case of the triangular weirs 90 is 2 = 90 must ( = 45) and the theoretical output

james Thomson (1861) conducted experiences with triangular weirs. Is well known for its formula
triangular weirs 2 = 90 . Their experiments loads ranged between 5 and 18 cm. Subsequently
(1908) James Barr experimentally proved that the formula Thomson could extend to H = 30 cm. The
formula is:

Which is known Thomson formula landfill 90. H is in meters and flow rate Q m3 / s.
From measurements Thomson and Barr, M. Barnes presented the following formula:

Which it is equivalent to that of Thomson and for which the author points out that the error is less than
1/5 of 1%.
Note that formulas like Thomson and Barnes are only applicable from a certain load value H obtained

LANDFILL trapezoid

The trapezoid dumps are very used to measure flow. Consequently, almost no information about their
discharge coefficients.
For calculating the theoretical discharge it is generally considered that the section is made up of three
parts: a core, which is rectangular, and two sides, which are triangular. Thus you get the download an
isosceles trapezoid landfill is: 22
There is very little experimental information on the values of discharge coefficient for this case.
Balloffet notes that it is often considered c1 = c2 = 0.6, despite the lack of theoretical or experimental


In 1887 the Italian engineer Cipolletti studied and proposed a special type of trapezoidal weir, whose
characteristics tilting walls are horizontally by four vertically one that is z = 1/4. It is its equation

For proper operation of the landfill Cipolletti must meet the following conditions:

The load should be greater than 6 cm, but should be less than L / 3. P high threshold must be greater
than twice the maximum load on the landfill. The distance b, indicated in the figure, must be greater
than twice the maximum load.
The approach channel width should be between 30H and 60H. The load should be measured at a
distance of 4 H landfill.
The weir is used Cipolletti field measurements in water distribution and other compatible systems
approach this landfill.
use in laboratories or precision measurements is not recommended. If the installation conditions are
met, the error can be 5%.


The side weirs are openings (recesses) which are made in one wall (slope) of a channel. Its function
is to evacuate the excess flow. Consequently, they are spillways. Here are some notions about these
landfills is presented.
In Figure 9.17 the characteristic diagram of a side weir length L formed in a channel with subcritical
flow (F <1) is seen.

From where:

As landfill length can be considered the effective length, which Francis following criteria is L - nH /
10. If the landfill is very long, more than 10H, it can be neglected the effect of contractions.


Landfills installed to measure flow rates must meet a number of prerequisites to ensure their reliability.
These include the following:

1. The first and most important point for a good and reliable flow measurement in a landfill is the
proper selection of the type of landfill. For example, a triangular weir is very suitable for
measuring small flow rates (since in them the flow depends on the power 5/2 load). However,
for measuring relatively high flow rates, a rectangular weir without contractions could be the
most appropriate. Later errors that may occur in the flow calculation result of an error in the
measurement of the load indicated.

2. Then comes the correct selection of the formula. For each type of landfill there are numerous
forms of experimental origin. Each has a range of application. While we are within these ranges
you can have a high approximation in flow measurement. If we are out of range of
experimentation, the reliability of the result is doubtful.

3. For a rectangular weir with contractions there are certain general recommendations, besides
which may arise in each formula, which are shown in Figure 9.15, due to GE Russell, and that is
the product of the recommendation several investigators.

It is noted that the length L of the dump, the threshold P and the distance to the channel walls
should be at least equal to three times the maximum load over the weir.

Under these conditions the approach speed will be negligible. 24

4. In landfills thin wall crest should be sharp, straight and horizontal. The landfill should normally
be placed at the direction of the current lines.

For purposes of good preservation it is recommended that the crest is bronze.

The landfill should be positioned perfectly vertical and upstream face must remain smooth.

The landfill must be installed in a straight section, which is at a length not less than 10 times the
length L of the weir crest.

5. P threshold height should not be less than 0.30 m or 3 times the maximum load over the weir.

6. Approach speed must be kept small. The cross section of the channel approximation (B x (H +
P)) must be at least equal to 6 or 8 times better, the section of the web side LH.

7. appropriate measures should be taken to shed napa is perfectly aerated. On all sides the
pressure must be equal to atmospheric. If necessary, it must be installed aerators.

8. If conditions are not approach flow should be placed calm energy dissipation elements, ie
tranquilizers, such as screens, hollow bricks, meshes, etc.

9. The load must be carefully measured out of the water moving through a suitable outlet
(principle of communicating vessels), at a distance of approximately four times the load (4H) so
that no influence of the movement quickly varied originating over the weir crest. Nor should
measure the load further from the landfill, because then appear the influence due to the slope
of the free surface of the channel.

