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DEFINITION Indicated if full enteral feeds likely to

be obtained relatively soon
Parenteral nutrition (PN) is the
intravenous infusion of some or all temporary option for some post-
nutrients for tissue maintenance, surgical babies
metabolic requirements and growth short episodes of feeding intolerance
promotion in babies unable to tolerate full or suspected NEC until central line
enteral feeds inserted

Central PN
Requires placement of a central
INDICATIONS FOR PN catheter with tip in either superior
Short-term supply of vena cava or inferior vena cava
Central PN [long lines and umbilical
Extremely low birth weight (<1000 g) venous catheters (UVC)] can
and/or gestation <30 weeks introduce infection and septicaemia
Very low birth weight (<1500 g) AND
clinically unstable, absent/reversed PN prescription
end-diastolic flow or full enteral feeds
seem unachievable by day 5 Most units have specific PN bags that
are used to allow nutrients to be
Necrotising enterocolitis (1014 days) increased to meet full nutritional
Temporary feeding intolerance requirements over 4 days. These may
be added to (but nothing may be
Prolonged non-use of removed)
gastrointestinal (GI) tract Modify PN infusion according to
>2 weeks requirements and tolerance of each
Usually commenced in surgical centre baby and taper as enteral feeding
before transfer back to neonatal unit becomes established
relapsing or complicated necrotising
enterocolitis (NEC)
surgical GI disorders (e.g.
gastroschisis, large omphalocoele)
short bowel syndrome

Peripheral PN
Limited by glucose concentration
[usually no more than 1012%
(dependent upon local practice)].
Osmolality needs to be considered if
large quantities of electrolytes are
Daily requirements
Birth weight <2.5 kg
<2.5 kg Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Comment
2 3 3.5 3.5
Carbohydrate (based on
by 2 each day
(g/kg/day) maintenance
fluid volume)
Fat (g/kg/day) 1 2 3 3

Birth weight 2.55 kg

2.55 kg Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Comment

1 2 2.5 2.5
by If possible calculate
Carbohydrate (based on
2 each 14 14 day 1 glucose from
(g/kg/day) maintenance)
day maintenance infusion
fluid volume
Fat (g/kg/day) 1 2 3 3

Maintenance electrolyte and other nutrient requirements

Birth weight <2.5 kg Birth weight 2.55 kg

Na (mmol/kg/day) 3 (range 35) 3 (range 35)
K (mmol/kg/day) 2.5 2.5
Ca (mmol/kg/day) 1 1
PO4 (mmol/kg/day) 1.5 1
Mg (mmol/kg/day) 0.2 0.2
Peditrace (mL/kg/day) 0.5 (day 1) 0.5 (day 1)
1 (day 2 onwards) 1 (day 2 onwards)
Vitilipid (infant) 4 mL/kg/day 10 mL daily (total)

Do not add supplemental sodium on days 12 if <32 weeks until naturesis

has occurred (measure urine Na levels daily). May not require potassium on
days 12

Glucose maximum Fat (provides 9 kcal/mL)

