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Revision II
A Game of Strategy and Global Domination
Table of Contents
Introduction and Back-story.............................................................................

Actual Risk Rules...............................................................................................

Preamble to Changes..............................................................................................

New Game Setup.............................................................................................

Turn Setup and Execution.............................................................................

Battle and Combat................................................................................................


Victory Conditions and Elimination................................................................

Extra Pages for the Game................................................................................

Introduction and Back-story

Welcome to the game of Strategy, Global Domination and well of course, Risk.
One of the most popular games of its time, it has put itself into the hearts of many, and
more than others, it has affected their lives in the same way.
This is their story...

My dear General, for now, it is time, to lead your troops into battle and rise up from
oppression from other greater factions, and conquer the world with your armies.
For the choice is yours.
Actual Risk Rules

In this version of Risk, the rules are quite simple, they are not very different from your
own risk rules, they just have different ways of conducting certain things. We will explain these
things later on.
However this section is about telling new and old players the gist of the game.
This is just a summery.

In the game of Risk, one's goal is to conquer every last territory. And one uses troops
that he or she drafts at the start of their turn. And by doing this, they take territories and this
then leads to more units, and by more units, they are able to take more territories. And thus, by
using such effect, they are able to win the Game.
Troops are drafted by the amount of territories plus cities one has over three, added to
the amount of certain capitals or content bonuses that they have. This in turn, gives them the
proper amount of units. They can use these units however they please.
These units are then placed, and if chance lets them, they will go into battle with another
player's. They then conduct their battle phase.
This battle is determined by the roll or dice, or as some people call it, Chance. The
defending player rolls dice, one or two, depending oh how much that player is defending with,
or how much he can, it can go no more than two. The attacker than, also rolls his set of dice,
however up to three. But he or she cannot attack with three if he or she has exactly three units,
nor with two units if he or she only has two. He or she cannot attack at all if he or she has one
unit and one unit only. Depending on who wins the dice roll(s), then that much units of a
person(s) side is then removed.
This then goes on until that players turn is done (when he or she is done with all of her
phases and the moving of her troops)
Such rotation of steps is repeated with each players turn, and this then continues until the
game is over, and someone has risen as the Victor.
This is the main concept of the game of Risk.

However, as we, a group of people who reinvented it, and the creators of Risk, Revision
II. As we reinvented the game we needed to address some issues. Such issues is the time the
game took to play it though. And how the combat system was a bit too long, but for the most
part, this game, without the revisions is good, however we truly believe, and know, that our
new revisions will open up a broader aspect of the game...
Preamble to the Changes

The game of Risk, that we are redesigning, we really needed to focus of a few very
important points of this game.
One of these points was that the game itself, could take ages, the people who are
eliminated do not mind being eliminated so early, unless the game would then take about thirty
to forty minutes afterward. This time was mainly from a few reasons, one was that the combat
system could and would take forever with massive armies on each side, as only a maximum of
two units could be lost at one round, and normally it was split very evenly, so it took twice as
long, accounting for much not needed time. Turtleing (a term that is used to describe people
who are always on the defense and can hold a territory(s) from even the heaven's wrath),
turtleing promotes heavy defense, and with the current winning condition, it did not help to
speed up the amount of time needed to complete the game, we wanted to make sure that
turtleing was discouraged, and had game mechanics that refused the effectiveness of turtleing.
Another one of these points, is that it was too easy to get units using something that we
like to call the Conquer Card System. This made it so that when have these cards, you would
then hold on to them, and then pump out 60 units, and that is not exactly how it should be. We
wanted to keep something like that, along with the Content bonuses. What we wanted is for
people not to over whelm other people with a mass of units that should not be theirs, but we did
not want to take it away to the point that we were removing units that were rightfully theirs.
The last point was that we also wanted to have the Victory Condition be a bit less, and
not try to consume as much time as before. From this we created a new set of Victory

Although these were the three major changes that we wanted to implant with the game,
we also wanted to add other stuff and still have it to be kept, or even contribute, to the amount
of balance that was needed for this game.
Such things that we really wanted to add was a more modern type of warfare, new
bonuses that gave some more powerful things than others depending on the place that have,
thus creating objectives that was not too overturning as the previous objectives, and some of
these were actually primary objectives, rather that the original game that contained secondary
objectives (optional objectives), and only such objectives.
We also wanted to have the game seem more alive with more things added and more
ways to attack and plan out for plans; Strategy. And that is what we wanted in a game of risk.

