Thinking About Exporting or Importing From China?: Trade Agreements The Preferential Rate

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China does not grant tariff It applies to imports originating in countries

preferences to Colombian which, like the United States, have recipro-
products. With China's entry into cal preferential treaties or agreements with
the World Trade Organization China. The general rate applies to other
(WTO) in 2001, the opening of countries. The five Special Economic Zones, Thinking about
China to the outside world has open cities and foreign trade zones may
been accompanied by a offer certain exemptions and preferential exporting or
continuous change in its customs
system and tariff dismantling.
tax reductions. The regulation changes for
each of them and for each sector in each
importing from
one of the places for which the specific re- China?
The new Trade Law, in force gulation should be consulted.
since July 1, 2004, opened the
possibility of operating in foreign In China, both domestic and foreign com-
trade to natural persons, and not panies pay IVA or business tax, depending
only to companies. on the nature of their activity and the type
of products involved. The IVAapplies to
EXPORT TARIFFS companies related to import, export, pro-
duction, distribution or retail activities.
According to the Ministry of
Commerce, the tariffs of the China offers a specific incentive program to
People's Republic of China are pay them taxes and concessions. The overall
divided into two categories: the IVA average is 17 percent and is paid for
general tariff and the most imported products. But some goods,
preferential tariff or the most such as agricultural goods, are subject to 13
favored nation. percent IVA.

Companies that are considered small enter-

prises by their level of sales (annual produc-
tion of less than 1 million yuan or total sales
for less than 1.8 million yuan) are taxed with
a VAT of 6 percent. Some limited categories Why choose China as a destina-
of goods are exempt from IVA. tion country?
What benefit does it bring from
China has become the first or second
Main products exported to China
trading partner of several Latin
American countries. Oil is one of the
Automatic machines for processing
most requested products by the Chinese or processing of digital data.
in Latin America, but in addition to oil
there are other raw materials that are Parts and accessories of machines.
of special interest to the Chinese, Input or output (technological)
especially minerals and food. China's units, even if they include memory
interest in Latin American food is units.
related to the huge population it has to
What is the importance that China feed and the still low productivity of its Receiver emitters.
has taken for Latin America? national agriculture. This makes it Memory units.
much more profitable to buy Latin
American food at a good price than to Petroleum oils and oils obtained
Its accelerated and sustainable
from bituminous minerals, not
growth. China is growing rapidly promote the transformation and elsewhere specified or included.
and has become a source and modernization of all its agricultural
destination for new business, and production.
a counterpart that needs to be
carefully analyzed by those men Latin American markets are
and women who want to be Main products imported from
increasingly interesting for exports of
competitive now and in the China
future. Understanding the growth
Chinese manufactures. On the occasion
keys of this Asian giant is a of President Hu Jintao's Latin American Motorcycles and cycles with
necessary and obligatory step for tour in 2004, in his speech during his auxiliary engine.
those who want or need to visit to Brazil, he announced that by
Phones (including cell phones).
broaden their business horizons. In 2010, joint trade between the region
the next 10 to 20 years China will and China would reach 100,000 million Apparatus for reproducing or
maintain its accelerated growth. dollars; In fact, the target had already recording image and sound.
China is the world's largest been met by the end of 2008.
exporter and the world's second Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars.
largest importer. This country Ceramic tiles.
has increased its imports of Latin
American products by more than Taps and similar articles for pipes.
600%, investing around US $ 1 Tires.
billion annually.

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