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12871, February 18, remembered that a petition to review the decision

1970 of the Court of Appeals is not a matter of right, but
of sound judicial discretion; and so there is no need
FACTS: to fully explain the courts denial. For one thing, the
facts and the law are already mentioned in the
Atty. Almacen was the counsel of one Court of Appeals opinion.
Virginia Yaptinchay in a civil case. They lost in said On Almacens attack against the Supreme Court,
civil case but Almacen filed a Motion for the High Court regarded said criticisms as uncalled
Reconsideration. He notified the opposing party of for; that such is insolent, contemptuous, grossly
said motion but he failed to indicate the time and disrespectful and derogatory. It is true that a lawyer,
place of hearing of said motion. Hence, his motion both as an officer of the court and as a citizen, has
was denied. He then appealed but the Court of the right to criticize in properly respectful terms and
Appeals denied his appeal as it agreed with the trial through legitimate channels the acts of courts and
court with regard to the motion for reconsideration. judges. His right as a citizen to criticize the
Eventually, Almacen filed an appeal on certiorari decisions of the courts in a fair and respectful
before the Supreme Court which outrightly denied manner, and the independence of the bar, as well
his appeal in a minute resolution. This earned the as of the judiciary, has always been encouraged by
ire of Almacen who called such minute resolutions the courts. But it is the cardinal condition of all such
as unconstitutional. He then filed before the criticism that it shall be bona fide, and shall not spill
Supreme Court a petition to surrender his lawyers over the walls of decency and propriety.
certificate of title as he claimed that it is useless to Intemperate and unfair criticism is a gross violation
continue practicing his profession when members of the duty of respect to courts.
of the high court are men who are calloused to In the case at bar, Almacens criticism is misplaced.
pleas for justice, who ignore without reasons their As a veteran lawyer, he should have known that a
own applicable decisions and commit culpable motion for reconsideration which failed to notify the
violations of the Constitution with impunity. He opposing party of the time and place of trial is a
further alleged that due to the minute resolution, his mere scrap of paper and will not be entertained by
client was made to pay P120k without knowing the the court. He has only himself to blame and he is
reasons why and that he became one of the the reason why his client lost. Almacen was
sacrificial victims before the altar of hypocrisy. He suspended indefinitely.
also stated that justice as administered by the
present members of the Supreme Court is not only
blind, but also deaf and dumb. A.C. No. 145 December 28, 1956
JOSEFINA MORTEL, petitioner,
The Supreme Court did not immediately act vs.
on Almacens petition as the Court wanted to wait ANACLETO F. ASPIRAS, respondent.
for Almacen to actually surrender his certificate.
Almacen did not surrender his lawyers certificate
though as he now argues that he chose not to. On March 17, 1953, Josefina Mortel complained
Almacen then asked that he may be permitted to before this Court against Attorney Anacleto F.
give reasons and cause why no disciplinary action Aspiras, alleging substantially that:
should be taken against him . . . in an open and
public hearing. He said he preferred this 1. Sometime in August, 1952, the respondent,
considering that the Supreme Court is the representing himself as single, courted her and
complainant, prosecutor and Judge. Almacen was
eventually won her affection; 2. on December 22,
however unapologetic.