concentration Fat of 33.5 g/kg/day is usually sufficient
Peripheral PN 1012% 4 g/kg/day only in very preterm with
Central PN up to 2025% (may rise normal triglycerides not septic, not on
occasionally) phototherapy
Volume fat should ideally provide 3540% of
Volume may be up to 150 mL/kg/day non-protein nitrogen calories
maximal fluid volume varies with To minimise essential fatty acid
individual management, although deficiency, hyperlipidaemia, bilirubin
adequate nutrition may be provided in displacement, and respiratory
less volume compromise, lipid infusion rates
Remember to account for volume, 0.15 g/kg/hr are recommended to
electrolyte and glucose content of other run throughout 24 hr
infusions (e.g. UAC/UVC fluid, inotropes, in babies, maximal removal capacity of
drugs). Giving adequate nutrition may plasma lipids is 0.3 g/kg/hr
require a more concentrated solution of
PN if part of the total daily fluid volume is Energy
used for other purposes Carbohydrate (glucose) and fat (lipid
emulsions) provide necessary energy
to meet the demands and, when
Healthy preterm requires 50 kcal/kg/day
provided in adequate amounts, spare
for basal energy expenditure (not
protein (amino acids) to support cell
growth) and 11.5 g protein to preserve
maturation, remodelling, growth,
endogenous protein stores; more is
activity of enzymes and transport
required for growth, particularly if unwell
proteins for all body organs
60 kcal/kg/day will meet energy
requirements during sepsis PN requirement for growth
90120 kcal/kg/day
90 kcal/kg/day and 2.73.5 g protein
will support growth and positive Electrolytes
nitrogen balance Sodium, potassium, and chloride
120 kcal/kg/day may be required for a dependent on obligatory losses,
rapidly growing preterm baby abnormal losses and amounts
necessary for growth, and can be
adjusted daily
Glucose (provides 3.4 kcal/g)
If baby <32 weeks, do not add sodium
Initiated at endogenous hepatic
until they have started their naturesis,
glucose production and utilisation rate
monitored by daily urine Na+
of 46 mg/kg/min; [810 mg/kg/min in
extremely low-birth-weight (ELBW) Babies given electrolytes solely as
babies]. Osmolality of glucose limits its chloride salts can develop
concentration hyperchloraemic metabolic acidosis
(consider adding acetate to PN, where
Protein (provides 3.6 kcal/g) available)
At least 1 g/kg/day in preterm and Monitor serum phosphate twice weekly.
2 g/kg/day in ELBW decrease Aim to maintain at around 2 mmol/L
33.5 g protein/kg/day and adequate Vitamins
non-protein energy meets Vitamin and mineral added according
requirements for anabolism to best estimates based on limited
data (ESPGHAN guidelines 2005)
Hyperglycaemia permissible concentrations depend on
amino acid and glucose concentrations
If hyperglycaemia severe or
in PN solution
persistent, start insulin infusion
Osteopenia Metabolic acidosis
If baby at risk of, or has established For management of metabolic acidosis,
osteopenia, give higher than usual add acetate as Na or K salt if available:
intakes of calcium and phosphate. consult pharmacist
choice of salt(s) will depend on serum

Daily Fluid input
Fluid output
Energy intake
Non-protein nitrogen
Daily Urine glucose
Blood glucose (if urine glucose positive)
Twice weekly* Urine electrolytes
Weekly Length
Head circumference
Twice weekly* FBC
Bone chemistry
Blood gas (arterial or venous)
Weekly Serum triglycerides**

* Initially daily and decrease frequency once stable unless indicated for other birth
weight or gestation-specific guidance Intravenous fluid therapy guideline
** In prolonged PN >2 weeks, consider giving lipid