These changes are of purity and that we also hope that, these are merely things that you
could add to make the game feel more of what you want it to feel. You are free to add and not
add certain aspects of these rules, to your hearts content.
New Game Setup

The setup of these games are a bit different, this section will explain how to do so.
Board Setup;

Use the normal board for this version of Risk if you want to change it then do so, but keep it
mind, this might get confusing. Please adhere to all suggestions for comfort.
Airports are in the following areas, you may use a token or distinguish those territories
from others.
-Western United States -Egypt
-Brazil -China
-Western Europe -Western Australia
Airports allow for the transport of units to another airport. A player can only use an
Airport if he or she controls the territories that have Airports. A player can use Airports to move units
from one area to another if they are in an (any) Airport and can transfer themselves to another Airport
that the same player owns, there is no limit to how much units can be transferred this way. If any player
does not have a pair of Airports, he or she cannot transfer units as they have nowhere to transfer to.

Capitals (Base of Operations)-

Capitals, or as it may be called, Base of Operations (BO). Are where you start of in. You
place your Capital at the beginning of the the game, in a certain order. You can use anything for it as
long as no one else has the same type of Capital or BO.
Capitals, or BO, is your commanding area, and is of vital importance. Like in other
games, if your BO, is captured by a enemy, then you have lost the game. And such you are then
eliminated. All of the territories that you own (if any) are then still yours. All of the Victory Points that
you have gathered are then lost, are arent given to anyone. You do not remove your BO, however it
becomes a neutral HQ.

HQ's are vital to winning the game. Every round (that players turn), if the person has
more HQ's than any one other player, they then get one and only one victory point. Some HQ's give
very small bonuses, these follow.
HQ's with red borders are offensive HQ's, these mean, that if you are attacking from one
area on one continent to another area on a different continent, then you may add one to your respective
attacking die, you can do this three times per turn for every offensive HQ that you control (if you have
1 Red HQ, you can do it three times, if you 2 Red HQ, that is 6)
HQ's with blue borders are defensive HQ's, these mean, that if you are defending one
area from one continent from another area on a different continent, then you may add one to your
respective defending die, you can do this three times per turn for every defensive HQ that you control.
(if you have 1 Blue HQ, you can do it three times, if you 2 Blue HQ, that is 6)
HQ's with purple borders do not have any bonus, nor give you one.
New Game Setup
Ports are like Airports. But with their own twist. Ports are in the following areas, like
Airports, you can put a marker of some sort;
-Eastern United States -South Africa
-Argentina -Japan
-Great Britain -Eastern Australia
Ports cannot send units to another Port, unlike the Airport that can transfer units. The
Port allow players to attack another area that has a Port. However in order for a player to attack another
area from a Port, both Ports must be occupied by two different players, either one of the Ports cannot
be vacant. If player can attack a area using a Port, and he or she wishes to do so, then they may,
however only 10 units can be used to attack with a Port. A area cannot be captured with a battle by
usage of a Port, nor can the defending player lose units to the point that they would have zero or less
units of the board, if a battle were to leave the defending player with less than 1 unit, and such a battle
is with a Port, then he or she will still have one unit at the end of the battle, regardless to the number

Player and Troop Set up;

The players may chose their own troop color and troop amount dictated by the original
Risk rules. For this version of Risk, it really does not matter what color a player gets. Once they have
their color and amount of units, follow with the following steps;

Step 1
Have each player roll one die each, the player with the highest number gets to go first,
and then the second is second, and so on... If the dice roll for any amount of players is a tie, they (the
ones who tied) all roll again, and then use that order and fir it in to the main one, depending on how
much players, this may take more than one try, You may rearrange yourselves accordingly to make it
easier for you.

Step 2
Using the conquer cards, shuffle the deck and pull 10 random cards from it. Place HQ's
on the territories that these cards describe, you may put it in any order you chose.

Step 3
Each player (in the order that was determined in step one,) then places one unit our of
their number of units on any place on the board however you cannot place a unit where a HQ stands, do
this until every one has placed a reasonable amount of units. You cannot change the place of your nor
any other unit(s) once you declare your turn to be over. For this step, we recommend 5 to 7 will be nice,
less will be better for the more people you have.
New Game Setup
Step 4
Once every one has completed step three, they can then arrange their units as they
please, with the remaining amount of units that they have. They can only arrange the rest of their units
to the territories that they placed their in step 3. You cannot remove nor change units that you placed
there from step three.