1952, following his instructions, she came to Manila
ISSUE: so they could get married, and she stayed with her
Whether or not Almacen should be sister at No. 10 Espiritu, Pasay City; 3. on and after
disciplined. December 31, 1952, upon being assured of
marriage she allowed him to live with her as her
HELD: husband; 4. on January 3, 1953, a marriage license
Yes. The Supreme Court first clarified that
was applied for, with the son of the respondent,
minute resolutions are needed because the
Supreme Court cannot accept every case or write Cesar Aspiras, as one of the applicants; 5. upon
full opinion for every petition they reject otherwise suggestion of respondent, she was married to said
the High Court would be unable to effectively carry Cesar Aspiras, although she was not in love with
out its constitutional duties. The proper role of the the latter; 6. after the marriage, she and respondent
Supreme Court is to decide only those cases continued cohabiting together, the ceremony being
which present questions whose resolutions will a mere formality performed at the indication of
have immediate importance beyond the particular
respondent, who was a married man and who used
facts and parties involved. It should be
his knowledge and education to abuse and destroy Josefina Mortel by a promise of marriage, and to
her. cover up his illicit relations, he made his son,
Cesar, a minor to marry the said Josefina Mortel on
On April 9, 1953, the petitioner filed a motion to January 14, 1953; and, what is worse, after the
withdraw and/or dismiss alleging that the contents marriage, the respondent continued having sexual
of her complaint did not represent her true relations with the spouse of his own son.
sentiments, the respondent acted in good faith,
and her marriage to respondents son, Cesar On May 6, 1955, this Court ordered the respondent
Aspiras, was without any fraud or deceit to reply to the official charges of the Government
whatsoever. prosecutor.

Believing that the matter was not a mere private He replied in due time repeating the same denials
affair of petitioner, but that it affected the legal he had previously made in this Court. Then he
profession 1 , this Court denied the motion to asked for, and was granted, a chance to introduce
dismiss, and required the respondent to answer. evidence in addition to the proofs submitted to, and
forwarded by, the Solicitor General. Yet he failed to
On May 6, 1953, the respondent made his answer, produce any.
asserting that petitioner had really married his son
Cesar Aspiras, and denying having had any At the oral argument he did not appear to defend
amorous or sexual relations with her. He also said himself, but asked for permission to file a
she knew all the time he was a married man. memorandum which he afterwards presented.
Therein he maintains that the complaints
On May 13, 1953, the Court referred the case to allegations were not supported by the evidence,
the Solicitor General for investigation, report and that the petitioner is in pari delicto and deserves no
recommendation. remedy, and that the alleged misconduct is not
sufficient ground for disbarment.
On November 2, 1953, the Solicitor General
reported that in view of the motion to withdraw filed In regard to the first point, the oral and
by the petitioner, he found no other alternative but documentary evidence at hand establish beyond
to recommend the dismissal of the case. reasonable doubt the following facts:
Of course, for lack of evidence, the complaint was In the year 1952 Josefina Mortel, 21 years of age,
dismissed on November 5, 1953. single, was a teacher residing with her widowed
mother in Sawang Barrio School, Romblon,
However, on December 17, 1953, the petitioner
Romblon. Sometime in August, of that year she met
filed a motion to re-open the matter, alleging that
the respondent. Atty. Anacleto P. Aspiras, an
she had asked for dismissal before the office of the
employee of the Cebu Portland Cement Co., who
Solicitor General pursuant to an amicable
represented himself as single, although he was
settlement with the respondent; but that the truth
already married to Carolina Bautista Aspiras with
was, petitioner and respondent lived together as
whom he had seven children.
husband and wife, from April to November, 1953 at
No. 383 Int. 5 Tejeron, Sta. Ana, Manila and that as A reckless Lothario, he wooed her personally and
a result she was on the family way. She also by correspondence until he finally conquered her
charged the respondent with having ordered his trusting heart. He visited her at her house and must
son, Cesar, to live with them, for the purpose of have charmed even the mother, because without
camouflaging their living together. much ado she approved of him. The climax came
when on a certain night of November, 1952, he was
On January 5, 1954, this Court granted the above
invited to stay and spend the night at her house,
petition to re- open and referred the papers to the
due to a typhoon which was raging. About 3 or 4
Solicitor General for re- investigation, report and
a.m., while the mother was in the kitchen, he crept
into Josefinas room and after glibly promising
After conducting the proper inquiry, and based on marriage, succeeded in seducing her. From that
the evidence adduced before him, the Solicitor time on, and without the benefit of marriage she
General filed in accordance with the Rules a gave him the privileges of a husband. Thereafter
complaint against the respondent, praying for his yielding to his invitation, Josefina came to Manila in
disbarment, on the ground that he seduced December, 1952, for the purpose of marrying him,
despite her mothers desire to have the marriage mother dated February 9, 1953 and March 6, 1953
celebrated the following month of April, so as to Exhibits A-19 and A-21.
