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April 25, 2016

EDUC 318

Technology Project

Technology Number 1: Plickers

I found out about this technology at the WMEA convention in Madison, but have not looked into
it until this point. It is used as a surveying technology that would be useful in assessment in both pre and
post-tests. This technology is an app for the teacher, but also contains student input through the form of
QR code cards. The website for the app has sets of cards that can be printed and matte laminated and
used for multiple classes. The teacher is able to ask a question and have students raise their card with a
certain side up to choose an answer A, B, C, or D. This allows for assessment through multiple choice
questions, and the students also feel like it is a game. It also offers easy grading for the teacher as each
card is unique and as long as the teacher has each student use a specific card each time it can track their
data. This app was created by former educators and they plan on keeping the app free, although they
are looking to come out with an advanced premium version in the future.
This technology would save time and keep students engaged during assessments, and serves as
a quick way to conduct tests. It also keeps the students moving together. In my classroom I could have
students answer questions at the beginning of a period and show the classes data using their graphing
tools according to a preliminary question such as Which of these instruments came first? and list four
instruments. This could tie very well into a lesson on instruments and serve as a great way to get kids
focused using technology.
It also is a way for students who are self-conscious about answering in front of others because
the other students are not able to tell what the students are answering because the letters that the
students can see are small so others cannot see them. This app could also be used to help shy students
voice opinions by having the class vote on several choices and students wont have to be afraid they
arent going with the popular vote. This could be used in selecting a Free Day activity, or in large group
composition to pick from several choices.

Technology Number 2: Audacity

This technology is a computer program that specializes in recording and editing sounds. The
technology is free, but having microphones to utilize the full ability of the software would require school
This program is used as a recording station for music and serves as a great tool to share
products from students. Students would be able to record their compositions for activities using this
program and share them with the teacher. The teacher would then be able to grade compositions
outside of class time, would be able to share compositions with parents and peers who could not be
there during the class, and the teacher would be able to share the compositions with future students
doing similar activities.
The program would also be helpful during a unit on Musique Concrete. This was a 20th century
compositional practice where composers would gather sounds using recording equipment and edit and
manipulate them to make their music. Students would be able to use this technology to do the same.
They can learn about how to use dynamics in the software, as well as being able to explore some of the
effects such as transposition, adding a vibrato-like effect, as well as cutting and repeating material. This
program is based on a visual layout with sound waves and the opportunity for multiple tracks.
This program can also be used without microphones and the teacher can supply sound files for
the students to manipulate. This allows for slightly less creativity on the end of collecting samples but
could show how students can make different sounding music using the same starting pieces.

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