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Company: Myrnz Creation

I. Background of the Assignment

Knots on every company is very easy to be observe but hard to resolve. This will hinder progress
for the company.

The author of this paper has a Aunt in Philippines who owns a Cake and Pastries Business, the
Myrnzs Creation. This is located at Mandurriao, Iloilo City Philippines. The reason behind why
the company was chosen its because it can help to improve the business.

The challenge that could be identified is that, food ingredients are easily attracted by mites and
ants since it is sweet. This problem must be asses involving also the food storage safety.

Food Handling is proper way to lengthen the shelf life of the product. Failure of this handling
will result to a great impact on sales and clients attractions.

Thus, this assignment will give a great help to the company.

II. The Solutions

1. Daily Check Up Daily check includes temperature checking of refrigeration for storage,
oven when cooking and also room temperature. Microbes usually loves to grow in room

2. General Cleaning- this general cleaning must be 2x a week, also includes minor cleaning
before and after cooking.

3. Food Tests in Laboratory- invest and let cakes be tested in a food laboratory. This includes
testing for expiration date and nutrient or calories count.

4. Daily Maintenance- equipment like mixer, oven, utensils must be checked by their
performance and if they really work best. When baking not only cleanliness but the baker must
be well equipped to maintain the quality of goods.

5. Team Work workers must be honest in working. Workers tend to clean as fast as they can so
that they can rest. This must be done precisely for the avoidance of knots in the company.

Two Probable Options

1. Team Work

Head and staffs must be in good relationship and has good communication skills. This
will develop in a good team work. They should share different option for the improvement of the
company and also accepts suggestion in every staff. In Team Work, there must be consideration
so that it will elevated to the success of the company.

It is suggested that Myrnzs Creations should assemble or plan out a team building
yearly for the staffs. This team building will enhance relationship and communication for the
company. It will improve loyalty of staff and heads and also this will encourage them to work at
their best capacity.

The effectiveness of teamwork interventions can be determined with an assortment of

criteria, including team- and individually-based behaviors, cognitions, and affective states
(Hackman and Katz,2010).

With regard to regulating team performance (i.e., locomotion), teamwork behaviors

include those that occur

(a) before/in preparation for team task performance

(b) during the execution of team performance

(c) after completing the team task.

First, with regard to teamwork behaviors that occur before/in preparation for team task
performance, these include the active process of defining the teams overall purpose/mission,
setting team goals, and formulating action plans/strategies for how goals and broader purposes
will be achieved. These behaviors help ensure that all team members are clear in terms of what is
required of them in order for the team to function effectively. Second, teamwork behaviors that
occur during the execution of team tasks include actions that correspond to members
communication, coordination, and cooperation with each other. At this stage, team members
translate what they have previously planned (during the preparation phase) into action. Third, in
terms of teamwork behaviors that occur after completing the team task (i.e., reflection), these
include monitoring important situations and conducting post-task appraisals of the teams
performance and system variables (e.g., internal team resources, broader environmental

conditions), solving problems that are precluding team goal attainment, making innovative
adjustments to the teams strategy, and providing/receiving verbal and behavioral assistance
to/from teammates. Hence, team members determine whether their actions have moved them
closer towards accomplishing the team goals and objectives, and whether any modifications are
required in order to facilitate future success. In addition to these three dimensions concerned
with the regulation of team performance, a fourth dimension of teamwork involves behaviors
that function to keep the team together (i.e., maintenance). These behaviors focus on the
teams interpersonal dynamics, and include the management of interpersonal conflict between
members and the provision of social support for members experiencing personal difficulties.
Managing interpersonal dynamics is critical as it is theorized that teams cannot operate
effectively when these issues are present (Rousseau ,2000).

The following are the contributions of good team work. According to McGraw (2000).,
Teamwork involves building relationships and working with other people using a number of
important skills and habits:

Working cooperatively

Contributing to groups with ideas, suggestions, and effort

Communication (both giving and receiving)

Sense of responsibility

Healthy respect for different opinions, customs, and individual preferences

Ability to participate in group decision-making

John Castro (1994), CEO and President of Merrill Corporation, likens trust and teamwork
to getting on a train: once on board, everyone who wants a seat should get one. Management is
responsible for building trust and finding associates who want to participate as a successful team.
Castro (1994) describes the process of trust, teamwork, and change as a journey. And although
managers cannot force their associates to trust each other or to work as a team, they can provide
associates with the needed resources to build trust. Once trust is established, managers have an
better opportunity to accomplish the companys goals.

2. General Cleaning

This solution is one major way to control and keep cleanliness of the work place. This
includes proper gear in baking. Bakers even staffs who prepare food must in sanitized gears like
apron, hair net or head cup, face masks and gloves. In this way easily spoilage of food can be
prevented. Effective cleaning should be an important part of a greater plan to create healthier
indoor environments by eliminating the contaminants that can make people sick. Lack of hygiene
and cleanliness is an open invitation to infectious diseases.