enable her to continue teaching until the end of the
school term. She stayed with her sister at 10 Obviously the courtship and seduction by
Espiritu Street, Pasay City. respondent was morally wrong, and this obliquity
became worse when he made use of his minor son
Accompanied by the respondent, she went on Cesar to redeem his promise of marriage and/or
January 3, 1953 to the Manila City Hall, where for to cover up his illicit relations, as the Solicitor
the first time, she met his son Cesar, who was General alleged. He corrupted his own descendant
introduced (by respondent) as his nephew, and her by turning him into an accomplice of his marital
bridegroom-to- be. She says respondent again told infidelities.
her to follow his instructions, and left the two of
them (with Atty. Espino) at the City Hall. He then But he says, the marriage was a true marriage, the
departed for Cebu. She filled up the application for contracting parties being actually in love with each
marriage (Exhibits 7, 8, Respondent) and wrote the other. Granted. Then his moral delinquency
name of Cesar as her husband-to-be. becomes all the more unpardonable: he cohabited
with the wife of his own son after the marriage
In connection with the above instructions, it is which he himself arranged and witnessed.
probable that before filing the application Josefina
discovered or was told that respondent was a It is immaterial that Josefina Mortel the complainant
married man. But she was persuaded by was also at fault in pari delicto, respondent
respondent to enter into a sham marriage with his suggests because this is not a proceeding to
nephew Cesar, so that she may rightfully claim to grant her relief, but one to purge the profession of
be Mrs. Josefina Aspiras and save her face before unworthy members, to protect the public and the
her relatives and acquaintances who had known courts 3 . So much so that even if she should
her amorous relations with Attorney Aspiras. presently ask for dismissal, the matter may not be
dropped, the evidence at hand being sufficient to
Accordingly on January 14, 1953, Josefina and warrant disciplinary action. Anyway, pari delicto is
Cesar were married 2 at the Manila City Hall before not always a complete defense. 4
Judge Aragon, with the respondent and Rosario R.
Veloso (Cesars aunt) as witnesses. After the Supposing that respondents conduct is not one of
ceremony, the two contracting parties separated, those mentioned in the Rules for which an attorney
never to live together as husband and wife. may be disbarred, 5 still, in this jurisdiction, lawyers
However, the respondent continued up to may be removed from office on grounds other than
November, 1953 his adulterous relations with those enumerated by the statutes. (In re Pelaez, 44
Josefina, as a result of which she gave birth to a Phil. 567.) And we recently applied that principle in
baby boy on January 24, 1954. Balinon vs. De Leon, 50 Off. Gaz., 583.

Josefinas sworn testimony that herein respondent In the United States wherefrom our system of legal
pretended to be single and promised marriage, is ethics derives, the continued possession . . . of a
confirmed by his love letters, portions of which say: good moral character is a requisite condition for the
rightful continuance in the practice of the law . . .
. . . You are alone in my life till the end of my years and its loss requires suspension or disbarment,
in this world . . . I will bring you along with me even though the statutes do not specify that as a
before the altar of matrimony . . .. (Exhibit A-6, ground for disbarment. (5 Am. Jur. 417.)
September 22, 1952.)
