9 November 2017 Dear Parents,: Lead With Your Heart and Not Your Ego

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9 November 2017
Dear Parents,

Lead with your heart and not your ego

Grade R enrolments for 2018 are still open.

Congratulations to our Rock Challenge learners who will be performing at Gold Reef City on 3 December.

A huge thank you to all parents who have paid their tuition fees in full. We appreciate your support and
commitment to your childs education.
To all parents who have received Final Letters of Demand from our Finance Department, we have to advise
you that the unpaid accounts are currently being prepared for handover to our debt collector on 1 December.

Final Exams
Please refer to Final Exam timetable on the term planner or download from the D6 School Communicator.
As from 13 November, school will close at 13h00 for all learners. All learners must have their own
stationery as we do not allow borrowing during the exams. Text books must be returned on the day of the
exams. Learners will have to pay R150 per lost textbook. Learners who do not pay for text books will not
receive any textbook in January 2018 as per GDE policy.

Ground Staff Christmas Hampers

It is that time of the year again when we collect grocery items for our cleaners. Please be so kind as to donate
any nonperishable grocery items to school.

Waiting Area
We also urge parents to collect their children by 15h30 at the latest. There will be no teaching staff on duty
thereafter. We also do not allow transport providers and/or hawkers to sell sweets to learners for their own
safety. Please speak to your children to not disregad our security staff and leave the Waiting Area to hang
around a strange vehicle to buy sweets. Kidnapping and drug abuse is rife.

Dates to Diarise
13 22 November: Exams
24 November: Grade 7 Final Assembly
28 November: Grade R Graduation
29 November: Sports Awards

Strive to live in harmony with everyone..

Mrs CS Hercules

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