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1. Name
2. Age
3. Sex
a. Female
b. male
4. Occupation
a. Working
b. Non-working
5. Education
a. Illiterate
b. Primary
c. Secondary
d. Higher secondary
e. Graduate
f. Post graduate
6. Address
7. Socioeconomic status
a. Upper
b. Middle
c. lower
8. Type of house
a. Pucca
b. Semi-pucca
c. kuchcha
9. Type of water supply
a. Constant
b. Once in a day
c. Every alternate day
10. Type of family
a. Joint
b. nuclear


11. Which are the mosquito borne diseases?

a. Malaria
b. Dengue
c. Chikungunya
d. Filarial
e. Japanese encephalitis
f. Others
g. Dont know

a. Garbage
b. Vehicle tyres
c. Green plants
d. Drains or ditches
e. Others
f. dont know
12. what are the symptoms of mosquito borne symptoms?
a. Malaria-fever/chills/headache/nausea/dont know
b. Dengue-fever/joint pain/muscle pain/severe headache/chills/dont know
c. Chikungunya-joint pain/fever/joint swelling/vomiting/anorexia/chills /dont know
13. During which season are mosquito borne diseases common?
a. Rainy
b. Summer
c. Winter
d. Dont know
14. At what time do you think the mosquitoes bite commonly?
a. Morning
b. Afternoon
c. Evening
d. Night
e. Dont know

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