As stated by Mr. Justice Owen of the Wisconsin
Through thick and thin, for better or for worse, in Supreme Court,
life or in death, my Josephine you will always be
the first, middle and the last in my life. In short, you One of the requisite qualifications for one who
will be the only woman to me as I used to say to holds the office of an attorney at law is that he or
you. (Exhibit A, November 2, 1952.) she shall be of good moral character, in so far as it
relates to the discharge of the duties and
And her testimony that after her marriage to Cesar responsibilities of an attorney at law. This is a
she continued living, as wife, with herein continuing qualification necessary to entitle one to
respondent is borne out by his letters to Josefinas admission to the bar, and the loss of such
qualification requires his suspension. The "RECEIVED AUG 24 2007" and signed by
respondent is a member of the bar of this court. "tess."Atty. Garcia found it unusual for the
The charges preferred against him challenge his respondents to receive a copy of the said decision
moral integrity. Just as it was the duty of this court of the NLRC 10 days after he has received his own
to refuse him admission in the first instance upon a copy, considering that both law offices of the ones
showing that he lacked the necessary representing the complainant and the respondents
qualifications, so is it its duty now to remove him are located in Quezon City. With this, Atty. Garcia
upon like proof. (Re Stolen, 193 Wis. 602; 55 A. L. asked for a certification from the post office as of
R. 1361.) the actual date respondents received a copy of said
Perhaps mere moral transgression not amounting
to crime will not disbar, as some cases hold 6and Based on the certification complainants lodged the
on this we do not decide. But respondents moral instant disbarment complaint against respondents.
delinquency having been aggravated by a mockery They allege that Teresita "Tess" Calucag, secretary
of the inviolable social institution of marriage, and of respondents law firm, altered the true date of
by corruption of his minor son or destruction of the receipt of the NLRC decision when she signed and
latters honor, the undersigned all agree he is unfit stamped on the Registry Return Receipt the date
to continue exercising the privileges and August 24, 2007 to make it appear and to mislead
responsibilities of members of the bar. 7 the NLRC and the opposing party that the decision
was received on such later date and not on August
Wherefore it becomes the duty of this Court to 14, 2007. They conclude that respondents caused
strike, as it does hereby strike his name from the the alteration of the true date of their actual receipt
Roll of Attorneys. So ordered. with the intention of extending by ten days the
period within which to file a motion for
Paras, C.J., Padilla, Bautista Angelo, Labrador,
reconsideration. Complainants submit that the
Concepcion, Reyes, J. B. L., Endencia and Felix,
alteration of the true date of receipt done on the
JJ., concur.
registry return card (a public document), the use of
Canon 24 Suspension, Disbarment, and the altered date and the making of untruthful
Discipline of Lawyers statements in a narration of facts in the Partial
Motion for Reconsideration (also a public
Joven and Rasing vs. Atty. Cruz and Atty. document) constitute falsification of public
Magsalin III, AC. No. 7686, July 31, 2013 document on several counts, deception and gross
professional misconduct.
Version of the Defense
Version of the Complainants
According to the respondents, the mentioned
This case is an administrative complaint for
decision was received by one of the staff of their
disbarment filed by Jaime Joven and Reynaldo C.
law office, Henry Agellon. The latter usually
Rasing against Attys. Pablo R. Cruz and Frankie O.
receives mails when TessCalucag, the office
Magsalin III for deceit, malpractice, gross
secretary, is busy or is not around. During August
misconduct and falsification of public
14, 2007, there were 4 mails that was received by
documents.The disbarment complaint stemmed
Agellon which was evidenced by a receipt dated on
from a labor case filed by complainant Joven
the same day. On August 24, 2007, another batch
against Phil. Hoteliers, Inc. and/or Dusit Hotel
of mails were received but this time by Tess
Nikko, a client of respondents' law firm, P.R. Cruz
Calucag. The mistake arose when Calucag, having
Law Offices.
believed that the decision was received among
On July 16, 2007, the National Labor Relations those registered mails which were delivered on
Commission (NLRC) rendered a decision in NLRC August 24, stamped the Registry Return Card of
NCR CA No. 039270-04. Joven's counsel, Atty. the said decision and signed them as received on
Solon R. Garcia, received their copy of the decision the same date.
