Cesar B

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Cesar Bonilla 1

Naturalistic observation/Infant Observation


Infant observation 1.

In the YouTube video, there seems to be a lot of motor skills. A young Hispanic girl

running and interacting with objects.

Infant observation 2.

An African-American child jumping up and down and a boy on her left side trying to set

himself free from the mother.

Infant observation 3.

There are eight children sitting down right when the Asian toddler in red bends over to

put her two hands on the carpet.

Infant observation 4.

The little boy with a red sweater and red shoes temperament goes up who is standing

next to the mother that is pregnant in blue and seconds before they start counting to


Infant observation 5.

There is absolutely a lot of infant-directed speech. For Example, K get ready where

gonna come around to time to sing and dance and Lets count to three.

Infant observation 6.

The child in the red dress with the blond hair in front of the camera who was carried up

and down by the mother at the beginning of the video has the recessive blue eye trait

which is b,b,g,g, alleles in human genetics.

Infant observation 7.
Cesar Bonilla 2

Its very interesting how we can see the Bronfenbrenners theory microsystem and

mesosystem taking place by looking at this video. We can actually see children socials

competency and antisocial behaviors. Furthermore, by looking at both child and adult

there is obviously a lot of family bonding.

Infant observation 8.

Children seem very happy when they played with the instruments which conclude that

everyone that engaged with instruments had fine motor skills, just a side note the

Asian lad with the red sweater took out the xylophone and although the toy seem big he

was able to pull it out but when he turned around he offered it to the Hispanic kid in the

red sweater and the Hispanic kid avoided the offer then the Asian lad lost interest and

left it on the floor.

Infant observation 9.

When they were all trying to hold hands the Hispanic boy in the red sweater offered his

hand to the girl wearing the pock-a-dot dress but she declined and made the Hispanic

boy feel bad to the point that he did not want to hold hands anymore because she

wanted to be next to her friend and next to the Asian lad this is egocentrism. By the

way, egocentric is defined by thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or

desires of others.

Infant observation 10.

From the last natural observation while the children are playing naturally in their indoor

playground environment the little girl riding the bicycle in the red/black dress gave us a

clue about Jean Piagets early representational though which is part of the

sensorimotor period of development. It is said that kids in this stage start to create
Cesar Bonilla 3

images to represent objects and occasions. Moreso at this very stage children begin to

move towards understanding and comprehension through mental operations as

opposed to simply through activities. Now in the YouTube video the little girl starts to

push herself with her legs and feet then we see the boy in the red sweater coming

towards her from the right side and she quickly identifies the object (Hispanic boy in the

red sweater) since shes in locomotion through early representational thought while she

keeps pushing herself with the image representation (object) in her mind.

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