A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Mathematics 7

I. Objectives

At the end of 60 minutes lesson, 80% of students are able to:

a. Define mean, median and mode

b. Interpret data using mean, median and mode

Values Infusion: cooperation and patience in finding the mean, median and mode

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measure of Central Tendency

References: Grade-7 mathematics, internet

Pp. 1-3, www.purplemath.com/modules/meanmode.htm

Materials: Powerpoint, chalk, cartolina, cut papers, colored blocks, cups and colored sticks

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity

Good morning class Good morning sir

Let us pray first, may I ask (name of student) to (a student leads the prayer)
lead the prayer?

Before you take your seat, kindly pick up the (students picks up the pieces of paper)
pieces of paper under your chairs.

(Checking of attendance)
(Name of student), please submit the list of (the student gives the list of absent
students who are absent today. students)

Its good to know that only few are absent.

Please submit your assignments in front. (students submit their assignments)

Before we start our new lesson, what was our Sir, our lesson yesterday was all about
lesson yesterday? statistics

Very good, what again is statistics? Sir, statistics deals with the collection,
classification, analysis, and interpretation
of numerical facts or data.

Correct; What about raw data? Sir, raw data are data which are not yet
sorted or arranged according to some
criteria or some systematic consideration.

Very good. And what will we do to the raw Sir, we arrange the raw data from lowest to
data? highest.

Good, give them three claps.

Its good that you still remember our lesson
yesterday, are there any questions? None, sir.

Now lets proceed to our new lesson.

Class, what do you notice when buying shirts in Sir, I have noticed when buying shirts, we
terms of color? have different tastes in choosing the color
of the shirt.

Ok, if you were to choose, what color would (students answer)

you prefer? Red, green, white or black? Sir I prefer color (color).

So if you were the seller. What will you do? SirI will sell those that sell the most.
Oh I see, and class do you believe that we all
have our own choices? Yes sir.

Oh well, I have here the lyrics of a song, I want

you all to sing after I sing to you the melody Yes sir.

(Hey diddle, diddle the medians

The middle
You add, and divide
for the mean (students repeat the song twice)
The mode is the one
That you see the most
Central tendency begins)

You nailed it class, you are all great singers. I

will divide the class into four groups and
answer the given questions to get the answer;
additional points will be given for the first
group to answer. I will give you three minutes
to answer.

1. The first three letters is sometimes the (students cooperate in finding the answer)
name of a street. AVE
2. The third, fourth and fifth letter is all
about time from the past. ERA
3. The fifth, sixth and seventh letter are
your years when celebrating your AGE

First group to answer will be given additional

points for our activity. Sir the answer is AVERAGE.


So what do you think is our topic for today?

Sir our topic for today is all about getting
the average.
Good a more specific answer class?
Very good, give him/her three claps. Sir our topic for today is all about central
I have here a picture; all you have to do is tendency. The mean, median and mode.
determine what it is according to the song.

(shows picture) Sir, I see seven squirrels, and the middle

What do you notice in this picture? squirrel is encircled.

Good, as the song goes, what do you call the

value in the middle? State the line. Sir we call the value in the middle the
median, as the song says, the medians the
Very good. May I ask five students to go in
front? (students go in front)

I will arrange them by height. (Name of

student) is the middle person, so he/she is our?
(students arranged by height)
Sir, (name) is in the middle so he/she is
our median.
Absolutely. Give him/her three claps. Class,
what will we do in our gathered data?
Sir the gathered data is arranged in
descending or ascending order.

Good, I have here three different colored

blocks, the value of the red block is 10, for the (a student arrange the blocks)
green block is 20 and for the yellow block 30.
They are shuffled, anyone who wants to arrange Sir the green block is the median, because
either in descending or ascending order and it is in the middle.
determine the median and explain why.

Very good, give him/her three claps. That is

how we get the median. Did you understand
class? Yes sir.

Great, take your seats. How about if we have an

even amount of values? Does anyone know Sir if there are even amount of values, the
how to get the median? two middle values are added and divided
by two.
Absolutely, give him/her three claps.can you
show to the class how? Given these six values.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) what are the middle values? Sir the middle values are 3 and 4.

Correct; so what is our median?

Sir 3 plus 4 is equal to 7 divided by 2 and
we get 3.5 as the answer. So the median is
Good. That was easy right?
Yes sir
Are there questions so far?
None sir
Using this blocks, I need a student to divide this
blocks equally as fast as he/she can and discuss
to the class how you did it. (student arranges the blocks equally)
Sir there are 20 blocks so I divided it by 4,
Very good, give him/her AlingDionisia clap. so they got 5 in each column.
Given this set of numbers (13, 18, 13, 14, 13,
16, 14, 21, 13) find their sum. So what is the
total? Sir the sum of all the given values is 135

Thats right; now divide it by how many values

are in the given data. Sir there are nine values

Ok, so 135 divided by 9 is?

Sir 135 divided by 9 is 15
Very good, give him/her three claps.
What is it when we add and divide? Look back
into the song. Sir we add and divide for the mean.

Great. So 15 is our mean. Does anyone know

the other term for mean? Sir the other term for mean is average.

