Accidental Dignity - Kevin Burk PDF

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Evaluating Accidental Dignity and Debility

A number of astrologers over the centuries have created a scoring system to evaluate the relative accidental
dignity or debility of a planet. The biggest problem with this approach is that until now, no one has made
the distinction between accidental dignity or debility that affects prominence, and accidental dignity or
debility that affects performance. Ive gone through the list that I have, selected the most relevant accidental
dignities and debilities, and organized them so you can more easily evaluate the prominence and performance
of a planet in the solar return chart.
Remember, the score, on its own, has no value. Its a reference point. You still have to do a deeper analysis.
A partile conjunction with Venus gives a +5 performance score, but the essential dignity of Venus matters.
A dignified Venus has more power to offer, and so is a greater accidental dignity.
The idea of beholding or whole-sign aspects was not a part of medieval astrology, and so there is no score
for these types of contacts with benefics or malefics. I would either ignore them, or give them a score of +1
(benefic) or 1 (malefic) in terms of performance. Also, note that only easy aspects with the benefics and
hard aspects with the malefics seem to matter.

Prominence (Dignity) Performance (Dignity)

In Ascendant (1st) or Midheaven +5 Cazimi (within 17 minutes of the Sun) +5
Not combust the Sun +5 Besieged by Jupiter and Venus +6
In 4th, 7th, or 11th house +4 Partile conjunction with Jupiter or Venus +5
In 2nd or 5th house +2 Partile conjunction with North Node +4
In 9th house +2 Partile trine to Jupiter or Venus +4
In 3rd house +1 Partile sextile to Jupiter or Venus +3
Square the Nodes (At the Bendings)* +3 In the Term of Jupiter or Venus +1

Prominence (Debility) Performance (Debility)

Combust (within 830 of the Sun) 5 Beseiged by Mars and Saturn 6
In 12th house 5 Partile conjunction Mars or Saturn 5
Under the Suns Beams (within 17 of Sun) 4 Retrograde 5
In 6th house 4 Partile conjunction with South Node 4
In 8th house 4 Partile opposition to Mars or Saturn 4
Partile square to Mars or Saturn 3
In the Term of Mars or Saturn 1
*This is my own addition. A planet square the nodes (at the bendings) is thought to be thrust into prominence in the chart, which,
to me, is the definition of accidental dignity. I would consider any planet within a 2 orb of the square. Im assigning this a score of
+3 for prominence until Ive had the chance to evaluate it in practice. 2014 Kevin B. Burk

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