COMPLICATIONS if the conjugated component is

persistently >100 or if stools acholic
Catheter-related (putty grey) or very pale, refer urgently
Peripheral catheters: extravasations to liver unit to discuss investigations
and skin sloughs and further management
Septicaemia if failure to progress with enteral
feeding in a timely fashion, seek advice
Electrolyte abnormalities from a paediatric gastroenterologist
Electrolyte and acid-base disturbances
Metabolic When advancing enteral feedings,
Hyper/hypoglycaemia, osmotic diuresis reduce rate of PN administration to
Metabolic bone disease: mineral achieve desired total fluid volume
abnormalities (Ca/PO4/Mg) see Decrease the aqueous and fat portions
Hyperlipidaemia and by 90% and 10% respectively for each
hypercholesterolaemia volume of PN reduced e.g. if reducing
PN by 1 mL/hr, reduce Vamin by
Conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia 0.9 mL and Intralipid by 0.1 mL
PN-associated cholestatic Assess nutrient intake from both PN
hepatitis and enteral feed in relation to overall
nutrition goals
Can occur with prolonged PN
(>1014 days)
probably due to combination of PN
hepato-toxicity, sepsis and reduced oral
often transient
usually manifests as rising serum
bilirubin (with increased conjugated
component) and mildly elevated
leads to deficiencies of fatty acids and
trace minerals in enterally fed babies
even small enteral feeds will limit or
prevent this problem and therefore
trophic feeds should be given to all
babies on PN unless there are
contraindications such as acute clinical
instability or NEC
consider other causes of
hyperbilirubinaemia (PN-induced
cholestasis is diagnosis of exclusion)
e.g. CMV, hypothyroidism
ensure trace minerals are added to PN
Postnatal physiological weight loss is admission electrolytes reflect maternal
approximately 510% in first week of status: need not be acted upon but
life help to interpret trends
Preterm babies have more total body serum urea not useful in monitoring
water and may lose 1015% of their fluid balance: reflects nutritional status
weight in first week of life and nitrogen load
Postnatal diuresis is delayed in
Serum creatinine
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
and in babies who had significant Daily for intensive care babies
intrapartum stress Reflects renal function over longer
Preterm babies have limited capacity term
to excrete sodium in first 48 hr trend is most useful
Sodium chloride 0.9% contributes a tends to rise over first 23 days
significant chloride (Cl-) load which gradually falls over subsequent weeks
can exacerbate metabolic acidosis
absence of postnatal drop is significant
Liberal sodium and water intake before
onset of natural diuresis is associated Urine output
with increased incidence of patent Review 8-hrly for intensive care babies
ductus arteriosus (PDA), necrotising
24 mL/kg/hr normal hydration
enterocolitis (NEC) and chronic lung
disease (CLD) <1 mL/kg/hr requires investigation
except in first 24 hr of life
After diuresis, a positive sodium
balance is necessary for tissue growth >67 mL/kg/hr suggests impaired
concentrating ability or excess fluids
Preterm babies, especially if born <29
weeks gestation, lose excessive NORMAL REQUIREMENTS
sodium through immature kidneys
Babies <28 weeks have significant
transepidermal water loss (TEW) If <29 weeks, humidify incubator to at
least 60%
TEW loss leads to hypothermia, loss
of calories and dehydration, and If ventilated or on CPAP ventilator, set
causes excessive weight loss and humidifier at 39C negative 2 to
hypernatraemia ensure maximal humidification of
inspired gas
Normal fluid volume requirements
On admission Fluid volume (mL/kg/day)
Daily for intensive care babies: twice Day of life <1000 g 1000 g
daily if fluid balance is a problem 1 90 60
use in-line scales if available
2 120 90
Serum sodium 3 150 120
Daily for intensive care babies 4 150 150
If electrolyte problems or 26 weeks,
measure twice daily
Day 1 excessive IV fluids
glucose 10% inappropriate secretion of ADH in
if birth weight <1000 g start parenteral babies following major cerebral insults,
nutrition (PN) (with potassium or with severe lung disease
2 mmol/kg daily) treatment with indometacin or ibuprofen
Day 2 Excessive losses
glucose 10% and potassium 10 mmol prematurity (most common cause after
in 500 mL (depending on electrolyte 48 hr of age)
results) or PN adrenal insufficiency
use sodium chloride 0.45% in arterial GI losses
line fluids
diuretic therapy (older babies)
add sodium only when there is diuresis,
or weight loss >6% of birth weight inherited renal tubular disorders

Day 3 Inadequate intake

glucose 10%, sodium chloride 0.18% preterm breast fed babies aged >7 days
and potassium 10 mmol in 500 mL Management depends on cause
or PN (with potassium 2 mmol/kg/day
and sodium 4 mmol/kg/day)
Excessive IV fluids and
After day 4 failure to excrete fetal ECF
glucose 10% (with maintenance Management
electrolytes adjusted according to daily
U&E) or PN Reduce fluid intake to 75% of expected
Fluid volume requirements are a guide Inappropriate ADH
and can be increased faster or slower
depending on serum sodium values,
Clinical features
urine output and changes in weight Weight gain, oedema, poor urine output
Babies receiving phototherapy may Serum osmolality low (<275 mOsm/kg)
require extra fluids depending on type with urine not maximally dilute
of phototherapy (osmolality >100 mOsm/kg)

(<130 mmol/L) Reduce fluid intake to 75% of expected
Response to treatment should be Consider sodium infusion only if serum
proportionate to degree of hyponatraemia sodium <120 mmol/L