on August 14, 2007. As to respondents, they
Respondents, merely relying on the records of their
received a copy of the decision on August 24, 2007
secretary, followed the said date in drafting their
based on the Registry Return Receipt that was sent
motion for reconsideration pertaining to the
back to the NLRC.Stamped thereon was
decision of the NLRC. They contended that they did It is likewise worthy to note that the registry return
not in any way act with fraud, malice, deceit, nor card which the QCCPO itself returned to the NLRC
with gross misconduct. The arguments of the corroborates respondents claim that to their
complainants are mere self-serving and does not knowledge, their law firm actually received the
totally prove that the respondents induced their subject NLRC decision on August 24, 2007, after
secretary to alter the date of the receipt of the said relying on the date of receipt relayed to them by
decision. their secretary and as stamped by the latter on their
copy of the subject NLRC decision. We find merit in
Issue: respondents argument that had Calucag stamped
the wrong date on the Registry Return Card, the
Whether or not Atty. Cruz and Atty. Magsalin III
postman who had full view of the receiving and
should be suspended or disbarred on the grounds
stamping, would have called Calucags attention to
of deceit, malpractice, and gross misconduct?
correct the same or he would just have refused to
Ruling: receive the same altogether considering that it was
erroneous. Having accepted the Registry Return
No. The complaint was correctly dismissed by the Card with the date August 24, 2007 stamped on it
IBP for lack of merit. as the date of receipt can only mean that the
postman considered it as correct.
The burden of proof in disbarment and suspension
proceedings always rests on the shoulders of the Also, the registered mails delivered on August 14,
complainant. The Court exercises its disciplinary 2007 were received by Agellon which explains his
power only if the complainant establishes the signature appearing on the postmans logbook for
complaint by clearly preponderant evidence that said date. The fact that the Registry Return Card
warrants the imposition of the harsh penalty. As a was signed by Calucag, and not by Agellon,
rule, an attorney enjoys the legal presumption that buttresses respondents contention that the subject
he is innocent of the charges made against him NLRC decision may not have been among the
until the contrary is proved. An attorney is further registered mails received on August 14, 2007 by
presumed as an officer of the Court to have Agellon. Otherwise, it should be Agellon' s
performed his duties in accordance with his oath. signature that would appear on the Registry Return
Card and not Calucag's.
In this case, complainants failed to discharge their
burden of proving respondents administrative WHEREFORE, the instant administrative complaint
liability. While there is incongruity between said against respondents Attys. Pablo R. Cruz and
certification and the records of respondents law Frankie O. Magsalin III is DISMISSED for lack of
firm as to when the subject NLRC decision was merit.
actually received by the latter, there is no clear and
convincing evidence presented by complainants WILHELMINA S. OROZCO, petitioner, vs. THE
that respondents maliciously made it appear that FIFTH DIVISION OF THE HONORABLE COURT
they received the decision on a date ten days later OF APPEALS, PHILIPPINE DAILY INQUIRER,
than what is reflected on the record. Complainants AND LETICIA JIMENEZ
would like to convince this Court that the only MAGSANOC, respondents.
logical explanation as to the discrepancy is that
Calucag, a secretary under the employ of
respondents, was ordered by respondents to stamp TINGA, J.:
a much later date instead of the actual date of
receipt for the purpose of extending by ten-day Ostensibly, the question raised in this present
period within which to file a Motion for petition is of general interest to students of law
Reconsideration under the NLRC Rules of whether a newspaper columnist is an employee of
Procedure. Clearly, such claim is merely anchored the newspaper which publishes the columns.
on speculation and conjecture and not backed by However, for failure to file the appeal bond required
any clear preponderant evidence necessary to by law, the Court is impelled to defer the settlement
justify the imposition of administrative penalty on a of the above issue until the jurisdictional
member of the Bar. requirement has been duly complied with.
This Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the Rules (P250.00) which was later increased to Three
of Court assails the Resolution[1] of the Court of hundred Pesos (P300.00).[11]
Appeals Fifth Division denying the Motion for
Reconsideration filed by Wilhelmina Orozco In June 1991, Magsanoc as editor-in-chief of PDI
(Orozco) and the Decision[2] of the same division in discussed how to improve the Lifestyle section of
CA-G.R. SP No. 50970, the dispositive portion of the newspaper with the Lifestyle editor. They
which provides: agreed to cut down the number of columnists and
for this reason, PDI decided to drop or terminate
WHEREFORE, based on the foregoing, the petition Orozcos column in November 1992.[12]
is hereby GRANTED. The assailed decision of the
public respondent NLRC affirming the decision of Orozcos column thus appeared in PDI for the last
the Labor Arbiter that private respondent time on 7 November 1992. Upon inquiry at the
Wilhelmina Orozco is an employee of petitioner PDI office of Magsanoc as to why her column was
is hereby SET ASIDE. Private respondent Orozcos stopped, the secretary told Orozco that it was
complaint is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit. Eugenia Apostol (Apostol), the chairperson of PDI,
who had decided to stop her column.[13]
Apostol was out of the country at that time so
The above ruling of the Court of Appeals reversed Orozco waited until February 1993 to talk to her. In
the Decision[4] of the National Labor Relations a telephone conversation with Orozco, Apostol
Commission (NLRC) which affirmed stated that she had been told by Magsanoc that
theDecision[5] of the Labor Arbiter,[6] the decretal there were too many columnists in the Lifestyle
portion of which stated: Section.[14]

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered, Aggrieved at the stoppage of her column, Orozco
finding complainant to be an employee of filed the instant case against private respondents
respondent company; ordering respondent before the NLRC. The PDI raised as primary
company to reinstate her to her former or defense the claim that Orozco was not an
equivalent position, with backwages. employee of the newspaper. However, in
a Decision dated 29 October 1993, Labor Arbiter
Respondent company is also ordered to pay her Arthur L. Amansec ruled that Orozco had been
13th month pay and service incentive leave pay. illegally dismissed, after concluding that Orozco
had indeed been an employee of the PDI.
Other claims are hereby dismissed for lack of merit.
The PDI, through counsel, received a copy of the
Labor Arbiters Decision on 16 December 1993.[15] It
This case arose out of the complaint filed by timely filed a Notice and Memorandum dated 24
Orozco against private respondents Philippine Daily December 1993, but it did not lodge a cash or
Inquirer (PDI) and Leticia Jimenez-Magsanoc surety bond in the amount equivalent to the
(Magsanoc), the editor-in-chief of the PDI at that monetary award in the judgment appealed from.
time, for illegal dismissal, underpayment, non- PDI adverted to such failure on its part before the
payment of allowance, separation pay, retirement NLRC but justified the same on the ground that
pay, service incentive leave pay, 13th month pay, the Decision of the Labor Arbiter did not fix any
moral and exemplary damages, discrimination in amount but merely stated that Orozco was entitled
pay and for attorneys fees[8] with the Arbitration to backwages.
Branch of the NLRC on 1 June 1993.[9]
The NLRC dismissed the appeal in
Based on the records of this case, Orozco was its Decision dated 23 August 1994. In this Decision,
engaged as a columnist by PDI on 8 March 1990. it made note of the failure of PDI to perfect the
She penned the column Feminist Reflections which appeal by filing the cash or surety bond.
appeared in the Lifestyle Section under the Nonetheless, the NLRC ventured to delve on the
editorship of Lolita T. Logarta.[10] merits, and thereupon, affirmed the finding of the
Labor Arbiter that Orozco was an employee of PDI.
