11 02 17 Meeting Notes

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Composition and Applied Linguistics Association

Meeting Notes- November 2nd, 2017

3 Points to talk about:

-Gift for Dr. Deckertt

A. QP meeting next week

-Send out info/email about it tomorrow
-Need volunteers from 3rd and 2nd year cohort
-November 9th 2:00-3:00pm Thursday
-Classroom reserved from 2-4:00pm
-Room: H&SS 112
-Marie: 10-15 minutes bring scheduling paper for the weeks of winter break
-How to use the paper to schedule your time.
-Scheduling system, she will bring an example.
-Leave 15 minutes at end of the meeting/workshop for general questions.
-Separate tables for different topics and students get ideas.

*Ideas 30-minute window for tables/sections:

-Brainstorming of topics of QP (15 minutes)
-You share 3 topics you wrote
-In small group, discuss what 1st-year are thinking no in terms of
-Topic brainstorming.
-Suggest newness or old-school/non-relevance of topic.
-Make list of relevant topics.
-General Tips of what to do or not to do (15 minutes)

*Do panel style for last 15-minutes of general tips section

*Topic brainstorming
-Rajwan will introduce this section
-Each one of C&T members lead a small group
-Break into groups based on topic of interest
-Each of C&T come up with a topic and then as a group, brainstorm
ideas for potential topics on that particular topic.
-Each C&T member share what topic came up with
-Get together last 5 minutes to talk about what each group came up with.
*Inform Dr. Vetter about activities we have planned until the end of the semester
B. Dr. Deckert Gift

-Potentially ask Cohort members to contribute for gift.

-Send message up from 1st to 8th year cohort members.
-Go Fund Me via Facebook page?
-Ask Sheila Farr Secretary for sending message to all C&T cohort Listserv
-to contribute to Dr. Deckerts present fund.
-Donate potentially $5-$10 each.
-Potentially allow all cohort members to vote what gift to buy.
-Basket full of goodies: markers, gift card to Barns and Nobles/Amazon,
items for her dogs, Mug (Thank you Dr. Deckert) with C&T cohort pic on
-If department has lunch for teacher stepping down as chair, give gift then to
Dr. Deckert.
-Ask Dr, Park if they will have some sort of event to honor her service to
C&T department.
-Ask Dr. Park when she has individual meeting with our cohort after
Thanksgiving or Rajwan ask Dr. Park individually.

C. Potential Activity after Thanksgiving

-Tuesday Dec. 12th day for cohort celebratory dinner.
-Either potluck or restaurant
-Choose a place from Philly St.

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