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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Romulo Blvd., San Vicente, Tarlac City 2300

7 November 2017

Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari

Office of the President
This University

Dr. Armee N. Rosel

Vice President Academic Affairs
This University

Dear Maam,


I am Mary Bless O. Dioayan, a graduating student taking up Bachelor of Science in Business

Administration Major in Business Economics. I am enrolled 6 units this semester and expecting
to graduate January 2018. However, due to unavoidable circumstances, I got an INC (Incomplete)
grade for late submission of the required documents in FM 5 Practicum/ Work Integrated, FM
S4-1 Summer 2016. I have submitted my requirements on time before the lapse period.
Unexpectedly, my grade turned five (5.0) due to the system designed.

May I request that the failing grade of five (5.00) be replaced to two (2.00), the grade given by
my professor upon submission of all required documentation. I was rated 99/100 in my
performance evaluation given by my supervisor from the bank I trained from. Attached here are
copies of my evaluation form, attendance sheet and certificate of completion from my On-the-Job
training in Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Thank you very much for your favorable response. God bless you and your good office.

Respectfully yours,

Mary Bless O. Dioayan

Recommending Approval:

Dr. Rowena C. Ramos

Professor/Chair of Financial Management Department

Dr. Renato T. Mercado

College Dean

Dr. Consolacion S. Lagman

Director, Registration Office


Dr. Armee N. Rosel

Vice President Academic Affairs

Dr. Myrna Q. Mallari


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