Permission To Make A Research On Security Implementation at Your Company

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To whom it may concern,

Dear Sir/Madam,

Permission To Make A Research on Security Implementation at your company

Refer the above matter, students from Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UNIKL), taking Information
Security subject, would like to ask for permission to make a research on Information Security
at your company.

This research is part of their tasks contained in the syllabus "IKB 10103 Information Security
for this semester. Details of the students involved in this task are listed below;

Name Student No.


It is appreciated if you could give cooperation and support to them in conducting the research.

Thank you

Your Sincerely,


(Mardiana Mahari)

Malaysian Institute of Information Technology (MIIT)
Universiti Kuala Lumpur
Contact No: 03-21754327

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