Absolutely, can somebody give me an example

in real life to where we use this mean? Sir it is when we compute for our final
grade to get the average.
Correct; class I have here 3 cups and sticks; I
need a volunteer to count the sticks per cup and (A student will count the number of sticks
get the total number of sticks. Find the mean inside the cups to get the mean.)
and place the sticks in each cup equally. Sir we have a total of 18 sticks in all three
cups, we divide 18 by three and we get 6.
The mean is 6. So there must be 6 sticks
per cup.
Well said. What have you noticed about the
cups with sticks? Sir I have noticed that the sticks are
distributed equally.
Good, so that is how we get the mean or the
average. Any questions regarding the
computation for the mean? None sir

Lets proceed. I need another five volunteers to

hold these colored sticks. (students hold the colored sticks)
Which color of stick do you see most?
Sir the color of the stick with the most
Good, how many sticks are colored green? number is green.
Sir there are three green sticks.
Yes, so what do we call the value or data when
we see it the most? Look back into the song and Sir according to the song, the mode is the
state the line. one that you see the most, so I see mostly
green sticks so it is the mode.
With these blocks, do you notice something?
Sir, I have noticed that there are more
numbers of the yellow blocks than the red
and green blocks.
Yes, very good. What do you call it when you
see it the most? Sir I see yellow blocks mostly.

Very good, give him/her three claps.

Sir, according to the song it is called the
So, how about these set of
data?(13,18,13,14,13,16,14,21,13). Sir the value I see the most is 13. 13 is the
Great. Give him/her alingdionisia clap.
If we have a given data of, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4,
4, 4, what is/are our mode(s)? Why? Sir, our modes are 2 and 4, because they
are repeated the most equally.
Very good, give him/her a yes clap.

What if we have these data? (13, 18, 14, 16,

21). Do you see a number repeated?
None sir.
Is there a mode?
Sir since there are no values seen the most,
Absolutely, give him/her a powerful clap. there is no mode.

Any questions so far?

None sir
Try this in a sheet of paper per group. Answer
in three minutes and explain.

1. Given the data (students answer the activity)


Find the mean, median and mode.

I need three representatives per group to write

their answers on the board and explain how Student 1: sir the mean is 10.5. I added all
they arrive on that answer. How did you get the the values and divided it from how many
mean? values are given. That is 105 divided by 10
so the answer is 10.5

Student 2: sir the median is also 10.5

because there are even numbers of values,
Very good, how about our median? there are 2 medians, 10 and 11. So I added
them and divide it by 2, which is
10+11=212 = 10.5.

Student 3: sir the modes are 10 and 11,

because they are repeated thrice.
Great. And lastly the mode?

2. Given the data set:

Student 1: sir the mean is 11.8. I added all
3, 12, 15, 3, 15, 8, 20, 19, 3, 15, 12, 19, 9 the values and divided it from how many
values are given. That is 153 divided by 13
so the answer is 11.8

Student 2: sir the median is 15, I arranged

the values in ascending order to get the
middle term.

Student 3: sir the mode is 3, because it is

repeated three times than the other values.

3. The following data represent the

number of pop-up advertisements Student 1: sir the mean is 31.9, sir I added
received by 10 families during the past all the values which got the sum of 351
month. Find the mean, median and and divided 351 from t he number of
mode. values which is 11, so I got the answer of
43, 37, 35, 30, 41, 23, 33, 31, 16, 21, 41
Student 2: sir the median is 33. I arranged
it in ascending order.

Student 3: sir the mode is 41. Because 41

is repeated twice.

4. The weekly salaries of six employees at

McDonalds are $140, $220, $90, $180, Student 1: sir the mean is 161.67. I added
$140, $200. For these six salaries, find: all values which has the sum of 970 and
divided it with how many values are given
(a) the mean (b) the median (c) the
mode which is 6, so I got the answer of 161.67.

Student 2: sir the median is 160. Since

there are 2 medians which are 140 and
180, sir I added them and divided it by 2
which resulted to 160.

Student 3: sir the mode is 140, because it is

repeated twice.

5. In January of 2010, your family moved Student 1: sir the mean is 11.75. I added all
to a tropical climate. For the year that the values that resulted to 141 and divided
followed, you recorded the number of it by 12 which is the number of values and
rainy days that occurred each month. got 11.75 as the result.
Your data contained 14, 14, 10, 12, 11,
13, 11, 11, 14, 10, 13, 8. Student 2: sir I arranged it in ascending
order and got 12 as the median.

Student 3: sir the modes are 11 and 14

because they are repeated 3 times.

Outstanding, give yourselves a success clap.

Lets check if you really understand.

How do we get the mean? Sir the median is the middle value in the
given data arranged from lowest to highest.

Sir we get the mean by adding all the

How do we get the median? values divided by the number of the given
Sir the mode is the ones that we see the
And lastly the mode? most or repeated frequently.

Well said class, give yourselves a military clap

and shout hurray!.

Bring out crosswise and do the following.

IV. Evaluation (1/2 crosswise)

A student has gotten the following grades on his tests: 87,85,78,87 and 95. find the

a. Mean

b. Median

c. Mode

V. Assignment (1/2 crosswise)

The set of data shows a score of 25 students in their periodical test.
Find the Following:

34 35 40 40 48
21 20 19 34 45
19 17 18 15 16
21 20 18 17 10
19 17 29 45 50

a. Mean
b. Median
c. Mode

Prepared by:

Sherwin P. Cayabyab



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