10. Downstream conditions (water level) must be such that they do not influence the web.

11. Special dimensions landfills that do not meet the above conditions must be carefully calibrated.


According to the USBR sections of the ridges whose form approaches the lower surface of the sheet
exiting a landfill, it is the ideal form for optimal downloads. The shape of this section depends on the
load, tilt the upstream face of the weir section on the floor of the penstock (which influences the rate
of arrival at the crest), they have been studied extensively sections the ridges in hydraulic laboratories
Bureau of Reclamation, and published data on how it can be determined sections for the ridges landfills.
For most conditions data can be summarized according to the shape shown in Figure 3 (a), related to
the axes passing through the top of the ridge. The remaining portion upstream of the origin is defined 25
as a simple curve and a tangent curve or as a composite circular. The downstream portion is defined by
the equation:

Where K and n are constants, whose values depend on the slope of upstream and arrival rate. Figure 3
gives values of these constants for different conditions. The approximate shape of the section to a ridge
facing vertically above water and negligible speed arrival, shown in Figure 4. The section is constructed
as a circular curve made with radii expressed in terms of the design load, H0 . It is simplest definition is
shown in Figure 4, because it eliminates the need to resolve an exponential equation; also it is shown in
a form that can be used by unskilled people in the construction of molds or templates. For ordinary
conditions of project dumps small exceedances, and when the height of arrival, P, is equal to or greater
than half the maximum load on the ridge, this section is sufficiently precise to avoid very low pressures
on the ridge and does not alter significantly the hydraulic efficiency of the ridge. When the height of
arrival is less than half the maximum load on the ridge section must be determined according Figure 4.


Downloading over a weir crest it is obtained through the formula:

In which:

Q = discharge. a
C = a coefficient variable discharge. L = effective length of the ridge.

I = total load on the crest, including the corresponding load the arrival rate, I have.

In the discharge coefficient, is influenced by numerous factors such as: (1) depth of arrival, (2) the ratio
of the actual shape of the ridge to that of the ideal foil (3) slope to the upstream side, (4) interference
downstream laundry and (5) the strap current downstream. Section 5.7 discusses these different

In the total load on the ridge, I, do not take into account losses due to friction in the penstock or other
due to the curvature of the channel upstream losses when passing through the inlet section or losses in
entry or transition. When major losses occur in the penstock project should be added to have to
determine elevations corresponding to the discharge given by the above equation.

Testing models on landfills have shown that the effect on the approach speed is negligible when the
height h of the landfill is greater than 1.33 Hd, where Hd is the design height excluding height approach
speed. Under these conditions and with the design height (ie h / Hd greater than 1.33 and I = Hd, for
which the approach speed height is negligible) the discharge coefficient C is Cd = 4.03.

Effect produced batteries and stirrups.

When the batteries and stirrups crest have a shape that produces contractions on the discharge side,
the effective length, L, will be less than the net length crest. The effect of contractions on the ends can
be taken into account by reducing the net length of the ridge as follows: 26
in which:

L = effective length of the ridge. L '= net length crest.

N = number of batteries.

Kp = coefficient of contraction of the batteries.

Ka = coefficient of contraction of the stirrups. I = total load on the ridge.

The coefficient of contraction of the batteries, Kp, which affect the shape and location of tajamar
battery, the thickness of the same, the hydraulic load in relation to the project, and the speed of arrival.
For the design load, I, you can assume the coefficients of contraction means the batteries, as in the
following table.

Table 1 Coefficients contraction battery (USBR)

The contraction coefficient stirrup affects the shape thereof, the angle between the wall arrival
upstream and the axis of the current, the load related to the project and the arrival rate. Under the
conditions of the design load, He, it can be assumed that the average coefficients are those of the
following table:

Table 2 Coefficients of contraction of the stirrups (USBR)

Where r = radius with the stirrups are rounded.

Figure 3 Factors for determining the sections with the shape of the pouring sheet (Sheet 1 of 2)


Effect of Depth of arrival.

In landfills high crest, placed in a channel, the arrival rate is small and the lower surface of the sheet
pouring over the weir reaches its maximum vertical shrinkage. By decreasing the depth of arrival, the
arrival rate increases and decreases vertical shrinkage. In ridges whose heights are not less than about
one fifth of the current producing loads on them, the discharge coefficient remains more or less
constant, with a value of 3.3, although the shrinkage decreases. For heights landfills under
approximately one fifth of the load, the shrinkage decreases. When the height of the landfill is zero, the
shrinkage is completely suppressed and the landfill becomes a channel or a broad crested weir, for
which the discharge coefficient is 3.087. If the coefficients for landfills thin wall are related to the loads
measured at the point of maximum contraction in charge time above the crest thin wall, they can be set
coefficients that are applicable to landfills peak under the slopes sheets for various approach speeds.

