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Love-hate relationship

Definition: Strong feelings about someone or something that are a mixture of love and hate

Origin: Catullus introduced the lovehate theme into Western culture with his famous lines: I hate and yet
love. You may wonder how I manage it. I don't know, but feel it happen, and am in torment.

Example: Nancy has a love-hate relationship with her mother.

Synonyms: Ambivalence, doubt, conflict, contradiction, fluctuation.

Antonyms: Something certain, clear, decided, definite.

tefan Alina-Mihaela
10 Signs Youre In A Love-Hate Relationship, By Barrie Davenport

You're in an intense romantic relationship that you're excited about, and you love spending time with
your significant other. When things are good, they are extraordinary. However, there are times you just
can't stand being around this person, and you feel such intense dislike for them that you wonder why you
are in the relationship at all. Your loving, tender moments devolve into hurtful words and regrettable
When you're in a love-hate relationship, you definitely have strong thoughts and emotions that sway
from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. Because a relationship can be an emotional
rollercoaster in the best circumstances, some couples don't see these intense ups and downs as anything
unusual or unhealthy. They think everything is normal, even though they might feel constantly on edge or
insecure about the future of the relationship.
However, this emotional dissonance can also feel exciting and passionate. Reuniting with your lover
after a period of hate and discord can be thrilling and intense. But is this drama the basis for a healthy,
happy long-term connection? The line between love and hate can get blurry when emotional chaos reigns
in your relationship. Swinging from one extreme to another grows tiresome and is slowly destructive to
your mental health. Over time, you develop patterns in the relationship that are emotionally abusive and
destroy the joy and intimacy you once shared.
Does any of this feel familiar to you? If so, awareness is the first step toward making positive change.

To have your moments
Definition: To sometimes have problems or good periods

Example: Although the film has its moments, its not really worth seeing.

Synonyms: Successful, unsuccessful

Antonyms: Routine, monotony

tefan Alina-Mihaela
Helena Morrissey: 'Im not superhuman. I have my moments of exhaustion and self-doubt'

In her first interview since stepping down from her CEO role, Helena Morrissey - champion of women
in the boardroom and mother of nine - tells Victoria Lambert her surprise departure is not due to burn-out
When Helena Morrissey announced she was stepping down after 15 years as CEO of Newton
Investment Management, last month without a new position to go to there was a tremor of surprise
across the City.
Morrissey is one of the UKs most successful business executives. Under her tenure, Newton where
she has worked for almost all her working life, since leaving Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge has assets
worth 51.8 billion under its management. She is chair of industry body the Investment Association, and
set up the 30% Club in 2010 to get more women on to boards. And shes only 50.
Is this burn-out? Early retirement? A dash for politics? In short, why give up a stellar day job, which is
also a powerful platform, at an age when many have yet to reach such heights?
Well, I am not hanging up my boots, emphasises Morrissey, with a firm laugh. I have another big
job in me. Life is not about reaching finishing lines, it is a continuum. It has been liberating to make this
decision and see where things go.


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