Orozco worked by submitting weekly columns with
a per article wage of Two Hundred Fifty Pesos Private respondents elevated the case to the
Supreme Court by way of the special civil action of
certiorari. Pursuant to the ruling in St. Martin ART. 223. Appeal. - Decisions, awards or orders of
Funeral Homes v. NLRC,[16] this Court referred the the Labor Arbiter are final and executory unless
case to the Court of Appeals. appealed to the Commission by any or both parties
within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such
On 11 July 2002, the Court of Appeals reversed the decisions, awards, or orders. . .
decision of the NLRC by holding that Orozco is not
an employee of PDI. The reversal was grounded on In case of a judgment involving a monetary
factual premises, the appellate court concluding award, an appeal by the employer may be
that the NLRC had misappreciated the facts and perfected only upon the posting of a cash or
rendered a ruling wanting in substantial evidence. It surety bond issued by a reputable bonding
thereby dismissed Orozcos complaint for lack of company duly accredited by the Commission in the
merit. The Court of Appeals likewise dismissed amount equivalent to the monetary award in the
Orozcos motion for reconsideration on 11 judgment appealed from. (emphasis supplied)
September 2002. Hence, this petition.
By explicit provision of law, an appeal is
In her Memorandum, Orozco posits that the Court perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety
of Appeals should have dismissed outright the bond. The reason behind the imposition of this
private respondents petition for certiorari for their requirement is not difficult to divine. As the Court
failure to file a cash bond or a surety bond as said in Viron Garments Mftg., Co., Inc. v. NLRC:[18]
provided for in Article 223 of the Labor Code.
The requirement that the employer post a cash or
In support of the argument, Orozco contends that a surety bond to perfect its/his appeal is apparently
grievous error tantamount to grave abuse of intended to assure the workers that if they prevail in
discretion was committed by the Court of Appeals the case, they will receive the money judgment in
when it failed to appreciate the observation of the their favor upon the dismissal of the employer's
NLRC that private respondents did not perfect their appeal. It was intended to discourage employers
appeal as they did not deposit on time any cash or from using an appeal to delay, or even evade, their
surety bond in compliance with the provision of Art. obligation to satisfy their employees' just and lawful
223 of the Labor Code when they filed an appeal of claims.[19]
the Labor Arbiters decision at the NLRC. Orozco
argues that the posting of the cash or surety bond But while the posting of a cash or surety bond is
is mandatory and must be made by the employer jurisdictional and is a condition sine qua non to the
within the reglementary period of ten (10) days from perfection of an appeal, there is a plethora of
receipt of the Labor Arbiters decision so as to jurisprudence recognizing exceptional instances
perfect his appeal. Failing to do so, the employer wherein the Court relaxed the bond requirement as
loses the right to appeal, and the Labor Arbiters a condition for posting the appeal.
decision becomes final and executory, regardless In Olacao v. NLRC[20] for example, the NLRC had
of whether or not the NLRC declares it so, by discovered that the separation pay awarded by the
operation of law.[17] Labor Arbiter had already been paid by the
The NLRC in its decision concluded that it had no employer. Since a modification of the Labor Arbiters
jurisdiction over PDIs appeal but proceeded Decision was the only way to forestall the grant of
nonetheless to discuss the merits of the case. On separation pay twice, the NLRC allowed the appeal
the other hand, the Court of Appeals made no perfected only on the twelfth (12th) day.
mention at all of the jurisdictional defect, whether in In Cosico, Jr. v. NLRC,[22] the employer timely
its recital of facts or discussion of the arguments. posted the bond based on the monetary award for
back wages and thirteenth month pay, but
The novelty of the argument on the merits aside, it excluding the exorbitant award for moral and
is essential not to lose sight of the jurisdictional exemplary damages. The Court ruled that there
issue, as it determines whether or not an appeal was substantial compliance, owing to the fact that
had indeed been perfected. the NLRC had since excluded the award of
damages from the computation of the surety bond.
