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Detailed lesson plan in physics II

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students must be able to:

1. Describe magnetic fields and magnetic field lines

2. Draw magnetic field lines
3. Familiarize in terms of drawing the magnetic field lines and arrows along two poles which
are usually allocated as north and south

II. Subject matter

Topic: magnetic field

Reference: physics (Rex Bookstore Inc., Manila Philippines, 2003)

Materials: Horse Shoe, Bar Magnet, Iron Fillings, Pencil, Coupon Bond, Marker, Manila paper

Processes: Demonstration and discussion

Values: Cooperation

III. Procedure

Preliminary activities/ Preparatory

Teachers activities Students activities

Ok class, lets all stand up for a prayer to In the name of the father Amen
be led by (name of student)
Good morning class Good morning sir
Putting class to order
Before you take your sit please pick up ( the students will follow the given
the pieces of paper and arrange you instruction)
chairs properly

Ok now you may take your sit

Checking of attendance
Ok Miss Secretary who is absent for (the secretary will check the
today? attendance)
Teachers activities Students activities
Checking of assignments
Class last meeting I gave you an Yes sir!
assignment? Right?

Ok lets check it (the students will check the given


Ok class who got a score of 5, 41 or The students will raise their hands once
0? Please raise your hand I say the scores

Ok please pass it to the center then The students will pass their
forward assignments
Last meeting we discuss all about The students will raise their answer
(last topic discussed)

Now who can tell their insights about

Ive prepared symbols and words Ok sir
under your chair then you will paste
it and present it on the board.

Word(s) and symbol(s): The students will perform the given

(+),(-) attracts,(-),(-), attracts, (+),(-), activity
and repel

Answer :
opposite sign (charges) attract and
same sign (charges) repel.

Ok lets start

Ok thank you class

That principle is connected to our

topic, you will further understand as
we go along within
IV. Lesson Proper

Lesson proper activity:

The students will be given an activity which is related to the topic and will be divided
into two groups. Using the following materials: horse shoe magnet, bar magnet, iron
fillings and coupon bond

Teachers activities Students activities

Ok class, we will have an activity which is (The students will count to form two
closely related to our lesson topic for groups)

Ok, you will be divided into two groups.

(the instruction will be given by the 1, 2, 1, 2

teacher written above)

Now tell something about what you have


Count 1 to 2. We will start from the back.

Ready . Count

Ok group one please cite your group one will site their observation.
observation about our activity.

Ok, now lets hear what group 2 has to

say about out activity Group two will site their observation

Very well said guys

Let us give ourselves a round of

Lesson Proper II

Teachers Activity Students activity

All your answers and observations are correct

The lines that you observe created by the iron

fillings and magnet under, is often so called the
MAGNETIC FIELD lines which falls under the
magnetic fields

But first what is a magnetic field? Anyone? Yes ?

(call a student)

Magnetic fields are produced by electric

currents, which can be macroscopic in wires and
microscopic associated with electrons in atomic
(Students will read it)
A magnetic field were first in such way that iron
fillings will point in the direction of the field

And now what is a magnetic field line?

A region of space near the magnet, electric

current, or moving charge particle in which a
magnetic force acts on any other magnet,
electric current, or moving charge particles..

This field usually centered along two poles which

are usually allocated as north and south Yes sir


And now let me ask you how magnetic field lines

and arrows are being drawn, in terms of using
two poles which are usually allocated as north
and south

Anyone? Yes.. (call a name of student)

(the teacher will teach the lines and arrows

drawn, in terms of using two poles, which are
usually allocated as north and south. And of (The student will cite his or her
course with the use of principles given in the answer)

OPPOSITE SIGN (charges) attract and SAME

SIGN (charges) repel

So can anyone distinguish the arrows itself.? YES SIR.!!!

Did you understand class?

V. Generalization

Teachers activities Students activities

(The students will raise questions based on Magnetic fields were force in such way
what they have understood/ learned in the that iron filings will point in the direction
class discussions.) of the field

Anyone from the class who can generalize This field is usually centered along two
our class discussion with your own words poles
or explanation?
OPPOSITE SIGN (charges) attract and
Yes (call a name of student) SAME SIGN (charges) repel

Thats great it seems you learned a lot

from me. Let us give ourselves a round of

And get one whole sheet of paper

VI. Application

Directions: the students will draw the magnetic lines and arrows of the following magnet

1. 3.



2. 4.
VII. Assignment.

Direction the students will draw the magnetic lines and arrows of the following magnet






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