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Business Plan Report Submission

Rules & Regulations

Maximum participation of 4 students in each group.
Each group must submit hard copy to Ms. Simran Kaur and soft copy on email Id:
Last date to submit: 6 November, 2017
The judgment would be based upon the following criteria:


Executive Summary
Provides a concise summary of the business or business idea
The Business/Product
Describes nature of business (mission, vision, objectives)
Identifies and describes the products/services
Identifies what makes the products/services special/unique
Identifies business set-up (home-based, leased/owned space,
location specifics)
Identifies technical considerations, e.g. process/technology,
proprietary info. (if applicable)
Innovation in Business/ Product 0-2
Industry Analysis & Competitive Analysis
Identifies, at a macro level, larger industry of which the business is
a part, including recent
trends, current situation and outlook
Identifies principal competitors
Identifies competitors strengths and weaknesses, (e.g. quality,
customer satisfaction)
Explains competitive positioning
Market Analysis & Plan
Identifies target markets and market potential for the business
Provides customer analysis/description
Defines marketing objectives/strategies to frame the business in the
Describes promotional strategy
Provides sales forecast assumptions and projections
Management Plan
Defines management roles and assigns responsibilities
Defines key competencies needed for business; assesses staff
skills re key competencies
Provides staffing plan and plans for staff growth (if applicable)
Important assumptions
Financial Plan
Provides a list of start-up costs (if applicable)
Presents a list of sources and uses of funds
Provides projected annual profit, loss and balance sheet for the
first year of operation
Provides annual projected profit, loss and balance sheet for three
Documents financial assumptions including working capital
Important assumptions
Timely Submission in hard and soft copy 2-5

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