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Access to satellite and Internet television does more harm than good

A Television (TV) is a wonderful invention of modern science. It has both advantages and
disadvantages. They are each discussed below in points.
B There are three problems with wide access to television channels. Firtsly, a lot of
children have acces to channels with inappropriate content. Violence, crime and sex can
have a bad influence on children. Secondly, access to television encourages children and
adults to watch television more than to spend time with friends and family. Also, there is
wasting time instead of educating yourself. With hundreds of channels available, viewers
can spend hours just flipping channels trying to find something worthwhile. Finally,
watching too much television is not good for your health.
C On the other hand, there are a lot of advantages to watching television. In the first place,
a huge choice of programmes is available - for example sport, music, film, documentary
channels. In addition, television programmes in other languages , for example English , can
support language learning. Movies with subtitles help me to improve my reading and
listening skills. Finally, television can help you feel less lonely. For example, people which
not able to move can again an opportunity to introduce with world.
D In conclusion, I believe that, despite the disadvantages, access to television is important
to our lives. Moreover, we can not imagine our life without television.

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