Bullying Lesson

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Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Kayla Oliver Date and Time of Lesson: 9/21/2017-8:20 AM

School: Lakeview Subject/Grade Level: SSCA/ 2nd grade

Description of Lesson: Each student will learn about the concept of bullying and learn how to prevent
bullying. Students will be shown several examples of bullying through pictures on the PowerPoint slides.
Students will be asked to identify the acts of bullying taken place in the pictures by showing whether or not
they think the acts are right or wrong with YES/NO notecards. Students will then complete bullying

Lesson Title or Essential Question: What is bullying?

Curriculum Standards Addressed:

SC Curriculum Standard(s): 1-2 Transact with texts to formulate question, propose explanations, and
consider alternative views and multiple perspectives.
C.1. Interact with others to explore ideas and concepts, communicate meaning, and develop logical
interpretations through collaborative conversations, build upon the ideas of others to clearly express ones
own views while respecting diverse perspectives.
W-6: Write independently, legibly, and routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences over short
and extended time frames.

SC Academic Indicator(s): 1-2 Engage in daily exploration to formulate questions from texts and
personal experiences; generate possible explanations.

EEDA/SSCA/ARTS: SSCA Section 59-63-120. (1) Harassment, intimidation, or bulling means a

gesture, an electronic communication, or a written, verbal, or sexual act that is reasonably perceived to
have the effect of: (a) harming a student physically or emotionally or damaging a students property, or
placing a student in reasonable fear of personal harm or property damage; or (b) insulting or demeaning a
student or group of students causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly
operation of the school.

Instructional Objective(s) Criteria: Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to Before
describe the meaning of bullying and identify bullying Students will write what they think bullying is
behaviors with 90% accuracy. on a sticky note and place it on the smartboard.
Each student will have YES/NO notecards. Acts
of bullying will be shown on the PowerPoint
and the students are to hold up YES if they
think it is bullying and NO if it is not bullying.
The class will be shown a Brain Pop video.
Students will then complete handout.


Revised 8.17.16
PowerPoint/Smartboard, strips of green and red paper, pencils, Say No to Bullying handouts,

Low achieving students will be seated at the front as usual.
Procedures: Differentiation
1. Introduce the lesson by telling the students Instruction will be differentiated for low
that today we will be talking about bullying. performing students by simplifying the
2. Ask students to write on their sticky note what questions and repeating them if needed
they think bullying is, then place it on the throughout the lesson.
3. Review their answers. Discuss the meaning of
bullying and ask questions such as:
How does a bully act? Have you ever seen someone
being bullied? Have you ever been bullied?
Instruction will be differentiated for
4. Pictures of different acts of bullying will be high performing students by having
displayed on the board (through PowerPoint them name other words or phrases that
slides). relate to bullying.
5. Each student will be given yes/no notecards.
6. As I flip through the acts of bullying on the
PowerPoint, each student will hold up YES if
they think it is an act of bullying, and will hold
up NO if they do not think that it is an act of
7. Review slides and discuss each one.

Revised 8.17.16
8. The students will be shown a BrainPop video
on bullying.

9. After the video clip, major points of the lesson

will then be reviewed. Ask again questions such
What is bullying? What are some acts you
have learned about bullying?
What are some ways bullying could be
prevented? What are some acts of kindness?
10. Students will then complete bullying handout.


Bullying. FWD Media. BrainPOP. Web. 16 Sept. 2017. Retrieved from


Say No to Bullying! Handout created by teacher candidate.

Revised 8.17.16
Revised 8.17.16

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