1 Salient Features of Chilling-Bazgo HEP

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(24 MW)

CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report


JANUARY 2017 Page 1

CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report


1.0 Introduction

Chilling-Basgo HE Project is located in Leh district of Jammu and Kashmir

envisages utilisation of waters of Zanskar River for power generation. It is a run of the
river HE Project comprising of diversion Dam of 26 m height, Water Conductor System
6.80 km length and a Semi-Under Ground Power House utilising gross head of 56m.
The project with a proposed installation of 24 MW (3X8 MW) would afford an energy
generation of 148.33 MU per year. The levelised tariff from the project at January 2017
price level is of 4.40/unit.
The diversion site is located on Zanskar River at Latitude 3407'45.5"N, Longitude
7714'32"E, downstream of Chilling Village. The power house site is situated on the
opposite bank of Basgo Village on Indus river left bank at Latitude 3411'19"N, Longitude
7715'25"E. The Diversion site is situated at about 44 km from Leh. The nearest rail head
is Jammu/Kiratpur and nearest airport is Leh.

1.1 Scope of Works

The Chilling-Basgo HE project envisages construction of:

a 26 m high diversion dam across River Zanskar with FPL of 3150 & DSL at
3149.80 masl
a head-race tunnel of Modified Horse shoe, 4.8 m dia, 6.40 km long.
Pressure shaft of dia 4.0 m, 200 m long and penstocks of 2.0 m dia 3Nos of
50m each in length.
a semi-underground power house having an installation of 3 nos vertical shaft
Francis turbines, each unit having generation capacity of 8 MW each under
rated net head of 45 m.
a tail-race channel of rectangular shape and size 12X2.10m , 60m long.

The salient features of the project are given at Annex-1.1 and layout map at Drawing 3.

1.2 Hydrology

The river Zanskar drains a catchment area of about 15946 sq. km at proposed
diversion site. Approved discharge data for Nimoo-Bazgo HEP which is 11 km
downstream of Indus-Zanskar confluence (1977-2016) has been used for water
availability study. The average 10-daily water availability series at Chilling-Basgo H.E.

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report

Project has been estimated from the above data by co-relation of observed data at
proposed site and Alchi. The design flood for 25 year return period and Standard Project
Flood(SPF) are estimated by statistical approach based on the observed maximum flood
peaks at Alchi and has been transposed to Chilling-Basgo diversion site using Deccons
formula. The design flood adopted so is 1400 cumec for SPF for spillway design. The
diversion flood ( 1 in 25 years) adopted is 850 cumec.

1.3 Power Potential Studies

The Power potential studies of Chilling-Basgo HE Project has been made for 90%
dependable year based on 29 hydrological years, from 1977 to 2016. An installation of 24
MW comprising of 3 generating units of 8 MW each has been proposed in the first stage.
Annual energy generation at 24 MW with 95% machine dependability comes out to be
143.20 MU

1.4 Power Evacuation Studies

The Power generated from the project is proposed to be distributed in the local
network as this area is power starved. In future, the excess power will be evacuated by
connecting to the transmission network passing through Leh via Kargil, Alistong-Srinagar
any other alternative route viable.

1.5 Environmental Aspects

The Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir comprises of two Districts namely Leh and
Kargil. Due to high altitude and poor accessibility, the area lacks overall economic
development. The project is located on the Leh-Padum road. Being the road very
important and strategic, the dam height has been kept to have a minimum submergence.
Based on the findings of the Environmental Impact Assessment study, Environmental
Management Plans shall be formulated to mitigate the adverse impacts and to maximize
the positive impacts of the project construction on the environment.
As per latest policy of MOEF & Government of Jammu & Kashmir, ecological
release is considered as 20% of the average of available flow in four consecutive lean
season month (Dec to March) and 30% of high flow months during monsoon period of
India. This result in an ecological release of 5.69 m3/s for lean season and 44.68 m3/s for
monsoon season.

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report

1.6 Estimates of the Cost

The project cost is Rs. 323.40 crores including IDC at January, 2017 price level.
The preliminary estimate has been prepared as per the guidelines of CEA/ CWC. The
breakdown of the cost estimate is given below.

Civil Works (including other works) (in crores) 63.60

Power Plant Civil works (in crores) 95.92
Electro-mechanical Works (in crores) 104.20
Total basic cost (in crores) 263.72
Interest During Construction (IDC) (in crores) 59.68
Total Project Cost (in crores) 323.40
Cost per MW installed (in crores) 13.47

1.7 Financial Aspects

As indicated above, the Chilling-Basgo HE project, with an estimated cost of Rs

323.40 (Including IDC ) and annual design energy 143.20 MU is proposed to be
completed in 60 months. The tariff has been worked out considering a debt equity ratio of
70:30, and 12.0% interest on loan for both estimated present cost and estimated
completion cost of the project. The levellised tariff have been worked out 4.40 per unit.
1.8 Possible Alternatives & Selected Alternative

Different alternatives of possible layouts were analysed keeping in view the

topography, geology, environment and power potential. The alternatives studied are: 1)
Diversion Tunnel with surface power house on left bank of Zanskar River just before
confluence with Indus River, 2) Diversion Tunnel with surface power house on left bank of
Indus River and 3) Dam-toe power house. Among the alternatives, the alternative 2 has
emerged as most economical with satisfactory utilization of available resources. The
detailed study of possible alternative is given in chapter 17.

1.9 Conclusion

Chilling-Basgo HE Project envisaged to be completed in 60 months. The project would

afford design energy of 143.20 MU in a 90% dependable year with 95% machine
dependability. The Feasibility Report indicates that the scheme merit consideration for
taking up for Survey and Investigation and preparation of DPR due to shortage of power
in Ladakh region.

