Case Study 2

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Luis Fernando Alvarez

Business Communication
MLA Gloria L. Melgar

Case Study 2: Creating a global brand

Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting:
Date: 22 August

Venue: Building of Humanities, Room 1224

Participants: Denisse Ramirez, Alexi Gutierrez and Luis Fernando Alvarez

Point Discussion Action

Management We must do a new review of the salary of our employees. DR is DR 26
pay review on charge of reviewing if the employees and head of September
departments have the salary according of their workstation
and department.
LF will present the new idea to the board of director next
Sales Fortunately, our sales have been growing, however we want to DR; LF 04
projections our sales grow in a better and faster way than the last quarter October
next quarter of year. AG is on charge of research the reasons of the speed
of our sales and ask to our best clients how we could improve.
Recruitment We think that our company has been growing and in a very AG 04
and capital few time and in a short time we will need more employees in November
expenditure most of our departments, so we have been thinking about
launching a call to recruit workers. The announcement most
be open from 04 November. All the information with the
director of recruitment, Alexi Gutierrez.
Company Because of the present nancial situation, a bonus scheme can AG; LF 05
bonus scheme only work if it is linked to productivity. AG will review different November
possibilities for discussion with the nance committee and
report to us at the next meeting.

Next meeting: 30 September 1:30 pm

Venue: Building of Humanities, Room 1224

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