The provisions of the Labor Code are quite clear [23]
And in Star Angel Handicraft v. NLRC,[24] the
cut on the matter. The relevant portion of Article Court noted that a motion for reduction of the
223 states: appeal bond had been filed within the reglementary
period, and that the appeal should not be deemed
perfected until the NLRC has acted on the motion (13th) month pay and service incentive leave pay.
and the appellant has filed the bond as fixed by the Noteworthy is the fact that the complainant, not
NLRC.[25] being an employee, was not being paid a fixed
salary. Hence, herein respondents-appellants
In YBL v. NLRC,[26] the appeal was interposed by requested in their memorandum on appeal that the
the employers on 11 September 1989, or only six Commission fixes (sic) the amount of the bond, if it
(6) days from the effectivity of the Interim Rules on finds the same necessary in exceptional cases like
Appeals which incorporated for the first time the the present case, to wit:
appeal bond requirement imposed by Republic Act
No. 6715, an amendatory law to the Labor Code. xxx Respondents-appellants however manifest that
The Court therein considered the apparent fact that they are able and willing to post a bond that this
neither the counsel for the employer nor that for the Commission may fix if the latter finds it
employee was already aware of the then new necessary. (Notice and Memorandum on Appeal
requirement requiring the posting of a bond on dated 24 December 1993, p. 7).[32] (Emphasis in the
appeal.[27] The same justification was cited with original)
approval by the Court inBlancaflor v. NLRC,[28] and
the same circumstance is likewise apparent In the case of NFLU v. Ladrido III,[33] this Court
in Rada v. NLRC.[29] postulated that private respondents cannot be
expected to post such appeal bond equivalent to
In the case of Taberrah v. NLRC,[30] the Court made the amount of the monetary award when the
note of the fact that the assailed decision of the amount thereof was not included in the decision of
Labor Arbiter concerned did not contain a the labor arbiter.[34] The computation of the amount
computation of the monetary award due the awarded to petitioner not having been clearly stated
employees, a circumstance which is likewise in the decision of the labor arbiter, private
present in this case. In said case, the Court stated, respondents had no basis for determining the
amount of the bond to be posted.
As a rule, compliance with the requirements for the
perfection of an appeal within the reglamentary Thus, while the requirements for perfecting an
period is mandatory and jurisdictional. However, in appeal must be strictly followed as they are
National Federation of Labor Unions v. Ladrido as considered indispensable interdictions against
well as in several other cases, this Court relaxed needless delays and for orderly discharge of
the requirement of the posting of an appeal bond judicial business,[35] the law does admit of
within the reglementary period as a condition for exceptions when warranted by the circumstances.
perfecting the appeal. This is in line with the Technicality should not be allowed to stand in the
principle that substantial justice is better served by way of equitably and completely resolving the rights
allowing the appeal to be resolved on the merits and obligations of the parties.[36] But while this
rather than dismissing it based on a technicality.[31] Court may relax the observance of reglementary
periods and technical rules to achieve substantial
The judgment of the Labor Arbiter in this case justice,[37] it is not prepared to give due course to
merely stated that petitioner was entitled to this petition and make a pronouncement on the
backwages, 13th month pay and service incentive weighty issue obtaining in this case until the law
leave pay without however including a computation has been duly complied with and the requisite
of the alleged amounts. As the private respondents appeal bond duly paid by private respondents.
asserted in their motion for reconsideration anent
the NLRC decision: WHEREFORE, without giving due course to the
petition, the Labor Arbiter is hereby ordered to
III. NO BOND WAS FILED BECAUSE OF THE clarify the amount of the award due the petitioner.
VAGUENESS OF THE AWARD Private respondents are ordered to post the
requisite bond in accordance with Article 223 of the
The award as contained in the appealed 29
Labor Code, whereupon, the petition will be given
October 1993 decision did not state the exact
due course. No pronouncement as to costs.
amount to be awarded. In particular, while it may be
assumed, as stated in the decision subject of this SO ORDERED.
motion, the award be based on the P300.00 per
column/article basis, this is not clear in the decision
which likewise mentioned an award for thirteenth

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