According to Food Safety Series in University of Cambridge (2016)., it is a legal

requirement to ensure high standard of cleanliness and tidiness are maintained in a food
premises. Legislation also requires that all equipment and surfaces that come into contact with
food are kept clean and maintained. Keeping food preparation areas clean:

ensures good hygiene

prevents an environment for pathogenic bacteria to grow

reduces the attraction for pests such as flies, ants, cockroaches and rats Kitchen staff (food
handlers) / users should adopt a clean as you go mentality. All spills and splashes of food and
drink should be cleaned up immediately. Cleaning chemicals must be:

'food grade' i.e. suitable for use in kitchens / food areas

Kept in suitable labelled containers with manufacturer's instructions clearly legible.

Stored and used away from food.

Used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions

Thus, cleanliness is equally important when it comes to food and its preparation.
Cooking, though a clumsy and multi-task oriented process, needs to be carefully handled to
ensure that the resulting product is palatable and contains no foreign material. Being clean and
tidy is vital, which should start with personal hygiene. Any good habit should start from young
age. The basic hygiene like personal cleanliness of regular brushing, bathing, washing hands
before having food, etc, should be followed from childhood. Such a feeling of keeping oneself

clean, should extend to the limit of keeping neighbourhood, society, and country clean, which is
the basic duty of every citizen.

Three Possible

1. Daily Check Up - means each and everyday observance and report must be written down or
logged in so that it will be known.

2. Food Test in the Laboratory- find a laboratory that tests food especially in there shelf life and
get accreditation.

3. Daily Maintenance- equipment must be checked up at a daily time

IV- SWOT Analysis

General Cleaning

1. Enhances skills of new staff in cleaning 1. Increases workload
2. Improves space 2. Time Consuming
3. Gains more customers 3. Staffs will get easily tired
4. Avoidance of early expiration or spoilage 4. Costly
5. Increase attraction to customers

1. May increase the sales and eventually will 1. FDA new sanitary regulations
be very well known due to its sanitary quality 2. Emergency cases like Flood in the area of
Mandurriao Iloilo City

SWOT Analysis and Responses

1. Increases workload This is one big problem if the company
2. Time Consuming continues to sees and dont give effort for

3. Staffs will get easily tired solution. It should not be considered as a
4. Costly weaknesses since it is just a dirt ib the mirror
for success. The owner must consider to hire
more staffs to ease the workload ang time.
This will increase also the speed of product
since there is an increase in the number of
1. Enhances skills of new staff in cleaning The manager must continue to discover the
2. Improves space company and its people behind it. The
3. Gains more customers discovery of every persons strengths. These
4. Avoidance of early expiration or spoilage strengths will help the company to prosper.
5. Increase attraction to customers
1. May increase the sales and eventually will The company may give incentives to those
be very well known due to its sanitary quality staff who gave an increase sales. Evaluation
of staffs performance and sales will be posted
monthly for benefit of information to all.
THREATS Response
1. FDA new sanitary regulations Owner will have recorded plans to enable the
2. Emergency cases like Flood in the area of company to prepare in case of emergency.
Mandurriao Iloilo City Also the owner will invest in a insurance for
its business security.

V. Hierarchial Decomposition process

Question: Is cleanliness best solution of the companys problem?

Q1: Is there enough staff to do all the This will guide the company if how many
workload? Y/N staff would they hire to achieve all cleaning
purpose and procedures.
Q2. Are all staff active to participate in any To know the participation of every staff in
agenda for the company? Y/N every work they do especially in cleaning all
mess to attain good quality cakes.
Q3. Is there enough incentive for extra work? Security for the staff is must. This incentive
Y/N will give them more enthusiasm to work well
and work hard.
Q4. Is the time planned out available to all The availability and store hours will be
staffs? Y/N considered. Also staff must inform the owner
in advance of different agenda they have
planned out.

Q6. Are all materials for cleaning available? Preparation especially in budget and supplies
must be ready at all time. Also there must be a
schedule to be made for the information of all.
Q7. Are all staff equipped and ready to This will be the goal of everyone. In order to
achieve cleanliness? achieve this it will be nice to arrange all and
be prepared for every clean up schedule.
Q8. Are all cleaning materials fit in the The cost is also a concern for the company. It
budget? needs to be check from time to time. An audit
is a must when it comes to all expenses.
Q9. Are all plans fit for the success of the Finally, this will all be in terms of team work
ang general cleaning. Plans that will help in
the success for the companys main concern.


McGraw, G. (2000). Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success. Retrieved from

Castro, J. 1994. Trust, teamwork, and business in the 90s. comments/trust-teamwork-and-business-in-

Cleaning and Pest Control in Food Preparetion Areas (2016). Food Safety Series (No.90) Web
version of University of Cambridge. Retrieved from

Hackman JR, Katz N. Group behavior and performance. In: Fiske TE, Gilbert DT, Lindzey G,
editors. Handbook of social psychology (Vol 2., 5th ed.). West Sussex, UK John Wiley & Sons;
2010. pp. 12511280

Rousseau V, Aub C, Savoie A. Teamwork behaviors: A review and an integration of

frameworks. Small Group Research. 2006Jan;37(5): 54070

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