Figure 3 Factors for determining the sections with the shape of the pouring sheet (Sheet 2 of 2)
Figure 4 Section weir crest formed with compound curves

In Figure 5 the relationship of the coefficient for the ridges landfill C0, are given to

different values. These coefficients are valid only when the crest section

Weir follows the ideal shape of the nappe, ie, when = 1

Effect of different loads to the Project.

When the crest of weir is given a section different from the ideal shape, or has been given a form to a
greater or lesser load than is considered, the discharge coefficient differ from that shown in Figure 5.
the wider sections will result in positive along the contact surface of the dam pressures, thereby
reducing the discharge; with a narrower section, negative along the contact surface pressures occur,
increasing the download. Figure 6 shows the variation of the coefficients relative to the values of I / H0,
where I is the load considering.
Figure 5 Coefficients for discharge weir crests vertical wall

The coefficient of discharge for the ridges approximately irregularly whose section is not built to
conform to the shape of the lower surface of the nappe can be determined seeking an ideal form that
best approximates it. The design load, I, corresponding to similarly can be used as a basis to determine
the coefficients.

The coefficients for the partial loads on the crest, to determine the relationships of charge-discharge,
can be determined from Figure 6.

Batter effect upstream face.

Small depth relationships arrival to the load on the ridge, the inclination of the upstream face before
the crest causes an increase in the discharge coefficient. In great relationships the effect is to reduce
the coefficient. In the variation seen in this text, the discharge coefficient is reduced with large ratios of
P / H0 only relatively small slopes. Figure 7 shows the relationship of the coefficient for a landfill with a
sloping facing, the coefficient crest with vertical facing the upstream side as that obtained in Figure 5
(and adjusted to Figure 6 if what comes ), related to the values of P / H0.

Figure 6 Coefficients for different loads download of the project

Interference effect laundry downstream and submergence.

When the water level down a landfill is high enough to affect the discharge, it is said that the landfill is
drowned. The vertical distance of the weir crest to wash downstream and the strut of the current in the
downstream channel, as related to loading the glass, are factors affecting the discharge coefficient.

The flow for landfill can take 5 different aspects according to the relative positions of laundry and water
level downstream:

1. Continue with supercritical regime.

2. It may be a partial or incomplete hydraulic jump immediately downstream of the ridge.

3. It may be a true hydraulic jump.

4. It may occur a shoulder drowned in the high velocity jet follow the shape of the nappe and then
continue to follow an erratic path and fluctuating below and through the water moves slowly.

5. It is not formed shoulder; the nappe is separated from the wall face of the landfill riding along
the surface a short distance and then erratically mixed with water moving slowly below. Figure
5.8 shows the relationship between the positions of floor and is downstream sumergencias
producing this special regimes.

Figure 7 discharge coefficient for a weir crest upstream face inclined

When the water is supercritical regime down or when the hydraulic jump occurs, reducing the discharge
coefficient is mainly due to the backpressure downstream laundry and is independent of any effect of
submergence due to discharge water. Figure 9 shows the effect laundry downstream of the discharge
coefficient. It will be noted that this curve graph of the same data represented by the vertical lines in
Figure 8, in a different mind lightly made. When approaching the level laundry downstream of the weir
crest (closer to 1.0) the coefficient of discharge is approximately 77% of which had if the download was
free. Based on the coefficient was 4.0 for free download on a high dump, this would be, approximately
3.08 when the landfill is submerged practically is the coefficient for a landfill broad crested. It can be
seen in Figure 8, when values exceed about 1.7, the floor position downstream has little effect on the
coefficient, but there is a decrease in the coefficient produced by submergence in the discharge water.
Figure 10 shows the relationship of the discharge coefficient when affected by water conditions
discharge coefficient when the download is free. This curve data in Figure 8 are the lines of horizontal
streaks, slightly differently represented. When lines are curves in Figure 8,

Figure 8 Effects of factors downstream in landfill capacity

Figure 9 ratio coefficients due to effect discharge Laundry

Figure 10 Relationship of coefficients due to effect discharge of discharge water

maximum loads.
The economy in the draft a ridge of cimacio can be obtained sometimes using a load lower than
anticipated project. Using a smaller project load, greater shock for the full variation of loads are
obtained. The increased capacity allows for economies, either by reducing the length of the ridge or
peak load overload.

