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Lesson Plan Template

Name Science
Subject Social Studies/Art
Grade Level 1st Grade
Date/Duration 45-60 minutes
Big Ideas Each of the four seasons have different properties and
characteristics that makes them different
Working together in groups and collaborating ideas can help
make projects better than working independently.
Essential Questions How does collaborating and working together help make your
work better?
What are some properties of each season?

PA/Common 4.1.K.E: Identify how the changes of seasons affect their local
Core/Standards environment.
9.3.K.G1: Formulate and share an opinion about ones own work
and that of others.
9.1.V.K.B1: Combine a variety of materials to create a work of art.

Objective Students will work together (four groups) to make a picture of an
assigned season, and learn characteristics and properties of each
Bloom's Taxonomy of the seasons.
Students will be shown how working together in groups while
Webb's Depth of collaborating with classmates can be a benefit opposed to
Knowledge (DOK) working independently.

Formative & Observe students working together in their groups.
Summative (For each picture) Give each student a sticky note to put
Assessment something that they like about the picture that we are viewing in
Evidence the art gallery today, let the students say what they like then
stick the sticky note onto the picture.

ISTE Standards for The students will get a sense of community while working with
Students their group. They are going to learn some key social skills about
working together and how working together can be helpful when
Framework for 21st collaborating with others.
Century Learning
Accommodations, Place students who may have physical disabilities closest to the
Modifications materials.
Make sure isle are clear of clutter so students can safely travel
through the classroom.

Seton Hill University Lesson Plan Template Step-by-Step Procedures
Learning Plan
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
Write each season on the board and ask the students to go up and
write their name under their favorite season.
After they each of the students writes their name under their
favorite season, ask a few students why it is their favorite season.
A lot of my students have trouble keeping their hands to themselves in my
classroom. To be proactive and help prevent students
hitting/pushing/etc. I think using proper transitions would be very
important to the safety and wellbeing of the overall classroom
atmosphere. I would call the students up by tables to ensure that there are
not too many kids up at the board at the same time for less clutter and less
opportunity for students to touch one and other.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
Ask if anyone has ever been to an art museum or an art gallery
To keep the class from shouting out I would ask them to only raise their
hands if they have been to an art museum or art gallery before, rather
than shouting out yes or no.
Explicit Big Idea Statement
Instructions Working together and collaborating with peers can be more
beneficial than working independently
Essential Questions Statement
How does working together promote better work?
Objective Statement
Students will work together to create a painting and
Call the students by tables when going from one station or activity
to the next.
Like mentioned previously this will be important for the sake of how
many students have trouble keeping their hands to themselves.
Key Vocabulary
Work together
Lesson Procedure PreAssessment of Students
Write each of the season on the board, let the students write their
names under their favorite season, then ask some of the students
why they chose what they did as their favorite season.
Modeling of the Concept
I will let the students work in groups then independently to make
create a picture.
Guiding the Practice
Write each of the seasons on the board and each student come up
and write their name under their favorite season
Call the students up by tables to lessen the likeliness students bumping
into each other and touching other students.
Ask a few of the kids why they chose what they did as their favorite
Ask the class if any of them have ever been to an art museum.
Ask the students to raise their hands if they have been to one before.
Put the class into four groups and give them a large sheet of blank
white paper and assign each group a season.
Carefully selecting groups would be something that will be important
because, like mentioned earlier, the students have trouble keeping their
hands to themselves and some of them lack social skills in some areas.
Putting students together that work well with each other will be essential
when doing any type of group work.
Explain that they are going to have to work together to make their
picture and after we are done with our picture we are going to
walk around the art gallery and say one thing we like about each
picture (including their own group).
Give them time to make their picture and give them their materials.
Walk around the room keeping an eye on the students to see how they are
working together, the behaviors are appropriate and ask students who
often get upset when doing academic work if they need a break even
though we are coloring and doing an artistic type of activity.
Once they are done hang the pictures up in different locations and
walk around the room to look at the artwork.
Be clear in saying that we are not saying something rude about any of the
pictures. They might not know that we should be saying nice things and
this also gives them practice saying nice things to others (social skills).
Give each student a sticky note to write something they like about
the picture.
Let each student say what he or she likes aloud, and then stick it on
the picture.
Once we are done with each of the group pictures go back to our
Explain to the students that sometimes people make suggestions to
help them, and that they arent being mean when they say
something that they could have added or change to make it better.
Offer some suggestions about each group picture, then ask if
anyone has any suggestions.
Again focus on being clear that we are not saying anything nasty about the
pictures we are trying to help our peers out by suggesting things that will
make the picture better.
Give each student a smaller blank white sheet of paper to
individually make their own picture of a season, they can pick what
ever season they want.
Discuss their individual pictures and get into why they chose to put
certain things into their picture.
Providing the Independent Practice
The student will make an picture of whatever season they wish
after they make a group picture of a season and also after we give
and receive compliments and advice/suggestions.
I will call the students groups from one activity to another.
Reading Materials Large sheets of blank white paper
Technology Smaller sheets of blank white paper
Equipment Crayons
Supplies Markers
Colored pencils
Sticky notes

Evaluation of the Formal Evaluation
Learning/Mastery Each of the students makes their own picture of the season of their
of the Concept choice after working in a group to make a picture and
giving/receiving compliments and advice on the group picture.

Informal Evaluation
Discuss why working in a group might be better than working
independently sometimes.
Putting the sticky notes on others pictures.
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Discuss the students individual pictures and why they chose to put
what they did into their pictures.

Each of the students makes their own picture of the season of their
choice after working in a group to make a picture and
giving/receiving compliments and advice on the group picture.


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