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report



State : Jammu & Kashmir
District : Leh
River : Zanskar River/Indus
Diversion site : Downstream of Chilling village
Latitude : 3407'45.5"N
Longitude : 7714'32"E
Power House site : Opposite Bank of Bazgo Village
Latitude : 3411'19"N
Longitude : 7715'25"E
Nearest rail head : Jammu/Kiratpur
Nearest airport : Leh

Catchment area : 15946 sq km
Location of catchment
Latitude : 32o 32' 12 to 34o 09 '43" N
Longitude : 76o 13' 11" to 78o 01 '30 E
Annual Yield in 90% dependable year : 2500 MCM
Average discharge in 90% dependable year : 79.29 m3/s
Annual average Yield : 3496 MCM
Annual average discharge : 110.86 m3/s
Flood discharge for river diversion (~Q25) : 850 m3/s
Design Flood for waterway (100 yr RP) : 1050 m3/s
Design flood for freeboard (SPF) : 1400 m3/s

Type : RCC Dam & Embankment
Top elevation of Dam : 3153 masl
Height of dam above Mean Bed Level : 26 m
Mean Bed Level : 3127 m asl
Length of dam including NOF, Embankment : 100 m

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report

Full Pond level (FPL) : 3150 m asl
Maximum water level (MWL) : 3150 m asl (SPF 1400cumec)
Dead Storage Level(DSL) : 3146.85 m asl
Gross storage
-at FPL : 4.70 MCM
-at DSL : 3.70 MCM
Pondage : 1.00 MCM
Area under Submergence at FRL : 41.95 ha
Normal Tail water level (TWL-PH) : 3094 m asl

Design flood (SPF) : 1400 cumecs
Design flood Level : 3131.30 m asl (TWL at Dam site)
Type : Orifice
Crest elevation : 3136.50 m asl
Top of spillway gate : 3144.50 m asl
Number & size of spillway opening : 4 Nos, 5.5 m X 8 m
Thickness spillway Pier : 7m
Length of spillway : 30.550 m (including pier)

Energy dissipation : Skijump

Bucket Radius : 10 m

Invert level of bucket : 3133.00 m asl

Lip elevation : 3134.00 m asl

Diversion flood : 850 cumec
Location : Right Bank
Top of upstream cofferdam : 3133.80 m asl
Top of downstream cofferdam : 3132.80 m asl
Size of Diversion Channel : Trapezoidal, bed width 16 m
Depth of flow : 3.60m
Side slopes : 1 H : 1.25 V
Length of diversion channel : 350m (c/l)

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report


Minimum Summer (Flood) Season release : 44.68 cumec
(July to August-II)
Minimum Lean season release (Remaining period) : 5.69 cumec

Crest level : 3142.50m asl
Number of gates : Two
Size of gate opening : 3.0m X 3.5m
Trash rack : Inclined type
Design discharge : 58.46 cumec

No. of Intake Tunnels : Two
Size of Intake Tunnel : 3.5 m
Invert level of tunnel : 3142.50 m
Design discharge : 58.46 cumec
Design Velocity : 3.04 m/s

Excavated Shape : Modified Horse Shoe
Finished dia : 4.8 m Circular
Number : One
Length : 6.40 km
Velocity for normal discharge : 3.06 m/s
Design discharge : 58.46 cumec.
Thickness of concrete lining : 0.30 m
Invert level at the start of HRT: 3141.20 m asl.

No. & type : One No closed with Restricted Orifice
Diameter : 18.0 m
Vertical Shaft height : 30 m
Top Level : EL 3163 m
Bottom Level : EL 3138 m
Maximum up surge level : EL 3161.86 m asl
Minimum down surge level : EL 3140.96 m asl

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report

Orifice diameter : 2.50 m

Internal dia : 4.00m
Number : 1 NO
Length : 200 m
Shape : Circular
Velocity for normal discharge : 4.65 m/s
Design discharge : 58.46 cumec.

Internal dia : 2m
Number : 3 No
Length : 50 m
Shape : Circular
Velocity for normal discharge : 6.9 m/s
Design discharge per each unit : 19.50 cumec

Type : Semi-Under ground power house
Size of Machine Hall : 36(L)mX 18 (W)mX30 (H)m
Size of service bay : 12 m X 18 m
Installed capacity : 24 MW
Number of units : 3 Nos
Type of turbine : Vertical Francis
Turbine Axis Elevation : 3091.00 m asl
Maximum gross head : 56 m
Rated net head : 45 m

Shape : Rectangular
Bed width & Depth of flow : 12X1.94m
Free board : 0.75
Length : 60m
Velocity for normal discharge : 2.31 m/s
Design discharge : 58.46 cumec.
Thickness of concrete lining : 0.30 m

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CHILLING-BASGO HEP Feasibility Report

Bed grade : 1 in 1000

Normal Tail water Level : 3094m asl

Civil Works (including other works) (in crores) 63.60
Power Plant Civil works (in crores) 95.92
Electro-mechanical Works (in crores) 104.20
Total basic cost (in crores) 263.72
Interest During Construction (IDC) (in crores) 59.68
Total Project Cost (in crores) 323.40
Cost per MW installed (in crores) 13.47

Installed capacity MW 24 (3X8MW)
90% dep. energy GWh 148.33
90% dep. Energy with 95% plant availability GWh 143.20
Plant Load Factor 70.60 %

Initial : 5.05 /unit
Levelised : 4.40/unit


Construction Period Months 60
(Including pre construction activities)

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