Tests have shown that pressures less than atmospheric on a ridge that is shaped to freely take the nappe
not exceed about half of the design load, when this is not less than, more or less, 75% of the maximum
load. In most of conditions project small landfills, these negative pressures will be small, and can be
tolerated because they can not absolute values that may cause cavitation. However, care should be
taken, when it is shaped to the crest, when they are to produce these negative pressures, because the
irregularities produced by sharp protrusions, depressions or projections, amplify the negative pressure
to an extent in which cavitations occur

The negative pressure on the ridge can be decomposed into a system of forces acting up and down the
current. These forces must be taken into account when analyzing the structural stability of landfills.

In Figure 11 an approximate diagram of the forces shown subatmospheric pressures when the design
load used to determine the shape of the ridge is 75% of the maximum load. These data were obtained
from the average result of tests carried out in landfills ideally arrival speeds negligible. It can be
assumed, for pressure ratios of intermediate loads, which vary linearly, whereas no subatmospheric
pressures occur when H0 / I equals 1.


When the gates are open landfills partially function as holes. With all the load on the gate, and is only
slightly open, the path of the sheet free download will equal a jet leaving a hole. For a vertical hole, the
curve of the jet can be represented by the equation of the parabola:

Where H is the load on the center of the opening. For a hole inclined angle from the vertical A, the
equation becomes:

Figure 11 subatmospheric pressures in the crest H0 / I = 0.75

If you want to avoid subatmospheric along the ridge contact pressures, cimacio section downstream of
the gate must match the profile of the trajectory.

Experiments have shown that when the gates are operated with small openings at higher loads, negative
pressures are produced along the ridge in the region lying immediately below the gate, if the section of
the cornice is thinner than if it would fit the free path. Tests showed that the sub-atmospheric pressures
would be equal to about a tenth of the design load if the cimacio the shape of the ideal profile of the
nappe for maximum load and if the gate is operated with small openings. The forces diagram for this is
shown in Figure 12.

The adoption of the profile of a stream path instead of the nappe downstream of the gate threshold,
results in a cimacio wider and a decrease in the efficiency of the discharge when the gate is fully open.
When the efficiency of the discharge does not matter and, when needs structural stability, it is necessary
to build a wider cimacio, you can take the profile of the path of the jet to avoid sub-atmospheric
pressures in areas along the ridge. When the impost is given the ideal shape of the nappe for maximum
load area subatmospheric pressures can be decreased by placing the gate threshold downstream crest
cimacio. In this way, an inclined hole is downstream,

Figure 12 subatmospheric pressures occurring in the discharges below the gates


The download weir gates when the gates are open in part, will be similar to an orifice at low load and
can be calculated with the equation:

Wherein H1 and H2 are the total charges (including the velocity of arrival) at the bottom and at the top
of the hole, respectively. The coefficient, C, differ with different combinations of gates and crest; in
influencing the conditions of arrival and downstream to affect contraction of the jet. Thus, the
contraction at the top of the opening in a vertical sliding gate is different from a radial curve gate
inclined; the floor profile upstream affect contraction of the jet exiting background; and profile affect
downstream backpressure and hence the effective charge. Figure 13 shows the discharge coefficients
for various ratios of the gate openings to the total charge.

Figure 13 Discharge coefficient for water circulation under floodgates


The theoretical flow rate at the outlet of a weir overflow (Figure 14) can be calculated by:

Where Z is the fall or vertical distance in feet from the level of the reservoir upstream to the floor level
at the outputs; Ha is the height of upstream approach speed; and hab is the depth of flow at the outlet.
Due to the loss of energy involved in the flow over the weir, the actual speed is always less than the
theoretical value. The magnitude of the actual speed depends mainly on the height above the weir crest,
fall, slope and roughness on the surface of the landfill. By friction and experiments it shows that the
deviation of the actual velocity with respect to its theoretical value becomes higher when the height is
lower and when the drop is greater.

Based on experience, theoretical analysis and a limited amount of experimental data obtained in tests
on prototypes, the US Bureau of Reclamation studied the relationship between the actual speed and
the theoretical value. From the results of this study a graph (Figure 14) was prepared to show the actual
output landfills different heights speed falls, earrings 1 0.6 to 1 0.8, and conditions of the average surface
roughness. It is considered that this chart is accurate enough for preliminary design purposes, although
it can be improved by additional experimental information available in the future.

Figure 14 curves to determine the rate at outlet weirs earrings 1 in 0.6 to 0.8


The DISENER program design heatsinks have the possibility of designing landfills in BASIN II window,
which is precisely the design sink in landfills, in this part of the program asks for input values as a
coefficient value initial discharge height the paramento P, the design load Q, the width of the landfill,
landfill slope upstream. Resulting in the discharge coefficient corrected, and the total height of water to
the landfill. The calculation of these values is the same as discussed in this chapter with the only
difference that the coefficient of discharge is found in the metric system units where the flow equation

Thus C values ranging from 1.6 to 2.2.


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