Causes Risk of accidental hypernatraemia

Excessive free water when using 30% sodium chloride.
Use with caution and always dilute
reflection of maternal electrolyte status before use
in first 24 hr
failure to excrete fetal extracellular Acute renal failure
fluid will lead to oedema without
weight gain Management
water overload: diagnose clinically by Reduce intake to match insensible
oedema and weight gain losses + urine output
Seek advice from senior colleague
Excessive renal sodium losses Management
Management Give increased sodium supplementation
If taking diuretics, stop or reduce dose
If possible, stop medication (diuretics,
caffeine) that causes excess losses Excessive sodium intake
leading to water retention
Check urinary electrolytes
Clinical features
Calculate fractional excretion of
sodium (FE Na+ %): Inappropriate weight gain
FE Na+ = [(urine Na x plasma Management
creatinine)/(urine creatinine x plasma
Reduce sodium intake
Na)] x 100
normally <1% but in sick preterm HYPERNATRAEMIA
babies can be up to 10% (>145 mmol/L)
affected by sodium intake: increased Prevention
intake leads to increased fractional Prevent high transepidermal water loss
use plastic wrap to cover babies of
if >1%, give sodium supplements <32 weeks gestation at birth
Calculate sodium deficit nurse in high ambient humidity >80%
= (135 plasma sodium) x 0.6 x use bubble wrap
weight in kg
minimise interventions
replace over 24 hr unless sodium
<120 mmol/L or symptomatic (apnoea, humidify ventilator gases
fits, irritability)
initial treatment should bring serum
Water loss (most commonly)
sodium up to about 125 mmol/L
Use sodium chloride 30% (5 mmol/mL)
diluted in maintenance fluids. Ensure glycosuria
bag is mixed well before administration Excessive sodium intake

Adrenal insufficiency sodium bicarbonate

repeated boluses of sodium chloride
Clinical features
congenital hyperaldosteronism/diabetes
insipidus (very rare)
Excessive weight loss
Virilisation of females Management depends on cause
Increased pigmentation of both sexes
Hypernatraemia resulting
Ambiguous genitalia
from water loss
Management Clinical features
Seek consultant advice Leads to weight-loss with
Inadequate intake
Clinical features Management
Poor weight gain and decreased Increase fluid intake and monitor
urinary sodium serum sodium
Osmotic diuresis USING SYRINGE OR
Treat hyperglycaemia with an insulin
infusion Do not leave bag of fluid connected
(blood components excepted)
Rehydrate with sodium chloride 0.9%
Nurse to check hourly:
Hypernatraemia resulting
infusion rate
from excessive intake
infusion equipment
If acidosis requires treatment, use site of infusion
THAM instead of sodium bicarbonate Before removing giving set, close all
clamps and switch off pump
Reduce sodium intake
Change arterial line fluid to sodium IV FLUIDS: some useful
chloride 0.45% information
Minimise number and volume of Percentage solution = grams in 100 mL
flushes of IA and IV lines (e.g. glucose 10% = 10 g in 100 mL)
One millimole = molecular weight in

Compositions of commonly available solutions

FLUID Na K Cl Energy
mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L kCal/L
Sodium chloride 0.9% 150 150
Glucose 10% 400
Glucose 10%/sodium
30 30 400
chloride 0.18%
Albumin 4.5% 150 1
Sodium chloride 0.45% 75 75

Useful figures Osmolality

Sodium chloride 30% = Serum osmolality = 2(Na + K) +
5.13 mmol/mL each of Na and Cl glucose + urea (normally 285
Sodium chloride 0.9% = 295 mOsmol/kg)
0.154 mmol/mL each of Na and Cl Anion gap = (Na+ + K+) - (Cl + HCO3 )
Potassium chloride 15% = normally 717 mmol/L
2 mmol/mL each of K and Cl Normal urine: osmolality
Calcium gluconate 10% = 100300 mOsmol/kg, specific gravity
0.225 mmol/mL of Ca 10041015
Sodium bicarbonate 8.4% = Babies can dilute urine up to
1 mmol/mL each of Na and bicarbonate 100 mOsmol/kg, but can concentrate
only up to 700 mOsmol/kg
Sodium chloride 0.9% 1 mL/hr
= 3.7 mmol Na in 24 hr
To make glucose 12.5%, add 30 mL of
glucose 50% to 470 mL of glucose 10%
To make glucose 15%, add 60 mL of
glucose 50% to 440 mL of glucose 10%
Glucose 20% is commercially available
Glucose 10% with sodium chloride
0.18% and 10 mmol potassium
chloride is not commercially available
but can be made up using 3 mL
sodium chloride 30% and a 500 mL
bag of glucose 10% with 10 mmol
potassium chloride

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