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Our Lady of Fatima Kingsgrove

P&F Meeting
13th September 2017
Meeting opened at 7.06pm

Attendees: Anthony Weir, Margrita Cutrupi, Alison Archer, Carine Elias, Carla Casio, Christine Keir,
Gerard Milani, Gloria OConnor, Linda Nakhle, Maria Mazzucco, Maria Valdivia, Mark Kozub, Milva
Speranza, Monica Youd, Natalie Russo, Samuel Gazilas, Simon Sly, Steve Lorenzato, Tanya Awad,
Valerie Valacas, Vanessa Nigiannis, Veronica Bottos, Yovita Laimana

Apologies: Crystal Joe, Aldo Mazzucco, Tracey Edwards


Minutes of previous meeting. Accepted: Alison Archer
Seconded: Tanya Awad

Presidents Report (Simon Sly)

I would like to thank Aldo, Steve, Tanya and Allison for their hard work on Chiaras
Fundraising day. Thank you to the staff for letting us do this event.

Principals Report (Anthony Weir)

Although I said this in the newsletter I would like to personally than you all for your We got $6.5k from the Club
collective work over the last few months. Chiaras fund-raiser, Fathers Day, Bunnings, Grant.
the Combined Club grantthe list goes on and on. Thank you. You are a great team of
committed and generous parents.
Teach Meet Today OLF hosted forty teachers and leaders from across the
archdiocese as we shared some of the successes of our school. We also heard from
other presenters from other schools about best-practice.
Newman Symposium on the 15th November we will be holing a Symposium show-
casing our work in the area of Gifted Education. Our Symposium will be followed by
hospitality in the Merici Centre, then the St Ursulas Newman Symposium. The OLF
Symposium will start at 5.30pm.
NAPLAN online This week our school participated in the NAPLAN Online Readiness
Test. Our systems and technology worked well. The online version is currently due for
roll-out in 2018.
Market Day planning is well underway. As a first-timer I am hoping the same sense of
community that showed itself at our Chiara Fund-raiser is just as evident again, even
though its the end of term.
Model Constitution This document has come from SCS, directing schools to ensure
their parent bodies adopt a consistent Constitution, but also one that protects
parents and schools. To be further discussed in
Building Update The area behind Kindergarten is awaiting synthetic turf laying. AGM.
Steve Lorenzato has sent me pictures if youd like to see the work that was involved. I
am also hoping that a new gate will be installed between the schools very soon as we
have reached an early agreement about sharing our spaces between ourselves and St
Complaints Handling Policy Inevitably we do have a range of opinions. We also
make mistakes. Sometimes these things lead to complaints. It is important to keep
reminding each other how these are resolved. This is both good practice and a good
example to our children. There is a process and your issue will be taken seriously. I
am also going to introduce a series of Friday Forums where I will make myself
visible after a Friday Assembly (as long as I am here) so parents know how easy it is to
come and speak to me about anything thats on their mind.
Commentary on the role of Principal as Instructional Leader in light of the recent
announcement by the NSW Education Minister The role of Principal and indeed
teacher is becoming more and more complex. Part of my role is to manage this
complexity, neither opposing every change that is suggested, nor accepting it blindly
either. Collectively we need to acknowledge the complex role of our staff and
consider what is realistic while at the same time aiming higher and higher. The
balancing act is my job! I welcome any new funding from the government which
enables me to work more with teachers and students.
Expending monies raised by the P&F and a forecast of possible changes related to the
P&F levy Hopefully I can request the expenditure of the approved fund-raising
money can go ahead? Also, the future of the levy is in doubt as it is more likely to now
be viewed as a charge and this may be deemed only something the school entity can
do, rather than the parent body.
We are changing our waste contractor. We are moving the bin away to the back gate.
The current area near the Year 1, we will need to think how to open that area for the
children to use it.

Uniforms Report (Veronica Bottos, Alison Archer, Tanya Awad)

Order form went out yesterday for the swimwear. You cant order if you havent try
it, because the sizing is different.
Suggestion to have long sock as an alternative for the girls to wear with their winter Further survey and
uniform. It will need to go through the parents consultation. Survey will be needed to consideration will be needed
decide whether or not we will have the option to have long socks or thinner stockings to decide this matter.
for the girls uniform.

Treasurers Report (Monica Youd)

It has been a very busy and successful Term.

From Uniform Shop we deposited another $300.
Pie and Sausage Roll (4 events) raised $1,356.31 in profit.
Bunnings BBQ raised $1,712.92.
Sushi (3 events) raised $1,367.35.
Mothers Day and Fathers Day raffle raised $1.335.01 and stalls raised $2,487.06.
Pizza (2 events) raised $1,279.83.
Total funds available $34,082.36. This includes the levies.

Works Report (Steve Lorenzato, Aldo Mazzucco, Samuel Gazilas)

Next Working Bee we will concentrate on rebarking the creative garden.

We got approval to use the netball court of St Ursula for one lunch time a week. We This will be done during
will need to pay for the fence gate with the design that is approved by St Ursula. It holiday.
will be a wide gate (1,200mm).
Concrete repairs near the pillar will be done during the holiday.
Some work will be done for the area near the Kindy.
Deck will need to be checked for any splinters.

Social Committees Report (Tracey Edwards, Crystal Joe, Milva Speranza,

Natalie Russo, Valerie Valacas)

Bunnings BBQ was very successful. We had a lot of helpers which is great. Thank you
for all your support.
Suggestion to have a Tea Towel fundraising. This will be further discussed in the next
We will need to send save the date for the school Disco.

Other Business

We will need new people on the Committee for next year. Nomination form will be
sent soon. New Committee will be announced at the AGM in November.
Suggestion to have 40 minutes for recess and 40 minutes for lunch. Further discussion
with the staff will be needed.
Suggestion to provide bus for sporting events so parents dont have to take a day off
to take their children to these events. Parents usually fundraise for the bus fee.
Car drop off rule is to drive to the end, drop the kids and drive off without waiting for Reminder will be put in the
the kids to walk into the school gate. The new Kindys parents will be informed during Newsletter.
the Orientation.
Suggestion to send notice to parents when there is any excursion as buses usually
park at the drop off zone. Suggestion to tell the bus company not to park in front of
the school before 8.45am so that drop off zone is clear.
Suggestion to have the Year 6 Sex Education program in the end of Year 5. It is
important for the children to have the Sex Education.
Suggestion to have Public Speaking introduced in the curriculum for next year. The
children are currently doing it and assessed on it in the class starting from Kindy.
Cyber Awareness. Parents are to know all their children password for all their
accounts so they know what exactly what their children are up to. Check on their site
history regularly. It is suggested to use their gadget in the family room not in their
individual room, so parent can monitor their usage.

Meeting closed at 8.38pm

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