Step 5
Place you Capitals in a territory that you own, place it in order of the dice roll in
step one
Step 6
Continue with the game normally. Follow the turns rules.
Turn Setup and Execution

This part will be dealing with mostly the way one can do their turns, for the most part it is the
same. However nonetheless, use these steps to help you.

Step 1
Draft your troops. The amount of troops that you get is one third number of
territories that you have (round). Plus two for every HQ that you control, and three for every
Capital or BO, that you control. You also get units according to some of the bonuses. When you
have calculated the units that you have, you may place them in any order or fashion that you
see fit.

Step 2
You may then conduct your battles. You cannot move units this may unless you
are transferring units to a area that you have captured. Ports may be used at this time. You
cannot use Airports.

Step 3
When you are finished with conducting your battles, you may then move troops
from one area to another, you can do this twice per turn, and up to and only up to twice per
turn. Airports may be used at this time. You cannot use Ports.

Step 4
Your opponents may then, if they want to, move up to five units from one
territory to another. However they cannot use Ports nor Airports at this time, no matter, even if
they control them or not. They cannot attack, nor can they draft units.

Step 5
When you reach this step, you are then done with your turn, and then you may
end your turn, and then such, this process then starts up for the person who goes after you.
Battle and Combat

When in battle and in combat. You can use the following steps to help you guide
yourself in the battles.

Step 1
Before battling, roll a white die, or any die that is different from the attacking and
defending die alike. Remember this number.

Step 2
Have each player both the attacking and defending player, roll their own
respective die (yes only one die.) You must also include bonuses into your calculations, as
Determine the winner of the battle by who has the larger number.

Step 3
The player who lost the die battle in step two, the loses units equal to the number
that is on the white die, or the distinguishable die. For faster games (but not exactly equal), use
the number as is. For equal or more fairer games, use the number on the die and divide that by
two, rounding up (1 is then 1 unit, 2 is then 1 unit, 3 is then 2 units, and so on)

Step 4
Repeat this process for every battle that is made.

These are newer bonuses that we have added. You may use these, but it may cancel out
another one of the actual risk mechanic.

Continent Bonus
Applying this bonus will cancel out the extra drafting troops that you get for have
a continent.
If you have all of one continent, then you can add the passive for your army
depending on the continent that you have.
North America Patriotism
If you control all of North America, then you can add one to any attack die
that you use. You cannot use this if you do not control another continent. You cannot use this
against a player who does not have a continent
South America Cultural Expansion
If you control all of South America, then you can move units as much
times as you want, you can also move your units through one and only one enemy territory.
Europe God's Glory
If you control all of Europe, then you can add one to any defensive die
that you use. You cannot use this unless you control a defensive HQ.
Africa Immunity to Nature
If you control all of Africa, then armies from a different continent cannot
attack you unless they have a larger army in that area that are attacking from than the area they
are attacking.
Asia Overpopulation
If you control all of Asia, then for every three troops that you draft because
of territories, you can add one more.
Australia Before the Fat Lady Sings
If you control all of Australia, then you can have you turn end before your
opponents move their set of five troops.
Victory Conditions and Elimination

Victory can only be declared in two ways.
The first way victory can be declared is if one person is last standing, and all other
players are eliminated.
The second way of victory is if one player gets 20 victory point before any other play
can, a victory point is given to a player for every of their turns if they control the most amount
of HQ's. You also gain a victory point when you capture a Capital or a BO. You can use the
chart in the back to keep track of your victory points.

If you lose your Capital or BO, then you are eliminated.
When a player is eliminated, they lose their Capital, and the opponent can then use it as
their own if theirs get captured. When you are eliminated all of your territories still remain in
your control. However, when you have your turn, you are unable to draft units into the game
nor move units from territory to territory. You are also unable to gain any amount of victory
points, and the points you had before you were eliminated are discarded.
If an opposing player wants to take a territory(s) that belongs to a person who got
eliminated, then they still need to conduct battle and follow the rules for battle. Despite them
being out of the game.
Extra Pages

Victory Point Tables

Player 1 __________

Player 2 _________

Player 3 _________

Player 4 _________

Player 5 _________

Player 6 _________

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